Kapernick suing the nfl lol

What a silly question to ask. You stated he asked for $10 million to sign a contract. Do YOU have proof of that? Not just an article from a reporter which is second hand information, I mean SOLID proof? Like an interview with him?

You see how this works? You can ask me for things you know is impossible for me to have... and I can ask you the same thing.

You’re the one going on and on acting like kapernick has a strong case

When other players and people that have worked in NFL front offices say he should be on a team, and he has barely even gotten a sniff from NFL owners, there is more going on than just him not being a good enough player. With that said, he has all the right in the world to sue the NFL, and his case is much different than some of the posters here understand, because of the CBA between the NFL and the NFLPA. That's all the point I have been making.

No there isn’t, he is a back up who wants to be a starter. He wants paid to be a starter. The NFL will not pay starter salary’s for a back up.

Several players in the NFL kneeled all last season and this season and they are working. Kaep’s career was in question BEFORE he kneeled.

Unless there is solid evidence, it will go as other attempt by a poor sport.

Link to him wanting $10 million a year...

And him filing the law suit allows him to look for the evidence he needs.

"In the grievance, which has been viewed by Yahoo Sports, Kaepernick’s attorneys are seeking, “Expedited discovery including depositions and document production.” That’s an immense request, which if granted would seek to draw out any informational exchanges that league employees, owners and even front offices had about Kaepernick."

Colin Kaepernick’s grievance alleging collusion adds more heat to NFL owners meetings
Ask Scott Peterson how having Mark Geragos worked out for him.
mark geragos loser attorney - Google Search

Scott Peterson was guilty. :dunno:
You’re the one going on and on acting like kapernick has a strong case

When other players and people that have worked in NFL front offices say he should be on a team, and he has barely even gotten a sniff from NFL owners, there is more going on than just him not being a good enough player. With that said, he has all the right in the world to sue the NFL, and his case is much different than some of the posters here understand, because of the CBA between the NFL and the NFLPA. That's all the point I have been making.

No there isn’t, he is a back up who wants to be a starter. He wants paid to be a starter. The NFL will not pay starter salary’s for a back up.

Several players in the NFL kneeled all last season and this season and they are working. Kaep’s career was in question BEFORE he kneeled.

Unless there is solid evidence, it will go as other attempt by a poor sport.

Link to him wanting $10 million a year...

And him filing the law suit allows him to look for the evidence he needs.

"In the grievance, which has been viewed by Yahoo Sports, Kaepernick’s attorneys are seeking, “Expedited discovery including depositions and document production.” That’s an immense request, which if granted would seek to draw out any informational exchanges that league employees, owners and even front offices had about Kaepernick."

Colin Kaepernick’s grievance alleging collusion adds more heat to NFL owners meetings
Ask Scott Peterson how having Mark Geragos worked out for him.
mark geragos loser attorney - Google Search

Scott Peterson was guilty. :dunno:
NOT according the Geragos!
Geragos never even turned up at Peterson's guilty verdict.
When other players and people that have worked in NFL front offices say he should be on a team, and he has barely even gotten a sniff from NFL owners, there is more going on than just him not being a good enough player. With that said, he has all the right in the world to sue the NFL, and his case is much different than some of the posters here understand, because of the CBA between the NFL and the NFLPA. That's all the point I have been making.

No there isn’t, he is a back up who wants to be a starter. He wants paid to be a starter. The NFL will not pay starter salary’s for a back up.

Several players in the NFL kneeled all last season and this season and they are working. Kaep’s career was in question BEFORE he kneeled.

Unless there is solid evidence, it will go as other attempt by a poor sport.

Link to him wanting $10 million a year...

And him filing the law suit allows him to look for the evidence he needs.

"In the grievance, which has been viewed by Yahoo Sports, Kaepernick’s attorneys are seeking, “Expedited discovery including depositions and document production.” That’s an immense request, which if granted would seek to draw out any informational exchanges that league employees, owners and even front offices had about Kaepernick."

