Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos, cruises, psychics

Doesn't Kansass have any REAL issues to deal with?

When those that rely on and demand someone else's money to support them use what is supposed to be used for needs on things that aren't needs, it is a real issue. Perhaps you don't care if someone abuses the system, but those of us who fund it do.
All US money is imaginary. Can print however much they want because it isn't backed by gold any more. So objecting to spending because you think it's a lot doesn't make any sense because the money has only as much value as we say it does, but no real vlaue - it's just fancy paper.

US is over $18 trillion in debt. Even if we were only $1 trillion in debt we could never pay it off without reducing spending to zero for some years. So when ever a politician talks about reducing spending, they're taking advantage of stupid people who think that's going to do something real. It isn't. Can spend as much as they want since it seems they know they'll default on the national debt eventually.

Excuse me but you really should deal with reality.
Here is reality:
THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week. It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.
Total Assets of ALL households: $95.4 trillion...
Total DEBTS of all households: $14.0 trillion...
NET WORTH: $81.5 trillion.
Want to pay off the national debt?:
A) STOP Spending more then tax revenue coming in.
B) Value added Tax then 10% on ALL purchases going exclusively pay off $18 trillion..
C) Tax of 10% on $8.76 trillion is $876 billion of personal consumption of Gross Domestic Product.
Table One from this source: http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2002/11/art2full.pdf

In summary : NO MORE DEBT Added to the $18 trillion by spending ONLY what comes in and no further tax increases!
$876 billion pays off $18 trillion debt in 20 years. Problem solved.

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This kind of thing is a big problem in Kansas?
I have to side with the right wingers on this one. Government assistance should only be allowed for the basics necessities: Food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and the like.
Only good wholesome foods should be allowed.

There is no excuse for SNAP money being spent on prepared food in a convenience store,, but you see WE TAKE SNAP at most every dive that sells food to go.

SNAP should also require educational classes in how to prepared good food.

Part of the problem is that lots of people have no idea how to cook in the first place.

You have no clue.

Watch the documentary, Food, Inc.

In it, you will see a family deciding how to get the most out of the snap money they get. Both adults work but when you add up cost of living, they still qualify for help.

The family is shown in a grocery store, weighing produce, cheap cuts of meat, etc. They can get many more calories from the prepared crap at fat food places.

Its just a fact of life.

BUT, I do agree about teaching people to cook. Too many believe they must eat meat when, if fact, its very wasteful and contributes to many illnesses.

We're into gourmet organic vegetarian/vegan food. We eat like royalty on a fraction of what others do. But, until people stop listening to the propaganda from the American Dairy Assoc, Beef Producers and the other cartels, and start thinking for themselves, they'll keep eating meat and they'll keep right on getting sick and fat.
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Doesn't Kansass have any REAL issues to deal with?

When those that rely on and demand someone else's money to support them use what is supposed to be used for needs on things that aren't needs, it is a real issue. Perhaps you don't care if someone abuses the system, but those of us who fund it do.

But, because you're just another RW sheeple, believing what you're told by the 1%, you don't mind your tax dollars supporting corporate welfare and welfare ranchers.
We should
Here's how it works. If you ask that someone be forced to fund programs that provide you with something you should be providing yourself, don't be surprised when those forced to do the funding tell you how to use THEIR money.

So, will you be applying the same logic to health care? With all the government subsidies, and mandatory premiums, being funneled to the insurance industry, will you support laws mandating good health habits? Why should fat slobs and daredevils rack up hospital bills on YOUR money?

I don't think the governemnt should be in the healthcare business. Take that for what it's worth in answering.

I hear ya. But they are. And it's gonna get worse. I'm just wondering, as government assumes responsibility for more and more of our wants and needs - will you continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

I didn't say they weren't just that they shouldn't.

It would only be an excuse if one person wasn't being forced to fund what you think the government provides with money it wouldn't have without having taken it from the people first.

Do you do what your boss says? Why? Does it have anything to do with your boss providing you the means with which to pay your bills, in other words, a salary?


Go 4 responses back where it starts "i hear ya". I was asked if when then government starts doing more and more will I continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

When the money I earned is taken and handed to someone that didn't, believing I should have a say in how it's used isn't an excuse but a reason.

I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.
I have to side with the right wingers on this one. Government assistance should only be allowed for the basics necessities: Food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and the like.
Only good wholesome foods should be allowed.

