
She's obviously much more comfortable with a cock in her face as opposed to a microphone.... but she's perfect for this caricature of a 3rd world overthrow of the government.... a brown, dimwitted slutty ape is straight out of hollywood.

Dude that was harsh.

But you nailed it.
be precise, pussy.

more inclusive. More articulate. Not spreading fake news. Not having temper tantrums every five minutes. Appointing secretaries that are actually qualified. Not firing staff on a whim. Not having ex staff thrown under the bus and in prison.

That precise enough for you?
Translation...I never watched a Trump speech; I'm simply a pussy who's following the Liberal media outlets.
Trump spelled out precisely what was wrong with US politicians and how they pilfer from the money they send to every nation on earth.
She's a poor politician.
She's a pathetic racist, piece of shit and our next President.
And yet she will still be better than the Orange Buffoon.

How? Unemployment is down from 14.6 percent to 6.9 percent in 6 months. People with jobs are currently keeping more of their paycheck vs. when Biden was VP? Gas is less then $3 gallon and we are in no wars. How and why are these factors going to get better under Biden/Harris??
Because Liberals are mentally ill and cannot absorb facts.
be precise, pussy.

more inclusive. More articulate. Not spreading fake news. Not having temper tantrums every five minutes. Appointing secretaries that are actually qualified. Not firing staff on a whim. Not having ex staff thrown under the bus and in prison.

That precise enough for you?
Looking forward to increased prices on everything. Lowered employment and best of all failed projects like California’s high speed train all over the country while the cost is on the government credit card.
Then Dr Grump gets to pay less for US goods.
Translation...I never watched a Trump speech; I'm simply a pussy who's following the Liberal media outlets.
Trump spelled out precisely what was wrong with US politicians and how they pilfer from the money they send to every nation on earth.

You mean those weren't his tweets I read?
That wasn't Betsy DeVos who he appointed as Sec of Ed?
Flynn wasn't arrested and guilty? Bannon? Manafort? Stone?
He hasn't gone through chiefs of staff or press secretaries?

Who was that then?

As for your last line, just when I thought you couldn't get any more pathetic. Don the Con is one of the chief pilferers. Just ask the Polish contractors he stiffed who built Trump Tower for him...
Translation...I never watched a Trump speech; I'm simply a pussy who's following the Liberal media outlets.
Trump spelled out precisely what was wrong with US politicians and how they pilfer from the money they send to every nation on earth.

You mean those weren't his tweets I read?
That wasn't Betsy DeVos who he appointed as Sec of Ed?
Flynn wasn't arrested and guilty? Bannon? Manafort? Stone?
He hasn't gone through chiefs of staff or press secretaries?

Who was that then?

As for your last line, just when I thought you couldn't get any more pathetic. Don the Con is one of the chief pilferers. Just ask the Polish contractors he stiffed who built Trump Tower for him?
You read his tweets and you're still lying through your ass?
I live in the US, moron...I know the massive corruption that Trump was stamping out.
Read Harris' speech and imagine every utterance of "black women" replaced with "white men" and think how the media would respond. I wonder what word that starts with an "R" they would use.

Can you post a quote?
Did you hear the speech?
She mentioned "Black" ad nauseum.
Well...that is her only selling point to the left.
That's the inter-generational welfare garbage that voted for her.
Read Harris' speech and imagine every utterance of "black women" replaced with "white men" and think how the media would respond. I wonder what word that starts with an "R" they would use.
if you replace the words, you need to replace a lot else as well. e.g. you need to imagine a world where black women ruled for centuries if not thousands of years.
Enlighten us...


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