Kamala's Extramarital Affair Turns Trump Liability into a Trump Advantage


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2022
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.

Women don't like you at all.
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.
Trump has affairs all through his life and you think he has morals? You are delusional at best.
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.
Did she fuck a porn star while her hubby was home taking care of the baby? Does she have 26 allegations of sexual assault?
Then there was that one Democrat that stalked his 11 year old daughter and took showers with her whenever he could. Now that's an evil bastard. MAGA
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.
Horseshit. The orange bag O' shit cheated on all his wives. I believe magaturds have the Bible beaters locked in anyway.
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.
christian women seem to be ok with men who "wreck homes?" i don't really remember that parable.
LOVE watching Republicans play the “Kamala is a whore” card

Meanwhile, they run a candidate who has been married three times, cheated on all three, banged a Playboy model and porn star while his wife was pregnant, molested a woman in a dressing room AND brought in a former porn star as First Lady
This will be an "interesting" campaign. Harris has a mountain of recorded statements that show her to be a beyond-Sanders Lefty, advocating policies that no one over 16 years old would take seriously. The Biden Administration was a colossal failure, and her one conspicuous assigned task - the border - was worst of all.

Right now, we are witnessing manufactured enthusiasm but that can't last long. Rest assured she will appear in no venue where she is not wildly loved.

She is a horrible candidate, but with optimal packaging, maybe the voters won't notice.
LOVE watching Republicans play the “Kamala is a whore” card

Meanwhile, the run a candidate who has been married three times, cheated on all three, banged a Playboy model and porn star while his wife was pregnant, molested a woman in a dressing room AND brought in a former porn star as First Lady
But don't you see? Kamala was PAID for her illicit sex. She trashed a family and used them as stepping stones to advance her career. Trump never did anything of the sort.

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