There is no excuse for SNAP money being spent on prepared food in a convenience store,, but you see WE TAKE SNAP at most every dive that sells food to go.

SNAP should also require educational classes in how to prepared good food.

Part of the problem is that lots of people have no idea how to cook in the first place.

You have no clue.

Watch the documentary, Food, Inc.

In it, you will see a family deciding how to get the most out of the snap money they get. Both adults work but when you add up cost of living, they still qualify for help.

The family is shown in a grocery store, weighing produce, cheap cuts of meat, etc. They can get many more calories from the prepared crap at fat food places.

Its just a fact of life.

BUT, I do agree about teaching people to cook. Too many believe they must eat meat when, if fact, its very wasteful and contributes to many illnesses.

We're into gourmet organic vegetarian/vegan food. We eat like royalty on a fraction of what others do. But, until people stop listening to the propaganda from the American Dairy Assoc, Beef Producers and the like, and start thinking for themselves, they'll keep eating meat and they'll keep right on getting sick and fat.

Those would be the one I described as using the system as it was designed. Many don't care how efficiently they use it. If they'll go to a convenient store and pay twice what they could pay elsewhere for the same thing, they don't care. Why would they. It's not their money.
Doesn't Kansass have any REAL issues to deal with?

When those that rely on and demand someone else's money to support them use what is supposed to be used for needs on things that aren't needs, it is a real issue. Perhaps you don't care if someone abuses the system, but those of us who fund it do.

But, because you're just another RW sheeple, believing what you're told by the 1%, you don't mind your tax dollars supporting corporate welfare and welfare ranchers.

There are far more stringent requirements those things than a social welfare leech ever has to do.

No such things as corporate welfare. Welfare goes to those who don't provide anything for it. Those you mention provide you with thing the poor lowlifes could never do. Next time you need a job, get a social welfare leech to hire you.
Doesn't Kansass have any REAL issues to deal with?

When those that rely on and demand someone else's money to support them use what is supposed to be used for needs on things that aren't needs, it is a real issue. Perhaps you don't care if someone abuses the system, but those of us who fund it do.

But, because you're just another RW sheeple, believing what you're told by the 1%, you don't mind your tax dollars supporting corporate welfare and welfare ranchers.

There are far more stringent requirements those things than a social welfare leech ever has to do.

No such things as corporate welfare. Welfare goes to those who don't provide anything for it. Those you mention provide you with thing the poor lowlifes could never do. Next time you need a job, get a social welfare leech to hire you.

There it is folks.

Dummies like this are why the biggest leeches in the country get away with it.
We should
So, will you be applying the same logic to health care? With all the government subsidies, and mandatory premiums, being funneled to the insurance industry, will you support laws mandating good health habits? Why should fat slobs and daredevils rack up hospital bills on YOUR money?

I don't think the governemnt should be in the healthcare business. Take that for what it's worth in answering.

I hear ya. But they are. And it's gonna get worse. I'm just wondering, as government assumes responsibility for more and more of our wants and needs - will you continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

I didn't say they weren't just that they shouldn't.

It would only be an excuse if one person wasn't being forced to fund what you think the government provides with money it wouldn't have without having taken it from the people first.

Do you do what your boss says? Why? Does it have anything to do with your boss providing you the means with which to pay your bills, in other words, a salary?


Go 4 responses back where it starts "i hear ya". I was asked if when then government starts doing more and more will I continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

When the money I earned is taken and handed to someone that didn't, believing I should have a say in how it's used isn't an excuse but a reason.

I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.

Hmmmm... Ok. I guess that's a 'yes'.
I don't think the governemnt should be in the healthcare business. Take that for what it's worth in answering.

I hear ya. But they are. And it's gonna get worse. I'm just wondering, as government assumes responsibility for more and more of our wants and needs - will you continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

I didn't say they weren't just that they shouldn't.

It would only be an excuse if one person wasn't being forced to fund what you think the government provides with money it wouldn't have without having taken it from the people first.

Do you do what your boss says? Why? Does it have anything to do with your boss providing you the means with which to pay your bills, in other words, a salary?


Go 4 responses back where it starts "i hear ya". I was asked if when then government starts doing more and more will I continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

When the money I earned is taken and handed to someone that didn't, believing I should have a say in how it's used isn't an excuse but a reason.

I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.

Hmmmm... Ok. I guess that's a 'yes'.

If I do what my boss does because he pays me, those we're paying with social welfare need to do what we, as the bosses, say.
Doesn't Kansass have any REAL issues to deal with?

