Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

It was jury nullification he needs to be charged federally.

No it was not. The prosecutor over-reached and failed miserably.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about, the jury had the option to find him guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

Already addressed that dipshit, killing someone by discharging a weapon you are illegally in possession of certainly meets that standard.

Irrelevant, intent is not part of the standard, he was acting in "reckless disregard of human life".

You have got to be dumber than a box of rocks. How does picking up a gun out of the trash can, and hell, not even picking up a gun. It was wrapped in a towel and misfired when it fell out of the rag when he picked up the rag.. The bullet hit just twelve feet from where he was standing and ricocheted off the pier. That was PROVEN in court. And the Sig Sauer pistol is question is KNOWN to misfire when dropped. Who the hell intentionally fires a gun into a concrete pier just feet from where they are standing? You jerks have no grasp of reality whatsoever.
No it was not. The prosecutor over-reached and failed miserably.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about, the jury had the option to find him guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

Already addressed that dipshit, killing someone by discharging a weapon you are illegally in possession of certainly meets that standard.

Irrelevant, intent is not part of the standard, he was acting in "reckless disregard of human life".

You have got to be dumber than a box of rocks. How does picking up a gun out of the trash can, and hell, not even picking up a gun. It was wrapped in a towel and misfired when it fell out of the rag when he picked up the rag.. The bullet hit just twelve feet from where he was standing and ricocheted off the pier. That was PROVEN in court. And the Sig Sauer pistol is question is KNOWN to misfire when dropped. Who the hell intentionally fires a gun into a concrete pier just feet from where they are standing? You jerks have no grasp of reality whatsoever.
I keep asking you idiot. How did the fucking gun get in the trash can?
No it was not. The prosecutor over-reached and failed miserably.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about, the jury had the option to find him guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

Already addressed that dipshit, killing someone by discharging a weapon you are illegally in possession of certainly meets that standard.

Irrelevant, intent is not part of the standard, he was acting in "reckless disregard of human life".

You have got to be dumber than a box of rocks. How does picking up a gun out of the trash can, and hell, not even picking up a gun. It was wrapped in a towel and misfired when it fell out of the rag when he picked up the rag.. The bullet hit just twelve feet from where he was standing and ricocheted off the pier. That was PROVEN in court. And the Sig Sauer pistol is question is KNOWN to misfire when dropped. Who the hell intentionally fires a gun into a concrete pier just feet from where they are standing? You jerks have no grasp of reality whatsoever.

If he dropped a loaded hand gun in a public space then he was acting recklessly and in disregard of human life, if you actually believe that he found the gun then you are a fucking retard.
no, her death was a tragedy.

Just like the other 33,000 gun deaths we have every year because the NRA needs to make a shitload of money.

But you don't have a problem when mostly white juries send minorities to prison, every day.

Ohh look, a Communist is again lying. Must be a day ending in "y."

No scumbag, it isn't like the other 27,000 gun deaths (33,000 is yet another lie by you). First off, it isn't suicide the way 25,000 of the gun death are. Secondly, it isn't a gang related murder in Chicago as another 1,800 are. Thirdly, this is a 7 time felon who you Communists claim can never get a gun due to the idiotic assault on civil rights you engage in.

This was the murder of a woman by a criminal who should not have been in the country, and only was because you Communist flagrantly violated the law as his accomplice. This was a felon who is prohibited from having a firearm who oddly didn't give a shit about the laws you Communists fail to enforce in the first place.

You Communists are the real perpetrators of Kate Steinle's murder.

Critical thinking is not your strong suit is it hoss. The fact that this guy was a convicted felon or an "illegal alien" had nothing to do with the shooting. Nor did San Francisco sanctuary city status. He found the gun in the trash. He did not buy it, steal it, or even seek ownership. He had possession for a few moments, which was what he was convicted of. One individual, and one company, bear the most responsibility here, and were I a lawyer representing the family I would be targeting the deep pockets of first, Sauer and Sohn and their US distributor, SIG Arms, for manufacturing and distributing a defective handgun subject to misfiring. And second, the BLM for putting in service such a defective weapon and the agent that failed to adequately secure it. I guarantee I would have a better chance of winning a lucrative judgement than the dumbass prosecutor that attempted to to prosecute this case criminally. First, I don't have to meet the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Second, there is a legal precedence here and Sauer and Son have even recalled pistols for the very same reason, misfiring. Third, there have been a couple of deaths due to this model gun misfiring, including a law enforcement officer.

