Kansas event underlines the need for more guns

Freedom comes with its price. You might know that if you were actually ever free. Now what we need is freedom from the progressive policies that are driving people to do violence. Tell us, oh, Kabookie, after you take all our guns away and everyone switches over to using something else to kill, what then? Another draconian take away of our freedoms? I could kill you with a pencil! Hell, probably my bare hands.

The SAD TRUTH is that had one of the dead had a gun to defend themselves, there probably would have been a lot less killing. Serial killings ALWAYS happen in a place where everyone is disarmed. Don't believe me? Show me the last time a serial killer ever attacked a police station! :21:
How about the freedom to go have a beer without being in mortal.danger?

Then stop electing democrats who put in democrat party judges and prosecutors who keep letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison...

How about we start there, you doofus.
How about we just round up anyone with a gun and imprison them?

How stalinist of you. Then we can get rid of anybody who reads books not approved by the government.

Then we can get rid of anyone who isn't useful to the government.

Thinking people see where this leads. Leaves you out.

This is the Liberal aka Leftist version of The Second Amendment, this is their ultimate wet dream:


Actually.....the left wing second amendment would be this...

" You don't get to own guns. If you try, we will shoot you."
Around 1950, a little under 50% of households owned a gun. Now it is down to 30-some percent of households having a gun. So maybe less owners is helping. Let's keep that going in a BIG way.

I'm curious, how did they arrive at those figures which, for the sake of argument, we'll say are accurate.

Compared to 1950, if you owned say five guns, shotgun, rifle, and three handguns. Given today's hostile atmosphere, would you be more likely to answer a telephone survey truthfully in 1950 or today in 2020?
Given today's hostile atmosphere, would you be more likely to answer a telephone survey truthfully in 1950 or today in 2020?
Why on earth would I be hesitant to tell the truth in a telephone survey today? You're paranoid, yannow it?
Only morons participate in telephone surveys.

This is why you should never put anything of value in those polls about elections and/or candidates where it says the poll was conducted via a phone survey, the other one to ignore is when they say it's an online poll, those are horsecrap like the phone ones.
How about the freedom to go have a beer without being in mortal.danger?

Then stop electing democrats who put in democrat party judges and prosecutors who keep letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison...

How about we start there, you doofus.
How about we just round up anyone with a gun and imprison them?

How stalinist of you. Then we can get rid of anybody who reads books not approved by the government.

Then we can get rid of anyone who isn't useful to the government.

Thinking people see where this leads. Leaves you out.

This is the Liberal aka Leftist version of The Second Amendment, this is their ultimate wet dream:


Actually.....the left wing second amendment would be this...

" You don't get to own guns. If you try, we will shoot you."

Well yes but they would have that in the very small print. Essentially it ends in the same way, the End Game for the Leftists like their Communist Ancestors is that ANYONE who does NOT agree with the Globalist Agenda is going to be put into the Gulag.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.

Another shooting in England, this one last night:

View attachment 301743
View attachment 301744

Police appeal for information after teenager shot in Merseyside

And ANOTHER stabbing to death on Sunday:

View attachment 301745

Two people arrested after man stabbed to death in Accrington

And ANOTHER stabbing on Sunday in England this one a man repeatedly stabbed on a train in London:



Hither Green teen charged after passenger stabbed on west London train
Crime has gone down for specific reasons, including that anti-crime bill passed during the Clinton years. There are also improved trauma techniques that save lives, reducing homicides to injuries. It is not because there are more GUNS lying around. That is totally stupid.

Sorry......you don't get to dodge the fact.....

You guys claim that more guns create more gun murder and more gun crime....that is what you claim, that is the reason you say we need to ban guns.....

The truth is.....as more Americans own more guns, and carry them.....gun crime went down...showing that normal people who own guns does not increase the gun crime rate....at all....

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns, but now carry them for self defense, our gun murder rate went down 49%...

With what you believe....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own but now carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%....

With what you believe,.....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns but carry them for self defense, our violent crime rate went down 72%.....

With what you believe, how do you explain that?

