Kamala Lies About Republicans Calling For A Nationwide Abortion Ban

How dare she make up this lie:

If one Republican talks about this....then (according to Kamala) all of them are calling for it.
This is yet another bold-faced lie by Kamala.
If Democrats aren't lying....they ain't talking.
After all the crap you people say about Democrats because of one person Maybe, this is absolutely ridiculous. the GOP leadership and politicians have shown they have no problem to do what only 15% of the country is for. Absolutely no abortion, military style weapons for everyone, breaking up families at the border et cetera et cetera et cetera.
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If men got pregnant abortions would be free and available on every street corner. And you know it.
Men are already able to kill other human beings in cold blood, it’s just that most of us don’t do it, which means that if we factor in abortion statistics, men are doing pretty good in this regard compared to women.

It’s a shame so many women are absolute trash, willing to kill others for their own benefit, deserving of death… But then again it’s worth noting how many principled pro-life women there are who would never even consider being that vile.
Men are already able to kill other human beings in cold blood, it’s just that most of us don’t do it, which means that if we factor in abortion statistics, men are doing pretty good in this regard compared to women.

It’s a shame so many women are absolute trash, willing to kill others for their own benefit, deserving of death… But then again it’s worth noting how many principled pro-life women there are who would never even consider being that vile.
keep it up, maybe trump can get down to 25% in 2024. just what the country needs I am telling you.

Says the Great Carnac.


Well here is what we know is a fact. Over 60% in Kansas voted for Trump in 2020. They overwhelmingly voted to make abortion legal. So over 60% voted to keep abortion legal. That means republican voters are murderers too.

And a lot of Republicans who are pro life, I can't prove this, but if they got pregnant back when they could have babies, but it wasn't the right time for them, would have gotten abortions themselves. So they are hypocrites they just don't know it. Or if they weren't financially secure like they were. It's easy to say I'm pro life when I can afford to have a baby.

I'm pro life too. I would want to keep the baby if I had one. I'm just okay with others murdering theirs.

This morning my dog murdered 5 baby rabbits. I feel horrible about it. More so then when a woman gets a human abortion. Why? We're over crowded. And a rabbit can afford to have as many babies as it wants. When rabbits start causing rabbit made climate change I'll start being pro choice for rabbits.
How dare she make up this lie:

If one Republican talks about this....then (according to Kamala) all of them are calling for it.
This is yet another bold-faced lie by Kamala.
If Democrats aren't lying....they ain't talking.

Given recent events in the attempt to ban the abortion pill nationwide, this is an OP that hasn’t aged well at all.
Given recent events in the attempt to ban the abortion pill nationwide, this is an OP that hasn’t aged well at all.
I mean you people want weapons that can be used in self-defense banned but you promote a weapon that can only be used to murder the innocent you hate and want dead.

There is a reason why we despise you hypocritical leftoid retards.
I mean you people want weapons that can be used in self-defense banned but you promote a weapon that can only be used to murder the innocent you hate and want dead.

There is a reason why we despise you hypocritical leftoid retards.

Because Republican gun nuts go around murdering real people.

I live in Michigan. I don't give a fuck if Tamiqua in California gets an abortion. In fact I encourage it. We're overpopulated.

And what about you hypocrites? There is a reason we despise you too. Let me give you an example. Kyle Rittenhouse goes to a BLM protest with one of those guns you say we want banned, and he murders 2 protesters. You guys let him go free because of stand your ground.

But this is the part that bugs me the most. Fast forward a couple months. A Republican drives by a BLM protest. A BLM protester is open carrying just like Kyle was. As he walks towards the Republicans car, he sees the guys AR15 and shoots him dead. The jury finds him GUILTY of murder. Clearly he murdered that guy. But the Republcan texas governor is going to pardon the guy.

So no, you liars don't care about life. So if you don't care about that BLM protesters life, I don't believe you care about the baby in his black girlfriends womb. If she's pregnant she'll have to get an abortion now because she can't afford to have a baby on her own now. You want her to have the baby?
No matter where you go, religious fundamentalists are a problem. Keep religion out of politics gets too extreme- extreme like no birth control or abortion any thing in our foreign policy forever. Enjoy the 9 billion people and the 350,000,000 in the United States. great job!

Believe what you want to believe..

If I ignore the facts and reality, and believed what I want to believe, I would just be just as gullible and misinformed as you are.

The whole problem with Republicans is they rejects facts, data and reality and believe what they want to believe.

Believe what you want to believe.

Mudwhistle was lying when he said Kamala was lying. So it's not about believing. Kamala warned us all that soon Republicans will try to ban abortion nationwide. Before the midterms you lying Republicans were saying what Mud was saying. Kamala is lying or making it up.

Now we see Kamala wasn't lying, you and Mudwhistle were lying. You sir are a liar.
I mean you people want weapons that can be used in self-defense banned but you promote a weapon that can only be used to murder the innocent you hate and want dead.

There is a reason why we despise you hypocritical leftoid retards.

We don't hate children. If we had enough rooms, food, water and jobs, we'd love to have them come in to this world.

But we are overpopulated.
Their parents are broke
You see the Colorado River is drying up because all the people who live around it are sucking it dry? And because of global warming? We need to cut the population down BIGLY.
No matter where you go, religious fundamentalists are a problem. Keep religion out of politics gets too extreme- extreme like no birth control or abortion any thing in our foreign policy forever. Enjoy the 9 billion people and the 350,000,000 in the United States. great job!

Remember Republicans said it was no big deal if abortion is illegal in Texas. Just go to a neighboring state like New Mexico they said. But poor people can't afford that.

Republicans will say yes they can afford that. But then I remembered this fact I heard a few years ago. MOST Americans can't come up with $400 for an emergency. Like a flat tire where they need to buy 4 new tires. That would be unaffordable for a lot of Americans. And abortion costs $500? So even if abortion is right next door, a lot of women can't afford to get one. By the time they raise the money it's too late because Republicans have lowered the number of weeks you can wait to get an abortion.

Only one in three Americans can comfortably cover a $400 emergency expense, according to new survey data from Suze Orman's emergency savings startup as the personal finance expert warns of broadening financial insecurity.Jan 24, 2023
I mean you people want weapons that can be used in self-defense banned but you promote a weapon that can only be used to murder the innocent you hate and want dead.

There is a reason why we despise you hypocritical leftoid retards.

The left wants weapons that are routinely used in mass murder banned. The AR 15 is not a weapon of self-defense. It is a weapon of mass murder.

Your hatred towards others is a reflection of your own self loathing. There is no reason to despise people who disagree with you or call them names.

Hatred destroys the hater.

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