Kari Lake won't give up on electoral integrity

Is your position really that weak, Jack, that all you got left to try to run from and avoid discussion of another obviously illegal and improper election fraud is to try to throw labels at the victims of it? Lake is one of the most solid and down to earth clear-headed people to hit politics in years and there isn't a single thing you can hang on her as "bat-shit crazy." Especially when the lion's share of the state agrees with her, she lead Hobbs by 11 points and Hobbs has a paltry 1000 follows compared to a MILLION by Lake!

Another "miraculous" election where a democrat puts a dollar into the change machine then gets back change for a $20 bill!

But your response might get you a bronze star if used in the CCP regime! Good, solid, party loyalty!
You keep throwing around the accusation of voter fraud with NO evidence. How would you like it if people kept throwing around an accusation of something like theft or murder or something else about YOU with no evidence?
Lies about stolen elections,
What lies? If they are lies then you should be able to disprove at least ONE of them! Go ahead! I mean, you must have seen something that convinced you enough to accuse others of lying, so, let's have it! Put up or shut up.

like the rest of you whack jobs.
Apparently you do know a lot about whacking off.

That is all it takes now, the rest of the nation is tired of your constant pathetic mewling.
As opposed to 7 constant years of your trump derangement syndrome, 3 years of pointless Russia investigations, 5 months of murderous riots in 500 cities over a drug bust, 2 years of insane claims that not wearing a dusk mask or getting a risky experimental shot that doesn't even protect you made you public enemy #1, 2 impeachments over nothing, and 2 years to investigate what happened one afternoon at a protest over illegal and untraceable ballot counting methods that always leaves the democrat coming from behind to miraculously win?
Lake ain't going nowhere, buddy.

Getting lots of traction everywhere except up your ass where you apparently find worthless opinion pieces from a failing leftwing rag! :auiqs.jpg:

Poor Jack, once again unwilling and unable to defend a single claim he makes!
So she's gonna hang around and suck off the suckers? Doesn't she have a job?
What lies? If they are lies then you should be able to disprove at least ONE of them! Go ahead! I mean, you must have seen something that convinced you enough to accuse others of lying, so, let's have it! Put up or shut up.

Apparently you do know a lot about whacking off.

As opposed to 7 constant years of your trump derangement syndrome, 3 years of pointless Russia investigations, 5 months of murderous riots in 500 cities over a drug bust, 2 years of insane claims that not wearing a dusk mask or getting a risky experimental shot that doesn't even protect you made you public enemy #1, 2 impeachments over nothing, and 2 years to investigate what happened one afternoon at a protest over illegal and untraceable ballot counting methods that always leaves the democrat coming from behind to miraculously win?
More MAGAt sexual fantasies.
What lies? If they are lies then you should be able to disprove at least ONE of them! Go ahead! I mean, you must have seen something that convinced you enough to accuse others of lying, so, let's have it! Put up or shut up.
I can easily disprove every single piece of evidence you have brought fourth to support your outright lies about election fraud. Here is a complete list:


Wow, that was easy.
Yes, that is all it takes to dismiss your bullshit because you have no evidence to disprove. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Just your raving fantasies.
Apparently you do know a lot about whacking off.

As opposed to 7 constant years of your trump derangement syndrome, 3 years of pointless Russia investigations, 5 months of murderous riots in 500 cities over a drug bust, 2 years of insane claims that not wearing a dusk mask or getting a risky experimental shot that doesn't even protect you made you public enemy #1, 2 impeachments over nothing, and 2 years to investigate what happened one afternoon at a protest over illegal and untraceable ballot counting methods that always leaves the democrat coming from behind to miraculously win?
Yup, tired of all that shit which is why I don't vote for democrats. Except the last bit about your fantasy lies rooted in abject ignorance of how elections work. That is all on your right wing losers, not democrats.

Ooops, is partisan idiocy the only thing you have beside your blind ass bullshit fantasies? Of course it is.
I can easily disprove every single piece of evidence you have brought fourth to support your outright lies about election fraud. Here is a complete list: 1. Wow, that was easy.
So your "proof" is as blank and empty as your head?

Yes, that is all it takes to dismiss your bullshit because you have no evidence to disprove. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Just your raving fantasies.
Yep. Tell yourself there is nothing there without even investigating in order to BS yourself that it's all lies. Meantime, MOUNTAINS of evidence have been presented here alone. Gee, that must be about 70 out of 70 arrogant leftist idiot turds like you here that have all "easily" disproven these "lies" by all admitting that you all have less than nothing. You know what they call a "lie" when no one can show that it is a lie? An unfortiunate truth being covered up which you can run from but cannot hide from, which tells everyone with an actual brain that these "lies" must be closer to the facts than they realized! :auiqs.jpg:

Yup, tired of all that shit which is why I don't vote for democrats. Except the last bit about your fantasy lies rooted in abject ignorance of how elections work.
Really? Do tell us how elections work! And if they work that way then why did democrats spend years claiming 2016 was stolen from them while Hillary went around peddling her book for idiots on "what really happened?"

