Kamala Lies About Republicans Calling For A Nationwide Abortion Ban


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
How dare she make up this lie:

If one Republican talks about this....then (according to Kamala) all of them are calling for it.
This is yet another bold-faced lie by Kamala.
If Democrats aren't lying....they ain't talking.
I’d love it if every federal politician was on board with the Constitutional Amendment to ban abortion that we need in the United States. Unfortunately, none of the democrats - even that guy who promised he supported such a thing, that guy named Joe Biden - do, and only some of the Republicans do.

We can only hope that number increases, and then we need 38 state legislatures to not be run by barbaric trash.
Most people will blame an entire group over the arguments over one. It's done all the time. All the same, it has been more than one.
Most people will blame an entire group over the arguments over one. It's done all the time. All the same, it has been more than one.
Only a lying POS will do that.
You're guilty of falling for the left's gaslighting and lowering of expectations.

These people are corrupt....and their lies shouldn't be acceptable in any society.
Only a lying POS will do that.
You're guilty of falling for the left's gaslighting and lowering of expectations.

These people are corrupt....and their lies shouldn't be acceptable in any society.

Did you have something to say relevant to what I said?
Just because you don't give a flying-fuck...doesn't mean all of us must do that.

I guess not. I have condemned those who paint with a wide brush all the time.

It's NOT just one calling for a nationwide ban.
This snake bitch is probably going to be President of the United States soon. God help us.
I guess not. I have condemned those who paint with a wide brush all the time.

It's NOT just one calling for a nationwide ban.
It's not in the Republican platform.
There are some on the far right that are calling for it.
But moderates, which are what most Republican voters are, are only interested in making sure that taxes aren't being used to murder babies.
Them's the facts Jack.
So basically, Kamala is lying her ass off again.

There are some on the left that fuck children and eat baby parts.
Are all Democrats the same as that?
Accepting a premise that is extreme from the right is the same thing.
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It's not in the Republican platform.

Irrelevant. I was discussing this thread and the claims here.

There are some on the far right that are calling for it.

Which was my point you condemned me over.

But moderates, which are what most Republican voters are, are only interested in making sure that taxes aren't being used to murder babies.

And that it's illegal.

That is why states are making it illegal.

Them's the facts Jack.
So basically, Kamala is lying her ass off again.

All despite you basically agreeing with her.
Just because you don't give a flying-fuck...doesn't mean all of us must do that.
YOU literally deserve the kind of government you will settle for.
I don't.

Seems that the leftist vermin simply don't "get" self-respect.

They are the woman that has been abused for so long that she has stopped believing that she doesn't deserve the abuse.

Irrelevant. I was discussing this thread and the claims here.

Which was my point you condemned me over.

And that it's illegal.

That is why states are making it illegal.

All despite you basically agreeing with her.
I think your English comprehension is severely lacking:

  • Kamala is painting all Republicans with the same broad brush...which is dishonest.
  • Your point was that lying is acceptable.
  • And we're already funding Planned-Parenthood, as well as other abortion programs.
  • I'm not basically agreeing with her....stop trying to put words in my mouth
Your statement.

If one Republican talks about this....then (according to Kamala) all of them are calling for it.

It's NOT just one Republican.

You are the one that lied.
Democrats are well known for taking the words of one person and applying it to millions of people.
Example: All Trump supporters are MAGA and thus are all racist white people
Kind of like the New Green deal? Are all Democrats supporting it?
Most Democrats don't know what is in the New Green Deal.
They just support only Democrats because they're destructive policies are 'well-intentioned'.
And I've condemned them for that. Lots of Republican have called for complete bans.

And I said that was wrong.
Lots of Republicans have also said that the states should be allowed to decide on the issue.
If the voters wanted to ban abortion they will vote accordingly.
Nobody is going to be able to completely ban abortion.
That's crazy.....and the idea is out there for one reason - to off-set all of the absolute insanity of the left.
Leftists think abortion will keep them in power so they can continue to destroy America.....and because Democrats are so stupid....they may be correct.

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