Kari Lake Lawsuit Shows That Maricopa County Tampered With Ballot Printers Proving Election Fraud

That's where you go off the rails. There is no "your truth" or "my truth". There is only truth, which is the same, no matter who you are.
Here's a perfect example of this belief on the left.

On Monday, as Oprah Winfrey’s stirring acceptance speech at the Golden Globes secured a place in the national conversation, Byron Tau of The Wall Street Journal tweeted, “Oprah employed a phrase that I’ve noticed a lot of other celebrity using these days: ‘your truth’ instead of ‘the truth.’ Why that phrasing?” He fretted that “your truth” undermines the idea of shared common facts.
Well, Garance Franke-Ruta replied, “sometimes you know something is real and happened and is wrong, even if the world says it’s just the way things are. It’s a call to activism rooted in the individual story, grounded in personal experience.”

Wut? Sure, politicians are corrupt but not judges

Judges are perfect and righteous human specimens of the highest order I thought.
Depends on who nominated the judge.
Judges also can get elected.
Judges can be just as crooked as any politician.
It all depends on who they are.
Please link to where I said facts don't matter.
I didn't say you have anything published stating that facts don't matter.
I simply said that is what you believe.
You keep telling everyone that you don't care about facts.
Only the source matters.
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I didn't say you have anything published stating that facts don't matter.
I simply said that is what you believe.
You keep telling everyone that you don't care about facts.
Only the source matters.
So where did I say I don't care about facts? Justify your accusation liar.
You folks claim there hasn't been any proof of election fraud in any trial.....and now you can't say that.
Do you even know what he is saying? Someone may have clicked "fit to page" when they printed a ballot. So fucking what? That is a basic function of printing a PDF and anybody, even a computer literate operator could do it thinking that would help, or a illiterate moron who barely knows how to print. It proves absolutely zero. If you think the election was swung because one person clicked a printer setting. That's bullshit. Its a printer setting that is easily fucked up. Ive done it.

You guys think this fucking quote is fraud:


Its a fucking printer setting that is messed up in offices everyday. I really think you may be retarded.
Do you even know what he is saying? Someone may have clicked "fit to page" when they printed a ballot. So fucking what? That is a basic function of printing a PDF and anybody, even a computer literate operator could do it thinking that would help, or a illiterate moron who barely knows how to print. It proves absolutely zero. If you think the election was swung because one person clicked a printer setting. That's bullshit. Its a printer setting that is easily fucked up. Ive done it.

You guys think this fucking quote is fraud:


Its a fucking printer setting that is messed up in offices everyday. I really think you may be retarded.
You seem to know a crapload of stuff about rigging elections with Dominions machines in AZ.
Did you do this yourself, or did someone tell you that's what they did on purpose?

Actually, these settings are locked in when they certify the printers and had to have been intentionally changed (or tampered with) after certification to render them un-certified. Once they've been certified any changes trigger another inspection before they can be used in the election. That's according to AZ election laws.

And it wasn't done on one printer....but, as the article states, happened all over the county on dozens of machines. The claim is that these machines have to be online to operate, and thus they can be easily tampered remotely with by a hacker. Or they could be tampered with by inserting a zip drive to change the programming. But then again that would trigger the recertification process.

Now why would someone do that in the first place. Certainly it wasn't an innocent mistake. It had to be intentional.
Do you even know what he is saying? Someone may have clicked "fit to page" when they printed a ballot. So fucking what? That is a basic function of printing a PDF and anybody, even a computer literate operator could do it thinking that would help, or a illiterate moron who barely knows how to print. It proves absolutely zero. If you think the election was swung because one person clicked a printer setting. That's bullshit. Its a printer setting that is easily fucked up. Ive done it.

You guys think this fucking quote is fraud:


Its a fucking printer setting that is messed up in offices everyday. I really think you may be retarded.

Ignorant bag of crap! A Voter. Does not have access to any button.

The person handing out ballots should be locked out of that feature. All "features"!

Nice SPIN you POS. They had two years to setup, test and install machines. Now you say volunteer granny hit the wrong button? This isn't forking Kinkos doing 1980 tax forms!

The printers were more likely online and hacked into day of elections. They were supposed to be certified and tested at install!!!!!
Do you even know what he is saying? Someone may have clicked "fit to page" when they printed a ballot. So fucking what? That is a basic function of printing a PDF and anybody, even a computer literate operator could do it thinking that would help, or a illiterate moron who barely knows how to print. It proves absolutely zero. If you think the election was swung because one person clicked a printer setting. That's bullshit. Its a printer setting that is easily fucked up. Ive done it.

You guys think this fucking quote is fraud:


Its a fucking printer setting that is messed up in offices everyday. I really think you may be retarded.
Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 07-35-55 New Testimony Confirms Ballot Tampering in Maricopa's 2022 E...png
Clearly you don't care about the facts of this case.
All you do is ignore the testimony from experts and try to change the subject
So what facts are you referring to? Lake's accusations and claims aren't facts.
So what facts are you referring to? Lake's accusations and claims aren't facts.
Lake didn't make these claims. An expert testified to these facts during the case.
You just refuse to believe it's a possibility.
You folks on the left claimed there was no proof of election fraud for 2 years, and now that they found proof of election fraud you refuse to admit to it.
It was accepted that something went wrong with the printers, but it did not matter to the court because it was proven in court that all of those votes were counted and registered via their paper ballots.
You seem to know a crapload of stuff about rigging elections with Dominions machines in AZ.
Did you do this yourself, or did someone tell you that's what they did on purpose?

Actually, these settings are locked in when they certify the printers and had to have been intentionally changed (or tampered with) after certification to render them un-certified. Once they've been certified any changes trigger another inspection before they can be used in the election. That's according to AZ election laws.

