Kari Lake Hands Fake News Reporter List Of 150 Dems Who Have Denied Elections When Called 'Election Denier'

It is stunning to see you are so retarded you deny Clinton conceded the election on November 9, 2016.

Positively stunning.

You have been gaslighted so severely, you are now mentally ill.
They tried to steal that election for hours. She was so drunk and drugged up she could not even greet her supporters. Stupid asses as they are. That is what she really thinks of them.
It says in that one ad that Kari Lake favors defunding the police!

I know it's a dimrat ad but is it true? Dims are like the proverbial broken clock, ya know..
I really doubt it. They also said "Plans to eliminate Medicare and Social Security" and they trot that one out EVERY DAMNED ELECTION. We know better.
Quote me denying that KKKillery KKKlinton conceded, bitch.
I posted a link to Clinton's concession speech, and like a true gaslighted tard, you responded, "CNN lies."

What a pathetic loser you are.

No wonder Kari Lake feels comfortable lying to you idiots. You DESERVE to be lied to.
I posted a link to Clinton's concession speech, and like a true gaslighted tard, you responded, "CNN lies."

What a pathetic loser you are.

No wonder Kari Lake feels comfortable lying to you idiots. You DESERVE to be lied to.
You said I said something, which I clearly did not say. Just go ahead and say you were wrong.

If you can't do that, it's time to run along, little one.
Hobbs is trash, even CNN asked her why she wouldnt debate Lake……she actually admitted the truth…..Lake would interrupt her lies, but CNN wont push back on her lies.

From your link: When asked about the 2020 election, Lake pulled out a stack of pages filled with Democrats denying elections since the year 2000, stating, “If you’re going to start throwing around terms like election denier, let’s remember who the other election deniers were. Hillary Clinton and all the Democrats.”

Um...retard? Hillary conceded the election on November 9, 2016.

Stop drinking Kari Lake's piss. You look really stupid.


Hillary Clinton claimed Trump was not a legitimate president. That's pure election denial, and she's never walked it back.

You believe the same thing, which also makes you an election denier, and thus a threat to our democracy.
Is it a legitimate list? Over how many years? We can find 150 Republican deniers in a matter of hours!
Indeed, it's a legitimate list. You're on that list too. You're an election denier. Remember how you cried and screamed on November 2016 when Trump was elected shouting it was a fraudulent election?

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx​
Which Democrat on her list refused to accept the courts final decision and continued to spur their supporters on in the belief that the system was criminally corrupt?
Hillary Clinton claimed Trump was not a legitimate president. That's pure election denial, and she's never walked it back.

You believe the same thing, which also makes you an election denier, and thus a threat to our democracy.

Dumb fuck Bill Maher told Dave Rubin that “no one questioned the 2016 election”.

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Which Democrat on her list refused to accept the courts final decision and continued to spur their supporters on in the belief that the system was criminally corrupt?

Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama, to name three. There are 147 others. Watch the video.
Lake completely shut down fake news reporter not ready for this...

Lake is a lunatic
And simple whataboutism is a standard tactic for MAGAts when they get called on shit.
Certainly does not "shut anybody down."
Drag queen Kari crashes and burns again.
Lake is a lunatic
And simple whataboutism is a standard tactic for MAGAts when they get called on shit.
Certainly does not "shut anybody down."
Drag queen Kari crashes and burns again.
Oooooh!! Call me a MAGAt again! I love it! It tells us you're still absolutely terrified! :)

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