Kansas GOP Governor Sam Brownback's Austerity Measures Backfire


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Gov. Sam Brownback promised Kansans that his deep income tax cuts favoring the wealthy would bring lots of great new things to the state.

Instead, Brownback — and residents — have been enduring a steady drumbeat of bad news after the cuts took effect.

This week, a 31-hour stretch brought three different body blows to Brownback’s administration.

▪ At 9 a.m. Tuesday, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report showing how jobs had grown in metropolitan areas across America.

Unfortunately for Brownback, the report showed that the Missouri side of the state line had gained jobs at four times the rate of the Kansas side. And yes, that’s after including new employment in Johnson and Wyandotte counties.

So much for Brownback’s promise that jobs would be fleeing Missouri-side cities for Kansas after the tax cuts.

▪ Shortly after noon Tuesday, a judicial panel in Shawnee County released a ruling that Kansas was inadequately funding K-12 education.

That could mean the state would need to pump in $500 million extra a year or more to bring schools up to par.

That’s extremely concerning news for Brownback. He already will have to suggest how to slash the state budget in the coming months because the income tax cuts are on pace to help cause a $1.1 billion hole in revenues in this and the next fiscal year.

▪ Finally, on Wednesday afternoon, Kansas officials released figures showingthe state had collected $15 million less than expected in December.

More: Sam Brownback's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad 31 hours - The Kansas City Star

Results in Kansas lay waste to the lie that cutting taxes increases prosperity. Want a preview of what Kochworld looks like? Look no further than their home state of Kansas.

What's The Matter With Kansas? Austerity. Crooks and Liars

I have always thought that Kansas GOP Governor Sam Brownback was a loose canon. These grim statistics prove I was correct.
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The new GOP Congress should learn some valuable lessons from Brownback's failed austerity experiment. The failed austerity experiment once again proved that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Even the slow learners should now know that "trickle-down" doesn't work - except for the rich.
But this is supply side economics!!! The prosperity miracles will start popping in any minute now and everyone in Kansas will be RICH next year!!

Gov. Sam Brownback promised Kansans that his deep income tax cuts favoring the wealthy would bring lots of great new things to the state.

Instead, Brownback — and residents — have been enduring a steady drumbeat of bad news after the cuts took effect.

This week, a 31-hour stretch brought three different body blows to Brownback’s administration.

▪ At 9 a.m. Tuesday, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report showing how jobs had grown in metropolitan areas across America.

Unfortunately for Brownback, the report showed that the Missouri side of the state line had gained jobs at four times the rate of the Kansas side. And yes, that’s after including new employment in Johnson and Wyandotte counties.

So much for Brownback’s promise that jobs would be fleeing Missouri-side cities for Kansas after the tax cuts.

▪ Shortly after noon Tuesday, a judicial panel in Shawnee County released a ruling that Kansas was inadequately funding K-12 education.

That could mean the state would need to pump in $500 million extra a year or more to bring schools up to par.

That’s extremely concerning news for Brownback. He already will have to suggest how to slash the state budget in the coming months because the income tax cuts are on pace to help cause a $1.1 billion hole in revenues in this and the next fiscal year.

▪ Finally, on Wednesday afternoon, Kansas officials released figures showingthe state had collected $15 million less than expected in December.

More: Sam Brownback's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad 31 hours - The Kansas City Star

Results in Kansas lay waste to the lie that cutting taxes increases prosperity. Want a preview of what Kochworld looks like? Look no further than their home state of Kansas.

What's The Matter With Kansas? Austerity. Crooks and Liars

I have always thought that Kansas GOP Governor Sam Brownback was a loose canon. These grim statistics prove I was correct.

They had a chance to get rid of him but they reelected him.

So that's what they want. If they want to make the filthy rich even more filthy rich at the expense of themselves and the future of their state, they have that right.

It just shows how stupid they are.

It also proves that they will vote for anyone just as long as there's an R next to their name. It doesn't matter what damage that politician has done. Political party is much more important to them than themselves and the future of their state.

One last thing, as I've said since the reagan years, tax cuts don't create jobs. No employer is going to hire someone to stand around all day doing nothing. The only reason an employer will hire new people is that there's more work to do than the existing employees can do in a regular work week. If that's happening that business is having more sales and a tax cut is the last thing they need. All tax cuts do is create debt and poverty while making people who are already filthy rich even more rich. It actually harms capitalism because it causes large portions of money to be concentrated in a few hands. Capitalism needs the free flow of money, proper regulation and taxation to work.
His "experiment" has been an abysmal failure. The rich who received those massive cuts are extremely happy. They got theirs, the little guy got the shaft. I hope this gets more national attention. Kansas is a low wage, low benefit utopia...lol
"So much for Brownback’s promise that jobs would be fleeing Missouri-side cities for Kansas after the tax cuts."

It's not just Brownback, it's anyone else on the extreme right who advocates for these same failed policies of conservative fiscal dogma, policies that should be rejected across the Nation.
Don't worry, he will find a way to make up the loss on the backs of the middle class..which in his state is seeing declining incomes. And they may be dumb enough to vote him in again. I wonder how big those tax breaks for the wealthy were? His policies are pure failures.
The attacks on potential GOP Presidential candidates has begun...

yep. I also love how evidently fiscally conservative policies have to work RIGHT NOW, or they are a failure, meanwhile progressive policies get decades of time to fuck places over.
Yeah Kansas needs a Democrat Leader to introduce Austerity Measures so you "Progressives" can all support it.
Somehow the wealthy will get another tax cut, those in the middle class will be asked to "sacrifice" for the good of the state. What a sick way to govern. Gut education, gut this, gut that. Give it to the corporations and wealthy. Is this what Kansas wants? Holy cow.
Somehow the wealthy will get another tax cut, those in the middle class will be asked to "sacrifice" for the good of the state. What a sick way to govern. Gut education, gut this, gut that. Give it to the corporations and wealthy. Is this what Kansas wants? Holy cow.

It is my understanding that the tax rate cut was 25% for all levels of income. I agree it didn't work in Kansas, but this crap about the 'filthy rich' is childish prattle.
So now Kansas will have to either cut every program the middle class and working poor need to survive or raise taxes... What could he have possibly based this massive failure on? Did he not see this coming? What exactly was he thinking? It never had a chance.

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