Karma Is A B...Well, You Know: Former Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving 3rd Covid Shot

So you must see why without a control group, this is worthless, right?
Just going by what he said every patient but 1 survived. I see you're one of those people who won't accept any alternatives other than the vaccine. Liberals are going out of their way saying Ivermectin is for animals.
How is it “automatically revoked”?
Ivermectin is for animals not humans? Liberals on here are even saying that. You're blind open your eyes and stop trusting the government. They really don't care about you.
Just going by what he said every patient but 1 survived. I see you're one of those people who won't accept any alternatives other than the vaccine. Liberals are going out of their way saying Ivermectin is for animals.
I accept any alternative with good data. Dexamethasone has good data. Regeneron has good data.

Saying 1 out of 200 died without a control group is not good data. It’s useless. How many would have died from that group without ivermectin? No idea. Probably 1.
Ivermectin is for animals not humans? Liberals on here are even saying that. You're blind open your eyes and stop trusting the government. They really don't care about you.
Ivermectin is safe for humans and known to be effective for some parasite infections. There’s data to support that. Good data. Not internet blog data.

But it’s not for COVID. I don’t need to trust the government. I just need to review the data.
Sorry, common cold viruses are also coronaviruses.
Yep, the common cold is a corona virus!

But the flu, is an Influenza virus....there are lots and lots and lots of different Influenza viruses, some real big killers and other influenza viruses are weak, and not major killers...

The Corona virus is similar in that sense, to Influenza. The common cold corona virus is not a killer....
whereas SARS and COVID 19 was and is a killer.
It is a real shame that some pro-vaccine people are so cocksure that they know everything there is to know about these vaccines.
Then don't listen to them. Use critical thinking instead. Cocksure really doesn't translate to immunology. There is constant tests and trials. Scientific Method stuff.
I join others in offering my condolences to that university professor's family.

Let's not talk about "karma."
Magaturds don't wanna. Regressives don't wanna. They've become too tribal to care. It's a problem.
No one will ever know what ACTUALLY killed her. Medical people often disagree on the cause of death.
Hogwash. Medical examiners often disagree on cause of death? News to me. Gotta link?
During the last two years of this unbelievable virus tragedy, some people on both sides of this vaccine controversy have acted and spoken horribly, and they should all be ashamed of themselves.
Fair enough. But magaturds/regressives will tell you you are 'virtue signalling'. Just saying.
I spent three days in the hospital this week. One day for an abscessed umbilical hernia and the other two for internal bleeding from which I could have died. According to some of you nitwits, it must have been due to the COVID I had in late August after getting the vaccination in May.

Never mind that I have has this small umbilical hernia for years, and was caused by abdominal fluid being trapped in the hernia. As part of the treatment I had the abdominal fluid drained and the needle used to insert the drain poked a blood vessel in my abdominal wall causing me to bleed internally.

I know it was COVID despite what my doctors said.
Blood Vessel?

Did you get the J and J shot?

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