Kapernick suing the nfl lol

Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
The owners might stick together but its the fans and the product that keeps their bank accounts brimming. If players and fans decide to side with Kaepernick, there's going to be some changes.
Sorry Public. A marginal player cannot win any such law suit without incontestable proof of collusion. Find something else to race pimp about.
Yes let's keep a whining puss marginally talented disruptive Muslim pimp off our team. What detestable collusion that is-LOL
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
The owners might stick together but its the fans and the product that keeps their bank accounts brimming. If players and fans decide to side with Kaepernick, there's going to be some changes.
Sorry Public. A marginal player cannot win any such law suit without incontestable proof of collusion. Find something else to race pimp about.
A pimp profits by exploiting prostitutes. I gain nothing but either disdain or respect for my topinions. Thats not pimping ...thats debating...and; trolls like you have some nerve labeingl anyone a race baiter when your passion is denigrating blacks when and wherever you can.

Collusion by NFL officials...has already been proven. Just compare Kaepernick's record with some of the also -ran QBs still on active rosters. It would be difficult to dance around. that fact. But the series of events that led up to Kaepernick's estrangement from the NFL
are all too obvious. Thr NFL REP wouldn't have much wriggle room to blame his status
on anything beyond his kneeling protest.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.

SF decided to go in a different direction and cut Kaep who was the QB for a 3-13 team. If the 9ers gave up after investing that many years, why would another team sign him as a starter? Why would any team pay $10 mill. for a back up QB, when you can get one for $2 million or less? These are the issues you keep avoiding, its because they are legit questions and prove that there was no collusion among owners. Many teams passed on Mixon because of his distractions. NFL teams don't want a distraction, unless the distraction is offset by talent.

You brought up Vick, he signed as a back up for $1.6 million, a few million less than what Kaep was asking. Ray Rice might have a better case for collusion, but don't let facts get in you emotional rant.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
The owners might stick together but its the fans and the product that keeps their bank accounts brimming. If players and fans decide to side with Kaepernick, there's going to be some changes.
Sorry Public. A marginal player cannot win any such law suit without incontestable proof of collusion. Find something else to race pimp about.
A pimp profits by exploiting prostitutes. I gain nothing but either disdain or respect for my topinions. Thats not pimping ...thats debating...and; trolls like you have some nerve labeingl anyone a race baiter when your passion is denigrating blacks when and wherever you can.

Collusion by NFL officials...has already been proven. Just compare Kaepernick's record with some of the also -ran QBs still on active rosters. It would be difficult to dance around. that fact. But the series of events that led up to Kaepernick's estrangement from the NFL
are all too obvious. Thr NFL REP wouldn't have much wriggle room to blame his status
on anything beyond his kneeling protest.

Apparently you do not understand the meaning of "collusion".
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.

SF decided to go in a different direction and cut Kaep who was the QB for a 3-13 team. If the 9ers gave up after investing that many years, why would another team sign him as a starter? Why would any team pay $10 mill. for a back up QB, when you can get one for $2 million or less? These are the issues you keep avoiding, its because they are legit questions and prove that there was no collusion among owners. Many teams passed on Mixon because of his distractions. NFL teams don't want a distraction, unless the distraction is offset by talent.

You brought up Vick, he signed as a back up for $1.6 million, a few million less than what Kaep was asking. Ray Rice might have a better case for collusion, but don't let facts get in you emotional rant.

They got a new GM and Lynch wanted to build his own team.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That's such a stretch. You're' now making yourself look ridiculous by making up stupid shit like that in order to 'try' and support your weak position.

Owners don't have to 'collude' in order to see kaeperdick is a toxic dickhead. They just have to see his actions, listen to his (and his muslim girlfriend's) words, then look at his stinking socks depicting cops as pigs. The real pigs, are Colon and his nasty girlfriend.
Games started:

3 - 6 2015-16
2 -10 2016-17

So, 5 -16 over the last two years. Good luck with that. It ain't HOF stuff, even with affirmative action points.
Last edited:
A pimp profits by exploiting prostitutes. I gain nothing but either disdain or respect for my topinions. Thats not pimping ...thats debating...and; trolls like you have some nerve labeingl anyone a race baiter when your passion is denigrating blacks when and wherever you can.

