Kamala Lies About Republicans Calling For A Nationwide Abortion Ban

No, your party wants them indoctrinated and groomed. As everybody knows as you defend that shit on a daily basis. As the fat retarded troll you are.
No we do not..............that is deflection by the TRUE party of pedophiles....the Grand Old Pedophiles even elected a pedophile as Speaker of the House.
Actually, Kamala may be a poor choice for V.P. but she is absolutely correct about this matter. The DNC and even “progressive” publications like the Huffington Press have long underestimated the danger that MAGA‘s alliance with rightwing evangelicals and the Christian “Moral Majority” represents to women in this country.

Even Trump’s milquetoast ex-V.P. Mike Pence — still the best political representative of rightwing fundamentalist evangelicals — favors a national anti-abortion bill, which would undoubtedly win Supreme Court approval if passed in Congress and signed by a new MAGA president.

Maybe initially it would have an 8 or 12 or 15 week carve out before a total ban, and also forbid popular “abortion pills” and introduce other restrictions, but the logic of the MAGA alliance with rightwing evangelical anti-choice fanatics is clear. The sad fate of women whose contraception methods fail or otherwise have unwanted pregnancies (as well as of millions of young American families who believe in family planning) is clear should MAGA win big in 2024.

Moreover, a sweeping victory for MAGA in 2024 is certainly possible. Indeed, it would be very likely should the economy tank, or China-U.S. trade collapse over Taiwan, or if China decides to aid Russia militarily as we aid Ukraine, or Zelensky is assassinated and the Ukrainian regime falls apart — all of which could lead to disaster for Democrats ... and victory for MAGA. More simply, Biden could just prove ever more unpopular, or could have a heart attack leaving his even more unpopular V.P. to face an insurgent Trump or DeSantis candidacy.
Former Vice President Mike Pence said in a new interview that the next Republican elected to the Oval Office, “whoever that may be,” will support a national abortion ban.

“I welcome any and all efforts to advance the cause of life in state capitals or in the nation’s capital,” Pence said in an interview with RealClearPolitics published Wednesday. “And I have every confidence that the next Republican president, whoever that may be, will stand for the right to life.”
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No we do not..............that is deflection by the TRUE party of pedophiles....the Grand Old Pedophiles even elected a pedophile as Speaker of the House.
No, you and the usual suspects here defend those deviants on a daily basis. You support an incestuous pedophile in Joe Biden. We know what you support. And it marks you fatso.
You mean the innocent kid who justifiably killed two Antifa / BLM rioter / arsonists in self defense after they tried to murder him, and the only shame was that he didn’t kill the other three?

You lying piece of guttertrash. KYS.
Yea but the white guy who killed the white BLM protester who was open carrying an assault rifle should go to jail.

It would be like if some random person driving by Kyle murdered him because he was open carrying a run and walking their way.

Don't you see? The white guy in texas who shot the white protester who was open carrying an assault rifle and walking towards his car was afraid for his life. And Tex Gov Greg Abbott says he's going to pardon him even though he was just found guilty.

So I should be able to go to a MAGA rally and if anyone is open carrying and walks towards my car, I can shoot them and say I was afraid?

You don't get it. I think Stand Your Ground is a law that allows white racist Republicans to murder non Republicans.
I don't want to take your ability to murder babies away.
I just don't observe the practice myself and I don't encourage anyone else to.
I especially resent having to pay for it with my taxes.
$500 for the abortion or 18 years of obamacare and welfare and foodstamps and then if we are lucky you can pay to incarcerate them for the rest of their lives after they turn into criminals.

Because Republicans don't ever want to let them out. But you forced horrible people to have these humans. Then you want to kill them when they are over 18. Hell, you guys want to execute minors. Or put them away for life. You want to pay for all this but not a $500 abortion?

Fuck you idiot.
$500 for the abortion or 18 years of obamacare and welfare and foodstamps and then if we are lucky you can pay to incarcerate them for the rest of their lives after they turn into criminals.

Because Republicans don't ever want to let them out. But you forced horrible people to have these humans. Then you want to kill them when they are over 18. Hell, you guys want to execute minors. Or put them away for life. You want to pay for all this but not a $500 abortion?

Fuck you idiot.
So you assume that everyone that's aborted will become a criminal?
I think there's a good possibility one of them might cure cancer, but we'll never know because you murdered them.
So you assume that everyone that's aborted will become a criminal?
I think there's a good possibility one of them might cure cancer, but we'll never know because you murdered them.
Unwanted children will grow up to do great things? You believe there is a GOOD POSSIBILITY one of them will cure cancer when we know 70% of them will end up in jail?

Who said everyone? I didn't.
$500 for the abortion or 18 years of obamacare and welfare and foodstamps and then if we are lucky you can pay to incarcerate them for the rest of their lives after they turn into criminals.

Because Republicans don't ever want to let them out. But you forced horrible people to have these humans. Then you want to kill them when they are over 18. Hell, you guys want to execute minors. Or put them away for life. You want to pay for all this but not a $500 abortion?