Nothing you believe about guns is supported by actual facts, the truth, or reality on the ground......how do you justify your believes beyond simply not liking guns?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.
guess what happened...
mass shootings skyrocketed.
How many mass shootings were in gun free zones? And don’t forget the last administration did change the definition of a mass shooting to 3 or more vs previously being 5 or more, then changed it back to 4 killed or more in 2015. Yet Nancy Pelosi and others Dems continue to define a mass shooting as 3 or more shot, not killed, to help push their agenda. This allows them to scream mass shootings are up tremendously under their terms, even though they actually are not. Most left wing media call anything with 3 or more injured as a mass shooting, as well as gang killings etc., which traditionally were never included in that term.
I'm talking about the big mass shootings, the ones we hear about on the news for days. Burn candles for and send thoughts and prayers and absolutely nothing helpful. I've been alive long enough to remember when these kind of shootings did not happen, and when they happened extremely rarely.
Two things. First, we didn’t have cable news 24/7 or the internet like we do now. Secondly, and what I consider the most important factor-
View attachment 301727
No proper treatment of the mentally ill and noone wants to talk about it-
The true magnitude of deinstitutionalization, then, is the difference between 885,010 and 71,619. In effect, approximately 92 percent of the people who would have been living in public psychiatric hospitals in 1955 were not living there in 1994. Even allowing for the approximately 40,000 patients who occupied psychiatric beds in general hospitals or the approximately 10,000 patients who occupied psychiatric beds in community mental health centers (CMHCs) on any given day in 1994, that still means that approximately 763,391 severely mentally ill people (over three-quarters of a million) are living in the community today who would have been hospitalized 40 years ago. That number is more than the population of Baltimore or San Francisco.
Deinstitutionalization - Special Reports | The New Asylums | FRONTLINE | PBS
Our population has also more than doubled since 1950.

I believe you are correct. I remember a shooting in Oregon around 1981 or so and he killed 4 or 5 people, wounded 15-20 as I remember, outside of Oregon it got little attention. The 24/7 news cycle allows news agencies to cover a lot more and give the stories much more attention.

Now the mental disease aspect is also another area which I also believe is an issue. I am more inclined to believe that we are not teaching people how to cope with disappointment, frustration and personal responsibility in today's world. We seem to be seeing less coping skills and blame others. The computer age has ushered a world of isolation and depression, less compassion and fellow feeling.

We need to start training children at a young age to be compassionate and teach them to help others, engage with others, learn from others and be tolerant of others.
Sorry......you don't get to dodge the fact.....

You guys claim that more guns create more gun murder and more gun crime....that is what you claim, that is the reason you say we need to ban guns.....

The truth is.....as more Americans own more guns, and carry them.....gun crime went down...showing that normal people who own guns does not increase the gun crime rate....at all....

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns, but now carry them for self defense, our gun murder rate went down 49%...

With what you believe....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own but now carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%....

With what you believe,.....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns but carry them for self defense, our violent crime rate went down 72%.....

With what you believe, how do you explain that?

Nothing you believe about guns is supported by actual facts, the truth, or reality on the ground......how do you justify your believes beyond simply not liking guns?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.
guess what happened...
mass shootings skyrocketed.
How many mass shootings were in gun free zones? And don’t forget the last administration did change the definition of a mass shooting to 3 or more vs previously being 5 or more, then changed it back to 4 killed or more in 2015. Yet Nancy Pelosi and others Dems continue to define a mass shooting as 3 or more shot, not killed, to help push their agenda. This allows them to scream mass shootings are up tremendously under their terms, even though they actually are not. Most left wing media call anything with 3 or more injured as a mass shooting, as well as gang killings etc., which traditionally were never included in that term.
I'm talking about the big mass shootings, the ones we hear about on the news for days. Burn candles for and send thoughts and prayers and absolutely nothing helpful. I've been alive long enough to remember when these kind of shootings did not happen, and when they happened extremely rarely.
Two things. First, we didn’t have cable news 24/7 or the internet like we do now. Secondly, and what I consider the most important factor-
View attachment 301727
No proper treatment of the mentally ill and noone wants to talk about it-
The true magnitude of deinstitutionalization, then, is the difference between 885,010 and 71,619. In effect, approximately 92 percent of the people who would have been living in public psychiatric hospitals in 1955 were not living there in 1994. Even allowing for the approximately 40,000 patients who occupied psychiatric beds in general hospitals or the approximately 10,000 patients who occupied psychiatric beds in community mental health centers (CMHCs) on any given day in 1994, that still means that approximately 763,391 severely mentally ill people (over three-quarters of a million) are living in the community today who would have been hospitalized 40 years ago. That number is more than the population of Baltimore or San Francisco.
Deinstitutionalization - Special Reports | The New Asylums | FRONTLINE | PBS
Our population has also more than doubled since 1950.

