Kari Lake Save Arizona Rally tonight in Scottsdale. will post full video of it all on this thread

Everyone knows she was cheated. The tears should be for the people like you who enable traitors.
This shill from Langley hates America as do all Dems.

Why is she having a rally? I mean unless it was discuss privately about a revolution to arrest all these criminal politicians and judges which it won’t be,I don’t see whst this rally accomplishes.
These "Stolen Election" claims are tiresome.
But very, very effective.

The template is set now: Say an election is rigged, and when you lose in court, you say the courts are rigged too. Play the perpetual victim so that the rubes remain angry and paranoid and tithing. You have to admit, it's a pretty solid business model.

It works so well that stuff like this can come out, and none of them even care:

Now going to a higher court.
I know you didn’t go any further than your post to check that that out.
You mean she is appealing the decision
Like all Crybaby Losers

She has no new evidence. Just the same claims that were ruled baseless before
September? LOL

Hobbs was too cowardly to even do a debate. She lost the election when she made that choice.
She didn’t have to

Lake was just going to spout her election lies, why give her a platform?

Republicans turned against Lake
You mean she is appealing the decision
Like all Crybaby Losers

She has no new evidence. Just the same claims that were ruled baseless before
It’s obvious you read a story 2 months ago and stuck with it as per the instructions of your Democratic Club President.
It’s obvious you read a story 2 months ago and stuck with it as per the instructions of your Democratic Club President.
No, actually I read the story where the judge dismissed her case as totally without merit and lacking any proof

You think an appeals court will rule differently based on the same lack of evidence?
No, actually I read the story where the judge dismissed her case as totally without merit and lacking any proof

You think an appeals court will rule differently based on the same lack of evidence?
Your first sentence is a complete lie.
Try again.
It’s obvious you didn’t hear how the appeals court rejected the case.
It now goes up the ladder.
You suck at this but you have your orders.
Your first sentence is a complete lie.
Try again.
It’s obvious you didn’t hear how the appeals court rejected the case.
It now goes up the ladder.
You suck at this but you have your orders.

In his ruling, the judge wrote that the “margin of victory as reported by the official canvass is 17,117 votes – beyond the scope of a statutorily required recount. A court setting such a margin aside, as far as the Court is able to determine, has never been done in the history of the United States.

as far as evidence of misconduct is concerned, the Court finds nothing to substantiate Plaintiff’s claim of intentional misconduct as to either claim”

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