Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos, cruises, psychics

"We're trying to make sure those benefits are used the way they were intended," O'Donnell, vice chair of the state senate's standing committee on public health and welfare, said. "This is about prosperity. This is about having a great life."

Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos cruises psychics - CNN.com

That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.


I'm a big proponent of our welfare programs because most people who are getting help do actually work, or they are elderly or kids. That being said, I have no problem in realistically limiting what people can purchase with those funds. Everything listed here seems reasonable, however, the proposed bill in Missouri restricting food stamp recipients from purchasing steak or seafood is absurd. In that case, some dumbass thinks it's a great idea for these people to be forced into eating frozen processed foods rather than healthy meat or seafood.
I have never taken welfare in my life and I have had a long life that was not easy. However, at 60 years old, I could not get SSI, could not get a job, and hubby needed help since he is on SS himself and it isn't much. So, he asked me to apply with him. I balked, but I did it. We got 247 dollars a month (food stamps only). It helped. We applied on my 60th birthday. On my 62nd birthday, we sent them the card, thanked them, and said "we don't need it any more" because I was going to be getting my SS.

Welfare recipients that wear gold chains, drive fancy cars, get tatts, buy steak and lobster are nothing but bums sucking the system. So good for Kansas!
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You don't fix cultural issues by slapping a law on them.

Somehow we still haven't figured that one out.

Your eliminate the source of the issue.

If you want to end ALL welfare:

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

I really wish we could wave a wand just do all this, for a solid week. I'd like to arrange to be out of the country for that week, but I'd be checking the headlines. It would be a tremendous lesson for voters.
Well, I guess it would be interesting to see how quickly the stock market can drop in a week, as a historic flood of money heads overseas.

I was taught that a social safety net is the price we pay for living in a capitalist society.

Ever wonder who taught you that? Think maybe the owners of the "Walmarts" of the world had anything to do with it?
That's not what I replied. Check post #129 paragraph four. It says I was taught to provide for yourself or do without.

Sorry. Mucked up my quotes. I think that comment was actually from Dragonlady.
So wanting to keep what I've earned is selfish but someone else stealing it isn't? Interesting.

I don't have compassion for someone who, because they have less than me, thinks I owe something to them. Someone like that doesn't deserve decency.

Funny how someone that says he support criminal activity talks about a lack of decency. Why don't you be the one that tries to steal from me.

Yeah, I know you polish your gun every day hoping for that. You're polishing your gun really hard.

(Man, he just doesn't get it)

Okay, guy, here's the thing. I don't "support" crime. I do recognize when you have an unfair system, people will make criminals into folk heroes, whether it be Robin Hood or John Dillinger.

The European social democracies do not have ANYWHERE NEAR the crime levels we have. They have more economic equality and they have a social welfare net without shame. They also don't let every yahoo who wants a gun own one.
Another one who can't stay on point..
Hey genius...If you worried about welfare and food stamp people getting tatts, write a check.

No, guy. The point is you are subsidzing big corporations, and the worst thing you are worried about is someone might have spent some money on a tat.
Stock holders are risking THEIR OWN money to invest. As are those who have 401k's, IRA's and Roth IRA's....Those are everyday middle class folks.
You have a problem with those in the middle class using some of their money to fund their retirement?

I have a problem with middle class folks getting conned into thinking they are going to make all this money when the fat cats loot the system.
Republicans would much rather rant about some poor person who bought a candy bar with food stamps than look at a banker who took thousands in tax breaks and scammed his money from people who earn an honest living. You like socialism for the wealthy but would never dream of scrutinizing them as harshly as a food stamp recipient, why the double standard?

Probably they've been programmed to worship the rich. The rich and their corruption represents their hopes. They all hope to be rich some day.

The poor and their gaming the system represents their fears. Most of them know they are one illness or one layoff from being in just as desperate states, thinking their unemployment check isn't welfare while foodstamps are. They really need to believe they are better.

