Kansas moves to implement $25 ATM withdrawal limit for welfare recipients

People collecting welfare should not be allowed to vote
Does Social Security count as welfare too?

Why not? It's government money just like welfare.

Or is this more Right Wing voter suppression?

good one doofus

remember it was a left-wing idiot comparing seniors who worked a lifetime to welfare recipients the next time some left-wing nutjobs is crying over the word entitlement program
But if those on public assistance should be banned from the voting booth, is it because they receive public assistance, or is it because the Right Wing seeks to suppress the vote?
Voter suppression is often how GOP get elected in many states and counties. Though banning poor people voting wouldn't save the GOP, as there are plenty of immigrants, and demographics are changing.
Thanks for more logical fallacies, like calling me stupid, drunk/stoned and now insane? Anything more to add, as I am rapidly running out of reasons to care what you think.

See ... You did respond and there was no fallacy in that ... I didn't call you stupid as much as you continue proving to be.
You want to go double or nothing your retarded ass responds again?

People collecting welfare should not be allowed to vote

Does that include the mortgage interest deduction?

Apparently, you don't understand the definition of welfare. You might to look it up.

It's all money. The mortgage deduction is someone's free money at someone else's expense.

No, it's my money at nobody's expense because I earned it. The only way you can claim it's at someone else's expense is if you believe every dollar we earn belongs to the government and not us and they are simply nice enough to let us have what's in our paycheck, which is a 100% Communist view point. Is that what you think?
Does Social Security count as welfare too?

Why not? It's government money just like welfare.

Or is this more Right Wing voter suppression?

good one doofus

remember it was a left-wing idiot comparing seniors who worked a lifetime to welfare recipients the next time some left-wing nutjobs is crying over the word entitlement program
But if those on public assistance should be banned from the voting booth, is it because they receive public assistance, or is it because the Right Wing seeks to suppress the vote?
Voter suppression is often how GOP get elected in many states and counties. Though banning poor people voting wouldn't save the GOP, as there are plenty of immigrants, and demographics are changing.
When the GOP isn't suppressing the vote by requiring IDs, they are suppressing the vote of these on public assistance. But, most favored by the GOP is choosing the voters by gerrymandering. Candidates choosing the voters rather than the voters choosing the candidates. That's the GOP way.
We should get rid of this bad idea to provide the poor with welfare.
It does not make their life better.
It cause too many problems and hard discussion among American population.
It looks too unfair for hard-working persons.
this was an older thread where they were ATTACKING Republicans for the very same BS. in THIS OBAMA economy, I can't AFFORD to by steak and seafood. They don't care about the people on welfare. they just USE them to beat Republicans down with. gawd wake up they are so transparent

Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood
its really that bad steph? I'm me and I will send you a gift certificate to red lobster or something...

oh my that is sweet. No we are holding our head above water so far. My guy had open heart surgery and has been off work for nine months now. but he's 28 years with Ford so we still get some monies every week.
But the damn prices of food today. OMG I don't how some people are making it. but I damn sure wouldn't go crawl on welfare even though we probably could have during this struggle. I'd get a second job or something. I have more PRIDE. something that is lacking in the people in this day and age.
that was touching though. :smiliehug:
You spend 24/7 here. Your lack of funds isn't Obama's fault, it's yours.
We should get rid of this bad idea to provide the poor with welfare.
It does not make their life better.
It cause too many problems and hard discussion among American population.
It looks too unfair for hard-working persons.

Public assistance is not a 'bad idea.'

It's a necessary, proper policy in response to the byproduct of poverty endemic to a free-market capitalist system.

Free market capitalism is the best and most efficient economic system that will ever be devised, but it is not perfect, and one of its imperfections is that it will always maintain a static population of the poor and low income; public assistance is an important, warranted countermeasure.

For example, the vast majority of those who receive public assistance receive it for only a short period of time, never to return. It's one of the many reasons why punishing those on public assistance makes no sense, where the 'welfare queen' myth is a ridiculous contrivance of the right.
this was an older thread where they were ATTACKING Republicans for the very same BS. in THIS OBAMA economy, I can't AFFORD to by steak and seafood. They don't care about the people on welfare. they just USE them to beat Republicans down with. gawd wake up they are so transparent

Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood
its really that bad steph? I'm me and I will send you a gift certificate to red lobster or something...

oh my that is sweet. No we are holding our head above water so far. My guy had open heart surgery and has been off work for nine months now. but he's 28 years with Ford so we still get some monies every week.
But the damn prices of food today. OMG I don't how some people are making it. but I damn sure wouldn't go crawl on welfare even though we probably could have during this struggle. I'd get a second job or something. I have more PRIDE. something that is lacking in the people in this day and age.
that was touching though. :smiliehug:
The offer will always stand, I am always helping out neighbors and friends, money don't mean much to me, I can always work more hours and get more....

I guess that's why I will never vote democrat because I don't need hand outs just give me jobs and I will do the rest

Funny, I've never needed "handouts" either and have always voted Democrat. You really think only Democrats are SNAP recipients? Do you have any idea who gets assistance?

LOL, he got to you on that one. And what's "funny" is you didn't get his point, which was OBVIOUS. I was referring to Democrats voting for excessive welfare, not that Democrats are the only ones on welfare. Seriously, how did you possibly not get that?
Since Democrats were the only ones successfully cutting the welfare roles by forcing wage hikes or increasing employment, maybe GOP should shut up.
We should get rid of this bad idea to provide the poor with welfare.
It does not make their life better.
It cause too many problems and hard discussion among American population.
It looks too unfair for hard-working persons.
Right. Because the poor are doing so well, why should they get public assistance?

You must not know much.
Does Social Security count as welfare too?

Why not? It's government money just like welfare.

Or is this more Right Wing voter suppression?

good one doofus

remember it was a left-wing idiot comparing seniors who worked a lifetime to welfare recipients the next time some left-wing nutjobs is crying over the word entitlement program
But if those on public assistance should be banned from the voting booth, is it because they receive public assistance, or is it because the Right Wing seeks to suppress the vote?
Voter suppression is often how GOP get elected in many states and counties. Though banning poor people voting wouldn't save the GOP, as there are plenty of immigrants, and demographics are changing.

poor thing, You're nothing more but a talking point parrot of the DNC. not impressive. looks stupid really
Kansas moves to implement 25 ATM withdrawal limit for welfare recipients The Wichita Eagle
I have a misleading question:
Welfare is paid out of the government's treasury, isn't it?
The banks charge a fee of 5%.
Isn't that like the banks charging the government a 5% fee for hosting welfare benefits?
It looks like being unfair a little bit.
Banks will have their profit in any conditions.

The best way to prevent people from getting welfare is to tell the banks the max fee is zero. Banks will,stop allowing welfare recipients from using the atm.

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