That is all on your right wing losers
What right wing losers? And what is "that?"
So your "proof" is as blank and empty as your head?
It is as blank as your list of evidence.

That you cannot grasp that has nothing to do with my empty head but yours.
Yep. Tell yourself there is nothing there without even investigating in order to BS yourself that it's all lies. Meantime, MOUNTAINS of evidence have been presented here alone. Gee, that must be about 70 out of 70 arrogant leftist idiot turds like you here that have all "easily" disproven these "lies" by all admitting that you all have less than nothing. You know what they call a "lie" when no one can show that it is a lie? An unfortiunate truth being covered up which you can run from but cannot hide from, which tells everyone with an actual brain that these "lies" must be closer to the facts than they realized! :auiqs.jpg:
I don't need to tell myself or anyone anything. All I need to do is point to how pitifully pathetic you and your worthless POS deniers are.

It does not even need a response, your idiocy is on display for everyone to see. And your numbers shrink by the hour. How does it feel to be utterly powerless? How does it feel to be the number one reason that democrats get elected?

That is right, it is you election denying Trump worshippers that hand democrat political offices.
Really? Do tell us how elections work! And if they work that way then why did democrats spend years claiming 2016 was stolen from them while Hillary went around peddling her book for idiots on "what really happened?"
Because idiots like yourself slop up that asinine bullshit. You get force fed lie after lie after lie and then go begging for your masters to feed you more.
What right wing losers? And what is "that?"
To dumb to understand?

Shocking I tell you, shocking.
America needs more like her.

---“This case is not about money or gain,” Lake’s campaign spokesperson, Ross Trumble, told the news outlets in a statement. “It was essentially a public interest lawsuit seeking electoral integrity. It is very very rare to sanction a party in public interest suits. All in all this reads like an angry Obama appointee who wants to send a message. The message is if you lose shut up and don’t come to court. The message is not that you lost a case or acted in bad faith.”---

Lake was favored by a large margin Hobbs ran one add. Not about any debated issue. Just Lake was Satan and a Communist. She wouldn't debate Lake. As a matter of fact she ran from Lake. She didn't win and Maricopa is the most corrupt county in the 50 states. Some nations count they votes before Maricopa starts. Hobbs is a total loser and if this state allows her to continue some one needs to take her out of the equation. Look at the clown. She can't answer a single question and no one knows what opinion she has on any issue. She is a pain in the Arizona. Take her shoes drop her in the desert with a canteen of piss.
It is as blank as your list of evidence.

That you cannot grasp that has nothing to do with my empty head but yours.

I don't need to tell myself or anyone anything. All I need to do is point to how pitifully pathetic you and your worthless POS deniers are.

It does not even need a response, your idiocy is on display for everyone to see. And your numbers shrink by the hour. How does it feel to be utterly powerless? How does it feel to be the number one reason that democrats get elected?

That is right, it is you election denying Trump worshippers that hand democrat political offices.

Because idiots like yourself slop up that asinine bullshit. You get force fed lie after lie after lie and then go begging for your masters to feed you more.

To dumb to understand?

Shocking I tell you, shocking.
Damn boy you sure are full of yourself. but what is that smell? Good thing no one stepped in it. Just another big mouth stinking democRat. Go blow Joe worthless!
So your "proof" is as blank and empty as your head?

Yep. Tell yourself there is nothing there without even investigating in order to BS yourself that it's all lies. Meantime, MOUNTAINS of evidence have been presented here alone. Gee, that must be about 70 out of 70 arrogant leftist idiot turds like you here that have all "easily" disproven these "lies" by all admitting that you all have less than nothing. You know what they call a "lie" when no one can show that it is a lie? An unfortiunate truth being covered up which you can run from but cannot hide from, which tells everyone with an actual brain that these "lies" must be closer to the facts than they realized! :auiqs.jpg:

Really? Do tell us how elections work! And if they work that way then why did democrats spend years claiming 2016 was stolen from them while Hillary went around peddling her book for idiots on "what really happened?"

What right wing losers? And what is "that?"
Well at least this Bozo admitted he has an empty head
Kari Lake's stance on pursuing election integrity is much in the same vein as OJ's vow to find Nicole's killer.

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