Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos, cruises, psychics

I didn't say they weren't just that they shouldn't.

It would only be an excuse if one person wasn't being forced to fund what you think the government provides with money it wouldn't have without having taken it from the people first.

Do you do what your boss says? Why? Does it have anything to do with your boss providing you the means with which to pay your bills, in other words, a salary?


Go 4 responses back where it starts "i hear ya". I was asked if when then government starts doing more and more will I continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

When the money I earned is taken and handed to someone that didn't, believing I should have a say in how it's used isn't an excuse but a reason.

I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.

Hmmmm... Ok. I guess that's a 'yes'.

If I do what my boss does because he pays me, those we're paying with social welfare need to do what we, as the bosses, say.
It's not only that. You ask for help, I help you but you do not dictate how much I will help you. You "beg" for food? Here is your EBT card (or what the fuck it is its name) to buy pasta, milk, flour, eggs, ground beef, chicken.. etc… the essentials. I gave you help, I'tell you what you are getting.

To those who ask who are we to tell someone on EBT what they should buy I say, I'm one that's forced to fund it. If you don't like the conditions, no one is forcing you to use it. You have a choice.
I hear ya. But they are. And it's gonna get worse. I'm just wondering, as government assumes responsibility for more and more of our wants and needs - will you continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

I didn't say they weren't just that they shouldn't.

It would only be an excuse if one person wasn't being forced to fund what you think the government provides with money it wouldn't have without having taken it from the people first.

Do you do what your boss says? Why? Does it have anything to do with your boss providing you the means with which to pay your bills, in other words, a salary?


Go 4 responses back where it starts "i hear ya". I was asked if when then government starts doing more and more will I continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

When the money I earned is taken and handed to someone that didn't, believing I should have a say in how it's used isn't an excuse but a reason.

I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.

Hmmmm... Ok. I guess that's a 'yes'.

If I do what my boss does because he pays me, those we're paying with social welfare need to do what we, as the bosses, say.

Yep. That's the way it's panning out. Government assumes responsibility for "taking care" of us, and then lords it over us as our "bosses". It's gonna get ugly.
When those that rely on and demand someone else's money to support them use what is supposed to be used for needs on things that aren't needs, it is a real issue. Perhaps you don't care if someone abuses the system, but those of us who fund it do.

Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

Funny how that works out, isn't it?

Sad how someone that has such low skills the only job they can get is at Walmart thinks they should get welfare.
Someone made the analogy that those who provide the money are sure to ask questions about how that money is used. Does your boss ask you what you do with the money he pays to you?

The idea that people receiving welfare are living high on the hog from the amounts they receive, is a long-standing fiction that the right uses to drive hate against the poor. The rules for receiving welfare have tightened since Clinton was in power. The amounts received are not enough to pay for cruises and tattoos. Have you right wingers learned NOTHING from the abject failure of the mandatory drug testing of welfare recipients?

You're willing to spend millions on means testing, and fraud checks in order to catch a percentage of cheaters so small, that the savings doesn't even begin to offset the costs of the testing and investigations. Such obsession is irrational and it's expensive.

I was taught that a social safety net is the price we pay for living in a capitalist society. Capitalism has swings, and downtowns that cannot always be predicted and such downturns hit the lowest income earners the hardest. Corporations and individuals contribute to that social safety net as part of their taxes, knowing at it is a necessary part of the overall government infrastructure which supports business and the population during the hard times.

American conservatives act like they owe nothing to the society in which they live for providing an educated and literate workforce, transportation systems, roads, infrastructure and resources that enable their businesses to run in safety and security free from crime and intimidation, bribery and corruption, which protects their property, both their chattels and their intellectual property, and provides a platform upon which they can build a success business. Paying taxes reimburses the government for all that you are provided with to help you succeed.

The greed and selfishness the right is a major reason why US infrastructure is crumbling and why the US is falling behind in education, medicine, and every measure of a successful nation, except family income which is the highest in the world. To the rest of the world, your greed and selfishness is unconscionable.
I didn't say they weren't just that they shouldn't.

It would only be an excuse if one person wasn't being forced to fund what you think the government provides with money it wouldn't have without having taken it from the people first.

Do you do what your boss says? Why? Does it have anything to do with your boss providing you the means with which to pay your bills, in other words, a salary?


Go 4 responses back where it starts "i hear ya". I was asked if when then government starts doing more and more will I continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

When the money I earned is taken and handed to someone that didn't, believing I should have a say in how it's used isn't an excuse but a reason.

I asked about doing what a boss says and why. Where I work, while I may not like what my boss asked me to do, I do it because he's the boss and because he pays me. In other words, he provides me with something called a paycheck that I wouldn't have if he didn't provide it to me. What that means is I do what my boss asks of me because he pays me to do it and I do it whether I like it or not. That's how life works in the real world not the imaginary world of social welfare handouts where those who get something think they hold no accountability to those who provide it.

Hmmmm... Ok. I guess that's a 'yes'.

If I do what my boss does because he pays me, those we're paying with social welfare need to do what we, as the bosses, say.

Yep. That's the way it's panning out. Government assumes responsibility for "taking care" of us, and then lords it over us as our "bosses". It's gonna get ugly.
Sad part is so many don't realized that when they go on the plantation of the government dole the government controls what they do.
They should get a education and go to work for nasa, nws or constructing our infrastructure. They'll make good money and won't be on welfare. ;)
Someone made the analogy that those who provide the money are sure to ask questions about how that money is used. Does your boss ask you what you do with the money he pays to you?

