Karine Jean-Pierre loses it at the podium due the Democrat's plays on reality - Trump Assassination 101, advanced

Karine Jean-Pierre loses it at the podium due the Democrat's plays on reality​

KJP said it, this is a very DANGEROUS move by Peter Doocy, but what she did not make clear is it is very dangerous to HIM. I hope Pete doesn't own any pocket pagers.

I mean, how DARE he suggest that it might be dangerous to keep calling Trump a threat after being shot at TWICE! Like KJP pointed out, the Biden administration keeps DENOUNCING violence! But not until after ESPOUSING it first.

Stop using the word “threat”. Stop using words like “target” “bullseye” and “eliminated”. The Democrats were all over Republicans when Gabby Giffords got shot in 2008. They wagged their fingers in judgement for Sarah Palin using that language and made the connection that was the reason Giffords got shot.

Here we are 15+ years later and Democrats have no problem using these terms they told Republicans not to use and then have the audacity to turn the tables on a reporter for calling them out.

Democrats are full of shit. Can’t take their “moral authority” seriously.
It's just a little alarming what the left have done since Trump, from a fake justice system to fake POTUS, to a complete fabrication of the reality of all things. Then you ponder well shit, Trump righted a lot of the ship before they planted riots and a plandemic on us. He detests war, he knows how to get shit done and did. Fuck the left's feelings, their kind programmed them that way. The reality is Trump is proven and oh fuck, there are some dark MFers that don't want him POTUS. Their accusations are confessions. The left ARE what was written for our society long before most of us were born.

Russiangate: FAKE, and confession
Trump's Racist: FAKE, and confession
Trump Impeached: FAKE
Trump responsible for COVID, and probably riots too: FAKE
Trump's January 6th Insurrection: FAKE....Even the events were fake, the left allowed it.
Trump Impeached again: FAKE
Biden is POTUS: FAKE
Kamala for Democracy: FAKE and antonym
Kamala's a moderate: FAKE
Trump's the threat: FAKE, and confession
Trump assassination attempts are exaggerated: FAKE
Left-operated information: DISINFORMATION
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Stop using the word “threat”. Stop using words like “target” “bullseye” and “eliminated”. The Democrats were all over Republicans when Gabby Giffords got shot in 2008. They wagged their fingers in judgement for Sarah Palin using that language and made the connection that was the reason Giffords got shot.

Here we are 15+ years later and Democrats have no problem using these terms they told Republicans not to use and then have the audacity to turn the tables on a reporter for calling them out.

Democrats are full of shit. Can’t take their “moral authority” seriously.
Are you wanting to censor those words? Good luck on that.

Karine Jean-Pierre loses it at the podium due the Democrat's plays on reality​

Let us get straight what KJP is really saying!
  1. When Trump suggested to rally-goers that if they just go down to the capitol in support of Mike Pence, to do so peacefully and respectfully--- that was INSURRECTION and an ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT AS A DICTATOR ENDANGERING THE VERY FABRIC OF DEMOCRACY ITSELF!
  2. But when Joe Biden calls Trump an EXISTENTIAL DANGER TO THE NATION WHO MUST BE ELIMINATED AS AN EXTREMIST WANNABE DICTATOR WHO IS DANGEROUSLY INSANE, that was just common, everyday political rhetoric? Not a thing wrong with that and dangerous to even suggest otherwise despite Trump having now had TWO ATTEMPTS NOW MADE ON HIS LIFE?

It's hard to believe that the so-called Republican Revolution election of 1994 was only 30 years ago. The Contract with America even with its flaws was enacted. And here we are today on the cusp of a nation transitioning to Socialism and then Communism with an out-of-control Party who have mesmerized their voters who were gotten y using the race, gender, gender choice game on the nation as a whole and effectively divided the nation. None of the whites involved will live in any areas of those they rule.
She's just an ill-informed DEI soldier for the Biden/Harris administration, and Doocy is absolutely correct. They aren't against political violence, and all you have to do is look at the history from 2016 forward with the dozens and dozens of instances that negate her response.
She has been hired to run interference for her boss like this is what she does as plastic transparent as it looks. At this point in the game it's obvious to all but the statist left rank & file sheeple(hive mentality) what is going on, & that going on is called CORRUPTION. The human condition(human nature) is naturally corrupt, soooo it stands to reason the bigger the g'ment the bigger the corruption! That's WHY 'One World Without Borders' cannot work out for humanity without the extinction of the human species. All KJP is doing is what she is expected to do & that is to be the block & tackle for the current executive branch. ALL presidents have a block & tackle to run interference for them. KJP just has a very 'difficult' executive branch to run interference for(understatement).
Up is down, I get it now, just as Democrats and those responsible for them insist. Just decorate shit as you like, 24-7, it-will-stick Democrats.

Her and the administration's rhetoric is what's dangerous.
Dime to a dollar DHS is behind the assassination attempts.
It's treason and people need to pay for it.

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