Collusion by NFL officials...has already been proven. Just compare Kaepernick's record with some of the also -ran QBs still on active rosters. It would be difficult to dance around. that fact. But the series of events that led up to Kaepernick's estrangement from the NFL
are all too obvious. Thr NFL REP wouldn't have much wriggle room to blame his status
on anything beyond his kneeling protest.
There are other things to consider, too. For instance, why would any owner want a clown like kaeperdick on the team when he is a proven distraction and drama queen, and when he causes divisions among the team's fans and, probably, within the locker room. Would any businessman want to hire an idiot who drives their paying customers away (as kaeperdick does through his stupidity)?

And finally, it it the owner's right to hire whom he pleases. Fuck the BLM retards, jesse jackson and the other whining weinies.

But look on the bright side. Colon surely has a bright future ahead, axing people, "Would you like fires with that?"
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That's such a stretch. You're' now making yourself look ridiculous by making up stupid shit like that in order to 'try' and support your weak position.

Owners don't have to 'collude' in order to see kaeperdick is a toxic dickhead. They just have to see his actions, listen to his (and his muslim girlfriend's) words, then look at his stinking socks depicting cops as pigs. The real pigs, are Colon and his nasty girlfriend.

Making shit up? You must not be a long time NFL fan if you don't know this type of stuff happens. It's been talked about by NFL players for many years. There is a reason why it is in the CBA...
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That's such a stretch. You're' now making yourself look ridiculous by making up stupid shit like that in order to 'try' and support your weak position.

Owners don't have to 'collude' in order to see kaeperdick is a toxic dickhead. They just have to see his actions, listen to his (and his muslim girlfriend's) words, then look at his stinking socks depicting cops as pigs. The real pigs, are Colon and his nasty girlfriend.

Making shit up? You must not be a long time NFL fan if you don't know this type of stuff happens. It's been talked about by NFL players for many years. There is a reason why it is in the CBA...
Fuck off. The guy had a 2-10 record as starting QB. He sucks in so many ways.
Kaepernick filing grievance claiming collusion

Can’t wait until this lawsuit falls flat.
Actually, he may have a pretty good claim.

I mean, even from the posts of the USMB rightwingers, you guys have all been saying "nobody should hire him" and "teach him a lesson"...that's pretty much the definition of collusion.

It shouldn't be hard for a decent lawyer to make this case.

Things are getting interesting.
That's not the definition of collusion. Not quite.
Collusion would be the teams/owners communicating and agreeing not to hire him. In other words, blackballing him. If each owner/team individually decides not to hire him, no collusion has taken place.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That's such a stretch. You're' now making yourself look ridiculous by making up stupid shit like that in order to 'try' and support your weak position.

Owners don't have to 'collude' in order to see kaeperdick is a toxic dickhead. They just have to see his actions, listen to his (and his muslim girlfriend's) words, then look at his stinking socks depicting cops as pigs. The real pigs, are Colon and his nasty girlfriend.

Making shit up? You must not be a long time NFL fan if you don't know this type of stuff happens. It's been talked about by NFL players for many years. There is a reason why it is in the CBA...
I've followed NFL teams for decades. And, something "being talked about" is far different than proof of collusion.

But there is one more thing, why would owners have to engage in collusion when they don't have to hire anyone they don't want to hire. Colon is poison. No thinking employer, in or out of football, would want to hurt his business by hiring a worthless, divisive, troublemaker and whiner.
Putting aside rather you agree with Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem and looking at it strictly from a business standpoint if you were an owner would you sign Kaepernick?