But hey, you stupid shits keep wailing about sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants. It reveals you lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills.
Si if he found it in the trash why would the family sue BLM? Careful idiot we are watching your theory!

Pay attention. It was a Sig Sauer pistol. The same pistol that was recalled due to misfires. The same pistol that was withdrawn from service by the Connecticut's Stamford Police Department due to injuries incurred by one of their officers due to a misfire. The BLM was negligent in regards to ineffective, or non-existent, due diligence in regards to the safety of the firearms they issued their employees. Furthermore, the BLM was negligent in regards to training their officers as to the proper securing of their service weapons.
So how did it get in the trash? You said he got it out of the trash?

Someone ditched it there after stealing it from a dumbass BLM agent that couldn't properly secure his lame ass misfiring weapon. How do you think he got the weapon? Did he steal it? Did the prosecution even attempt to show he was in the same area that the weapon was stolen? Did the prosecution even attempt to argue that he purchased the weapon from the person that stole it?
You don't have a clue what you're talking about, the jury had the option to find him guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

Already addressed that dipshit, killing someone by discharging a weapon you are illegally in possession of certainly meets that standard.

Irrelevant, intent is not part of the standard, he was acting in "reckless disregard of human life".

You have got to be dumber than a box of rocks. How does picking up a gun out of the trash can, and hell, not even picking up a gun. It was wrapped in a towel and misfired when it fell out of the rag when he picked up the rag.. The bullet hit just twelve feet from where he was standing and ricocheted off the pier. That was PROVEN in court. And the Sig Sauer pistol is question is KNOWN to misfire when dropped. Who the hell intentionally fires a gun into a concrete pier just feet from where they are standing? You jerks have no grasp of reality whatsoever.

If he dropped a loaded hand gun in a public space then he was acting recklessly and in disregard of human life, if you actually believe that he found the gun then you are a fucking retard.

Intentionally? Damn but you guys are stupid. The BLM agent was the one acting recklessly and in disregard of human life.
Ohh look, a Communist is again lying. Must be a day ending in "y."

No scumbag, it isn't like the other 27,000 gun deaths (33,000 is yet another lie by you). First off, it isn't suicide the way 25,000 of the gun death are. Secondly, it isn't a gang related murder in Chicago as another 1,800 are. Thirdly, this is a 7 time felon who you Communists claim can never get a gun due to the idiotic assault on civil rights you engage in.

This was the murder of a woman by a criminal who should not have been in the country, and only was because you Communist flagrantly violated the law as his accomplice. This was a felon who is prohibited from having a firearm who oddly didn't give a shit about the laws you Communists fail to enforce in the first place.

You Communists are the real perpetrators of Kate Steinle's murder.

Critical thinking is not your strong suit is it hoss. The fact that this guy was a convicted felon or an "illegal alien" had nothing to do with the shooting. Nor did San Francisco sanctuary city status. He found the gun in the trash. He did not buy it, steal it, or even seek ownership. He had possession for a few moments, which was what he was convicted of. One individual, and one company, bear the most responsibility here, and were I a lawyer representing the family I would be targeting the deep pockets of first, Sauer and Sohn and their US distributor, SIG Arms, for manufacturing and distributing a defective handgun subject to misfiring. And second, the BLM for putting in service such a defective weapon and the agent that failed to adequately secure it. I guarantee I would have a better chance of winning a lucrative judgement than the dumbass prosecutor that attempted to to prosecute this case criminally. First, I don't have to meet the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Second, there is a legal precedence here and Sauer and Son have even recalled pistols for the very same reason, misfiring. Third, there have been a couple of deaths due to this model gun misfiring, including a law enforcement officer.

