Kapernick suing the nfl lol

Sorry but the NFLPA and the owners have a CBA that states the owners can not collude to keep a player out of the league. So yes, he actually has an entitlement to be employed if he has the talent.
Well, he has been getting together with the BLM assholes, jesse jackson and other clowns and they're EXPERTS on crying for entitlements. Lol... That's all they're about.

Make demands, riot, protest, get more free stuff. In this case, a job no one wants to GIVE him. Like the Oscars, protest and whine endlessly. Now all the whiners will get a "Leroy, the Affirmative Action Oscar" they've lowered standards but, hey, who cares, as long as it shur them up.
He opened Pandora’s box, who knows what he’ll do next. And it’s not just the kneeling, it was the wearing socks depicting cops as pigs, the Castro shirt, the tweets, etc.. couple all of that with the fact he sucks and you have an unemployed idiot.
Colon is just another brainless whiner who thinks he should be able to do whatever he pleases and get away with it.

Most of these idiots cannot understand the idea that our decisions and actions have consequences. We are responsible for our own lives. Period.

Colon made his bed. Now he should be man enough to handle the consequences WITHOUT whining. He's a freaking crybaby no wonder no team wants him.
He went to three teams for a workout, they didn’t have a need for him, if he was being blackballed as you are claiming, then he would not have been given a tryout.

He got workouts from some teams to please the fan base. Fact is he didn't get signed, and people that know football much better than you or I say he should be on a team in the NFL right now.

And people much better than you or I say he shouldn’t. So you have nothing but an opinion, that’s it. No proof of collusion. Last season he struggled on a bad team and they he opted out of his contract before he got cut. The only coach he played well for was Harbaugh, after Harbaugh was fired, his career started to go downhill. He doesn’t want to play backup, he wants to start. His skill set limits him, he is not a good pocket QB and makes poor choices under pressure, not what you want in a starting QB wanting 20 million a year. If you are a losing team, it’s better to take a chance on a rookie QB with no real salary, build around him and then if he doesn’t workout, cut him and start over. To take a QB, change your offense to fit the QB, payout. 20 million and next year scrap it because it doesn’t work out is a waste of money. It is a pretty easy financial decision. Kaepernick has no right to make teams hire him.

Link? :rolleyes-41:

You do understand that him not being on a team is not a sign that people don't think he should be because of talent... that's part of why he is suing the NFL for being blackballed.

You do understand that he isn’t entitled to be on a team, nor is he entitled to be paid to be a $10 million as a backup.

He can sue and that means nothing. He is suing because his perception is he is being blackballed. You nor he have any prove of collusion. All that is proven is Kaepernick can file a lawsuit. Lots of players are kneeling and are working in the NFL.

I would need to see proof of collusion.

Sorry but the NFLPA and the owners have a CBA that states the owners can not collude to keep a player out of the league. So yes, he actually has an entitlement to be employed if he has the talent.

Prove it.

As I stated before and you conveniently ignored, each owner that needed to sign a QB knew that having this guy on their roster was going to be a circus of distractions, and divisiveness. They didn't need to get together to figure that out.
They knew a very sizeable percentage of their fans would be furious, and would threaten to walk away. They knew their attendance #'s would be threatened, as well as their merchandise sales.
What owner would want to deal with that ? There simply would be a bigger downside than an upside.
And people much better than you or I say he shouldn’t. So you have nothing but an opinion, that’s it. No proof of collusion. Last season he struggled on a bad team and they he opted out of his contract before he got cut. The only coach he played well for was Harbaugh, after Harbaugh was fired, his career started to go downhill. He doesn’t want to play backup, he wants to start. His skill set limits him, he is not a good pocket QB and makes poor choices under pressure, not what you want in a starting QB wanting 20 million a year. If you are a losing team, it’s better to take a chance on a rookie QB with no real salary, build around him and then if he doesn’t workout, cut him and start over. To take a QB, change your offense to fit the QB, payout. 20 million and next year scrap it because it doesn’t work out is a waste of money. It is a pretty easy financial decision. Kaepernick has no right to make teams hire him.

Link? :rolleyes-41:

You do understand that him not being on a team is not a sign that people don't think he should be because of talent... that's part of why he is suing the NFL for being blackballed.

You do understand that he isn’t entitled to be on a team, nor is he entitled to be paid to be a $10 million as a backup.

He can sue and that means nothing. He is suing because his perception is he is being blackballed. You nor he have any prove of collusion. All that is proven is Kaepernick can file a lawsuit. Lots of players are kneeling and are working in the NFL.

