Kasich to announce: "amateur hour is over"

Twelve GOP candidates announced.......and the "base" is still searching for Mr. Right.

This dude could make a fortune if he rented himself out to parents with infants who refuse to sleep.
Twelve GOP candidates announced.......and the "base" is still searching for Mr. Right.

This dude could make a fortune if he rented himself out to parents with infants who refuse to sleep.

LOL... The left is scared shitless of him just look at lonelaugher.. Hilarious. I wont even counter you which I can. I'll let Kasich's accomplishments overshadow all his anger and anxiety over this news. ;)
Twelve GOP candidates announced.......and the "base" is still searching for Mr. Right.

This dude could make a fortune if he rented himself out to parents with infants who refuse to sleep.

LOL... The left is scared shitless of him just look at lonelaugher.. Hilarious. I wont even counter you which I can. I'll let Kasich's accomplishments overshadow all his anger and anxiety over this news. ;)

Kasich getting the GOP nod is about as likely as you are getting laid tonight.
He doesn't seem so far right wacko as they say. Theres some populism in his message. I will listen to what he has t say. Doesn't seem like the rich corporate backed clowns who want nothing more than to kill off the middle class so they have every last thing for themselves.​
Ah....This is good news.

The best thing the Dems can hope for is someone who brings out the worst in the GOP constituency; the "let them die" battalions. Kasich seems to be willing to be the general in the war on women as well as a lightning rod for those who think compromise is a bad word.

It's an early Christmas for Clinton.
Ah....This is good news.

The best thing the Dems can hope for is someone who brings out the worst in the GOP constituency; the "let them die" battalions. Kasich seems to be willing to be the general in the war on women as well as a lightning rod for those who think compromise is a bad word.

It's an early Christmas for Clinton.

Hope she enjoys coal.
Ah....This is good news.

The best thing the Dems can hope for is someone who brings out the worst in the GOP constituency; the "let them die" battalions. Kasich seems to be willing to be the general in the war on women as well as a lightning rod for those who think compromise is a bad word.

It's an early Christmas for Clinton.

Hope she enjoys coal.

Do we have any left?

Hillary will find out at Christmas.
I think that Kasich was referring to the other republican- candidate CLOWNS who have so far announced their run, not Obama.
Prediction: Kasich will win the GOP primary................in Ohio.
I think that Kasich was referring to the other republican- candidate CLOWNS who have so far announced their run, not Obama.

I think he was referring to everyone that has announced to run so far.

Including Sanders, O'Malley, Chaffee, and HILLARY.
Twelve GOP candidates announced.......and the "base" is still searching for Mr. Right.

This dude could make a fortune if he rented himself out to parents with infants who refuse to sleep.

Twelve declared candidates and "Undecided" still beats them all. Hell, Bernie Sanders polls better than any of the GOP candidates.

Here's a fun fact...we've got two summers of this shit to get through. Yipee!!!
In 2014 Kasich won reelection as Governor of Ohio with 63.8% of the vote. His reelection is called a land slide. Polls show he would beat Hillary in Ohio by 7 points. If he takes Florida, the election would be over.
Kasich was referring to his opponents, Republicans and Democrats. Amateur hour is over. Good.
Since this is just the beginning of the primary season, Governor Kasich has a lot of time to demonstrate that, one way or the other. Very dangerous to make that kind of statement at this point in the race. A few bobbles on his part, and the rest of the pack will be repeating that statement endlessly.
Let him take his chance. The candidates, with very few exceptions, are amateur hour.

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