And it wasn't done on one printer....but, as the article states, happened all over the county on dozens of machines. The claim is that these machines have to be online to operate, and thus they can be easily tampered remotely with by a hacker. Or they could be tampered with by inserting a zip drive to change the programming. But then again that would trigger the recertification process.

Now why would someone do that in the first place. Certainly it wasn't an innocent mistake. It had to be intentional.
That’s not true. Here is a full recap of the Arizona printer issues. Basic mechanics. Nothing else. And ALL ballots were counted. This is just a distraction. It’s like saying Uconn didn’t win last night because the scoreboard went down and the results had to be recorded manually. Uconn still won.

As Maricopa County investigates what exactly caused machines to reject thousands of voters’ ballots on Election Day, a Votebeat analysis of technical evidence found that local officials may have pushed the county’s ballot printers past their limits.

The thickness of the ballot paper the county used, the need to print on both sides, and the high volume of in-person voting are all likely to have contributed to poor print quality on ballots, according to Votebeat’s review of printer specifications, turnout data, and interviews with eight ballot-printing and election technology experts.

This article was originally published by Votebeat, a nonprofit news organization covering local election administration and voting access.
“It was a cascade of events, and once the first domino fell, they were setting the dominos back up while rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,” said Genya Coulter, a senior election analyst and director of stakeholder relations for election technology and security nonprofit OSET Institute.

The poor print quality caused machines to then reject thousands of ballots across the county, forcing voters to instead place their ballots in a secure box to be tallied later. Two technical experts closely familiar with the county’s equipment, who did not want to be named because they didn’t want to get ahead of the county’s public statements, said that the paper thickness was likely a major factor in why the toner — the powder laser and LED printers use to make images on paper — did not properly adhere to both sides of the paper.
That’s not true. Here is a full recap of the Arizona printer issues. Basic mechanics. Nothing else. And ALL ballots were counted. This is just a distraction. It’s like saying Uconn didn’t win last night because the scoreboard went down and the results had to be recorded manually. Uconn still won.

As Maricopa County investigates what exactly caused machines to reject thousands of voters’ ballots on Election Day, a Votebeat analysis of technical evidence found that local officials may have pushed the county’s ballot printers past their limits.

The thickness of the ballot paper the county used, the need to print on both sides, and the high volume of in-person voting are all likely to have contributed to poor print quality on ballots, according to Votebeat’s review of printer specifications, turnout data, and interviews with eight ballot-printing and election technology experts.

This article was originally published by Votebeat, a nonprofit news organization covering local election administration and voting access.
“It was a cascade of events, and once the first domino fell, they were setting the dominos back up while rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,” said Genya Coulter, a senior election analyst and director of stakeholder relations for election technology and security nonprofit OSET Institute.

The poor print quality caused machines to then reject thousands of ballots across the county, forcing voters to instead place their ballots in a secure box to be tallied later. Two technical experts closely familiar with the county’s equipment, who did not want to be named because they didn’t want to get ahead of the county’s public statements, said that the paper thickness was likely a major factor in why the toner — the powder laser and LED printers use to make images on paper — did not properly adhere to both sides of the paper.
A lame excuse.
So you're saying that all of these mishaps started happening in Republican districts but not anywhere else on any other day?

But before you said it was because granny reset the printer settings.

Now you're saying it's because of paper thickness?
Up until election day there were no problems with the printers.
But when Republican voters decided to wait to vote on election day, the Deep State operators couldn't figure out how to count votes on site.
Note that this only happened in Maricopa County. The same county that helped Biden win AZ in 2020.
The only district that still uses Dominion machines.
You folks claim there hasn't been any proof of election fraud in any trial.....and now you can't say that.
Of course we can!

You need EVIDENCE it happened, not testimony it could...

Who did it? How did they do it? When did they do it?

And the person will be indicted for his crime.

As far as actual votes being fraudulent, they were not.

Everyone's vote was counted who came in to vote...via counting the paper ballots that could not be electronically scanned.

Could someone have tried? Certainly. But they were not successful in preventing votes from being counted.
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Of course we can!

You need EVIDENCE it happened, not testimony. who did it? How did they do it? When did they do it?

And the person will be indicted for his crime.

As far as actual votes being fraudulent, they were not.

Everyone's vote was counted who came in to vote...via counting the paper ballots that could not be electronically scanned.

Could someone have tried? Certainly. But they were not successful in preventing votes from being counted.
No evidence is enough for you Democrats. People that constantly live in denial.
Unless CNN or some other accepted source tells you to believe something...you refuse to do so.

As far as actual votes....nobody knows what the real count was because once they shipped off those uncounted ballots to another location, and they're mixed in with other ballots that may or may not have been legit....nobody will know what the actual count is. They testified that speed (not accuracy) was important. So accuracy was an afterthought. Chain of custody was also not properly adhered to.

Another thing that was going on in AZ was mail-in ballots had to be pulled out of the envelopes they came in and mixed in with other stacks of ballots to be put thru the machines. Signatures weren't verified. They just rushed the ballots into the counting machines destroying the chain of custody.
Do you even know what he is saying? Someone may have clicked "fit to page" when they printed a ballot. So fucking what? That is a basic function of printing a PDF and anybody, even a computer literate operator could do it thinking that would help, or a illiterate moron who barely knows how to print. It proves absolutely zero. If you think the election was swung because one person clicked a printer setting. That's bullshit. Its a printer setting that is easily fucked up. Ive done it.

You guys think this fucking quote is fraud:


Its a fucking printer setting that is messed up in offices everyday. I really think you may be retarded.
Offices are more efficient than that or companies would fold. Try again, traitor.

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