Kansas bans cruises for welfare recipients

Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?
"Deadbeats"? So, you're calling children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the extremely poor "Deadbeats"? Pleeeeeease ...... Are you that coldhearted and barbaric? What a terrible thing to say. I hope you never get to a point in your life where you might need some assistance. And by the way, what are all of these people suppose to do if they can't get much needed help? Surely you don't think that we have an abundance of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country. Surely you don't expect the elderly to get out of their wheel chairs and go looking for work. Surely you don't expect little children to apply for jobs. Surely you don't expect the handicapped and mentally challenged to find a self-supporting job. You have a serious problem.

Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
And how do they propose they stop them from doing any of that when those on social welfare can just withdraw money from their welfare accounts like anyone else that has a bank card?

I love this whole "we're putting our foot down" when in reality the state knows they can do nothing about it.

Good god!

Mr Nick returns from the dead

Where the hell have you been?
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Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?
"Deadbeats"? So, you're calling children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the extremely poor "Deadbeats"? Pleeeeeease ...... Are you that coldhearted and barbaric? What a terrible thing to say. I hope you never get to a point in your life where you might need some assistance. And by the way, what are all of these people suppose to do if they can't get much needed help? Surely you don't think that we have an abundance of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country. Surely you don't expect the elderly to get out of their wheel chairs and go looking for work. Surely you don't expect little children to apply for jobs. Surely you don't expect the handicapped and mentally challenged to find a self-supporting job. You have a serious problem.

Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?
And how do they propose they stop them from doing any of that when those on social welfare can just withdraw money from their welfare accounts like anyone else that has a bank card?

I love this whole "we're putting our foot down" when in reality the state knows they can do nothing about it.

Good god!

Where the hell have you been?
Obviously, he hasn't had his heart removed and replaced with a thumping gizzard. Is that what happened to you? Just curious.
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?
"Deadbeats"? So, you're calling children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the extremely poor "Deadbeats"? Pleeeeeease ...... Are you that coldhearted and barbaric? What a terrible thing to say. I hope you never get to a point in your life where you might need some assistance. And by the way, what are all of these people suppose to do if they can't get much needed help? Surely you don't think that we have an abundance of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country. Surely you don't expect the elderly to get out of their wheel chairs and go looking for work. Surely you don't expect little children to apply for jobs. Surely you don't expect the handicapped and mentally challenged to find a self-supporting job. You have a serious problem.

Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?
"Deadbeats"? So, you're calling children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the extremely poor "Deadbeats"? Pleeeeeease ...... Are you that coldhearted and barbaric? What a terrible thing to say. I hope you never get to a point in your life where you might need some assistance. And by the way, what are all of these people suppose to do if they can't get much needed help? Surely you don't think that we have an abundance of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country. Surely you don't expect the elderly to get out of their wheel chairs and go looking for work. Surely you don't expect little children to apply for jobs. Surely you don't expect the handicapped and mentally challenged to find a self-supporting job. You have a serious problem.

Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
Obviously you have no idea as to what economic shape this country is in. So, please explain to me what we'll do with all of those people once we cut off their assistance? What will we do with the children, the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally challenged?" Do you have a plan for them once we cut them off assistance programs? Or, do you believe that we should just allow the children to starve, allow the elderly to die from lack of care, allow the mentally challenged to die, and all the others that really need help? What are to do with them? Again, you seriously need counseling and a class in social skills.

We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?
"Deadbeats"? So, you're calling children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the extremely poor "Deadbeats"? Pleeeeeease ...... Are you that coldhearted and barbaric? What a terrible thing to say. I hope you never get to a point in your life where you might need some assistance. And by the way, what are all of these people suppose to do if they can't get much needed help? Surely you don't think that we have an abundance of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country. Surely you don't expect the elderly to get out of their wheel chairs and go looking for work. Surely you don't expect little children to apply for jobs. Surely you don't expect the handicapped and mentally challenged to find a self-supporting job. You have a serious problem.

Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
Obviously you have no idea as to what economic shape this country is in. So, please explain to me what we'll do with all of those people once we cut off their assistance? What will we do with the children, the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally challenged?" Do you have a plan for them once we cut them off assistance programs? Or, do you believe that we should just allow the children to starve, allow the elderly to die from lack of care, allow the mentally challenged to die, and all the others that really need help? What are to do with them? Again, you seriously need counseling and a class in social skills.

I'm thinking public shaming is probably the best solution

The poor have it too easy living in the lap of luxury with color TV and VCRs

They walk down the street, you can't even tell who the poor people are. They should have to wear tattered clothes or maybe orange jumpsuits like the convicts wear. This way, the poor people will say....I don't like being poor, maybe I'll get a job
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?

I would not consider any of those things you mentioned to be "luxury"...

