Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

I think you are confusing facts. All of his previous arrests were drug related. None of them were violent felonies or involved weapons.
The Texas Charges were from 1991.

Felony drug charges are violent crimes. I don't care if none of them involved weapons or not.

He should have either been in prison or Mexico. That is entirely on the shoulders of the San Francisco public and public officials.
100 years ago, dumb ass inbred southerners like you said the same thing about Germans, Italians, Irish and Poles.

That would be the North. Where factories had signs outside, depending on the generation, such as INNA. A yellow sign, in a diamond shape with "I" on top, then NN and the bottom A. Irish Need Not Apply.
OK...I'll be less tactful

An outright lie

Bullshit , he did it with malice..

I will post this once again

View attachment 164016
Retelling a lie does not make it true

Then why do you retell lies so often, shitflinger?

The 7 time felon, 5 time deported illegal alien who was under the protection of the accomplice to the crime, the city of San Francisco, fired a firearm on a crowded pier that resulted in a death. This was done in a fully negligent manner making the crime second degree murder under California law.

SF had him and asked for an arrest warrant
Never received one

Mean time, the shooting was accidental

Accidental my ass , he was an illegal unable to buy a gun legally ..

And what the fuck again was he shooting at sea gulls ?

According to his first confession, he was shooting at sea lions.

If you picked up a piece of shit stolen Sig Sauer pistol with a known tendency to misfire out of a trash can and it accidentally went off, ricochets off the pavement, and ends up killing someone, do you think you should be convicted of murder? Or does that only apply to black or brown people.


Stop being an idiot . It just makes you look like a fool when you post stupid shit like that.

Not premeditated murder but some charge of being a dumbass that directly caused the death of another person. They have all kinds of degrees of being a dumbass that causes the death of another person. Not all murders are premeditated.

To claim that this poor Hispanic was an innocent victim of a gun simply going off is beyond belief. Just another variation of you fucking Moon Bat's excuse for all the scumbags: "Ma Baby Didndu nutin".

Again, for the intellectually challenged. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

Ya killing someone by discharging a weapon you are illegally in possession of certainly meets that standard.

Except the prosecution never proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he purposely discharged the weapon. Why not do a little research on a subject before jumping to conclusions. It keeps you from looking like an idiot.

They didn't have to prove any intent. You're confusing him with your defense for Hillary Clinton.
This why the filthy Liberals are tolerant of letting Mexico and other countries export their poverty to the US.:

Expand their voting base.
Convert the existing demographic permanently to people tolerant of statist totalitarianism ("socialism").
Exterminate traditional American culture.
Overwhelm, injure, kill, and impoverish their ideological opponents.
Provide pretext for more government (benefits for allies, control of enemies).

That and we want Mexicans to date your Southern Daughters.... that'll just make you all nuts.
Bullshit , he did it with malice..

I will post this once again

View attachment 164016
Retelling a lie does not make it true

Then why do you retell lies so often, shitflinger?

The 7 time felon, 5 time deported illegal alien who was under the protection of the accomplice to the crime, the city of San Francisco, fired a firearm on a crowded pier that resulted in a death. This was done in a fully negligent manner making the crime second degree murder under California law.

SF had him and asked for an arrest warrant
Never received one

Mean time, the shooting was accidental

Accidental my ass , he was an illegal unable to buy a gun legally ..

And what the fuck again was he shooting at sea gulls ?

According to his first confession, he was shooting at sea lions.

This is why the verdict makes no sense whatsoever. He first claims that he was shooting at another target. Then he changed his story to the gun magically pulled the trigger itself and he had nothing to do with it.

This was a case of jury nullification. The jury had decided they were not going to hold an Illegal accountable for his actions. They may have been aided by a weak prosecutor who had no real inclination to rock the boat in commieland. You would expect that kind of bad behavior from a jury from San Francisco. Especially one that had three "immigrants" on it in a Libtard city where you don't have to prove that you re a legal citizen before being on a jury.

I guess the asshole lucked out. He did get tried by a "jury of his peers". His peers being scumbag Moon Bats

A great injustice was done to the family of Kate. Once again Liberals prove that they are assholes.
This is why the verdict makes no sense whatsoever. He first claims that he was shooting at another target. Then he changed his story to the gun magically pulled the trigger itself and he had nothing to do with it.

Or.... the cops who were questioning him didn't speak Spanish Well, and there was some confusion. The point another poster made was that the Sig Sauer was recalled for misfires.

