Kari Lake Wraps Up Trial With No Clear Evidence to Overturn Election

Ask the Judge...nobody is obligated to show you..or the public or anyone else..squat. "The Dems' are laughing their asses off..as your ilk attempt to overturn an election because of the size of the ballots.
Investigators--whoever THEY are..have no standing to demand anything..do you not get it?
Thats why we will be going to war with each other. You cheat, cover it up, refuse to let us look at the evidence and then you "laugh at us". Are you under the impression that all we can do is cry ourselves to sleep every night? No, we can pick up guns and fight each other until only one side is left standing. Thats where this leads.
Why don’t you tell us what you think you’re going to find by looking at ballots?
They don't even know..1st they want to spin looking at the ballots, as a victory..anything else is just grist for the mill~
It looks shady as fuck because a bunch of people, including you, are investing tons of time in making sure it looks as shady as fuck..invested in perpetuating the false narrative.
All you have to do is not fight us in court when we want to investigate, then the evidence would be out there for all to see and we would have egg on our face. Instead you hide evidence. Of course that makes people not trust our elections.
Damn..you don't law much, do you? Those rolls....if indeed they were asked to produce them..were not germane to the case...obviously..otherwise the judge would have ordered them produced. I imagine you have some fine theory ginned up to explain that, right?
You arent following this case close enough to be in this discussion.
All you have to do is not fight us in court when we want to investigate
Investigations don't happen in court.

And nobody has to legitimize unevidenced fantasies. Sorry.

The lying liars get laughed dout of court because they mangle the laws and have no evidence.

This just keeps getting dumber and dumber.
Thats why we will be going to war with each other. You cheat, cover it up, refuse to let us look at the evidence and then you "laugh at us". Are you under the impression that all we can do is cry ourselves to sleep every night? No, we can pick up guns and fight each other until only one side is left standing. Thats where this leads.
No//you lose, assume we cheat...wildly speculate...assume you have some right..because of your butthurt status..to question again and again, force never-ending hoop jumping...and lose in the end. Which you spin into another conspiracy..and then you start the cycle again.
Nobody's fighting anyone..the vast majority are quite tired of the whining. The few who would actually pick up arms over this bs..well..they'll get want...a bloody death, or imprisonment forever..a few headlines..and we all move on.
You arent following this case close enough to be in this discussion.
Uh-huh. Yet, I've yet to see you post squat that bolsters your position. You make impassioned statements one after the other...and bring nothing to the table of fact. No link..just assertions..then you accuse me of ignorance because I don't buy your shit..sorry for you luck, Chuck.
No//you lose, assume we cheat...wildly speculate...assume you have some right..because of your butthurt status..to question again and again, force never-ending hoop jumping...and lose in the end. Which you spin into another conspiracy..and then you start the cycle again.
Nobody's fighting anyone..the vast majority are quite tired of the whining. the few who wold actually pick up arms over this bs..well..they'll get want...a bloody death, or imprisonment forever..a few headlines..and we all move on.
There is evidence of weird shit happening and every single time we want to investigate, you stop us. Its irrellevent if there is or isnt cheating. If one side of the nation no longer has faith in our electoral process, the shooting will immediately start. We will kill each other in droves. I think the right will win the civil war, but there will be mass death everywhere.
No, judges stop you. Because you have no evidence or good argument.
Progs started all of this. And frankly, there are ways to get around the system. We are not looking at ideological differences that are much closer together anymore. We had left and right in 1960. Today the same left and right is closer to the left of 1960 and then the politics begins.
Despite all the frantic fake news by the fringe Right-wing election deniers..it's clear that Lake had no case to begin with and is headed for the inevitable defeat all sane people knew was coming:
I’m shocked, just shocked…..
There is evidence of weird shit happening and every single time we want to investigate, you stop us. Its irrellevent if there is or isnt cheating. If one side of the nation no longer has faith in our electoral process, the shooting will immediately start. We will kill each other in droves. I think the right will win the civil war, but there will be mass death everywhere.

Nope. You’re just a sore loserman
dems cheat, then lie about their cheating, then repeat

All you have to do is not fight us in court when we want to investigate, then the evidence would be out there for all to see and we would have egg on our face. Instead you hide evidence.

Dear Ex-President Trump.

Please read the above.

Thank you.

A self-proclaimed "election judge"? Really? This person is NOT a judge nor does she hold any Judicial office. Just another person making some money off of the useful fools.
Her interviewer, Rucker, is another denier and liar.
Don't suppose you have any official link..any at all..referring to her as a Judge of any sort, now do you?

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