I believe you are correct. I remember a shooting in Oregon around 1981 or so and he killed 4 or 5 people, wounded 15-20 as I remember, outside of Oregon it got little attention. The 24/7 news cycle allows news agencies to cover a lot more and give the stories much more attention.

Now the mental disease aspect is also another area which I also believe is an issue. I am more inclined to believe that we are not teaching people how to cope with disappointment, frustration and personal responsibility in today's world. We seem to be seeing less coping skills and blame others. The computer age has ushered a world of isolation and depression, less compassion and fellow feeling.

We need to start training children at a young age to be compassionate and teach them to help others, engage with others, learn from others and be tolerant of others.

"I am more inclined to believe that we are not teaching people how to cope with disappointment, frustration and personal responsibility in today's world. We seem to be seeing less coping skills and blame others."

The blame with this of course is with the Cultural Marxists who have now conditioned their Herd to expect Participation Trophies, where NOBODY is a loser and the losers also get a Prize for just Participating. They are completely unable to cope with ANYTHING outside that bubble and so when confronted with reality they freak out, have a meltdown and start either going on the rampage or taking to Twitter to continuously whine about their hurt feelings. EVERYTHING is geared entirely toward Emotional Thinking and geared AWAY from any type of attempt at Logical Thinking. It's ALL about the feels.
Sorry......you don't get to dodge the fact.....

You guys claim that more guns create more gun murder and more gun crime....that is what you claim, that is the reason you say we need to ban guns.....

The truth is.....as more Americans own more guns, and carry them.....gun crime went down...showing that normal people who own guns does not increase the gun crime rate....at all....

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns, but now carry them for self defense, our gun murder rate went down 49%...

With what you believe....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own but now carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%....

With what you believe,.....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns but carry them for self defense, our violent crime rate went down 72%.....

With what you believe, how do you explain that?

Nothing you believe about guns is supported by actual facts, the truth, or reality on the ground......how do you justify your believes beyond simply not liking guns?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.
guess what happened...
mass shootings skyrocketed.
How many mass shootings were in gun free zones? And don’t forget the last administration did change the definition of a mass shooting to 3 or more vs previously being 5 or more, then changed it back to 4 killed or more in 2015. Yet Nancy Pelosi and others Dems continue to define a mass shooting as 3 or more shot, not killed, to help push their agenda. This allows them to scream mass shootings are up tremendously under their terms, even though they actually are not. Most left wing media call anything with 3 or more injured as a mass shooting, as well as gang killings etc., which traditionally were never included in that term.
I'm talking about the big mass shootings, the ones we hear about on the news for days. Burn candles for and send thoughts and prayers and absolutely nothing helpful. I've been alive long enough to remember when these kind of shootings did not happen, and when they happened extremely rarely.
Two things. First, we didn’t have cable news 24/7 or the internet like we do now. Secondly, and what I consider the most important factor-
View attachment 301727
No proper treatment of the mentally ill and noone wants to talk about it-
The true magnitude of deinstitutionalization, then, is the difference between 885,010 and 71,619. In effect, approximately 92 percent of the people who would have been living in public psychiatric hospitals in 1955 were not living there in 1994. Even allowing for the approximately 40,000 patients who occupied psychiatric beds in general hospitals or the approximately 10,000 patients who occupied psychiatric beds in community mental health centers (CMHCs) on any given day in 1994, that still means that approximately 763,391 severely mentally ill people (over three-quarters of a million) are living in the community today who would have been hospitalized 40 years ago. That number is more than the population of Baltimore or San Francisco.
Deinstitutionalization - Special Reports | The New Asylums | FRONTLINE | PBS
Our population has also more than doubled since 1950.

I believe you are correct. I remember a shooting in Oregon around 1981 or so and he killed 4 or 5 people, wounded 15-20 as I remember, outside of Oregon it got little attention. The 24/7 news cycle allows news agencies to cover a lot more and give the stories much more attention.