I would need to see proof of collusion.

Sorry but the NFLPA and the owners have a CBA that states the owners can not collude to keep a player out of the league. So yes, he actually has an entitlement to be employed if he has the talent.

Okay. Here’s the problem you don’t understand - if a team views a certain player as a distraction off the field and in the locker room, they don’t have to sign him. The owners can’t collude to blackball somebody, but there’s no proof that that did occur. Do you have a problem with anything I just said?

And what you don't understand, is there are several players on each team kneeling, and if the teams isn't cutting them for it, then they can't hold him to a different standard.

Kaepernick is the lightning rod and poster boy for the kneeling. The others who are now kneeling, do not bring the same kind of publicity that Kaepernick would.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.

He is being blackballed out of the league through collusion of the NFL owners. He has all the right to sue them.

Indeed. He will have to prove collusion. Best of luck.

He does not, however, have "employment rights". There are no such rights. That addition to his suit may well cause it to be tossed out rather unceremoniously.

It makes a big difference that the NFLPA is supporting him and a part of his case.

Time will tell.
I wish Colin would take what ever dollars he has left, finish his college education and find a productive job in the private sector. Why whine to a industry that doesn't want or respect you? He'd be amazed at how much healthier and long his life span will be.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?
ANYONE who wears 'Cop Pigs In Blankets' socks ought to be................you all fill in the blank.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.

He is being blackballed out of the league through collusion of the NFL owners. He has all the right to sue them.
Maybay the negro scum-bag can get Mueller to add another 'collusion' hoax to his investigation.
I'm waiting for the Rachel Madcow to start making accusations that President Trump and the Russians are behind the QB's self-implosion.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?
ANYONE who wears 'Cop Pigs In Blankets' socks ought to be................you all fill in the blank.

I don't like it. I think it was a slap in the face. My career is in Criminal Justice... however there are people that have done a lot worse and later played in the NFL again.

Ray Lewis was on trial for murder and got off the hook on it because some of his friends took the fall for it. He came back and even got a job on television after his career was over. Michael Vick ran a MASSIVE dog fighting ring and spent time in jail, and he came back to the NFL.
Don't trust my opinion? How about...

"But should they? Players have spoken out -- Cam Newton said it's unfair, Reggie Bush says Kaepernick has been 'blackballed', Aaron Rodgers said Kaepernick should be on a roster. So far, there has been no movement.

This week, former Washington Redskins general manager Scot McCloughan said he agrees that Kaepernick should be playing."

Former Redskins GM says 'no doubt about it,' Kaepernick should be in the NFL

So why hasn’t he been picked up? Gee, two fellow QBs think he should and a GM with alcohol issues and is not employed by the NFL currently think he is good enough to be in the league. Still no proof of collusion by the NFL owners.

That's just one article. If you follow the NFL close then you would know MANY other people have said the same thing. I love how you try to dismiss the talent evaluation ability of a former NFL GM because of a drinking problem... :rofl::rofl:

And Aaron Rodgers? I mean he doesn't know WTF he is talking about right?

"“It’s a crazy situation,” Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Cameron Heyward said. “I don’t know how teams are approaching it. But I don’t understand why he doesn’t have a job. If you look at his stats alone, he’s better than some quarterbacks playing. That’s just plain fact. I just don’t get it. Hopefully, it does turn into a job. It’s kind of dumbfounding when you think about it.

“Among players, we want him back in this league. I don’t think anybody is trying to keep him out of the league as a player. He’s a heck of a talent. He played in the Super Bowl. It’s crazy to think that guy doesn’t have a job.”"

‘Sometimes quiet is better’: NFL players express fear of speaking out amid Colin Kaepernick situation

Titans WR and TE think Colin Kaepernick should be in NFL

How many players have to agree with the stance I am proposing for you to agree with it? You going to attack the credibility of each person I mention? This could be a fun game to last all night.
Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to you asshole?
You're using stats from three fucking years ago!
Why are you ALWAYS on the wrong/losing side of EVERY issue?
Any luck selling off those dozens of 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies on EBAY YET?
How about all those hoodies with Trayvon Martin's baby face on them?
Face it pal. You're a loser.
Not even the CFL is interested in the negro scum-bag.
And that's saying something!
Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.

He is being blackballed out of the league through collusion of the NFL owners. He has all the right to sue them.