Colin Kaepernick’s grievance alleging collusion adds more heat to NFL owners meetings
Ask Scott Peterson how having Mark Geragos worked out for him.
mark geragos loser attorney - Google Search

Scott Peterson was guilty. :dunno:
NOT according the Geragos!
Geragos never even turned up at Peterson's guilty verdict.

Not sure what your background is when it comes to law, but defense attorneys are supposed to say their client is innocent.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That is a very weak argument if an owner thinks signing Kaepernick will make his team better increase his ticket sales and his teams chances of winning and getting to the post season he will take it. You won’t find an owner who says I won’t try and make my team better because the other owners I compete against won’t like it.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That is a very weak argument if an owner thinks signing Kaepernick will make his team better increase his ticket sales and his teams chances of winning and getting to the post season he will take it. You won’t find an owner who says I won’t try and make my team better because the other owners I compete against won’t like it.

As I've stated earlier in this thread, there are players that have done A LOT worse and then played in the NFL.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That is a very weak argument if an owner thinks signing Kaepernick will make his team better increase his ticket sales and his teams chances of winning and getting to the post season he will take it. You won’t find an owner who says I won’t try and make my team better because the other owners I compete against won’t like it.

As I've stated earlier in this thread, there are players that have done A LOT worse and then played in the NFL.
Yes there are and I have pointed out on other threads about this owners will take a chance with these type of players if they are difference makers on the field Kaepernick has not shown himself to be that type of player.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That is a very weak argument if an owner thinks signing Kaepernick will make his team better increase his ticket sales and his teams chances of winning and getting to the post season he will take it. You won’t find an owner who says I won’t try and make my team better because the other owners I compete against won’t like it.

As I've stated earlier in this thread, there are players that have done A LOT worse and then played in the NFL.
Yes there are and I have pointed out on other threads about this owners will take a chance with these type of players if they are difference makers on the field Kaepernick has not shown himself to be that type of player.

Vick was no better when he got out of jail than Kaepernick is now.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That is a very weak argument if an owner thinks signing Kaepernick will make his team better increase his ticket sales and his teams chances of winning and getting to the post season he will take it. You won’t find an owner who says I won’t try and make my team better because the other owners I compete against won’t like it.

As I've stated earlier in this thread, there are players that have done A LOT worse and then played in the NFL.
Yes there are and I have pointed out on other threads about this owners will take a chance with these type of players if they are difference makers on the field Kaepernick has not shown himself to be that type of player.

Vick was no better when he got out of jail than Kaepernick is now.
That’s a matter of opinion I always thought Vick was somewhat overrated and wouldn’t have signed him either.
Colin Kaepernick’s grievance all but ends any shot of QB playing in NFL

For months, some close to Colin Kaepernick debated whether he should cross the ultimate line. The one you don’t come back from in the NFL. The one that casts a person into football exile permanently. No matter how much it felt like Kaepernick was being blackballed or that team owners might have been conspiring against him, there was a well-defined line between thinking it and saying it. A line between faint hope and career-ending finality. To breach it, and effectively speak out against the shield, was to concede that the league’s door had closed forever.

Colin Kaepernick’s grievance all but ends any shot of QB playing in NFL
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?
Yes. And i would hold a press conference to tell America why. I would remind everyone that Kaepernick isn't kneeling out of disrespect for the National Anthem but to bring nati9nal attention to a worthy cause.
I would then, while the NA is playing softly in the background, , kneel down beside Kaepernick with a bible in my hand and pray for the nation and the families of unarmed black and white citizens killed by cops.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?
Yes. And i would hold a press conference to tell America why. I would remind everyone that Kaepernick isn't kneeling out of disrespect for the National Anthem but to bring nati9nal attention to a worthy cause.
I would then, while the NA is playing softly in the background, , kneel down beside Kaepernick with a bible in my hand and pray for the nation and the families of unarmed black and white citizens killed by cops.
As you wish.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
The owners might stick together but its the fans and the product that keeps their bank accounts brimming. If players and fans decide to side with Kaepernick, there's going to be some changes.
He had a great first year and then fell off the pages like Robert Griffith
Wonder what turned a finely tuned athlete into such a whining pussy? I suspect the answer is contained within the question sentence

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