Kasich does not belong in the race

All Republicans are. The corporations that fund them want the market flooded with workers.

And they also want to manufacture outside the USA.

If you want to see more employers fleeing the USA, get your $15 minimum wage.
All Republicans are. The corporations that fund them want the market flooded with workers.

And they also want to manufacture outside the USA.

If you want to see more employers fleeing the USA, get your $15 minimum wage.

Or maybe if you let them. Trump and hillary say they won't let them. Why do you think the GOP primaries are a clown car and trumps driving?

"hardly"? :lol: Why do you think manufacturing has fled our shores? Let me guess...it's because capitalism is EVIL.....Michigan schools once were the pride of the USA...you're a good example of what they've become. BTW, minimum wage is a sucker hole for the unions because when it rises, so do all the other wages in a company. Not that that's bad, but call it what is instead of some noble effort to help entry-workers.

"hardly"? :lol: Why do you think manufacturing has fled our shores? Let me guess...it's because capitalism is EVIL.....Michigan schools once were the pride of the USA...you're a good example of what they've become. BTW, minimum wage is a sucker hole for the unions because when it rises, so do all the other wages in a company. Not that that's bad, but call it what is instead of some noble effort to help entry-workers.
We make more than Mexicans Chinese Africans Indians and everyone else. That's why manufacturing left.

That and we allowed them to. China doesn't allow importing. If you want to sell to Chinese people you have to make it in China. Novel idea huh? No wonder they're winning
We make more than Mexicans Chinese Africans Indians and everyone else. That's why manufacturing left.

That and we allowed them to. China doesn't allow importing. If you want to sell to Chinese people you have to make it in China. Novel idea huh? No wonder they're winning

So you now admit your "hardly" comment was ridiculous, right? Raise the entry rate to $15 and see what happens....When a company's competitors are paying slave wages, the owner has to wonder why he's staying here, since patriotism doesn't feed the bulldog. And you might recall that it was Willy Jeff Clinton who got us into NAFTA and the WTO, not a republican.
But shouldn't trump being anti gun have killed him?

Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able To Bring Guns Anywhere, Except His Own Hotels

And trump even imported his wife so I don't believe he is anti immigration either.

The thread is about Kasich....stop deflecting, it's lame

You said kasich was rejected for being anti gun. First he isn't, and second why is trump the front runner? Only a moron would believe he is pro gun.

I supplied links.....your turn. Your blabbering doesn't count

It is obvious that everyone is being herded like sheep again. I have little doubt that the powers that be, are going to nominate Kasich if they can stop Trump or Cruz from getting the magic number. The rules are going to be changed, and that is going to be our nominee, unless they want to push Romney again with Kasich as the VP.

In my humble opinion, Trump has imploded over the last 3 weeks, and can not win in the general. He has become 2016s version of Ross Perot, and his meltdown is of his own doing.

The only person left that can win if he clears his name, is Cruz. The GOP won't nominate him either, so unless something dramatic happens, we will see a President Hillary. How did this happen so quickly? (I remember seeing internal polls while in Florida showing that Hillary was in deep, deep, trouble) We can thank Donald Trump for imploding, we can thank the media for helping implode Cruz, we can thank the GOP for helping everything along to keep control of the process, and lastly---------> we can thank rigid supporters of all the candidates left, who have forgotten the main idea is defeat the Democrats, and instead think the most important thing is to defeat each other.

Do you know how disgusting it is to listen to people proclaim.............if not Trump, I won't vote for the GOP! Or how about, if not Cruz, I will never vote for Trump! Or maybe you like, nobody in the establishment will vote for either! How in the hell are ANY of the candidates going ro win? We just went through this 4 years ago with Ron Paul supporters thanks to the GOP and Mitt Romney, and that gave us 4 more years of Obama. Haven't we all learned anything from that! I guess not, because unless it changes; and I seriously doubt it will, we are going to have a President Hillary, Rodham, Clinton as President, and good ole BJ as 1st husband.

Repeat after me GOPers-----------> I, as a thinking human being, will cut off my nose, my childrens noses, and my grandchildrens noses, to spite all of our faces if my person doesn't get the nod, and elect either a socialist, or Marxist as President, and like it! I will then come on here, look at all the lefties who will be laughing at you, hand them a 2 by 4, bend over and proclaim............thank you sir, may I have another!

Mass media is more responsible than any other entity that Donald Rump even exists as a concept.

But they're not alone in culpability. Media can only lead the horse of the Unwashed to water; they can't make it drink. That the Unwashed obediently and mindlessly slurp it down without question --- that's the real story. As they know too well, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Trump is a one trick pony, illegal immigration and its effect upon American workers, and his wall. That is all he is! He hasn't answered much of anything else succinctly, and when he does, he sticks his foot in his mouth.

Now, I can forgive him for that because he is really not a politician, he is a businessperson. So be it. And yet, he has shown us (me anyway) that he is the GOP version of Obama with his ridiculous fits, and arrogant attitude. Women despise the man, and no offense to the men on here who support him, but women are the LARGEST % of voters in the country.

Now if he is the nominee, I will vote for him, because he is faaaaar better than Bernie or HRC. But I ask Trump supporters this-----------------> with HRCs negatives so high with everyone including women, and yet she still defeats Trump with women, how are we going to get him elected?

Go ahead GOPers, show all of us a poll that proves the largest voting bloc in this country; WOMEN, prefer Trump over HRC, and when you can't, remember that most women who are NOT DNC, can't stand Clinton! Show us a path to win the general, SHOW US! Can you make lemonade out of lemons on this? I don't see how!