That's kind of thing about collusion. If you have 30 teams in the NFL thinking like you just said, and you have two teams contemplating signing him... the other 30 teams are not going to want the other 2 teams to do it. Why? Because if he plays well the other 30 teams are going to look bad for not giving him a chance because of the political ramifications. So the 30 owners are going to reach out to the other 2 teams and ask them not to sign him... to protect the NFL shield. If you don't think the owners stick together, that would be naive.
That's such a stretch. You're' now making yourself look ridiculous by making up stupid shit like that in order to 'try' and support your weak position.

Owners don't have to 'collude' in order to see kaeperdick is a toxic dickhead. They just have to see his actions, listen to his (and his muslim girlfriend's) words, then look at his stinking socks depicting cops as pigs. The real pigs, are Colon and his nasty girlfriend.

Making shit up? You must not be a long time NFL fan if you don't know this type of stuff happens. It's been talked about by NFL players for many years. There is a reason why it is in the CBA...
I've followed NFL teams for decades. And, something "being talked about" is far different than proof of collusion.

But there is one more thing, why would owners have to engage in collusion when they don't have to hire anyone they don't want to hire. Colon is poison. No thinking employer, in or out of football, would want to hurt his business by hiring a worthless, divisive, troublemaker and whiner.

I've told you several times, the NFL with the CBA is not the same as someone working at McDonalds.
No there isn’t, he is a back up who wants to be a starter. He wants paid to be a starter. The NFL will not pay starter salary’s for a back up.

Several players in the NFL kneeled all last season and this season and they are working. Kaep’s career was in question BEFORE he kneeled.

Unless there is solid evidence, it will go as other attempt by a poor sport.

Link to him wanting $10 million a year...

And him filing the law suit allows him to look for the evidence he needs.

"In the grievance, which has been viewed by Yahoo Sports, Kaepernick’s attorneys are seeking, “Expedited discovery including depositions and document production.” That’s an immense request, which if granted would seek to draw out any informational exchanges that league employees, owners and even front offices had about Kaepernick."

Colin Kaepernick’s grievance alleging collusion adds more heat to NFL owners meetings
Ask Scott Peterson how having Mark Geragos worked out for him.
mark geragos loser attorney - Google Search

Scott Peterson was guilty. :dunno:
NOT according the Geragos!
Geragos never even turned up at Peterson's guilty verdict.

Not sure what your background is when it comes to law, but defense attorneys are supposed to say their client is innocent.
If you have the money, you can find an attorney that has the time to help you sue the NFL even if you don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning.
I've followed NFL teams for decades. And, something "being talked about" is far different than proof of collusion.

But there is one more thing, why would owners have to engage in collusion when they don't have to hire anyone they don't want to hire. Colon is poison. No thinking employer, in or out of football, would want to hurt his business by hiring a worthless, divisive, troublemaker and whiner.

I've told you several times, the NFL with the CBA is not the same as someone working at McDonalds.

I didn't say they are the same. I did say that Colon's real calling, his future, lies in axing, "Would you like fries with that?"
I've followed NFL teams for decades. And, something "being talked about" is far different than proof of collusion.

But there is one more thing, why would owners have to engage in collusion when they don't have to hire anyone they don't want to hire. Colon is poison. No thinking employer, in or out of football, would want to hurt his business by hiring a worthless, divisive, troublemaker and whiner.

I've told you several times, the NFL with the CBA is not the same as someone working at McDonalds.
I didn't say they are the same. I did say that Colon's real calling, his future, lies in axing, "Would you like fries with that?"[/QUOTE]

Well unless he is an absolute idiot handling his money, he has already made over $40 million in his career. I don't see him working fast food any time in the future.
I think ya'll need a reminder of what Kaepernick said he was protesting and why:

During a post-game interview, he explained his position stating, "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder", referencing a series of events that led to the Black Lives Matter movement and adding that he would continue to protest until he feels like "[the American flag] represents what it's supposed to represent"....

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