Kamala Lies About Republicans Calling For A Nationwide Abortion Ban


Which says nothing about my post.

Thanks for trying.


Yes it does. I think I'm freaking you out because I'm not arguing with you suddenly.

You said And when it's not right to have children, there are ways to avoid getting pregnant in the first place.

I agree. Don't have sex or use birth control. I agree with you. I just added an interesting fact. The fact that if only the people who wanted to have kids had kids, only half the people each year who are born would be born.

And that would be a great thing because we are overpopulated. Look at man made climate change. Let's say there are 8 billion people on earth. I doubt we would have man made climate change if there were only 4 billion people on earth. And we can do this over a few generations.

But during the Great Recession, from 2007-2009, birth rates declined sharply—and they've kept falling. In 2007, average birth rates were right around 2 children per woman.By 2021, levels had dropped more than 20%, close to the lowest level in a century. Why?

Others just aren't interested in having kids, a sentiment that's become a lot more socially acceptable in recent years.​

A new study by the Pew Research Center surveyed over 3,800 Americans ages 18 to 49. It found that among non-parents in this cohort, 44% said it's not too likely or not likely at all they'll have kids someday. That's up by 7 percentage points from the 37% of childless adults who said the same in 2018.

More than half of this group (56%) just doesn't want kids.

I started this trend. I'm 52 and never wanted to have kids.
Here it is folks. Crude, insane raving from a MAGA retard. What is he even saying when he says: “There is nothing ‘anti-woman’ about holding women to the same standard as men”?

Is he now ignoring the difference between men and women … and who can and can’t get pregnant? :auiqs.jpg:

“Death to women who have abortions!” — now there is a slogan I hope all crazy Republican MAGAts get behind! :cool:

Of course most Republicans are not such lunatics, and I appreciate that. Many Republicans are actually responsible people with high personal standards. But as long as the “unholy alliance” between Conservatives, cowardly & opportunist MAGA Republican politicians, and crazy Christian evangelicals holds … the craziest elements will continue to feel emboldened.

With this totally unrepresentative Supreme Court backing them up, there will be absolutely no need for a new Constitutional Amendment to ban abortion nationally. If they take power in both Houses and the Presidency the crazies will pass a law saying the fetus is a human being with full personhood rights (much like corporations!).

Maybe — to help ensure their “re-election” they will allow some abortions before 8, 12, or 15 weeks in cases of rape or incest (try proving those in a few weeks!) or where the life of the pregnant woman is already directly threatened — but basically they will end all of what they love to call … “baby killing.”

Many other aspects of (what is left of) our democratic rights will also be ended by these authoritarians if they win a big victory in 2024. Remember how Trump openly suggested his followers consider “terminating the rule of law” so that “real Americans” could return him to power?

You mean to tell me Republicans don't know the difference between a man and a woman?

In one state, Republican women filibustered to block a near-total abortion ban introduced by their own party. In another, the Republican co-sponsor of a six-week abortion ban subsequently tanked his own bill. On the federal level, a Republican congresswoman warns that the GOP’s abortion stance could mean “losing huge” in 2024.

internal divisions within the Republican party on the issue are starting to show.

Divisions became most apparent last week in the deep red states of South Carolina and Nebraska, where Republicans roundly rejected further attempts to curtail abortion rights last week.

In South Carolina on Thursday, all five female senators – three of them Republican – led a filibuster that ultimately blocked a bill which would have banned abortion from conception with very few exceptions.

That was the third time a near-total ban on abortion has failed in the Republican-dominated senate in South Carolina since Roe was overturned last summer.

In Nebraska, an attempt to bring a six-week abortion ban failed by a single vote in the majority Republican chamber. Merv Riepe, a Republican senator who had initially co-sponsored the bill chose to withhold his vote on Thursday, becoming an unlikely player in the bill’s demise, having voted in its favor as recently as two weeks prior.

“There is a tension between the base of the Republican party and moderate Republicans. The hardcore base wants outright bans on abortion. But the broader electorate, and certainly a substantial amount of right-leaning independents and moderate Republicans, want to keep abortion legal but rare,” said Marson.