When those that rely on and demand someone else's money to support them use what is supposed to be used for needs on things that aren't needs, it is a real issue. Perhaps you don't care if someone abuses the system, but those of us who fund it do.

But, because you're just another RW sheeple, believing what you're told by the 1%, you don't mind your tax dollars supporting corporate welfare and welfare ranchers.

There are far more stringent requirements those things than a social welfare leech ever has to do.

No such things as corporate welfare. Welfare goes to those who don't provide anything for it. Those you mention provide you with thing the poor lowlifes could never do. Next time you need a job, get a social welfare leech to hire you.

There it is folks.

Dummies like this are why the biggest leeches in the country get away with it.

There is it folks. Fuckheads like Luddly are why social welfare leeches get something for nothing.
So because you're a whore working a job you loathe, no one else should have a good time?

Not on mt dime. They can do whatever on their own dime.

Well enough. But trying to improve prosperity by legislating the poor into expanded misery is not a solution to anything.

Let's also be mindful of the fact that this bill is pretty much the same thing as the laws passed in some states to require drug testing to receive benefits. They solve nothing by interfering with a virtually non existent problem, for the sake of populist fluffing.

Please explain the highlighted statement.

Food stamps are not a program to improve prosperity. They have never been such in the past, they are not such a program now. Food stamps are a subsistence generosity provided to people out of common decency and compassion. A reciprocal decency would be not to 'cash out' that subsistence for body art, amusement park visits, or other 'optional' usage.

It is unfortunate that the quality of legislator that gets elected into today's state and national legislative branches are so power hungry that they deliberately leave large loopholes in law. A list of what food stamps can and will be used for should be included in any entitlement legislation, and it should narrowly focus the purpose and use of the generosity right from the outset. That legislators have to come along behind these kinds of laws and tighten up what should be common sense behavior speaks volumes to the cultural decay evident in society today.

This is one of a myriad reasons why laws should be single subject bills.
And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
I am not for class warfare but I agree with your observation. Does it have anything to do with the phony stock market system? (Pleasing stock holders instead of paying normal wages?)
Stock holders are risking THEIR OWN money to invest. As are those who have 401k's, IRA's and Roth IRA's....Those are everyday middle class folks.
You have a problem with those in the middle class using some of their money to fund their retirement?
Not at all. I am referring to the stock market being phony and my belief that employers should pay decent wages to their employees. I am not insinuating government intervention to force employers to pay decent wages. When a company goes public employee wages start to stagnate, that's why unions gained so much power in the past and coerced companies to pay obscene wages with the help of government.
When those that rely on and demand someone else's money to support them use what is supposed to be used for needs on things that aren't needs, it is a real issue. Perhaps you don't care if someone abuses the system, but those of us who fund it do.

Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

I know an easy way to stop that. Tell the uneducated goofs that have only the ability to work at Walmart to fuck off when they demand their low level skills being paid at an equivalent low level wage aren't getting the job. If all they have to offer is shit skills, they deserve shit pay and nothing in the way of handouts. They should't cost taxpayers anything if THEIR lack of skills is the cause of THEIR lack of wages. Problem solved.
"We're trying to make sure those benefits are used the way they were intended," O'Donnell, vice chair of the state senate's standing committee on public health and welfare, said. "This is about prosperity. This is about having a great life."

Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos cruises psychics - CNN.com

That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

I hear ya. But they are. And it's gonna get worse. I'm just wondering, as government assumes responsibility for more and more of our wants and needs - will you continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

I didn't say they weren't just that they shouldn't.

It would only be an excuse if one person wasn't being forced to fund what you think the government provides with money it wouldn't have without having taken it from the people first.

Do you do what your boss says? Why? Does it have anything to do with your boss providing you the means with which to pay your bills, in other words, a salary?


Go 4 responses back where it starts "i hear ya". I was asked if when then government starts doing more and more will I continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

When the money I earned is taken and handed to someone that didn't, believing I should have a say in how it's used isn't an excuse but a reason.

I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.

Hmmmm... Ok. I guess that's a 'yes'.

If I do what my boss does because he pays me, those we're paying with social welfare need to do what we, as the bosses, say.
It's not only that. You ask for help, I help you but you do not dictate how much I will help you. You "beg" for food? Here is your EBT card (or what the fuck it is its name) to buy pasta, milk, flour, eggs, ground beef, chicken.. etc… the essentials. I gave you help, I'tell you what you are getting.

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