Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos, cruises, psychics

Nice diversion. I hope that no one is stupid enough to make the mistake of trying to steal from me and get caught doing it. You want to chastise me for defending what is mine yet seem to have no problem with someone stealing what isn't theirs.

I would have no problem with people stealing from you because you are a kind of a selfish prick and you don't see anything wrong with that. YOu completely lack any human compassion or decency. The only thing funnier than a poor person stealing from you is to watch you get cheated by a rich person who has more power and money.
Nice diversion. I hope that no one is stupid enough to make the mistake of trying to steal from me and get caught doing it. You want to chastise me for defending what is mine yet seem to have no problem with someone stealing what isn't theirs.

I would have no problem with people stealing from you because you are a kind of a selfish prick and you don't see anything wrong with that. YOu completely lack any human compassion or decency. The only thing funnier than a poor person stealing from you is to watch you get cheated by a rich person who has more power and money.

So wanting to keep what I've earned is selfish but someone else stealing it isn't? Interesting.

I don't have compassion for someone who, because they have less than me, thinks I owe something to them. Someone like that doesn't deserve decency.

Funny how someone that says he support criminal activity talks about a lack of decency. Why don't you be the one that tries to steal from me.
I'm not surprised they turn to government. That's what leeches do. However, the problem is the reason they don't make enough to survive is because they offer low level skills not worth much. If the only thing you're qualified to do is sweep floor, empty trash, and scrub toilets, don't expect to be paid much. If you're getting paid what those skills are worth, don't blame the payer but yourself for having low level skills.

well, okay. What are those skills worth. Why not set a salary for those things by popular vote instead of what a business owner thinks he can get away with?

Frankly, i know college educated people who have ended up doing menial labor when we make the mistake of putting the Bush family in charge.

You see, this is where you are really, really fucking stupid. If the bottom 40% only gets 1% of the wealth, they have no incentive to keep Capitalism, do they?

They don't ask for help. They demand it. It's easy to tell. Interesting that I've seen, more than one time, those you say care about their kids put back food that could go for their kids because the EBT card wasn't enough only to buy beer with cash money.

Yes, I know, and then there was the imaginary welfare queen who bought steak with her food stamps. And stuff.

I've seen rich people buy Dressage Horses right after laying off a dozen employees and cutting health benefits to their employees. I mean, if you really want to play morality police with the poor, let's play morality police with the rich, too.

Because those voting aren't the ones that have to pay for it. Interesting how you think someone not paying should determine how much someone that is pays. Those skills are worth what the employer that pays says they are worth.

Another blame Bush idiot.

They have no incentive to keep capitalism because they blame others for what is their fault. If all one can do is sweep floors, that's not my fault, your fault or Bush's fault. It's their fault.

Again, your acceptance is not required for the truth.

Difference is those who bought the horses did it with their money. The lowlifes who bought the food did it with money that belonged to someone else. Don't think that they used cash to buy beer means it's their money. If they had to buy their own food instead of someone else doing it for them, they wouldn't have the beer money. Someone cheating the system is immoral. Someone not doing with their money what you want is not.
We should
NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.

Here's how it works. If you ask that someone be forced to fund programs that provide you with something you should be providing yourself, don't be surprised when those forced to do the funding tell you how to use THEIR money.

So, will you be applying the same logic to health care? With all the government subsidies, and mandatory premiums, being funneled to the insurance industry, will you support laws mandating good health habits? Why should fat slobs and daredevils rack up hospital bills on YOUR money?

I don't think the governemnt should be in the healthcare business. Take that for what it's worth in answering.

I hear ya. But they are. And it's gonna get worse. I'm just wondering, as government assumes responsibility for more and more of our wants and needs - will you continue to use that as an excuse to dictate behavior?

I didn't say they weren't just that they shouldn't.

It would only be an excuse if one person wasn't being forced to fund what you think the government provides with money it wouldn't have without having taken it from the people first.

Do you do what your boss says? Why? Does it have anything to do with your boss providing you the means with which to pay your bills, in other words, a salary?

I'm not surprised they turn to government. That's what leeches do. However, the problem is the reason they don't make enough to survive is because they offer low level skills not worth much. If the only thing you're qualified to do is sweep floor, empty trash, and scrub toilets, don't expect to be paid much. If you're getting paid what those skills are worth, don't blame the payer but yourself for having low level skills.

well, okay. What are those skills worth?
They're worth what people are willing to pay for them

Why not set a salary for those things by popular vote instead of what a business owner thinks he can get away with?

That's what we do. You get one vote per dollar.

You don't fix cultural issues by slapping a law on them.

Somehow we still haven't figured that one out.

Your eliminate the source of the issue.

If you want to end ALL welfare:

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

You don't fix cultural issues by slapping a law on them.

Somehow we still haven't figured that one out.

Your eliminate the source of the issue.

If you want to end ALL welfare:

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

I really wish we could wave a wand just do all this, for a solid week. I'd like to arrange to be out of the country for that week, but I'd be checking the headlines. It would be a tremendous lesson for voters.
That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
Another one who can't stay on point..
Hey genius...If you worried about welfare and food stamp people getting tatts, write a check.
All US money is imaginary. Can print however much they want because it isn't backed by gold any more. So objecting to spending because you think it's a lot doesn't make any sense because the money has only as much value as we say it does, but no real vlaue - it's just fancy paper.

