Karl marx was correct on this issue

Wow....The loons are out on this one..karl marx.....Tyrant. Dictator. Responsible for the deaths of millions of his own citizens...
All you commies can pack your shit and go....
So you're against free education for children and pro child labor?

I know that from the vantage point of your mom's basement, everything looks free, but you are just a leech. SOMEONE always pays. Teachers don't teach without pay.

Oh and moron, Karl Marx did not end child labor.
onepercenter claims to be a wealthy business owner...
Typical self hating guilt ridden lib embarrassed by his own success.
He is miserable.. And he wants everyone else to be miserable.
There was never a day in the life of Karl Marx where he was even close to being right.
Utter BS. The reason we are still talking about him is because he was so right, not so wrong.
Yeah...Ok....Then find a communist country and move there.
I'm a liberal. This place was founded for me, not you, so get the fuck out.
You can keep believing that if it makes you feel better.
I can produce lots of facts that counter your comment, but its of no use discussing with an irrational individual such as yourself..
This country exists on the bedrock of personal freedom, liberty and the will of the individual.
You are a collectivist. An outsider.
Contrary to your socialist beliefs, what others have is NOT yours. And not will it ever be. Go earn your own keep.....
Contrary to your socialist beliefs, what others have is NOT yours. And not will it ever be. Go earn your own keep.....
I do, and like the Founding Fathers I know I don't get to keep all of it like the fucking selfish infant that you are. In their world, and mine, society matters, and life's not all about making number one happy.
Contrary to your socialist beliefs, what others have is NOT yours. And not will it ever be. Go earn your own keep.....
I do, and like the Founding Fathers I know I don't get to keep all of it like the fucking selfish infant that you are. In their world, and mine, society matters, and life's not all about making number one happy.
Ahh...Proves my point..Irrational..
Contrary to your irrational beliefs, I believe taxation is necessary to fund the essential functions of government...
You view taxation as punishment
Should Americans have been encouraged to read Marx during the McCarthy period? Instead, did we let others tell us what they think he wrote? Seems to me that some fear could have been avoided and knowledge gained by encouraging people to read. But was what Marx wrote the biggie, or how people used Marx? I remember taking a class on comparative economic systems and part of our reading was Marx, but it was best to hide the book from onlookers or being accused of being a communist.
There was never a day in the life of Karl Marx where he was even close to being right.

So you're against free education for children and pro child labor?

How do you make that leap? Man you lefties are fucking stupid... how do you know to even breath?

Karl Marx

'10. Free education for all children in public schools. The abolition of child labour in factories; an educated child would be better for society in the long term, than a child not educated.'
So you're against free education for children and pro child labor?

I know that from the vantage point of your mom's basement, everything looks free, but you are just a leech. SOMEONE always pays. Teachers don't teach without pay.

Oh and moron, Karl Marx did not end child labor.

I never stated he did. My point is that our ideals are a mix of the good ideas of may political ideals.
There was never a day in the life of Karl Marx where he was even close to being right.
Utter BS. The reason we are still talking about him is because he was so right, not so wrong.

Yes..and if the communists can only murder another 100 million innocent men, women and children they will get that whole "communist" thing worked out....or is it 200 million people..............
Utter BS. The reason we are still talking about him is because he was so right, not so wrong.


Fucking leftists, stupid as you are dishonest...
Learn Marx, dumbass. He's like Smith, you can't learn economics without him.
There are plenty of idiots that don't understand Marx was simply an economic theorist. You know the ones I mean. They tend to say things like "Marxist government, Marxist rule", etc.

Marxism is not a form of government - any more than capitalism is. It's economic theory.
onepercenter claims to be a wealthy business owner...
Typical self hating guilt ridden lib embarrassed by his own success.
He is miserable.. And he wants everyone else to be miserable.

As a wealthy businessman I'm able to see from a unique point that the GOP philosophy of dumbing down America is working when I read posts from the middle class right. Which leads me to ask; What political philosophy promotes free education for all children in public schools and abolishes child labor? What political philosophy installs taxpayer paid services to pay for services such as police and fire among others to be a benefit of all?
Contrary to your socialist beliefs, what others have is NOT yours. And not will it ever be. Go earn your own keep.....
I do, and like the Founding Fathers I know I don't get to keep all of it like the fucking selfish infant that you are. In their world, and mine, society matters, and life's not all about making number one happy.
Ahh...Proves my point..Irrational..
Contrary to your irrational beliefs, I believe taxation is necessary to fund the essential functions of government...
You view taxation as punishment
Most People believe taxation is necessary to fund the essential functions of government, the problem comes with what defines essential functions of government!

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