Kari's Attorneys are Confident on Their Lawsuits!

You’ve still got nothing Leftwhiner. You can’t dispute (intelligently or factually) a single sentence in the complaint. You certainly couldn’t refute a single faxrual assertion.

And for an empty vessel, such as you, to try to call anybody else “gullible” is ironic in the extreme. Tools like you actually buy the propaganda offered under the guise of “news” by the liberal apparatchik handmaiden media. 😂

Her complaint requires proof. Let's see her prove some 20,000 people weren't allowed to vote and that they were all going to vote for her
You’ve demonstrated it conclusively. No good purpose is served by your continuing ineffective denials. 😎

You demonstrated you're a welsher who doesn't man up and honor bets he loses...

I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.


The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.


Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone. They can believe whatever a lib's heart says they should believe. But, I'll still be gone.
Try reading, Leftwhiner.

This fairly brief portion alone could change the outcome of the election:


Try looking at the complaint starting right after Paragraph numbered 43 through paragraph numbered 62. That’s a good start.

Again. I’m not suggesting that she will win the lawsuit. What I am suggesting is that it’s a valid complaint on its face. And since it carefully describes the failure of the AZ election officials to conduct the election as required by law, revealing problems so significant that they show that the outcome of the election is likely to have been altered, the requested judicial relief is perfectly appropriate. Either declare Lake the winner or conduct elections anew in the affected voting districts.

Likely? No. Possible? Absolutely.

If the evidence supports the complaint (after the hearings, if ordered), then one or the other remedy is very much required.
Lol, funny stuff. Good entertainment. Lol. Let us know how the lawsuit turns out! Lol 😂
From the lawsuit: Item 176

I doubt that's gonna fly given election workers separate ballots from their respective envelopes in order to preserve secrecy. Just as is done, and has been done, in every state in the union.

She reeks of desperation.
Lake is going to prove a lot of those signatures do not match the ones on the voters registration. And it was an illegal third party, not certified, to do that signature matching in charge.
Lake is going to prove a lot of those signatures do not match the ones on the voters registration. And it was an illegal third party, not certified, to do that signature matching in charge.

That will prolly fail her as well. In Arizona, when a signature doesn't match, the county has to reach out to the voter to give them the opportunity to cure their ballot so that it's counted. I doubt a judge is going to disenfranchise voters after the fact to where they no longer have the ability to vote.
That will prolly fail her as well. In Arizona, when a signature doesn't match, the county has to reach out to the voter to give them the opportunity to cure their ballot so that it's counted. I doubt a judge is going to disenfranchise voters after the fact to where they no longer have the ability to vote.
Really? How many did they reach out to? Got a number?
Really? How many did they reach out to? Got a number?

My G-d, you're an idiot. The election is over, you retard. If they throw out all of the absentee ballots as she's seeking, they won't be reaching out to any of them. Again, because the election is over.

My G-d, you're an idiot. The election is over, you retard. If they throw out all of the absentee ballots as she's seeking, they won't be reaching out to any of them. Again, because the election is over.

They never reached out to anyone and they had a week. Try a real argument dumbass.
They never reached out to anyone and they had a week. Try a real argument dumbass.

Retard, there is no reaching out to them now. In case you missed it, Lake is suing to have ALL absentee ballots thrown out. That would include the vast majority where the signatures match. Arizona can't legally disenfranchise all those voters without giving them an opportunity to cure their ballots.

It's a pipe dream, ya raving lunatic. :cuckoo:

It ain't happening.
Retard, there is no reaching out to them now. In case you missed it, Lake is suing to have ALL absentee ballots thrown out. That would include the vast majority where the signatures match. Arizona can't legally disenfranchise all those voters without giving them an opportunity to cure their ballots.

It's a pipe dream, ya raving lunatic. :cuckoo:

It ain't happening.
Lake is going to win.

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