Fuck you idiot.
This is a fair argument since lunatic rightwing fanatics do think these are all “horrible” people and do not care about poor and minority children once born, but imo the word would better be put in quote marks …

Of course middle class “white” women and the very wealthy also have abortions. Many of the poorest women who end up wanting and needing abortions are precisely the sort of people who are struggling to lift themselves out of poverty and get a trade or profession, and if they succeed in that they often choose to become mothers to children they can both love and afford.

The fanatics, and even many ordinary conservative types, often simply do not care about the real world nearly so much as they do about nurturing their hypocrisy, preening as “moral” (they accuse liberals of doing this and they are often correct in saying so), making cheap political points and reinforcing old stereotypes.

In fact, birth control is today so widespread that even “good people” forget that it can fail, and thus hundreds of thousands of responsible married women find themselves “in trouble” every year. Some have the children, others end the pregnancy asap (if abortion is legal and available or they have the resources to go out-of-state — otherwise they may have to delay it until it truly becomes a moral conundrum for them … and for “society.”)

Abortion is of course often urged on women by men who ALSO don’t want a child born and don’t want or can’t handle the responsibility (or alimony and loss of reputation). Many men are actually most upset by such issues, but sometimes their misogyny overpowers their self-interest: if the woman decides to have the child they immediately accuse her of being a whore or of entrapping them.

Relatively wealthy men, or men with famous last names (think Hunter Biden perhaps?) often find themselves in this prickly situation and end up bribing the woman to have a quiet abortion and disappear, or they may have to fight in court to avoid extravagant alimony judgements.

The availability of birth control (and legal abortion in most states) have given American women (and also men) options, but can never solve all problems of responsible sexual conduct. But going back to “Make America Great Again” by outlawing the abortion pill, or “day after pill” or modern contraception methods … will work no better than going back to the time of legal segregation, or the horse and buggy era.

P.S. The “Hyde Amendment” in its many amended forms over the years has for some forty+ years meant that federal tax money has not generally been used to finance abortions.
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This is a fair argument since lunatic rightwing fanatics do think these are all “horrible” people and do not care about poor and minority children once born, but imo the word would better be put in quote marks …

Of course middle class “white” women and the very wealthy also have abortions. Many of the poorest women who end up wanting and needing abortions are precisely the sort of people who are struggling to lift themselves out of poverty and get a trade or profession, and after they succeed in that they often choose to become mothers to children they can both love and afford.

The fanatics, and even many ordinary conservative types, often simply do not care about the real world nearly so much as they do about nurturing their hypocrisy, preening as “moral” (they accuse liberals of doing this and they are often correct in saying so), making cheap political points and reinforcing old stereotypes.

In fact, birth control is today so widely used that even “good people” forget that it can fail, and thus even hundreds of thousands of responsible married women find themselves “in trouble” every year. Some have the children, others end the pregnancy asap (if abortion is legal and available or they have the resources to go out-of-state — otherwise they may have to delay it until it truly becomes a moral conundrum for them and local “society.”)

Abortion is also of course often urged on women by men who ALSO don’t want a child born and who also don’t want or can’t handle the responsibility (or alimony and loss of reputation). Many men are actually most upset by such issues, but their misogyny overpowers their self-interest and if the woman decides to have the child they of course immediately accuse her of being a whore or or entrapping them.

Rich men, or men with famous last names (think Hunter Biden perhaps?) often may find themselves in this situation and may end up paying to have an abortion, to silence the woman, or have to fight in court to avoid extravagant alimony judgements.

The availability of birth control (and legal abortion — in most states at least) have given American women (and also men) options, but can never solve all problems of responsible sexual conduct, let alone make men and women “the same.” But going back to “Make America Great Again” by outlawing the abortion pill, or “day after pill” or modern contraception methods … will work no better than going back to the time legal segregation, or the era before widespread use of automobiles and airplanes.

P.S. The “Hyde Amendment” in its many amended forms over the years has for some forty+ years meant that federal tax money has not generally been used to finance abortions.

GW Bush got a woman an illegal abortion before they were legal.

Republicans abhor abortions – unless it’s for their mistress, of course​

do not care about poor and minority children once born
Fuck you, liar. You have no evidence of this claim whatsoever.

Abortion is of course often urged on women by men who ALSO don’t want a child born and don’t want or can’t handle the responsibility
Bro-choicer “male feminist allies” in action right there.
You can't even deny it anymore. That's a good thing. Before the midterms you were all on here lying saying the supreme court decision wasn't about making abortion illegal. Democrat were making that up you said. I knew you were lying. Now we all know.

Same way I say you guys want to end/cut social security. You'll lie until you no longer can lie about that. Meanwhile I've watched your attempts since as far back as the 80's.

So how many times do I have to ask you where I said that?

This is request number two.

GW Bush got a woman an illegal abortion before they were legal.

Republicans abhor abortions – unless it’s for their mistress, of course​



:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

How dare she make up this lie:

If one Republican talks about this....then (according to Kamala) all of them are calling for it.
This is yet another bold-faced lie by Kamala.
If Democrats aren't lying....they ain't talking.

Are you still saying Kamala was wrong? Which Republicans are not calling to make abortion illegal/murder?

Show me one Republican that says they are pro choice.

AND, the religious people who got Trump elected aren't happy with what Trump and the Supreme court did for them when they overturned ROE. Now they want MORE! They insist the next step is to make abortion murder. And Republicans will give them whatever they want in exchange for their support.

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