Kanye Goes On Alex Jones To Proclaim He Likes Hitler - Libs Totally Triggered

Jews have owned blacks going on about 100 years now. Kanye and some others are trying to understand this, but their ancestry is W. African has nothing to do with being some lost hebrew tribe.
Lol @ the GOP has been slamming Trump....

The GOP voter will still vote for Trump and the GOP politicians will shut up and get in line...as usual..

When you pump your base with bullshit for 40 plus years, this is what you reap....
The MAGA US citizens will vote for Trump because he puts money in our bank accounts and opposed to Biden who is sending our money to dictatorships around the world.
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This isn't a medical condition.....stop trying to make excuses for this moron....

He does it for attention...he does it because he knows there is a significant portion of society (mainly right-wingers) who love it when a black guy says something they wish they could say without pushback....

Kanye is the perfect guy to say it precisely because folks like you will rush in and coddle him under the umbrella of "mental illness"
that's a medical condition.
Kanye West praised Adolf Hitler during a Thursday interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

“Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler,” Ye said. “Also Hitler was born Christian.”
So what? it's no big deal. But if West wants to be like Hitler, that's a big issue. I don't like many many things in the world, 2 of them are Communism & anal sex. So I should hate commies or peoples who are very keen on anal sex? No. absolutely not. :)
I think you would care a lot if Kanye spent thanksgiving dinner at the white house with Biden....

Ah yes, your lie...

You mean if he went to a dinner party attended by hundreds and brought a racist fuck who spews insane conspiracy theories, like Hakeem Jeffries?
lol what's with all these 'Kanye' threads? Who doesn't know he's nuts and a shameless attention whore? The only people taking him seriously of course are his fellow weirdos and gimps, i.e. Democrats; they really have no platforms or principles.
The fascists think they can smear Trump with it.

The fascists live ONLY to attack Trump.
Kanye is a grifter who setup President Trump.

He‘s not an elected leader and likely won’t ever be one. But that of course won’t stop you from claiming he is a “MAGA Republican“ or some stupid shit.

Buff the Knob Polisher will claim Kanye is a "white supremacist." (Der Juden)

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