This was a case of jury nullification. The jury had decided they were not going to hold an Illegal accountable for his actions. They may have been aided by a weak prosecutor who had no real inclination to rock the boat in commieland. You would expect that kind of bad behavior from a jury from San Francisco. Especially one that had three "immigrants" on it in a Libtard city where you don't have to prove that you re a legal citizen before being on a jury.

Actually, you have to be a citizen to sit on a jury, so if these three were "immigrants", they were people who were naturalized. I do think that the fact that your Trumpenfuhrer demonized this man probably did have an effect. Kind of hte brave soul who says "wait a minute" when someone is trying to organize a lynch mob.
2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

Wait, wait, do we have a WINGNUT admitting guns are actually DANGEROUS?

so you are going to come out for common sense gun control now, right?

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Well, hold up, buddy, your side wants people to be able to do not only concealed carry without a permit, but OPEN Carry.
Since he was an Illegal these Moon Bats don't think he should be responsible for his action. Like I have said several times in this thread: the typical pathetic Liberal excuse of "ma baby didu nutin". We hear it all the time as an excuse for the Liberal's special interest groups.

You guys had ample opportunity to prove he did 'something'. But for all your demonizing, a jury didn't buy it.
Since he was an Illegal these Moon Bats don't think he should be responsible for his action. Like I have said several times in this thread: the typical pathetic Liberal excuse of "ma baby didu nutin". We hear it all the time as an excuse for the Liberal's special interest groups.

You guys had ample opportunity to prove he did 'something'. But for all your demonizing, a jury didn't buy it.
I told you Joey, the wetback was minding his own business eating Skittles when Steinle attacked and tried to rape him.
Felony drug charges are violent crimes. I don't care if none of them involved weapons or not.

Um, no, they aren't. Smoking a joint is a drug felony, but those guys are only dangerous to a bag of Doritos.

He should have either been in prison or Mexico. That is entirely on the shoulders of the San Francisco public and public officials.

I agree, he probably should have been shipped back to Mexico. The problem is, that's not San Francisco's job, that's ICE. The problem here being is that ICE Expects all these jurisdictions to hold onto suspects for them indefinitely, and they really don't have the room.

No, they were only fed some of the evidence.

Right. The RELEVANT evidence. You see, it's black letter law, prior bad acts can't be brought into evidence.

That would be the North. Where factories had signs outside, depending on the generation, such as INNA. A yellow sign, in a diamond shape with "I" on top, then NN and the bottom A. Irish Need Not Apply.

Um, no, buddy, you see, when the KKK was reconstituted in the 1910's, after they whole "Birth of a Nation" thing, their main target was not just blacks, but immigrants. Come on, you rednecks in the South want to embrace your "heritage", you need to embrace all of it.
You just told me the bullet ricocheted. So it wasn't a direct shot. How was the prosecution going to convince a jury he shot her on purpose, hence murdered her? Any competent lawyer could convince a jury he didn't mean to shoot her since the bullet bounced - especially in a sanctuary city.

As with Hillary Clinton, there was no need to prove intent except to convict him of first-degree murder.

Involuntary manslaughter was another of the four charges. He was found not guilty of three murder charges and guilty of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

How much of this is above your head?

Apparently this way above your head since you lack reading skills. I love how cut out the part of my post where I clearly stated he should have been found guilty of manslaughter, then you go on to tell me this is above my head. smh
You are really a confused dumbass Moon Bat, aren't you?

1. Check, a woman was killed

2. Check, touching a loaded gun in public is dangerous as hell

3. Check, any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others.

Once that Illegal asshole touch that gun he violated numbers 2 and 3 resulting in the violation of Number 1..

Stop trying to defend a fucking piece of shit convicted felon Illegal alien because they are the darling of the Left and because they vote for Democrats.. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

You are really a confused Moon Bat, aren't you?

Having a carry permit in any state does not relieve anybody of the responsibility of safe firearms handling, does it? If I shoot somebody in public a negligent discharge then my carry permit offers me no protection.

Once that Mexican piece of shit touched that firearm he violated two of the three criteria resulting in a violation of the third.