But hey, you stupid shits keep wailing about sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants. It reveals you lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills.
Si if he found it in the trash why would the family sue BLM? Careful idiot we are watching your theory!

Pay attention. It was a Sig Sauer pistol. The same pistol that was recalled due to misfires. The same pistol that was withdrawn from service by the Connecticut's Stamford Police Department due to injuries incurred by one of their officers due to a misfire. The BLM was negligent in regards to ineffective, or non-existent, due diligence in regards to the safety of the firearms they issued their employees. Furthermore, the BLM was negligent in regards to training their officers as to the proper securing of their service weapons.
So how did it get in the trash? You said he got it out of the trash?

Someone ditched it there after stealing it from a dumbass BLM agent that couldn't properly secure his lame ass misfiring weapon. How do you think he got the weapon? Did he steal it? Did the prosecution even attempt to show he was in the same area that the weapon was stolen? Did the prosecution even attempt to argue that he purchased the weapon from the person that stole it?
He took it off the front seat of a car belonging to the BLM. He stole it.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.
Ohh look, a Communist is again lying. Must be a day ending in "y."

No scumbag, it isn't like the other 27,000 gun deaths (33,000 is yet another lie by you). First off, it isn't suicide the way 25,000 of the gun death are. Secondly, it isn't a gang related murder in Chicago as another 1,800 are. Thirdly, this is a 7 time felon who you Communists claim can never get a gun due to the idiotic assault on civil rights you engage in.

This was the murder of a woman by a criminal who should not have been in the country, and only was because you Communist flagrantly violated the law as his accomplice. This was a felon who is prohibited from having a firearm who oddly didn't give a shit about the laws you Communists fail to enforce in the first place.

You Communists are the real perpetrators of Kate Steinle's murder.

Critical thinking is not your strong suit is it hoss. The fact that this guy was a convicted felon or an "illegal alien" had nothing to do with the shooting. Nor did San Francisco sanctuary city status. He found the gun in the trash. He did not buy it, steal it, or even seek ownership. He had possession for a few moments, which was what he was convicted of. One individual, and one company, bear the most responsibility here, and were I a lawyer representing the family I would be targeting the deep pockets of first, Sauer and Sohn and their US distributor, SIG Arms, for manufacturing and distributing a defective handgun subject to misfiring. And second, the BLM for putting in service such a defective weapon and the agent that failed to adequately secure it. I guarantee I would have a better chance of winning a lucrative judgement than the dumbass prosecutor that attempted to to prosecute this case criminally. First, I don't have to meet the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Second, there is a legal precedence here and Sauer and Son have even recalled pistols for the very same reason, misfiring. Third, there have been a couple of deaths due to this model gun misfiring, including a law enforcement officer.

But hey, you stupid shits keep wailing about sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants. It reveals you lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills.
Si if he found it in the trash why would the family sue BLM? Careful idiot we are watching your theory!

Pay attention. It was a Sig Sauer pistol. The same pistol that was recalled due to misfires. The same pistol that was withdrawn from service by the Connecticut's Stamford Police Department due to injuries incurred by one of their officers due to a misfire. The BLM was negligent in regards to ineffective, or non-existent, due diligence in regards to the safety of the firearms they issued their employees. Furthermore, the BLM was negligent in regards to training their officers as to the proper securing of their service weapons.
So how did it get in the trash? You said he got it out of the trash?

Someone ditched it there after stealing it from a dumbass BLM agent that couldn't properly secure his lame ass misfiring weapon. How do you think he got the weapon? Did he steal it? Did the prosecution even attempt to show he was in the same area that the weapon was stolen? Did the prosecution even attempt to argue that he purchased the weapon from the person that stole it?