I can show scenarios where any other group voting against Trump in huge numbers can not stop him from winning because of where they are located. Black, Hispanic, Asian, you name it, I can show Trump still winning! But what I can't do is-------------> show him losing the female vote conclusively, and still winning the general. Women are everywhere! If you are a man, aren't you married to, or going out with one of them? (or maybe 2, lol)

It is FACT! It is part of my part time, J-O-B! To run the numbers, then give conclusions. He can lose minorities and win; any of them, most of them, and in some cases, all of them. But if he does, he MUST, win, women, and he must win by more than 51, or 52%. I am talking 55 to 60%, if he loses minorities big. He has to win the states where the minorities don't hold sway, PERIOD! Again remember, if you throw out Alaska, women are the largest voting bloc in the country, bar none!

So with the negativity for him with women so high, convince us he can win the general. Show us the path; and if you can't, if you really want to deny the Democrats the White House, you better start rethinking your positions.
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?
We make more than Mexicans Chinese Africans Indians and everyone else. That's why manufacturing left.

That and we allowed them to. China doesn't allow importing. If you want to sell to Chinese people you have to make it in China. Novel idea huh? No wonder they're winning

So you now admit your "hardly" comment was ridiculous, right? Raise the entry rate to $15 and see what happens....When a company's competitors are paying slave wages, the owner has to wonder why he's staying here, since patriotism doesn't feed the bulldog. And you might recall that it was Willy Jeff Clinton who got us into NAFTA and the WTO, not a republican.
No it wasn't. Bush 1 drafted NAFTA with newt and Bob Dole don't lie. Do you really not know that?
BS...get informed

I am. He is realistic on the issues. You prefer fairytale land.

Evidently you're not...but nice try

You think trump is really pro gun?

I'm not a Trump supporter...stay on point

But shouldn't trump being anti gun have killed him?

Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able To Bring Guns Anywhere, Except His Own Hotels

And trump even imported his wife so I don't believe he is anti immigration either.

LOL, the Republican/Independent doesn't know the difference between public and private property.

Show where Trump said government should force any private property owners to allow guns on their property
Bush lost his re election so Clinton signed it. NAFTA was a done deal. Clinton would have got a bullet. Imagine how hard of a time the GOP would have given bill had he vetoed NAFTA. Don't be silly
No it wasn't. Bush 1 drafted NAFTA with newt and Bob Dole don't lie. Do you really not know that?

Horseshit and don't you call me a liar, boy. Clinturd bribed and lied to the country about NAFTA, sending algore around bragging about it's wonderful promise.....he tried to elbow Ross Perot out of his chair on Larry King doing it. Where's fat albert on the subject today? Look into how Clinturd got the the Florida senators onboard and in doing so put their tomato farmers out of business. Enough of you...you're not bright enough to understand any of this.
The voters have SOUNDLY rejected him.

The Establishment is keeping him funded to attempt to get to a contested convention. They don't want Trump or Cruz. Mark my words, a contested convention means the Establishment forces Kasich on us...or someone just like him.
The voters have SOUNDLY rejected him.
Yes they don't want the most qualified. Just crazy.
They have been convinced that moderation and cooperation equal capitulation.

Which is why they lose

True, and why care when both parties are running a Democrat candidate? That's why people like me vote third party. Clearly with HW as we flooded out of the Republican Party they started losing elections consistently
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".
I disagree. People in every state should have a voice to who they prefer to represent them. Names (nor consideration) should not be removed from ballot simply based on the feelings of people who are citizens of other states.

I agree, but Gramps didn't say he should be "removed." Why do you assume that any view of what people think means they think it should be done by force?

Where'd anyone bring up "force"?

The OP could want that, or he could want Kasich to just throw up his hands and walk away in a feeble capitulation to the concept that blusterfluff prevails over rationality.

Either way, the idea is stupid. Basically the OP's saying "I've made my choice and it's not person X, therefore person X needs to go away".

I quoted the word that answers your question. You're a horrible reader, it's funny you claim to have done that for a living and corrected people. You confused a lot of reporters with your comments, didn't you?
Maybe Kasich could get some traction with conservatives if he started talking about the size of his dick.

Kaisch doesn't have a prayer.....and never did

Kasich was part of the GOP establishments plan to win the White House without the base, talk about your plan for failure. Lets be honest there's no freaking way the base was going to vote for Illegal amnesty and infringing on the 2nd amendment. I love his experience, I respect actual experience and accomplishments but the guy belongs in the Democratic party on key issues.
What you fail to understand is that if you ever want to see anything get done on the immigration front then you are going to need common sense proposals that will pass a vote. The extreme positions that the two blowholes take on many issues is just pandering to the base but they will gain no traction in congress without major compromise. Kasich is the only one being honest about this... Trump actually touched on it when he said his policies are negotiating positions... You'll see him get cozy right in the middle during the general election

Trump has proved you wrong, securing the border and deporting illegals has cross party support among the people. There is a hell of a lot of pent up anger at government for allowing this illegal mess. Government and the media have intentionally not reported on the illegal murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, fraud, but the information is getting out and the people are pissed.
The only thing Trump proved is that the "rapist" "murder" act pisses off the majority of the world. I know you fridge wingers love it but that's not the way to productively address the issue. In the end the grown ups will prevail... You'll see

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