He was guilty as hell of negligent manslaughter but a San Francisco jury of illegals, queers and other Moon Bats used jury nullification to set the bastard free from being punished for murder. Despicable, isn't it

Not a single legal scholar has attempted to make the jury nullification case. Every single one I have seen pointed out that the prosecution over-reached in even attempting to make a second degree murder case. Most point out that even making a involuntary manslaughter case would be a rough row to hoe. The problem that you are not even willing to see is that the prosecution failed to even prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zarate even willingly TOUCHED the damn firearm. It was wrapped in a rag. He picked up the rag.

There is no evidence of that, no rag was found or seen on surveillance.

Doesn't have to be any evidence. It is not the job of the defense to prove anything. It was the job of the prosecution to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zarate aimed and fired the gun. Kind of stupid considering forensic evidence conclusively proved that it was a ricochet. Seems to me the problem with California is not the immigrants, it is the dumbass prosecutors. They consistently over promise and under deliver.

They did not have to prove he aimed it for it to be involuntary manslaughter, he discharged a firearm which he was in illegal possession of in public, if that doesn't demonstrate a reckless disregard of human life then nothing does.
I agree, he probably should have been shipped back to Mexico. The problem is, that's not San Francisco's job, that's ICE. The problem here being is that ICE Expects all these jurisdictions to hold onto suspects for them indefinitely, and they really don't have the room.

They didn't even inform ice that he was being released.
From my first post do you I told you that you were stupid as hell. You continue to confirm that reality. Touching a loaded gun is public is dangerous as hell. Messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Great, then let's outlaw concealed carry, we don't want untrained individuals touching a loaded gun in public. Any idiot knows that messing around with a gun in public is a threat to the lives of others. Obviously we need to keep those guns out of public places. I am so glad we can agree on something.

But, I got to ask. How did Zarate know the rag was loaded?

You are really a confused Moon Bat, aren't you?

Having a carry permit in any state does not relieve anybody of the responsibility of safe firearms handling, does it? If I shoot somebody in public a negligent discharge then my carry permit offers me no protection.

Once that Mexican piece of shit touched that firearm he violated two of the three criteria resulting in a violation of the third.

He was guilty as hell of negligent manslaughter but a San Francisco jury of illegals, queers and other Moon Bats used jury nullification to set the bastard free from being punished for murder. Despicable, isn't it

Not a single legal scholar has attempted to make the jury nullification case. Every single one I have seen pointed out that the prosecution over-reached in even attempting to make a second degree murder case. Most point out that even making a involuntary manslaughter case would be a rough row to hoe. The problem that you are not even willing to see is that the prosecution failed to even prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zarate even willingly TOUCHED the damn firearm. It was wrapped in a rag. He picked up the rag.

There is no evidence of that, no rag was found or seen on surveillance.

Doesn't have to be any evidence. It is not the job of the defense to prove anything. It was the job of the prosecution to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Zarate aimed and fired the gun. Kind of stupid considering forensic evidence conclusively proved that it was a ricochet. Seems to me the problem with California is not the immigrants, it is the dumbass prosecutors. They consistently over promise and under deliver.

They did not have to prove he aimed it for it to be involuntary manslaughter, he discharged a firearm which he was in illegal possession of in public, if that doesn't demonstrate a reckless disregard of human life then nothing does.

They didn't even "prove" that he pulled the trigger.
Playing with a gun in a crowd is negligence, not accidental, shitflinger.
Then why did Conservatives scream


Because it is murder, you fucking retard.

If the killer were not an illegal, you Communists would be on the other side of this.

When a bullet hits the pavement 80 feet away, ricochets and hits someone ......it does not show intent

Negligent homicide fucktard, felon in possession of a firearm.

Yet he was charged with Second Degree Murder

Which he was guilty of. Which if he were not an illegal alien you would demand he be executed for.
OK...I'll be less tactful

An outright lie

Bullshit , he did it with malice..

I will post this once again

View attachment 164016
Retelling a lie does not make it true

Then why do you retell lies so often, shitflinger?

The 7 time felon, 5 time deported illegal alien who was under the protection of the accomplice to the crime, the city of San Francisco, fired a firearm on a crowded pier that resulted in a death. This was done in a fully negligent manner making the crime second degree murder under California law.

SF had him and asked for an arrest warrant
Never received one

Mean time, the shooting was accidental

Accidental my ass , he was an illegal unable to buy a gun legally ..

And what the fuck again was he shooting at sea gulls ?

He was probably shooting at hallucinations. He was so high on meth at the time that he didn't know reality from fantasy.

Malicious negligence is utterly irrefutable. Hence the second degree murder charge.

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