"Deadbeats"? So, you're calling children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the extremely poor "Deadbeats"? Pleeeeeease ...... Are you that coldhearted and barbaric? What a terrible thing to say. I hope you never get to a point in your life where you might need some assistance. And by the way, what are all of these people suppose to do if they can't get much needed help? Surely you don't think that we have an abundance of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country. Surely you don't expect the elderly to get out of their wheel chairs and go looking for work. Surely you don't expect little children to apply for jobs. Surely you don't expect the handicapped and mentally challenged to find a self-supporting job. You have a serious problem.

Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
Obviously you have no idea as to what economic shape this country is in. So, please explain to me what we'll do with all of those people once we cut off their assistance? What will we do with the children, the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally challenged?" Do you have a plan for them once we cut them off assistance programs? Or, do you believe that we should just allow the children to starve, allow the elderly to die from lack of care, allow the mentally challenged to die, and all the others that really need help? What are to do with them? Again, you seriously need counseling and a class in social skills.

I'm thinking public shaming is probably the best solution

The poor have it too easy living in the lap of luxury with color TV and VCRs

They walk down the street, you can't even tell who the poor people are. They should have to wear tattered clothes or maybe orange jumpsuits like the convicts wear. This way, the poor people will say....I don't like being poor, maybe I'll get a job
Pathetic .... simply pathetic ............. So cruel and cold hearted........... Again, what do we do with all of them? What about the children? What do you suggest we do with the little children after we cut off their assistance?
"Deadbeats"? So, you're calling children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the extremely poor "Deadbeats"? Pleeeeeease ...... Are you that coldhearted and barbaric? What a terrible thing to say. I hope you never get to a point in your life where you might need some assistance. And by the way, what are all of these people suppose to do if they can't get much needed help? Surely you don't think that we have an abundance of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country. Surely you don't expect the elderly to get out of their wheel chairs and go looking for work. Surely you don't expect little children to apply for jobs. Surely you don't expect the handicapped and mentally challenged to find a self-supporting job. You have a serious problem.

Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
Obviously you have no idea as to what economic shape this country is in. So, please explain to me what we'll do with all of those people once we cut off their assistance? What will we do with the children, the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally challenged?" Do you have a plan for them once we cut them off assistance programs? Or, do you believe that we should just allow the children to starve, allow the elderly to die from lack of care, allow the mentally challenged to die, and all the others that really need help? What are to do with them? Again, you seriously need counseling and a class in social skills.

I'm thinking public shaming is probably the best solution

The poor have it too easy living in the lap of luxury with color TV and VCRs

They walk down the street, you can't even tell who the poor people are. They should have to wear tattered clothes or maybe orange jumpsuits like the convicts wear. This way, the poor people will say....I don't like being poor, maybe I'll get a job

Maybe we could make them write monthly "thank you" letters to the taxpayers funding their shiftless lives.
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?

I would not consider any of those things you mentioned to be "luxury"...

You don't think an umbrella is a luxury?

Only rich people should have umbrellas. That way everybody knows they are rich. See a guy walking down the street with an umbrella you can say.....Wow.....look at that rich guy!

He can even hire a poor person to hold the umbrella for him when it rains....win/win
Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
Obviously you have no idea as to what economic shape this country is in. So, please explain to me what we'll do with all of those people once we cut off their assistance? What will we do with the children, the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally challenged?" Do you have a plan for them once we cut them off assistance programs? Or, do you believe that we should just allow the children to starve, allow the elderly to die from lack of care, allow the mentally challenged to die, and all the others that really need help? What are to do with them? Again, you seriously need counseling and a class in social skills.

I'm thinking public shaming is probably the best solution

The poor have it too easy living in the lap of luxury with color TV and VCRs

They walk down the street, you can't even tell who the poor people are. They should have to wear tattered clothes or maybe orange jumpsuits like the convicts wear. This way, the poor people will say....I don't like being poor, maybe I'll get a job

Maybe we could make them write monthly "thank you" letters to the taxpayers funding their shiftless lives.

I like that

Maybe we can each sponsor our own poor people and they can wear patches like NASCAR drivers saying who their sponsors are
Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
Obviously you have no idea as to what economic shape this country is in. So, please explain to me what we'll do with all of those people once we cut off their assistance? What will we do with the children, the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally challenged?" Do you have a plan for them once we cut them off assistance programs? Or, do you believe that we should just allow the children to starve, allow the elderly to die from lack of care, allow the mentally challenged to die, and all the others that really need help? What are to do with them? Again, you seriously need counseling and a class in social skills.

I'm thinking public shaming is probably the best solution

The poor have it too easy living in the lap of luxury with color TV and VCRs

They walk down the street, you can't even tell who the poor people are. They should have to wear tattered clothes or maybe orange jumpsuits like the convicts wear. This way, the poor people will say....I don't like being poor, maybe I'll get a job

Maybe we could make them write monthly "thank you" letters to the taxpayers funding their shiftless lives.
Really pathetic. Poverty is not a joke.
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?