Now the mental disease aspect is also another area which I also believe is an issue. I am more inclined to believe that we are not teaching people how to cope with disappointment, frustration and personal responsibility in today's world. We seem to be seeing less coping skills and blame others. The computer age has ushered a world of isolation and depression, less compassion and fellow feeling.

We need to start training children at a young age to be compassionate and teach them to help others, engage with others, learn from others and be tolerant of others.

Also losing in some things is a valuable lesson to learn, it makes children double the effort to work harder to perform better the next time.

The other thing is they are being put on a path to valuing machines more than human contact with peoples, so many of them are unable to communicate in what we would call a normal way, they are constantly in Twitter Mode or Smart Phone Mode and this is the only way they can communicate, it's NOT healthy.

They are depressed also because they are being convinced to eat the WRONG foods, foods that have minimal nutritional value to both the general body and the brain. NEVER in human history have humans based their diet ENTIRELY on Plant Based foods, we are and have been in our ENTIRE history meat and fish eaters, meat and fish gives the general body and the brain VITAL proteins that Plant Based foods do NOT have and protein supplements are NOT a good alternative to the real thing.

I think this Negative Diet that many children and teenagers are being told via Propaganda to eat is contributing both to their depression and also to their lethargy because too many children and teenagers do lack energy and often seem tired all the time and this is because they are NOT getting a BALANCED and HEALTHY diet.

What these Cultural Marxists are doing to children and teenagers is basic evil, to value machines over human contact to eat foods that are detrimental to their health in order to Save The Planet which is complete horsecrap. They are DELIBERATELY DAMAGING and SOCIALLY CRIPPLING children and teenagers to further their disgusting Agenda. It's a disgusting Social Engineering Experiment using children and teenagers and it SHOULD have been FORCIBLY stopped years ago.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.

Another shooting in England, this one last night:

View attachment 301743
View attachment 301744

Police appeal for information after teenager shot in Merseyside

And ANOTHER stabbing to death on Sunday:

View attachment 301745

Two people arrested after man stabbed to death in Accrington

Their gun murder rate is going to go up....the British police have stated the press that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country.....so their immigrant gangs will gradually start shooting each other more and more, especially as the Government has to cut back on the police to pay for their welfare state.

Well the British illustrate WHY even if the majority of guns are banned you are STILL going to get criminals with guns shooting peoples and so this SHOULD be Exhibit A for why banning guns does absolutely ZERO to stop peoples getting shot at random and/or deliberately targeted by a crazy with a gun.

As I comment last night the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
How do you know its bullshit?
Because that's what they tell you?
Do you think they let you and the other useful idiots in on their end goal?
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.

Another shooting in England, this one last night:

View attachment 301743
View attachment 301744

Police appeal for information after teenager shot in Merseyside

And ANOTHER stabbing to death on Sunday:

View attachment 301745

Two people arrested after man stabbed to death in Accrington

Their gun murder rate is going to go up....the British police have stated the press that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country.....so their immigrant gangs will gradually start shooting each other more and more, especially as the Government has to cut back on the police to pay for their welfare state.

Well the British illustrate WHY even if the majority of guns are banned you are STILL going to get criminals with guns shooting peoples and so this SHOULD be Exhibit A for why banning guns does absolutely ZERO to stop peoples getting shot at random and/or deliberately targeted by a crazy with a gun.

As I comment last night the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.

Prove it's in your words "complete, total, utter bullshit"

ALL signs show that banning most and/or ALL guns does NOT stop gun shootings. The Leftists DO have a fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and as ALL signs show banning firerarms does NOT stop gun shootings then there logically HAS to be some other ulterior motive for the CONTINUING fanatical obsession to disarm LAW ABIDING gun owners.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
How do you know its bullshit?
Because that's what they tell you?
Do you think they let you and the other useful idiots in on their end goal?

Of course not as I commented last night, the End Game involves putting the Useful Idiots who babbled the Propaganda up against the wall, once the Useful Idiots have served their purpose they will NOT be needed anymore. We have seen this film before, we KNOW how it ends, history guides us to remember Josef Stalin and his Useful Idiots and what he had done to them, they ALL ended up either in mass graves or dead in the Gulags.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.

