Kansas to ban use of welfare on tattoos, cruises, psychics

That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.

Here's how it works. If you ask that someone be forced to fund programs that provide you with something you should be providing yourself, don't be surprised when those forced to do the funding tell you how to use THEIR money.

There you go again with the fair wage. If you have a skill worth $8/hour and you get paid $8/hour, that's fair. You don't want fair, you want someone to be paid more than their skills are worth.
So because you're a whore working a job you loathe, no one else should have a good time?

Not on mt dime. They can do whatever on their own dime.

Well enough. But trying to improve prosperity by legislating the poor into expanded misery is not a solution to anything.

Let's also be mindful of the fact that this bill is pretty much the same thing as the laws passed in some states to require drug testing to receive benefits. They solve nothing by interfering with a virtually non existent problem, for the sake of populist fluffing.
So because you're a whore working a job you loathe, no one else should have a good time?
Are you serious?

Do the math sometime. Welfare doesn't impact working people enough to have a big ol stick up your butts about it.
I don't care if it only cost me a dime. A lazy cocksucker is steals it from me because they refuse to work. Jesus people when are we all going to come together on some issues? How can you promote laziness?
I t3
So because you're a whore working a job you loathe, no one else should have a good time?

Not on mt dime. They can do whatever on their own dime.

Well enough. But trying to improve prosperity by legislating the poor into expanded misery is not a solution to anything.

Let's also be mindful of the fact that this bill is pretty much the same thing as the laws passed in some states to require drug testing to receive benefits. They solve nothing by interfering with a virtually non existent problem, for the sake of populist fluffing.

I tend to agree with this. These bills are just fluffing. It should be common sense to a person in need that he/she take great care of whatever provisions he/she receives for basic necessity.....not leisure.
Why, how discriminating....
Welfare recipients should be entitled to spend their handouts on any item they want.
As long as its only food, and its temporary. Say, three months.
That's the quote that discredits the idea of welfare system per se. Everybody knows there are professional welfare receivers who do not work and do not intend to do so. Brand new tattoo and a bottle of cheep beer is everything this people really care about.

Welfare was introduced to provide temporary help to people who for some reasons cannot sustain themselves. You cannot sit at home and expect you are getting everything you want. Sorry, you are in the US, it doesn't work that way in this country.

NO, the way it works in this country is that 40% of households using food stamps have at least one member who has a job, just not a job that puts food on the table.

And big corporations that make BILLIONS have guidence on their websites telling their employees how to apply for Food Stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 Housing instead of paying their employees a fair wage.

Here's a thought.. aspire to something more than Mickey D's. You lazy fucks just slay me.
I have to side with the right wingers on this one. Government assistance should only be allowed for the basics necessities: Food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and the like.
I have to side with the right wingers on this one. Government assistance should only be allowed for the basics necessities: Food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and the like.

See a bunch of cruise lines that let you pay your fare in food stamps?
Kudos to Kansas. I mean, we're only $20 Trillion in Debt. Hopefully more States will follow its lead.

I've yet to figure out why those who oppose what Kansas did think it's wrong for those forced to financially support another person shouldn't have a say in what the person does with the money. Many will tell you that they do what their boss says because the boss pays them. However, when someone else is buying their food, suddenly the one paying has no say.
Kudos to Kansas. I mean, we're only $20 Trillion in Debt. Hopefully more States will follow its lead.

I've yet to figure out why those who oppose what Kansas did think it's wrong for those forced to financially support another person shouldn't have a say in what the person does with the money. Many will tell you that they do what their boss says because the boss pays them. However, when someone else is buying their food, suddenly the one paying has no say.

It's an Entitlement mentality. Many truly believe they deserve something. They believe they're entitled to someone else's money. It's what the Democratic Party has taught them. Welfare is a drug. And too many Americans are addicted.
I have no problems with the government using tax dollars helping the truly needy. Imo, truly needy folks need food, housing and a job. Not body piercings, massages, spas, tobacco, nail salons, lingerie, arcades, cruise ships or visits to psychics.

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