Those tensions are certainly becoming clear on the national stage, with growing numbers of Republicans sounding the alarm that the party should not lean too far right on abortion, especially since last year’s midterms showed a string of victories for abortion rights that seem to suggest the party’s stance on the issue is out of sync with the general public.

Recent weeks have also seen a number of Republican presidential hopefuls trying to walk back the party’s stance on abortion. Last week, the former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley asked the party for a “humanizing, not demonizing” conversation on abortion. Donald Trump has indicated he thinks a federal abortion ban – touted by Senator Lindsey Graham last year – a losing proposal for 2024.

Following a supreme court decision to keep access to a crucial drug in medication abortions widely available for the time being, the Republican congresswoman Nancy Mace said told ABC she agreed with the ruling.

You just can't seem to understand that all the Supreme Court did was put the issue back where it belongs....to be decided by the states.
If you don't like a politician's stance on any issue, vote for someone else who does.
That's what a Republic is. Voting for a representative government that has your interests in mind.
Right now all we have is politicians that force their ideologies upon us and lie to us about their intentions.
If you vote for a politician because of abortion all you're doing is cutting your own throat.
Abortion is no-longer an issue at the federal level.
You mean to tell me Republicans don't know the difference between a man and a woman?

View attachment 784836
It's clear that Democrats in Washington don't know the difference.
Even if the do know the difference they don't dare say it.
What kind of government treats their members in such a way?
A dictatorship. That's what kind.
You just can't seem to understand that all the Supreme Court did was put the issue back where it belongs....to be decided by the states.
If you don't like a politician's stance on any issue, vote for someone else who does.
That's what a Republic is. Voting for a representative government that has your interests in mind.
Right now all we have is politicians that force their ideologies upon us and lie to us about their intentions.
If you vote for a politician because of abortion all you're doing is cutting your own throat.
Abortion is no-longer an issue at the federal level.
Oh don't worry I will. We will. You are seeing women who normally don't vote or vote Republican voting Democratic because of this.

This is one reason I'm confident Biden is going to win. Thank you.

All we have is the minority forcing their beliefs on us because we were stupid enough to vote for GW Bush and Trump. I told Americans Republicans would do this with abortion. Stop lying. Many other Republicans here are being honest about their ultimate goal. You can sugar coat it all you want. No one's buying it.

Maybe that's all that one decision did but Republicans are using that case as a stepping stone to their ultimate goal of making abortion murder. This one ruling was just one of many to come moving us towards that. And that my friend is very unpopular. You, and the Supreme's, are out of touch.

LOL. You are such a liar.
You just can't seem to understand that all the Supreme Court did was put the issue back where it belongs....to be decided by the states.
If you don't like a politician's stance on any issue, vote for someone else who does.
That's what a Republic is. Voting for a representative government that has your interests in mind.
Right now all we have is politicians that force their ideologies upon us and lie to us about their intentions.
If you vote for a politician because of abortion all you're doing is cutting your own throat.
Abortion is no-longer an issue at the federal level.
You forget who your base is.

Gun Nuts
Anti Abortion Nuts

Those voters will not show up for Republicans if this is true. And women won't show up for you if it's not. So you're screwed either way

Only a handful of congressional Republicans offered immediate comment on judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s decision last week to revoke the FDA’s 23-year-old approval of the abortion pill mifepristone. Just a fraction of Republicans on Capitol Hill signed an amicus brief urging an appeals court to uphold the ruling. And among the party’s national field of Republican presidential nominees, just one – the former vice-president, Mike Pence – unabashedly praised the decision.

The starkly different reactions underscores just how dramatically the politics of abortion have shifted since last June, when conservatives achieved their once-unimaginable goal of overturning Roe v Wade.

For decades, Republicans relied on abortion to rally their conservative base, calling for the reversal of Roe v Wade and vowing to outlaw the procedure if given the chance. But since the supreme court’s ruling in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health, abortion has emerged as a potent issue for Democrats, galvanizing voters furious over the thicket of state bans and restrictions ushered in by the decision.

Republicans have struggled to respond, lacking a unified policy on abortion in the nearly 10 months since the landmark decision.

“Dobbs really did get Republicans, especially elected Republicans, running scared,” said Jon Schweppe, policy director at the conservative American Principles Project.

