Karl Marx.

We were told that Biden was a moderate. We STILL have no evidence of that since everything happening is being directed by the INSANE progressives. From the Raw Green Deal to Open Borders to a Supreme Ct justice who cant define a woman -- these ARE THE American Marxists.

In fact, most all of the organizing leftists in BLM are SELF-DECLARED Marxists and proud of it. You have baby Trudeau up in Canada OPENLY PRAISING the central control of the Chinese Communists. It's a pop culture revival of bad Marxist ideas.

SOMEHOW - the Marxists are running the show.. From the Soros money and drive to install District Attorneys in the US coast to coast who REJECT the law and sentencing guidelines. To Democrats who start weeping rivers of tears when Musk talks about FREE SPEECH at Twitter. Or totally broken borders ON PURPOSE !!! Or coordinating to toss the power of DOJ at parents who get riled at school boards teaching MARXIST type propaganda about dividing people into the Oppressed and the Oppressors. HOW MUCH MORE MARXIST CAN YOU GET?????

Marxism is about tearing down to "build back better" with CENTRAL CONTROL. And since Brandon came along --- it's CLEAR they are accomplishing the tearing down part quite well in just 15 short months.
210.000 trespassers arrested in one month doesn´t sound like open borders. And all that society stuff has nothing to do with Marx. Those are slogans, nothing more, like when the left compares the right with Hitler.
If you find a perception to be dividing then I suppose you have something to lose.

Are you high? Or bored or what? You ASSERT that CRT is just a rightie boogie man, and you know NOTHING ABOUT IT. Because it's not just "a perception" -- It's a factual assertion that there ONLY is the Oppressed (POC) and the Oppressors (whites) .

Where in CRT is that MERELY "a perception"? Show me...
Marx lived in a different time and a different set of circumstances as we do here in the US.
Of course. Marx, and then the moderate left, the unions, the parties led to the wealth today. You Americans have another mindset. Because nobody needed to tell your employers to pay more than necessary for bare naked survival. But here in Europe, we needed to. Those who know what I mean are those who left Europe and created the United States of America.
If I want to own nothing, that should be my decision. Not something imposed upon me by the State.
"You WILL own nothing and You WILL be happy!"

It's not a question of discussion when said this way.

It's a declaration of intent.
They dont "handle" the rich people problem until AFTER the revolution. THat's when they put the screws to all financial freedom and social liberties.
That wasn´t their initial intention. Their system was simply crap. Crap based on theories made by Marx and Engels.
210.000 trespassers arrested in one month doesn´t sound like open borders. And all that society stuff has nothing to do with Marx. Those are slogans, nothing more, like when the left compares the right with Hitler.

they weren't "arrested". They were given cell phones and plane tickets and vouchers for services and RELEASED everywhere in the USA.

Ever even READ Marx? Obviously not if you claim that none of "the society stuff" is in his writings. It's the PRIMARY BASIS for restructing the economy based on FAIRNESS and "redistribution" of wealth.

they weren't "arrested". They were given cell phones and plane tickets and vouchers for services and RELEASED everywhere in the USA.

Ever even READ Marx? Obviously not if you claim that none of "the society stuff" is in his writings. It's the PRIMARY BASIS for restructing the economy based on FAIRNESS and "redistribution" of wealth.

Do you have a link?

As for Marx and society, what you have mentioned are economics. It was exactly about redistribution of wealth. There was no race issue because there was just one race.
That wasn´t their initial intention. Their system was simply crap. Crap based on theories made by Marx and Engels.
Marx was a lazy piece of shit who didn't work, didn't bathe, didn't take care of his family, sponged off his friend, let his children starve, got the maid pregnant and kicked her out of the house...

No wonder leftists love him.

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