I would not consider any of those things you mentioned to be "luxury"...

You don't think an umbrella is a luxury?

Only rich people should have umbrellas. That way everybody knows they are rich. See a guy walking down the street with an umbrella you can say.....Wow.....look at that rich guy!

He can even hire a poor person to hold the umbrella for him when it rains....win/win
Obviously, you have serious issues. I hope that you're supervised. Have you always been cold hearted and without sympathy for the less fortunate?
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?

I would not consider any of those things you mentioned to be "luxury"...

You don't think an umbrella is a luxury?

Only rich people should have umbrellas. That way everybody knows they are rich. See a guy walking down the street with an umbrella you can say.....Wow.....look at that rich guy!

He can even hire a poor person to hold the umbrella for him when it rains....win/win

I'm going to be straight up with you. You sound pretty freakin' poor yourself... considering the list of things you view as "luxuries". Why are you attacking "poor people" when you yourself are so poor?

Is there any better definition than deadbeats?

Children should not be raised to be deadbeats. They will grow up and not know any other lifestyle than getting free bologna sandwiches. Deadbeat children should be forced to clean the toilets of rich white kids...that way, they will appreciate their bologna sandwich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
Obviously you have no idea as to what economic shape this country is in. So, please explain to me what we'll do with all of those people once we cut off their assistance? What will we do with the children, the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally challenged?" Do you have a plan for them once we cut them off assistance programs? Or, do you believe that we should just allow the children to starve, allow the elderly to die from lack of care, allow the mentally challenged to die, and all the others that really need help? What are to do with them? Again, you seriously need counseling and a class in social skills.

I'm thinking public shaming is probably the best solution

The poor have it too easy living in the lap of luxury with color TV and VCRs

They walk down the street, you can't even tell who the poor people are. They should have to wear tattered clothes or maybe orange jumpsuits like the convicts wear. This way, the poor people will say....I don't like being poor, maybe I'll get a job
Pathetic .... simply pathetic ............. So cruel and cold hearted........... Again, what do we do with all of them? What about the children? What do you suggest we do with the little children after we cut off their assistance?

I'm thinking outside the box here.....

But maybe we can do something like Trick or Treat. Have the poor children knock on your door and do a little dance.....sing a little song and we can give them a bologna sammich
That is so cold and heartless. And, it's not just "blacks" that get government assistance. Obviously you have a serious problem. In my opinion, you need counseling and some type of social skills class. Just curious here, are you also again foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the shameful ridiculous perks given to members of Congress, no-bid government contracts, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, unnecessary government travel, lavish White House parties and vacations, bailouts of Wall Street and the financials, wasteful military spending, the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and such wasteful spending as the "Fence" along our southern border? Or, are you just against helping the needy American citizens?

Let me splain to you about the poor in this country

They live in luxury, eat lobster and filet mignon and drive Escalades. I saw a poor person at the gas station last week and he was filling his car with high test....what? Regular is not good enough for you?
They have those fancy microwave ovens and VCRs and some even have them cell phones. I hear poor people even get to watch color TV! Black and White was good enough for me when I grew up....should be good enough for poor people

Kansas knows how to treat its poor....no cruises for you
Obviously you have no idea as to what economic shape this country is in. So, please explain to me what we'll do with all of those people once we cut off their assistance? What will we do with the children, the elderly, the handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally challenged?" Do you have a plan for them once we cut them off assistance programs? Or, do you believe that we should just allow the children to starve, allow the elderly to die from lack of care, allow the mentally challenged to die, and all the others that really need help? What are to do with them? Again, you seriously need counseling and a class in social skills.

I'm thinking public shaming is probably the best solution

The poor have it too easy living in the lap of luxury with color TV and VCRs

They walk down the street, you can't even tell who the poor people are. They should have to wear tattered clothes or maybe orange jumpsuits like the convicts wear. This way, the poor people will say....I don't like being poor, maybe I'll get a job
Pathetic .... simply pathetic ............. So cruel and cold hearted........... Again, what do we do with all of them? What about the children? What do you suggest we do with the little children after we cut off their assistance?

I'm thinking outside the box here.....

But maybe we can do something like Trick or Treat. Have the poor children knock on your door and do a little dance.....sing a little song and we can give them a bologna sammich
Your obvious lack of caring and sympathy for the less fortunate is disgusting and pathetic. I actually feel sorry for you.
So this would mean that a soldier on welfare can't take a cruize with the military to another destination. I mean the military is just welfare for for the poor also that can't find a job...
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor

This list would be funnier if it weren't so true.

Who was it who said "they" must be very poor because they have refrigerators? And, OMG, cell phones.

As usual, the right is all about bigger and more invasive government.

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