Another shooting in England, this one last night:

View attachment 301743
View attachment 301744

Police appeal for information after teenager shot in Merseyside

And ANOTHER stabbing to death on Sunday:

View attachment 301745

Two people arrested after man stabbed to death in Accrington

Their gun murder rate is going to go up....the British police have stated the press that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country.....so their immigrant gangs will gradually start shooting each other more and more, especially as the Government has to cut back on the police to pay for their welfare state.

Well the British illustrate WHY even if the majority of guns are banned you are STILL going to get criminals with guns shooting peoples and so this SHOULD be Exhibit A for why banning guns does absolutely ZERO to stop peoples getting shot at random and/or deliberately targeted by a crazy with a gun.

As I comment last night the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.

Prove it's in your words "complete, total, utter bullshit"

ALL signs show that banning most and/or ALL guns does NOT stop gun shootings. The Leftists DO have a fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and as ALL signs show banning firerarms does NOT stop gun shootings then there logically HAS to be some other ulterior motive for the CONTINUING fanatical obsession to disarm LAW ABIDING gun owners.
You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it. Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that. Just compare the gun homicide rates in any nation with limits on gun access and the United States. It's common knowledge and you've seen the graphs and the stats a million times. They're not fake news.

I can't prove a negative, as you know. I can't prove that the leaders of the left aren't diabolical bad guys like Dr. No who are trying to take over the world. I just know lots of Democrats in the real world and I know people who agree with me about gun control in this country and not a single one of them has any "agenda" except to make this a safer place for their children to grow up. Period. End of story.
You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it.
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws of those countries and their fewer number of homicides.
Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that.
The ~30yr increase in the number of the guns in the US and the decrease of gun-related violent crime in the US over the same period of time says otherwise.
Last edited:

Their gun murder rate is going to go up....the British police have stated the press that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country.....so their immigrant gangs will gradually start shooting each other more and more, especially as the Government has to cut back on the police to pay for their welfare state.

Well the British illustrate WHY even if the majority of guns are banned you are STILL going to get criminals with guns shooting peoples and so this SHOULD be Exhibit A for why banning guns does absolutely ZERO to stop peoples getting shot at random and/or deliberately targeted by a crazy with a gun.

As I comment last night the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.

Prove it's in your words "complete, total, utter bullshit"

ALL signs show that banning most and/or ALL guns does NOT stop gun shootings. The Leftists DO have a fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and as ALL signs show banning firerarms does NOT stop gun shootings then there logically HAS to be some other ulterior motive for the CONTINUING fanatical obsession to disarm LAW ABIDING gun owners.
You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it. Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that. Just compare the gun homicide rates in any nation with limits on gun access and the United States. It's common knowledge and you've seen the graphs and the stats a million times. They're not fake news.

I can't prove a negative, as you know. I can't prove that the leaders of the left aren't diabolical bad guys like Dr. No who are trying to take over the world. I just know lots of Democrats in the real world and I know people who agree with me about gun control in this country and not a single one of them has any "agenda" except to make this a safer place for their children to grow up. Period. End of story.

Wrong...they don't have fewer homicides because of their gun control laws...they have fewer murders because of their culture.....as my links showing the easy access to guns in all of those countries demonstrated.

Moron......again......more Americans now own and carry guns...over 18.6 million people now carry guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%......how do you explain that? Our gun crime rate went down 75%...how do you explain that?

You don't understand this issue......I have linked to those countries and have shown they have easy access to actual military weapons........yet they still have fewer murders....it is culture, not guns, that drives the murder rate.

I just know lots of Democrats in the real world and I know people who agree with me about gun control in this country and not a single one of them has any "agenda" except to make this a safer place for their children to grow up. Period.

The entire democrat party leadership, the democrats on the Supreme Court, the democrats in hollywood and education all want to ban guns........

Their gun murder rate is going to go up....the British police have stated the press that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country.....so their immigrant gangs will gradually start shooting each other more and more, especially as the Government has to cut back on the police to pay for their welfare state.

Well the British illustrate WHY even if the majority of guns are banned you are STILL going to get criminals with guns shooting peoples and so this SHOULD be Exhibit A for why banning guns does absolutely ZERO to stop peoples getting shot at random and/or deliberately targeted by a crazy with a gun.

As I comment last night the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.