So they get hysterical over a poor person buying a six-pack but have no problem with a banker buying a dressage horse with money he looted from his investors.
I was taught that a social safety net is the price we pay for living in a capitalist society.

Ever wonder who taught you that? Think maybe the owners of the "Walmarts" of the world had anything to do with it?
That's not what I replied. Check post #129 paragraph four. It says I was taught to provide for yourself or do without.

Sorry. Mucked up my quotes. I think that comment was actually from Dragonlady.

She was the one to whom I was responding.
Up your skills set, and you will have a job.

Worked for me all my life.

Go peddle your excuses for the shiftless somewhere else.

Why bother doing that. Obama never could have gotten elected 30 years ago.

In 2012, I voted for him after years of voting for Republicans.

You've already lost the argument. You just don't realize it yet.
Salary by popular vote?

Damn, you are insane.

Nothing pisses idiots like you off more than someone spending their own money as they please.

How come you don't start a business, and let the help tell you how much you have to pay them?

After the rich pay their fair share in taxes and fair wages to the people who do the actual work, you can buy all the Dressage Horsies you want.

But we make sure that we do the other things, first.

Works for me.
Apparently Joe thinks the skills someone else is paying for are worth what Joe says the person paying should pay.

What a fool he is to think that voters should get to decide how much someone else pays an employee. We have that problem now in a different way. Those who pay zero income taxes get to vote for those who continue to allow them to do so and who will raise taxes on someone else.

Yup. You are going to end up with socialism whether you want it or not.

And you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
You see why boards like this have ignore features.

Idiots like JoeB.

Never did a thing for anybody, expects government to do it.

I've probably done more for this country than you ever have. I have a whole box of medals from the US Army that says so.
Apparently Joe thinks the skills someone else is paying for are worth what Joe says the person paying should pay.

What a fool he is to think that voters should get to decide how much someone else pays an employee. We have that problem now in a different way. Those who pay zero income taxes get to vote for those who continue to allow them to do so and who will raise taxes on someone else.

Yup. You are going to end up with socialism whether you want it or not.

And you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

We'll have people like you to blame. You know, the ones who can't do it themselves.
I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.

What, you have a boss who tells you want to do? I thought you were a super-successful businessman waiting to shoot anyone who might steal your lawn ornaments on your mansion!
I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.

What, you have a boss who tells you want to do? I thought you were a super-successful businessman waiting to shoot anyone who might steal your lawn ornaments on your mansion!

As do you. If you say you don't, you lie.
We'll have people like you to blame. You know, the ones who can't do it themselves.

I've been doing for myself since I was 18. That's not the point. The point is, when you spend 30 years demolishign the middle class, you've created government dependence.

And when a guy like Obama gets elected, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
So wanting to keep what I've earned is selfish but someone else stealing it isn't? Interesting.

I don't have compassion for someone who, because they have less than me, thinks I owe something to them. Someone like that doesn't deserve decency.

Funny how someone that says he support criminal activity talks about a lack of decency. Why don't you be the one that tries to steal from me.

Yeah, I know you polish your gun every day hoping for that. You're polishing your gun really hard.

(Man, he just doesn't get it)

Okay, guy, here's the thing. I don't "support" crime. I do recognize when you have an unfair system, people will make criminals into folk heroes, whether it be Robin Hood or John Dillinger.

The European social democracies do not have ANYWHERE NEAR the crime levels we have. They have more economic equality and they have a social welfare net without shame. They also don't let every yahoo who wants a gun own one.

I get it. Just ask the one you come home to about my polished gun. Get it.

When people get paid on an equivalent level to their skills, it's a fair system.
We'll have people like you to blame. You know, the ones who can't do it themselves.

I've been doing for myself since I was 18. That's not the point. The point is, when you spend 30 years demolishign the middle class, you've created government dependence.

And when a guy like Obama gets elected, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

Obama's just another unqualified n*gger in a government job that got it because of skin color.

You don't do for yourself now. Can't keep a job.

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