He went to three teams for a workout, they didn’t have a need for him, if he was being blackballed as you are claiming, then he would not have been given a tryout.

He got workouts from some teams to please the fan base. Fact is he didn't get signed, and people that know football much better than you or I say he should be on a team in the NFL right now.

And people much better than you or I say he shouldn’t. So you have nothing but an opinion, that’s it. No proof of collusion. Last season he struggled on a bad team and they he opted out of his contract before he got cut. The only coach he played well for was Harbaugh, after Harbaugh was fired, his career started to go downhill. He doesn’t want to play backup, he wants to start. His skill set limits him, he is not a good pocket QB and makes poor choices under pressure, not what you want in a starting QB wanting 20 million a year. If you are a losing team, it’s better to take a chance on a rookie QB with no real salary, build around him and then if he doesn’t workout, cut him and start over. To take a QB, change your offense to fit the QB, payout. 20 million and next year scrap it because it doesn’t work out is a waste of money. It is a pretty easy financial decision. Kaepernick has no right to make teams hire him.

Link? :rolleyes-41:

You do understand that him not being on a team is not a sign that people don't think he should be because of talent... that's part of why he is suing the NFL for being blackballed.
The tree dweller wore 'Cops Pigs In Blankets' socks.
He fucked himself as a professional football player because he's a cop-hater. He's also a big fan of Castro.
Let him rot sitting on a front porch!
He went to three teams for a workout, they didn’t have a need for him, if he was being blackballed as you are claiming, then he would not have been given a tryout.

He got workouts from some teams to please the fan base. Fact is he didn't get signed, and people that know football much better than you or I say he should be on a team in the NFL right now.

And people much better than you or I say he shouldn’t. So you have nothing but an opinion, that’s it. No proof of collusion. Last season he struggled on a bad team and they he opted out of his contract before he got cut. The only coach he played well for was Harbaugh, after Harbaugh was fired, his career started to go downhill. He doesn’t want to play backup, he wants to start. His skill set limits him, he is not a good pocket QB and makes poor choices under pressure, not what you want in a starting QB wanting 20 million a year. If you are a losing team, it’s better to take a chance on a rookie QB with no real salary, build around him and then if he doesn’t workout, cut him and start over. To take a QB, change your offense to fit the QB, payout. 20 million and next year scrap it because it doesn’t work out is a waste of money. It is a pretty easy financial decision. Kaepernick has no right to make teams hire him.

Link? :rolleyes-41:

You do understand that him not being on a team is not a sign that people don't think he should be because of talent... that's part of why he is suing the NFL for being blackballed.

You do understand that he isn’t entitled to be on a team, nor is he entitled to be paid to be a $10 million as a backup.

He can sue and that means nothing. He is suing because his perception is he is being blackballed. You nor he have any prove of collusion. All that is proven is Kaepernick can file a lawsuit. Lots of players are kneeling and are working in the NFL.

I would need to see proof of collusion.

Sorry but the NFLPA and the owners have a CBA that states the owners can not collude to keep a player out of the league. So yes, he actually has an entitlement to be employed if he has the talent.
When you can prove the owners colluded by all means post it. Until then spare us your moronic posts.
Face it. You're a fucking LOSER!
(Bet that not the first time someone has told you that LOL LOL)
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.
But he does have a case. Unlike the NBA, there is nothing in the NFL bylaws or contractual agreements that requires players to stand for the. National Anthem.
So...does the NFL have any legal standing to blackball players who won't stand for the
NA. In a courtroom setting, Kaepernick's
qualifications to play would be unassailable.
The NFL lockout imposed upon. Kaepernick could easily be challenged as an arbitrary and capricious perogative for invoking his 1st Ammendment right to free speech..
Perogative: thats the key word. Just how much weight would the court give owner's perogative to deny Kaepernick employment
as a football player? Since the NFL is subsidized with federal funds, there.isn't much wriggle room ...
And people much better than you or I say he shouldn’t. So you have nothing but an opinion, that’s it. No proof of collusion. Last season he struggled on a bad team and they he opted out of his contract before he got cut. The only coach he played well for was Harbaugh, after Harbaugh was fired, his career started to go downhill. He doesn’t want to play backup, he wants to start. His skill set limits him, he is not a good pocket QB and makes poor choices under pressure, not what you want in a starting QB wanting 20 million a year. If you are a losing team, it’s better to take a chance on a rookie QB with no real salary, build around him and then if he doesn’t workout, cut him and start over. To take a QB, change your offense to fit the QB, payout. 20 million and next year scrap it because it doesn’t work out is a waste of money. It is a pretty easy financial decision. Kaepernick has no right to make teams hire him.