Prove it's in your words "complete, total, utter bullshit"

ALL signs show that banning most and/or ALL guns does NOT stop gun shootings. The Leftists DO have a fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and as ALL signs show banning firerarms does NOT stop gun shootings then there logically HAS to be some other ulterior motive for the CONTINUING fanatical obsession to disarm LAW ABIDING gun owners.
You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it. Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that. Just compare the gun homicide rates in any nation with limits on gun access and the United States. It's common knowledge and you've seen the graphs and the stats a million times. They're not fake news.

I can't prove a negative, as you know. I can't prove that the leaders of the left aren't diabolical bad guys like Dr. No who are trying to take over the world. I just know lots of Democrats in the real world and I know people who agree with me about gun control in this country and not a single one of them has any "agenda" except to make this a safer place for their children to grow up. Period. End of story.

It is culture, not guns......which is why the increasing violence in Europe can't be explained by your theory...

U.S. vs U.K. - Crime/Murder - iGeek

  • If you look at the (the blue line): Each time the UK enacted or stiffened their gun control laws, they saw an increase in murder rates. Each new law, had no positive (and some negative) impact or an increase in murder rates. (Crime trends are even worse). (In the 1950’s they outlawed conceal and carry, in the 80’s it was shotguns, and in the late 90’s it was all pistols). So regardless of whether the UK has fewer murders than the US for cultural reasons, we know that gun control didn’t help the UK’s murder rate.
  • Next if you look at the (the red line): I overlaid (and adjusted) the U.S. murder rates with major gun control events. After JFK was shot, states and eventually the Fed (1968) passed all sorts of gun control laws — and what happened to our murder rates? They doubled from around 5 to 10 per 100K over the next decade, and they hovered there, despite all sorts of state and federal revisions, or more laws (30,000 different state/local/federal gun control laws were passed in total). There was no significant positive effects, and some observable negative ones in the U.S. due to our gun control laws.
  • Then in the late 80’s Florida passed “Must Issue” conceal and carry and castle doctrine laws were passed, and their crime/murder rates started falling noticeably. Many other states (in the South and Midwest) followed suit, with the same effects in their state murder rates, and eventually enough of those added up to start impacting the federal murder rates noticeably. Then the federal assault weapon ban expired — and if gun control worked, you’d expect an upward spike in murders, but murders trended down. Adding gun control had no positive effects, and removing them had no significant negative effects, in the U.S.!. So if you have the choice of tyranny or liberty, and there's no benefit to tyranny: opt for liberty.
  • -----

Something important to know is that the U.K. ONS distorts their numbers for political reasons. While the rest of the world measures murder rates as people who are killed, the ONS does two things to cheat:

  1. They exclude Scotland and North Ireland from their counting: I guess when they are murdered, it isn’t as important to ONS as if Britons die. While that is only about 10% of the total population of the UK, it is significantly more of their crimes and murders.
  2. They only count murders where someone is charged with a crime. (Only between 1/2 and 3/4ths of all murders are counted).
  3. ----
  4. n the U.S. Blacks are 1/7th the population, but over 1/2 of all our murders, and Latino’s are about the same 15% of the population and are responsible for over half the rest of murders.England has virtually no blacks or latino’s (<3%). So if we correct for those demographic differences (or just compare a subset — the U.S.’s white murder rate to the UK’s white murder rate), we find that in the bright red trend line, that the U.S. has a lower murder rate than the U.K.

    Racist:Now around this time, people that can’t handle the facts or truth, start trying to distract by claiming either I’m racist, or this data is racist. But data is not making judgements, it’s just facts.

    The problem isn’t racial in America, but it is cultural.
    Black immigrants don’t have the same murder rates as Black Americans.
    And if you dive into the groups, you find rural blacks (and whites and latinos) have lower murder rates than inner cities. It’s also not income or income equality based since rural poor have lower murder rates than urban poor -- and many richer countries have more murders/crime than many poorer ones. It's about failures of the inner city gang culture.

    So facts are facts. In the U.S. we have a lower white murder rate (but higher black murder rate) than the U.K.

    And white’s in America have higher gun ownership rates than blacks (or than whites in the U.K.) — so we know that gun control doesn’t help murder rates for whites. At least across these two countries.

