Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos, cruises, psychics

All US money is imaginary. Can print however much they want because it isn't backed by gold any more. So objecting to spending because you think it's a lot doesn't make any sense because the money has only as much value as we say it does, but no real vlaue - it's just fancy paper.

US is over $18 trillion in debt. Even if we were only $1 trillion in debt we could never pay it off without reducing spending to zero for some years. So when ever a politician talks about reducing spending, they're taking advantage of stupid people who think that's going to do something real. It isn't. Can spend as much as they want since it seems they know they'll default on the national debt eventually.

You seem to forget that 'imaginary money' as you call them are still tied to gold reserves and national economy of the issuing country. The US currency is strong until national economy is blooming. The price of money is not set randomly according to the needs of the people.
Doesn't Kansass have any REAL issues to deal with?

Don't you think freeloaders are a real issue, not only in Kansas but all over the US. If only this country was made of self-reliant, independent people we would never end up in a socialist grave Mr O is pushing us.
You right wing whack jobs do not ever want to see welfare and welfare fraud eliminated. Bitching about those two subjects (welfare and welfare fraud). gives you one of your two reasons to live.
It think the lesson here is if Kansas (with the way they have run their state) does A, you probably better doing B.

What can you expect; You have a guys who ran on the premise that Government doesn't work and will never work AND then are suprised that when they are in charge that Government doesn't work.
I was taught that a social safety net is the price we pay for living in a capitalist society.

Ever wonder who taught you that? Think maybe the owners of the "Walmarts" of the world had anything to do with it?

I know exactly who taught me that and why. It was the great Canadian writer and historian Pierre Burton, in his book The Smug Minority.

You lot certainly fit his description of the Smug Minority. So sure it could never happen to you.
Doesn't Kansass have any REAL issues to deal with?

Don't you think freeloaders are a real issue, not only in Kansas but all over the US. If only this country was made of self-reliant, independent people we would never end up in a socialist grave Mr O is pushing us.

No, I don't think freeloaders are the real issue. Those who are receiving benefits are retired, disabled, military families, minimum wage workers, and welfare recipients. The percentage of people receiving welfare with no intention of working, are less than 1% of the population.

The right wing media keeps you lot focused on welfare cheats to distract you from the corporate welfare queens like Walmart who use government programs to supplement wages. That's $6.2 billion you lot donated to the Walton's coffers, and you lot blame their employees, not the corporation. Talk about picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.
I was taught that a social safety net is the price we pay for living in a capitalist society.

Ever wonder who taught you that? Think maybe the owners of the "Walmarts" of the world had anything to do with it?

I know exactly who taught me that and why. It was the great Canadian writer and historian Pierre Burton, in his book The Smug Minority.

You lot certainly fit his description of the Smug Minority. So sure it could never happen to you.

Yeah? How's that?
Can you really pay for a freaking tattoo with food stamps? Do they accept food stamps at the bar or can you tip the staff with food stamps on cruise ships? Do they accept American food stamps in payment for tourist trinkets in Carribian ports? If so the world has gone crazy.
Doesn't Kansass have any REAL issues to deal with?

Don't you think freeloaders are a real issue, not only in Kansas but all over the US. If only this country was made of self-reliant, independent people we would never end up in a socialist grave Mr O is pushing us.

No, I don't think freeloaders are the real issue. Those who are receiving benefits are retired, disabled, military families, minimum wage workers, and welfare recipients. The percentage of people receiving welfare with no intention of working, are less than 1% of the population.

The right wing media keeps you lot focused on welfare cheats to distract you from the corporate welfare queens like Walmart who use government programs to supplement wages. That's $6.2 billion you lot donated to the Walton's coffers, and you lot blame their employees, not the corporation. Talk about picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

Corporations may be bad and some of them clearly are but keep in mind that all those people you are talking about are still employed by them. Walmart is paying terribly low but it is still paying. More than that, covered by the government, international companies have real protection in the higher echelons of politicians, which makes them a hard nut to crack.
"We're trying to make sure those benefits are used the way they were intended," O'Donnell, vice chair of the state senate's standing committee on public health and welfare, said. "This is about prosperity. This is about having a great life."

Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos cruises psychics - CNN.com

That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.


I'm a big proponent of our welfare programs because most people who are getting help do actually work, or they are elderly or kids. That being said, I have no problem in realistically limiting what people can purchase with those funds. Everything listed here seems reasonable, however, the proposed bill in Missouri restricting food stamp recipients from purchasing steak or seafood is absurd. In that case, some dumbass thinks it's a great idea for these people to be forced into eating frozen processed foods rather than healthy meat or seafood.

I think you understand these limitations have nothing to do with healthy diet. The only point of excluding seafood and steak from welfare recipients' menu is motivation. The more uncomfortable you feel while on welfare the higher the chances your are getting the job as soon as possible. Oh, and the second reason is jealousy. What's the point of working if a freeloader living next door is eating stake and seafood on daily basis. That's what people think.
All US money is imaginary. Can print however much they want because it isn't backed by gold any more. So objecting to spending because you think it's a lot doesn't make any sense because the money has only as much value as we say it does, but no real vlaue - it's just fancy paper.

US is over $18 trillion in debt. Even if we were only $1 trillion in debt we could never pay it off without reducing spending to zero for some years. So when ever a politician talks about reducing spending, they're taking advantage of stupid people who think that's going to do something real. It isn't. Can spend as much as they want since it seems they know they'll default on the national debt eventually.
Good grief. Can we leave the Sovereign citizen big bank conspiracy crap out of this?
The average TANF per person in Kansas is $114 a month.

And the plan appears to be unenforceable, since the debit cards can be used to draw out cash.

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