Sure they did. He dropped a loaded and chambered pistol that he was carrying around in public and was in illegal possession of, that is obviously within the standard of reckless disregard for human life.
Critical thinking is not your strong suit is it hoss. The fact that this guy was a convicted felon or an "illegal alien" had nothing to do with the shooting. Nor did San Francisco sanctuary city status. He found the gun in the trash. He did not buy it, steal it, or even seek ownership. He had possession for a few moments, which was what he was convicted of. One individual, and one company, bear the most responsibility here, and were I a lawyer representing the family I would be targeting the deep pockets of first, Sauer and Sohn and their US distributor, SIG Arms, for manufacturing and distributing a defective handgun subject to misfiring. And second, the BLM for putting in service such a defective weapon and the agent that failed to adequately secure it. I guarantee I would have a better chance of winning a lucrative judgement than the dumbass prosecutor that attempted to to prosecute this case criminally. First, I don't have to meet the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Second, there is a legal precedence here and Sauer and Son have even recalled pistols for the very same reason, misfiring. Third, there have been a couple of deaths due to this model gun misfiring, including a law enforcement officer.

But hey, you stupid shits keep wailing about sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants. It reveals you lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills.
Si if he found it in the trash why would the family sue BLM? Careful idiot we are watching your theory!

Pay attention. It was a Sig Sauer pistol. The same pistol that was recalled due to misfires. The same pistol that was withdrawn from service by the Connecticut's Stamford Police Department due to injuries incurred by one of their officers due to a misfire. The BLM was negligent in regards to ineffective, or non-existent, due diligence in regards to the safety of the firearms they issued their employees. Furthermore, the BLM was negligent in regards to training their officers as to the proper securing of their service weapons.
So how did it get in the trash? You said he got it out of the trash?

Someone ditched it there after stealing it from a dumbass BLM agent that couldn't properly secure his lame ass misfiring weapon. How do you think he got the weapon? Did he steal it? Did the prosecution even attempt to show he was in the same area that the weapon was stolen? Did the prosecution even attempt to argue that he purchased the weapon from the person that stole it?
He took it off the front seat of a car belonging to the BLM. He stole it.

The prosecution didn't even attempt to make that argument. Why not leave that fantasy land you inhabit and join me in the real world.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

He was in illegal possession of said firearm you stupid fuck.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

He was in illegal possession of said firearm you stupid fuck.

And he was convicted of that you stupider fuck.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

You are really a confused Moon Bat, aren't you?

Having a carry permit in any state does not relieve anybody of the responsibility of safe firearms handling, does it? If I shoot somebody in public by a negligent discharge then my carry permit offers me no protection.

Once that Mexican piece of shit touched that firearm he violated two of the three criteria resulting in a violation of the third.

He was guilty as hell of negligent manslaughter but a San Francisco jury of illegals, queers and other Moon Bats used jury nullification to set the bastard free from being punished for murder. Despicable, isn't it?
Last edited:

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

He was in illegal possession of said firearm you stupid fuck.

And he was convicted of that you stupider fuck.

The illegal possession of a firearm which he was brandishing in public is proof positive that he was acting in reckless disregard of human life you laughable faggot.

The illegal possession of a firearm which he was brandishing in public is proof positive that he was acting in reckless disregard of human life you laughable faggot.

Since he was an Illegal these Moon Bats don't think he should be responsible for his action. Like I have said several times in this thread: the typical pathetic Liberal excuse of "ma baby didu nutin". We hear it all the time as an excuse for the Liberal's special interest groups.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

You are really a confused Moon Bat, aren't you?

Having a carry permit in any state does not relieve anybody of the responsibility of safe firearms handling, does it? If I shoot somebody in public a negligent discharge then my carry permit offers me no protection.

Once that Mexican piece of shit touched that firearm he violated two of the three criteria resulting in a violation of the third.

