Kansas bans cruises for welfare recipients

They also capped it at 3 years for benefits for life...and more intervention when work regs are not followed..
In welfare crackdown Kansas bans cruises for the poor

Here’s a partial list of what is now off limits for TANF spending in Kansas:
-- Casinos
--Jewelry stores
-- Massage parlors
-- Body piercing parlors
-- Lingerie shops
-- Vapor cigarette stores
-- Fortune-telling businesses
-- Video arcades
-- Swimming pools
-- Cruise ships
-- Theme parks
-- Strip clubs
-- Concert tickets
-- Lottery tickets
I hope to find many wise people here who support this law like me.
Welfare recipients should be banned from buying jet airplanes and super-cars as well. What the hell are people thinking? Is this the best they can do with their time?
If you don't work properly you must not relax with ease.
Just more of the government controlling their flock of sheep, nothing more.
I wasn't aware there were cruises leaving from Kansas
“There are problems with much of this reasoning, however. First, it’s unclear that substantial numbers of welfare recipients are heading to the tattoo parlor, the casino, or the travel agent when their electronic benefits card is reloaded. A federal study of welfare spending found that less than 1 percent of welfare funds are spent at such establishments.

Second, the law is largely unenforceable, since TANF recipients can use the electronic benefits cards to withdraw cash.”

Feel good legislation that panders to the rightwing base, devoid of merit, unwarranted, and utterly pointless.

Otherwise, the stupidity of most conservatives it truly remarkable; what's the matter with Kansas, indeed.
good idea! I would go further... Why not drug test Welfare recipients? Im all for maintaining privacy, but whats wrong with making sure taxpayer money isn't going towards someone with a drug problem?
In welfare crackdown Kansas bans cruises for the poor

Here’s a partial list of what is now off limits for TANF spending in Kansas:
-- Casinos
--Jewelry stores
-- Massage parlors
-- Body piercing parlors
-- Lingerie shops
-- Vapor cigarette stores
-- Fortune-telling businesses
-- Video arcades
-- Swimming pools
-- Cruise ships
-- Theme parks
-- Strip clubs
-- Concert tickets
-- Lottery tickets
I hope to find many wise people here who support this law like me.
Welfare recipients should be banned from buying jet airplanes and super-cars as well. What the hell are people thinking? Is this the best they can do with their time?
If you don't work properly you must not relax with ease.

That will be a real blow for the .0015% of Kansan adults who use TANF :rolleyes:


I can't help noticing this pattern in Kansas. As with the late-term abortion bill (even though Kansas has no late-term abortionists), they have written a bill to solve a basically non-existent problem.
In welfare crackdown Kansas bans cruises for the poor

Here’s a partial list of what is now off limits for TANF spending in Kansas:
-- Casinos
--Jewelry stores
-- Massage parlors
-- Body piercing parlors
-- Lingerie shops
-- Vapor cigarette stores
-- Fortune-telling businesses
-- Video arcades
-- Swimming pools
-- Cruise ships
-- Theme parks
-- Strip clubs
-- Concert tickets
-- Lottery tickets
I hope to find many wise people here who support this law like me.
Welfare recipients should be banned from buying jet airplanes and super-cars as well. What the hell are people thinking? Is this the best they can do with their time?
If you don't work properly you must not relax with ease.

Bet you can still tithe with it though right? :)
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
Simple solution:

you DON'T like the laws passed in Kansas. DON'T move there or move out if you now live there.
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor

Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?
Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor


Its a good start but I think Welfare recipients should not be able to have:

1. Flush toilets
2. Hot water
3. Them newfangled VCRs
4. Fresh meat
5. Queen or definitely no King sized beds
6. Carpets
7. Sunglasses....let em squint
8. Money for the church collection plate
9. Bus fare...let em walk
10. Umbrellas

Unless the poor suffer, they will not want to stop being poor
This must be "Funny Friday".......... Surely you can't be serious................. You do realize that many getting assistance are children, the disabled, the elderly, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the poor, don't you? .... Also, what about the unemployed? Surely you're not one that believes we have more self-supporting living wage jobs than the demand.


We don't want these deadbeats living in the lap of luxury. Why should they have more than I do?
"Deadbeats"? So, you're calling children, the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and the extremely poor "Deadbeats"? Pleeeeeease ...... Are you that coldhearted and barbaric? What a terrible thing to say. I hope you never get to a point in your life where you might need some assistance. And by the way, what are all of these people suppose to do if they can't get much needed help? Surely you don't think that we have an abundance of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country. Surely you don't expect the elderly to get out of their wheel chairs and go looking for work. Surely you don't expect little children to apply for jobs. Surely you don't expect the handicapped and mentally challenged to find a self-supporting job. You have a serious problem.
And how do they propose they stop them from doing any of that when those on social welfare can just withdraw money from their welfare accounts like anyone else that has a bank card?

I love this whole "we're putting our foot down" when in reality the state knows they can do nothing about it.

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