Link? :rolleyes-41:

You do understand that him not being on a team is not a sign that people don't think he should be because of talent... that's part of why he is suing the NFL for being blackballed.

You do understand that he isn’t entitled to be on a team, nor is he entitled to be paid to be a $10 million as a backup.

He can sue and that means nothing. He is suing because his perception is he is being blackballed. You nor he have any prove of collusion. All that is proven is Kaepernick can file a lawsuit. Lots of players are kneeling and are working in the NFL.

I would need to see proof of collusion.

Sorry but the NFLPA and the owners have a CBA that states the owners can not collude to keep a player out of the league. So yes, he actually has an entitlement to be employed if he has the talent.

Do you have proof the owners purposefully, willingly, knowingly colluded to keep Kaepernick out of the NFL?

Emails, phone conversations, transcripts, video, anything thing other than three tryouts, a bad season last year where he didn’t start the season as a starter on a bad team? He was under the gun before he started kneeling.

You have several other players kneeling and they have jobs.

Give me something solid, opinions don’t mean anything in court.

Do I have proof? Have I stated I have proof like that? Am I the one suing the NFL? :dunno:
The case will NEVER even get to court asshole!
The judge will throw the case out in the first two minutes.
Then you can chalk up ANOTHER loss!
Proof, not opinion. How has the CBA been abused?

If Kaep wins...what proof does Kaep have to prove collusion?

What a silly question to ask. You stated he asked for $10 million to sign a contract. Do YOU have proof of that? Not just an article from a reporter which is second hand information, I mean SOLID proof? Like an interview with him?

You see how this works? You can ask me for things you know is impossible for me to have... and I can ask you the same thing.

You’re the one going on and on acting like kapernick has a strong case

When other players and people that have worked in NFL front offices say he should be on a team, and he has barely even gotten a sniff from NFL owners, there is more going on than just him not being a good enough player. With that said, he has all the right in the world to sue the NFL, and his case is much different than some of the posters here understand, because of the CBA between the NFL and the NFLPA. That's all the point I have been making.

No there isn’t, he is a back up who wants to be a starter. He wants paid to be a starter. The NFL will not pay starter salary’s for a back up.

Several players in the NFL kneeled all last season and this season and they are working. Kaep’s career was in question BEFORE he kneeled.

Unless there is solid evidence, it will go as other attempt by a poor sport.

Link to him wanting $10 million a year...

And him filing the law suit allows him to look for the evidence he needs.

"In the grievance, which has been viewed by Yahoo Sports, Kaepernick’s attorneys are seeking, “Expedited discovery including depositions and document production.” That’s an immense request, which if granted would seek to draw out any informational exchanges that league employees, owners and even front offices had about Kaepernick."

Colin Kaepernick’s grievance alleging collusion adds more heat to NFL owners meetings
Ask Scott Peterson how having Mark Geragos worked out for him.
mark geragos loser attorney - Google Search
He has to prove it. How do you suppose he's going to accomplish that...?

I'm not his lawyer. Obviously they know more than I or anyone on this forum do.
Thanks for admitting you don't know if he has a case. As far as his lawyers, just because he found a lawyer to file a suit on his behalf is meaningless. It could be a lawyer trying to make a name for himself for all we know. That he filed a suit is not, in itself, evidence he can prevail.

He needs real evidence. I myself see nothing. But again, as I said, maybe he has evidence NFL owners colluded against him -- but I can't imagine what that is?

There is no way to find out for sure if he has a case without him filing the case in order to collect the evidence...

Glad he filed, now we will see truth, if it turns out against the NFL, I am good with that I have no dog in this fight. Lewdog, you won’t accept anything but your view and then you will make excuses and denial.

That's because I watch enough football to know he is better than over 50% of the QBs in the league right now. I can be proven wrong about the collusion, but I am glad he filed. The current CBA is garbage and allows Goodell and the front office of the NFL to punish people any way they fucking want... and it is flat out wrong.
Are you ever going to get tired from trying to ride dead horses?
That's all you do!
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

That's a subjective judgement. Technical stats don't score the toxic impact somebody with Kaeperpimpleneck's entitlement attitude will have on a team and its fan base.

People are kneeling on almost every team now. Him kneeling isn't as big as an issue as it was before.

If at least they know why they're kneeling.

If at least you know why they're kneeling...

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