The idea that people receiving welfare are living high on the hog from the amounts they receive, is a long-standing fiction that the right uses to drive hate against the poor. The rules for receiving welfare have tightened since Clinton was in power. The amounts received are not enough to pay for cruises and tattoos. Have you right wingers learned NOTHING from the abject failure of the mandatory drug testing of welfare recipients?

You're willing to spend millions on means testing, and fraud checks in order to catch a percentage of cheaters so small, that the savings doesn't even begin to offset the costs of the testing and investigations. Such obsession is irrational and it's expensive.

I was taught that a social safety net is the price we pay for living in a capitalist society. Capitalism has swings, and downtowns that cannot always be predicted and such downturns hit the lowest income earners the hardest. Corporations and individuals contribute to that social safety net as part of their taxes, knowing at it is a necessary part of the overall government infrastructure which supports business and the population during the hard times.

American conservatives act like they owe nothing to the society in which they live for providing an educated and literate workforce, transportation systems, roads, infrastructure and resources that enable their businesses to run in safety and security free from crime and intimidation, bribery and corruption, which protects their property, both their chattels and their intellectual property, and provides a platform upon which they can build a success business. Paying taxes reimburses the government for all that you are provided with to help you succeed.

The greed and selfishness the right is a major reason why US infrastructure is crumbling and why the US is falling behind in education, medicine, and every measure of a successful nation, except family income which is the highest in the world. To the rest of the world, your greed and selfishness is unconscionable.

Difference the money that someone earns and welfare is that someone earns the former but not the latter.

Matters not how they are living. If their living involves someone else being forced to fund it for them, they're living a low level life regardless of the amount. Have you bleeding hearts not learned that one person doesn't owe another person a damn thing?

What's irrational is thinking that someone who has a check handed to them has no accountability but those of us who earn ours should be held more accountable. If someone doesn't like the conditions, don't ask for the money. It's that simple. If you do ask knowing the conditions, shut the fuck up when those conditions take place.

I was taught that you do for yourself or do without unless you can get someone to voluntarily provide it to you. The argument about a safety net being a part of capitalism is false. The concept of taking from one and giving to another exists in socialism which makes a safety net socialist not capitalist. Since not everyone contributes to then pot from which these programs are funded, some never having contributed, the premise that taxes are a part of society to do these things is false. If people are supposed to pay a fair share for l living in society, EVERYONE should pay and not everyone does.

American Liberals think society owes them something. If I owe something to society then 100% of society does since 100% of society uses those things you mention. When almost half don't pay income taxes, they aren't contributing to the same level as the rest of us that do yet get the same things as we do.

It's not greedy or selfish to not want to do with what I've earned the way you or anyone else thinks I should. However, your demand that I have money taken in order to hand it to someone that didn't work, makes you and the recipient selfish. You support someone less closely associated with something getting what isn't theirs while chastising those who are more closely associated with it for wanting to keep what it theirs. It's the mindset of what's mine is mine and what's mine is somehow yours.
"We're trying to make sure those benefits are used the way they were intended," O'Donnell, vice chair of the state senate's standing committee on public health and welfare, said. "This is about prosperity. This is about having a great life."

Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos cruises psychics - CNN.com

That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.


That's fine with me as long as Televangelists are included in the ban.
All US money is imaginary. Can print however much they want because it isn't backed by gold any more. So objecting to spending because you think it's a lot doesn't make any sense because the money has only as much value as we say it does, but no real vlaue - it's just fancy paper.

US is over $18 trillion in debt. Even if we were only $1 trillion in debt we could never pay it off without reducing spending to zero for some years. So when ever a politician talks about reducing spending, they're taking advantage of stupid people who think that's going to do something real. It isn't. Can spend as much as they want since it seems they know they'll default on the national debt eventually.

Excuse me but you really should deal with reality.
Here is reality:
THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week. It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.
Total Assets of ALL households: $95.4 trillion...
Total DEBTS of all households: $14.0 trillion...
NET WORTH: $81.5 trillion.
Want to pay off the national debt?:
A) STOP Spending more then tax revenue coming in.
B) Value added Tax then 10% on ALL purchases going exclusively pay off $18 trillion..
C) Tax of 10% on $8.76 trillion is $876 billion of personal consumption of Gross Domestic Product.
Table One from this source: http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2002/11/art2full.pdf

In summary : NO MORE DEBT Added to the $18 trillion by spending ONLY what comes in and no further tax increases!
$876 billion pays off $18 trillion debt in 20 years. Problem solved.

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This kind of thing is a big problem in Kansas?

If a leech spends a penny on such things, it's one cent too much.
They should get a education and go to work for nasa, nws or constructing our infrastructure. They'll make good money and won't be on welfare. ;)
Who pays for that education?

Well, maybe they'll get some government help but hey they're working. Right?

It's not the government providing the help. It's filtered through the government but the government has nothing unless it takes from someone else first. Let them help themselves and invest in themselves. If they prove to me they actually care about getting better as they do about wanting someone else's money, it might be an investment worth making.
So because you're a whore working a job you loathe, no one else should have a good time?
Are you serious?

Do the math sometime. Welfare doesn't impact working people enough to have a big ol stick up your butts about it.

If a welfare leech gets a penny of another person's money that is taken from them, it's one cent too much. It's not that the amount would ever hurt, as it's not about the math as you make it out. It's about the mindset of one group that another group owes them something.

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