    And the reason for differences among blacks in the two countries is easily explained by gang culture in the U.S.
Anyone vaguely informed on gun control issues knows is that the U.S. does not have a gun problem.

  • Whites and Asian are highly responsible with guns, and have a lower murder rate than almost all of Europe and the OECD countries. We have a very specific problem: democrats, blacks and latino gang-members drag our murder and crime rates averages up.
  • The UK has a higher white murder rate, but they use clubs and knives rather than guns. Since I’m pretty sure most people don’t want to be stabbed or beaten to death, the important factor is whether you’re murdered or not (not the tool the murderer uses), right?
Another thing gun-controller advocates either don’t realize (or do, and lie about) is as bad as the U.S. is at murders or violent crime -- the UK is worse despite their gun control. England alone has something like 600 murdersby knife per year (and 26,370 knife crimes). Compare that to only 1,500 for the U.S., with over 5 times the population. Home invasion robberies, aggravated assault, violent rape, and stabbings are worse in the UK than in the U.S. And that's BEFORE you correct for race and gang crimes.

Their gun murder rate is going to go up....the British police have stated the press that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country.....so their immigrant gangs will gradually start shooting each other more and more, especially as the Government has to cut back on the police to pay for their welfare state.

Well the British illustrate WHY even if the majority of guns are banned you are STILL going to get criminals with guns shooting peoples and so this SHOULD be Exhibit A for why banning guns does absolutely ZERO to stop peoples getting shot at random and/or deliberately targeted by a crazy with a gun.

As I comment last night the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.

Prove it's in your words "complete, total, utter bullshit"

ALL signs show that banning most and/or ALL guns does NOT stop gun shootings. The Leftists DO have a fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and as ALL signs show banning firerarms does NOT stop gun shootings then there logically HAS to be some other ulterior motive for the CONTINUING fanatical obsession to disarm LAW ABIDING gun owners.
You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it. Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that. Just compare the gun homicide rates in any nation with limits on gun access and the United States. It's common knowledge and you've seen the graphs and the stats a million times. They're not fake news.

I can't prove a negative, as you know. I can't prove that the leaders of the left aren't diabolical bad guys like Dr. No who are trying to take over the world. I just know lots of Democrats in the real world and I know people who agree with me about gun control in this country and not a single one of them has any "agenda" except to make this a safer place for their children to grow up. Period. End of story.

"Fewer guns means fewer shootings."

Total horsecrap, if that is so then EXPLAIN Switzerland where 1 in 2 of the population owns a gun, so the ENTIRE nation is basically ARMED and yet they have one of the LOWEST gun crime rates on the planet. As 2aguy has just said they don't have fewer gun crimes because of gun control, they have fewer gun crimes because of the culture.

Also many in this thread including me have repeatedly commented about Gulags, and that it is more easy to herd a population who are NOT agreeing to the Agenda into Gulags IF you first have disarmed them. Now we all have brought the Gulag situation to the attention of a thread that is dealing with the Leftists fanatical obsession with disarming LAW ABIDING gun owners because of the below that was very recently brought into PUBLIC attention.

Bernie Sanders campaign staff OPENLY saying that ANYONE NOT agreeing to the Leftist Agenda aka the Globalist Agenda should be sent to GULAGS:

Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Now a SECOND Bernie Sanders campaign staffer endorses Gulags for ALL Republicans and also endorses VIOLENT REVOLUTION. You OldLady seem to want EVERYONE to think that Leftists are all sweet and gentle like bunny rabbits, good thing that the majority of Right-Wingers know the opposite that this crowd are vicious filthy Communist POS who given the opportunity will LITERALLY be HAPPY to murder ALL Conservatives they can get their hands on and THAT is WHY they are so FANATICAL about DISARMING Legal Gun Owners so that their Target Group IF the need arises have NO WAY of DEFENDING themselves and their family against vicious filthy Communist POS like the below Big Nose Rat Like cvnt:






‘F**king Revolution’: Another Bernie Sanders Staffer Appears To Endorse Gulags
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You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it.
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws of those countries and their fewer number of homicides.
Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that.
The ~30yr increase in the number of the guns in the US and the decrease of gun-related violent crime in the US over the same period of time says otherwise.
What it says is that we have improved trauma surgery that saves many of those shooting victims.
You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it.
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws of those countries and their fewer number of homicides.
Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that.
The ~30yr increase in the number of the guns in the US and the decrease of gun-related violent crime in the US over the same period of time says otherwise.
What it says is that we have improved trauma surgery that saves many of those shooting victims.