US is over $18 trillion in debt. Even if we were only $1 trillion in debt we could never pay it off without reducing spending to zero for some years. So when ever a politician talks about reducing spending, they're taking advantage of stupid people who think that's going to do something real. It isn't. Can spend as much as they want since it seems they know they'll default on the national debt eventually.
Yes....let us continue down this ruinous path.. Brilliant.
So what's in this for you? Why are you so concerned about welfare and food stamp recipients?
Do you have family members who are gaming the system?
First of all thank god Obama didn't introduce this or it would be called nanny state and government overreach...

So lets look at this:
How is it going to be policed? Kansas has gutted every social program to the point the Kansas Supreme court has said the state is not providing it minimum constitutional requirements in education.

There is also a ban on spending it on tobacco and theme parks(so kids must suffer too).

"And it limits cash withdrawals of the funds to $25 a day, an attempt to prevent recipients from using their funds on inappropriate expenditures." - Love the government overreach there....

"If House Bill 2258 is signed into law by Gov. Sam Brownback (R) this week, Kansas families receiving government assistance will no longer be able to use those funds to visit swimming pools, see movies..."
Kansas wants to ban welfare recipients from seeing movies going swimming on government s dime - The Washington Post

Truth is Kansas is a mess, fiscal responsibility nightmare. The Tea Party got their way and look what we got...

This was all done to generate Job Growth:

But it hasn't... The great Tea Party has failed...
Theme parks? Are you fucking serious? So while the kids of people who WORK have to pay not only for their kid to go to a park, they also have to pay for those who won't work?
And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
I am not for class warfare but I agree with your observation. Does it have anything to do with the phony stock market system? (Pleasing stock holders instead of paying normal wages?)
Stock holders are risking THEIR OWN money to invest. As are those who have 401k's, IRA's and Roth IRA's....Those are everyday middle class folks.
You have a problem with those in the middle class using some of their money to fund their retirement?
That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
None of that matters.

Even one welfare fraud is stealing from the truly needy.

If the system was tightened up, and the able bodied abusers kicked off, think of what we could do for the truly needy.

But I realize that means nothing to scum like you, to your ilk, the entitlement system does not exist to help anyone, it exists to bribe voters.

You don't fool anyone, you know.
Imagine what we could do if we could get conservatives to have that sort of zero tolerance attitude for financial industry fraud, a more costly problem by any measure, but no, regulations are evil.
Stay on point or be silent.
THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week. It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.

Then again, the face of the typical American household has changed dramatically. College graduated adults into their late 20s are now living with their parents because apartments aren't affordable anymore by itself, much less as they have to take on repaying their student debts. Singles in their mid 30s are splitting houses three and four ways. This makes for "households" that more wealthy, because less wealthy individuals are increasingly pooling together to survive an economy that is trending toward ubiquitous poverty.
College grads with degrees that are not marketable or have no value to the employment marketplace.
Ya know what these people are called? Baristas at Starbucks, restaurant servers, low level button pushers. And why is this? Because instead of doing some reseqarch before choosing a major, they decided to study what THEY wanted.
There are few useful degrees. And so many that gain no interest from employers at all.
I watched a round table discussion of 5 CEO's. They all agreed that the best degrees are in business, engineering, computer science, education and health care.
Graduates with those degrees are those getting hired at the highest pay rates.
"We're trying to make sure those benefits are used the way they were intended," O'Donnell, vice chair of the state senate's standing committee on public health and welfare, said. "This is about prosperity. This is about having a great life."

Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos cruises psychics - CNN.com

That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

God!! What is wrong with you welfare haters that can't seem to fathom that Foods Stamps is a program that is no longer used...It is now SNAP with an EBT card,,,,,in other words,,,there is no such thing as food stamps.....
That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.
None of that matters.

Even one welfare fraud is stealing from the truly needy.

If the system was tightened up, and the able bodied abusers kicked off, think of what we could do for the truly needy.

But I realize that means nothing to scum like you, to your ilk, the entitlement system does not exist to help anyone, it exists to bribe voters.

You don't fool anyone, you know.
Imagine what we could do if we could get conservatives to have that sort of zero tolerance attitude for financial industry fraud, a more costly problem by any measure, but no, regulations are evil.
Stay on point or be silent.
Republicans would much rather rant about some poor person who bought a candy bar with food stamps than look at a banker who took thousands in tax breaks and scammed his money from people who earn an honest living. You like socialism for the wealthy but would never dream of scrutinizing them as harshly as a food stamp recipient, why the double standard?
THE net worth of American households is now 20 percent higher than it was before it began to decline in 2007, the Federal Reserve reported this week. It said the households together were worth $81.5 trillion at the end of the second quarter, higher than ever and up 10 percent from a year earlier.

Then again, the face of the typical American household has changed dramatically. College graduated adults into their late 20s are now living with their parents because apartments aren't affordable anymore by itself, much less as they have to take on repaying their student debts. Singles in their mid 30s are splitting houses three and four ways. This makes for "households" that more wealthy, because less wealthy individuals are increasingly pooling together to survive an economy that is trending toward ubiquitous poverty.
College grads with degrees that are not marketable or have no value to the employment marketplace.
Ya know what these people are called? Baristas at Starbucks, restaurant servers, low level button pushers. And why is this? Because instead of doing some reseqarch before choosing a major, they decided to study what THEY wanted.
There are few useful degrees. And so many that gain no interest from employers at all.
I watched a round table discussion of 5 CEO's. They all agreed that the best degrees are in business, engineering, computer science, education and health care.
Graduates with those degrees are those getting hired at the highest pay rates.
Considering that technical education is in every major now.....you could act as if you knew what you were talking about....

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