Kansas: Now Targeting Breeders!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Here's a little bitter pill for all the right wingers praising Kansas and it's homophobia lately.

Now they'r coming after you married folk!

No-fault divorce gives people an easy out instead of working at it,” Esau told The Wichita Eagle on Friday. “It would be my hope that they could work out their incompatibilities and learn to work together on things.”

…Esau disputed the suggestion that bill was an example of government overreach. He said the state gives benefits to married couples, such as tax breaks, so couples shouldn’t enter into the institution of marriage lightly.

Moreover, he said, the state has a vested interest in supporting “strong families,” and divorce undermines that.

“I think we’ve made divorce way too easy in this country,” he said. “If we really want to respect marriage it needs to be a commitment that people work at and don’t find arbitrary reasons to give up.”
Here's a little bitter pill for all the right wingers praising Kansas and it's homophobia lately.

Now they'r coming after you married folk!

No-fault divorce gives people an easy out instead of working at it,” Esau told The Wichita Eagle on Friday. “It would be my hope that they could work out their incompatibilities and learn to work together on things.”

…Esau disputed the suggestion that bill was an example of government overreach. He said the state gives benefits to married couples, such as tax breaks, so couples shouldn’t enter into the institution of marriage lightly.

Moreover, he said, the state has a vested interest in supporting “strong families,” and divorce undermines that.

“I think we’ve made divorce way too easy in this country,” he said. “If we really want to respect marriage it needs to be a commitment that people work at and don’t find arbitrary reasons to give up.”

Good for Kansas. States should be able to choose how marriage acts in their boundaries. Will strengthen the commitment and ensure people are marrying for love and not sex, money etc.

People need to be in love to marry because their natural offspring will benefit the most from that. Marriage is about children ultimately, and adults are a secondary consideration IMHO.

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