He was guilty as hell of negligent manslaughter but a San Francisco jury of illegals, queers and other Moon Bats used jury nullification to set the bastard free from being punished for murder. Despicable, isn't it

Not a single legal scholar has attempted to make the jury nullification case. Every single one I have seen pointed out that the prosecution over-reached in even attempting to make a second degree murder case. Most point out that even making a involuntary manslaughter case would be a rough row to hoe. The problem that you are not even willing to see is that the prosecution failed to even prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zarate even willingly TOUCHED the damn firearm. It was wrapped in a rag. He picked up the rag. The gun fell out, hit the ground, and discharged. That was a reasonable explanation, especially considering the history of that particular firearm. Hell, it is not even a case of a more reasonable explanation by the defense. California law requires that in a situation where two reasonable explanations for the event compete, one implying innocence and the other implying guilt, a not guilty verdict must be returned.

And I notice you used "queer" and another one of you three stooges used"faggot" in the same post response. Must be that latent homosexuality rearing it's ugly head. Not only have you three stooges proven you are stupid racists, now we can add homophobic to your resumes. You guys are getting all the Trump supporter boxes checked.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

You are really a confused Moon Bat, aren't you?

Having a carry permit in any state does not relieve anybody of the responsibility of safe firearms handling, does it? If I shoot somebody in public a negligent discharge then my carry permit offers me no protection.

Once that Mexican piece of shit touched that firearm he violated two of the three criteria resulting in a violation of the third.

He was guilty as hell of negligent manslaughter but a San Francisco jury of illegals, queers and other Moon Bats used jury nullification to set the bastard free from being punished for murder. Despicable, isn't it

Not a single legal scholar has attempted to make the jury nullification case. Every single one I have seen pointed out that the prosecution over-reached in even attempting to make a second degree murder case. Most point out that even making a involuntary manslaughter case would be a rough row to hoe. The problem that you are not even willing to see is that the prosecution failed to even prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zarate even willingly TOUCHED the damn firearm. It was wrapped in a rag. He picked up the rag.

There is no evidence of that, no rag was found or seen on surveillance.
Kalifornia is fucked up.

Today -

Matrícula Consular card --> California Driver's License or ID --> Eligible for jury duty.

The past -

Birth Certificate/Green Card --> California Driver's License or ID --> Eligible for jury duty.
Birth Certificate/Green Card --> Voter Registration --> Eligible for jury duty.

There is nothing stopping illegal aliens from serving as California jurors.

There were three "immigrants" on the jury. Connect the dots Moon Bats.
Kalifornia is fucked up.

Today -

Matrícula Consular card --> California Driver's License or ID --> Eligible for jury duty.

The past -

Birth Certificate/Green Card --> California Driver's License or ID --> Eligible for jury duty.
Birth Certificate/Green Card --> Voter Registration --> Eligible for jury duty.

There is nothing stopping illegal aliens from serving as California jurors.

There were three "immigrants" on the jury. Connect the dots Moon Bats.

The jury was selected from a pool of over one thousand and the prosecution accepted each and every one. Your ignorance of the legal process has already been proven, you don't need to keep demonstrating it.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

You are really a confused Moon Bat, aren't you?

Having a carry permit in any state does not relieve anybody of the responsibility of safe firearms handling, does it? If I shoot somebody in public a negligent discharge then my carry permit offers me no protection.

Once that Mexican piece of shit touched that firearm he violated two of the three criteria resulting in a violation of the third.

He was guilty as hell of negligent manslaughter but a San Francisco jury of illegals, queers and other Moon Bats used jury nullification to set the bastard free from being punished for murder. Despicable, isn't it

Not a single legal scholar has attempted to make the jury nullification case. Every single one I have seen pointed out that the prosecution over-reached in even attempting to make a second degree murder case. Most point out that even making a involuntary manslaughter case would be a rough row to hoe. The problem that you are not even willing to see is that the prosecution failed to even prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zarate even willingly TOUCHED the damn firearm. It was wrapped in a rag. He picked up the rag.

There is no evidence of that, no rag was found or seen on surveillance.

Doesn't have to be any evidence. It is not the job of the defense to prove anything. It was the job of the prosecution to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zarate aimed and fired the gun. Kind of stupid considering forensic evidence conclusively proved that it was a ricochet. Seems to me the problem with California is not the immigrants, it is the dumbass prosecutors. They consistently over promise and under deliver.

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