Polling has consistently found a clear majority of Americans believe abortion should remain legal in all or most cases, though partisan divisions have deepened over the years. A new survey released by the Pew Research Centerthis week showed that by a margin of more than 2 to 1, Americans believe medication abortion, which is at the center of the current legal battle, should be legal in their state.
It's clear that Democrats in Washington don't know the difference.
Even if the do know the difference they don't dare say it.
What kind of government treats their members in such a way?
A dictatorship. That's what kind.
A post-Dobbs backlash fueled a string of victories for abortions rights, including in more conservative states, and powered Democratic victories in last year’s November midterm elections. And this month, just days before the Texas ruling on mifepristone, abortion rights were a dominant force in a liberal judge’s landslide victory in a key race for a Wisconsin supreme court seat.

“It’s no surprise that GOP candidates are scared to tie themselves to a decision that is wildly out of step with what voters want,” Mini Timmaraju, the president of Naral Pro-Choice American told reporters this week. “They can’t be eager to repeat last week’s double-digit walloping of extremist judicial candidate, Dan Kelly, in Wisconsin.”

In that race, Kelly’s opponent, judge Janet Protasiewicz, had effectively promised voters that if she won, flipping the ideological balance of the court from conservative to liberal, the new majority would overturn Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban.

“People understood the stakes and they were ready to vote for Judge Protasiewicz,” said Timmaraju, whose group was active in the contest.

Now, with the 2024 presidential election looming, an increasingly vocal group of Republicans are urging moderation on abortion, warning that the uncompromising positions of their party’s culturally conservative base risk alienating crucial swing voters.

“This is an issue that Republicans have been largely on the wrong side of,” congresswoman Nancy Mace, a Republican from South Carolina, said in a recent appearance on CNN.

Mace, who considers herself “pro-life”, said her party had “not shown compassion towards women” since the fall of Roe. She has urged flexibility, pushing Republicans to expand access to contraception and include exceptions for abortions in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is at risk or the fetus is no longer viable.

Since June, Republican-led legislatures have charged ahead with new restrictions. More than a dozen states ban abortion, with several otherRepublican-led state legislatures considering new restrictions this session.

On Thursday, the Florida legislature voted to prohibit abortions after six weeks – before many women realize they are pregnant – delivering a major policy victory for the state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis. Hours later, DeSantis, who is widely expected to run for president in 2024, quietly signed the ban into law with little fanfare, underscoring just how complicated the issue has become for Republicans.

In Nebraska, the state legislature is in the process of debating a six-week ban. But even in the reliably conservative state, some Republican lawmakers are floating an alternative that would expand the window to 12 weeks, a sign that a ban any earlier in pregnancy could stoke public outcry.
You just can't seem to understand that all the Supreme Court did was put the issue back where it belongs....to be decided by the states.
If you don't like a politician's stance on any issue, vote for someone else who does.
That's what a Republic is. Voting for a representative government that has your interests in mind.
Right now all we have is politicians that force their ideologies upon us and lie to us about their intentions.
If you vote for a politician because of abortion all you're doing is cutting your own throat.
Abortion is no-longer an issue at the federal level.

One option floated as a politically palatable “compromise” is a proposal by South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham that would implement a federal ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Asked whether he supported Graham’s proposal, Senator Tim Scott, a Republican from South Carolina who this week formed an exploratory committee for a 2024 presidential run, said was “100% pro-life” but declinedto answer the question directly. He clarified later that he would back a federal ban at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Here are two Republicans who admit they would sign a national ban. How many others would too but just won't say before the election.

Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
One option floated as a politically palatable “compromise” is a proposal by South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham that would implement a federal ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Asked whether he supported Graham’s proposal, Senator Tim Scott, a Republican from South Carolina who this week formed an exploratory committee for a 2024 presidential run, said was “100% pro-life” but declinedto answer the question directly. He clarified later that he would back a federal ban at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Here are two Republicans who admit they would sign a national ban. How many others would too but just won't say before the election.

Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Tim Scott and Lindsey Grahmnesty are Deep State insiders.
I wouldn't trust what either of them say.
They're lying to us.
Using those two assholes as examples is like using John Fetterman and Joe Biden as examples of good Democrat leadership.

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