Wrong......gun crime is down 75%, gun murder down 49% as more Americans not only buy guns but carry them...you can't explain that.
Their gun murder rate is going to go up....the British police have stated the press that they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country.....so their immigrant gangs will gradually start shooting each other more and more, especially as the Government has to cut back on the police to pay for their welfare state.

Well the British illustrate WHY even if the majority of guns are banned you are STILL going to get criminals with guns shooting peoples and so this SHOULD be Exhibit A for why banning guns does absolutely ZERO to stop peoples getting shot at random and/or deliberately targeted by a crazy with a gun.

As I comment last night the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.
the Leftists have an ulterior motive in their fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and it has ZERO to do with stopping criminals and/or crazy peoples from going on the shooting rampage.

Prove it's in your words "complete, total, utter bullshit"

ALL signs show that banning most and/or ALL guns does NOT stop gun shootings. The Leftists DO have a fanatical obsession with disarming ENTIRE populations and as ALL signs show banning firerarms does NOT stop gun shootings then there logically HAS to be some other ulterior motive for the CONTINUING fanatical obsession to disarm LAW ABIDING gun owners.
You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it. Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that. Just compare the gun homicide rates in any nation with limits on gun access and the United States. It's common knowledge and you've seen the graphs and the stats a million times. They're not fake news.

I can't prove a negative, as you know. I can't prove that the leaders of the left aren't diabolical bad guys like Dr. No who are trying to take over the world. I just know lots of Democrats in the real world and I know people who agree with me about gun control in this country and not a single one of them has any "agenda" except to make this a safer place for their children to grow up. Period. End of story.

"Fewer guns means fewer shootings."

Total horsecrap, if that is so then EXPLAIN Switzerland where 1 in 2 of the population owns a gun, so the ENTIRE nation is basically ARMED and yet they have one of the LOWEST gun crime rates on the planet. As 2aguy has just said they don't have fewer gun crimes because of gun control, they have fewer gun crimes because of the culture.

Also many in this thread including me have repeatedly commented about Gulags, and that it is more easy to herd a population who are NOT agreeing to the Agenda into Gulags IF you first have disarmed them. Now we all have brought the Gulag situation to the attention of a thread that is dealing with the Leftists fanatical obsession with disarming LAW ABIDING gun owners because of the below that was very recently brought into PUBLIC attention.

Bernie Sanders campaign staff OPENLY saying that ANYONE NOT agreeing to the Leftist Agenda aka the Globalist Agenda should be sent to GULAGS:

Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Now a SECOND Bernie Sanders campaign staffer endorses Gulags for ALL Republicans and also endorses VIOLENT REVOLUTION. You OldLady seem to want EVERYONE to think that Leftists are all sweet and gentle like bunny rabbits, good thing that the majority of Right-Wingers know the opposite that this crowd are vicious filthy Communist POS who given the opportunity will LITERALLY be HAPPY to murder ALL Conservatives they can get their hands on and THAT is WHY they are so FANATICAL about DISARMING Legal Gun Owners so that their Target Group IF the need arises have NO WAY of DEFENDING themselves and their family against vicious filthy Communist POS like the below Big Nose Rat Like cvnt:

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‘F**king Revolution’: Another Bernie Sanders Staffer Appears To Endorse Gulags
Gulags, Lucy? Look, I'm not wasting my time talking to someone that far out of reality. I hope you are either putting me on or that you get some help. This crap you're arguing is unsound.
You're wrong there. Countries with strict gun control have so far fewer gun homicides that it is ridiculous to even question it.
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws of those countries and their fewer number of homicides.
Fewer guns means fewer shootings. It is as simple as that.
The ~30yr increase in the number of the guns in the US and the decrease of gun-related violent crime in the US over the same period of time says otherwise.
What it says is that we have improved trauma surgery that saves many of those shooting victims.
I said gun-related violent crime, not gun-related murder, and thus your response has no relevance to what I said.
The facts prove your statement wrong.

Oh, and...
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws of those countries and their fewer number of homicides.

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