Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

His immigration status had nothing to do with whether it was murder or an accident

His being an illegal had everything to do with why you Communists circled the wagons to protect him. It is the only reason that you spew lies now.

If this had been a white male, you would be spewing your usual racism and bigotry, demanding that the bill of rights be revoked while claiming every gun owner in America was just seconds away from doing the same thing and that this is proof that the whites you so bitterly hate are driven by bloodlust.
Fox News let down their base

They had a beautiful blonde woman killed
They had a scary looking Mexican illegal to blame

What they didn’t have was a murder case

The acquittal of murder of a pretty White girl by a filthy ass minority kinds of reminds you of the OJ Simspson case, doesn't it?

Maybe the Illegal will write a book one day entitled "I didn't Do It But If I Had This Is How It Would Have Happen".

Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

Why do you lie incessantly, shitflinger?

Oh that's right, because you are a Stalinist.

Discharging a firearm in a public place in a negligent manner where such discharge causes the death of another person is 2nd degree murder.

You know this, but choose to lie.
No....an accidental discharge does not meet 2nd degree murder

He would have to intend to hit the crowd. Something that was not proved

Lying again Comrade?

Negligent discharge Comrade, Negligent.

If you're on Fishermans Wharf zonked on meth with a gun, it's negligence.

Your fellow Maoists sent a message to nation and to Mexico; illegal aliens are above our laws.
If you picked up a piece of shit stolen Sig Sauer pistol with a known tendency to misfire out of a trash can and it accidentally went off, ricochets off the pavement, and ends up killing someone, do you think you should be convicted of murder? Or does that only apply to black or brown people.

Only illegal immigrants are capable of accidental shootings

Playing with a gun in a crowd is negligence, not accidental, shitflinger.
Then why did Conservatives scream


Because it is murder, you fucking retard.

If the killer were not an illegal, you Communists would be on the other side of this.

When a bullet hits the pavement 80 feet away, ricochets and hits someone ......it does not show intent

The law holds that negligence is intent. Drunk drivers are convicted of second degree murder all the time, because the law holds that driving drunk is intent.

High on meth on a crowded pier firing a gun is about as negligent as it gets.

But he is an illegal, and you Stalinists have a country to destroy.

No doubt this is a signal to the other 5 million illegal aliens in California that driving drunk is okay, since American laws don't apply to them.
I am hoping that both conservatives and liberals agree on one thing: The United States does NOT have control over its borders, for Mr. Garcia Zarate had been deported five times, but here he was in San Francisco on that fateful day.

No matter what one thinks about President Trump, it is understandable that so many people voted for him because he promised to work harder to protect our borders.


My local (liberal) newspaper tells me that before Ms. Steinle's death, the city of San Francisco had refused to turn Mr. Garcia Zarate over to federal officials for deportation. San Francisco is a sanctuary city in a sanctuary state.

I know that most (not all) liberals support sanctuary cities.

I am hoping that at least a few liberals will reconsider their support of sanctuary cities.

I'm hoping this is the spark that causes Americans to rise up and take this nation back from the traitorous fucks who have effectively staged a coup.

Ed Lee should be arrested on charges of treason by the US DOJ. Eric Garcetti should be arrested on charges of treason by the US DOJ. Jerry Brown should be arrested on charges of treason by the US DOJ. They are all guilty of waging war against the United States Constitution by the importation of hostile foreign nationals for the purpose of subverting the United States.

Trump was elected to stop this shit, but the traitors are emboldened.
"Daddy please help me" were the last words of Kate.

Murdered by a convicted felon illegal alien with a stolen weapon protected in a sanctuary city run by filthy Liberals.

The court system in that filthy ass Liberal city could not even find the sonofabitch guilty of killing Kate. Not even involuntary manslaughter.

Great example of why Liberals are assholes and there is no justice from them.

If you picked up a piece of shit stolen Sig Sauer pistol with a known tendency to misfire out of a trash can and it accidentally went off, ricochets off the pavement, and ends up killing someone, do you think you should be convicted of murder? Or does that only apply to black or brown people.


Stop being an idiot . It just makes you look like a fool when you post stupid shit like that.

Not premeditated murder but some charge of being a dumbass that directly caused the death of another person. They have all kinds of degrees of being a dumbass that causes the death of another person. Not all murders are premeditated.

To claim that this poor Hispanic was an innocent victim of a gun simply going off is beyond belief. Just another variation of you fucking Moon Bat's excuse for all the scumbags: "Ma Baby Didndu nutin".

Again, for the intellectually challenged. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

That is actually the definition of Negligent Homicide, i.e. second degree murder, Comrade.

Ask any drunk driver sitting in a California prison after conviction for second degree murder.
My ass alternative facts

OK...I'll be less tactful

An outright lie

Bullshit , he did it with malice..

I will post this once again

View attachment 164016
Retelling a lie does not make it true

Then why do you retell lies so often, shitflinger?

The 7 time felon, 5 time deported illegal alien who was under the protection of the accomplice to the crime, the city of San Francisco, fired a firearm on a crowded pier that resulted in a death. This was done in a fully negligent manner making the crime second degree murder under California law.


Sorry, but your "fact" was not supported by the forensic, video, and eyewitness testimony presented in court. Therefore, it is not a "fact", you FAIL.


We had jury nullification largely driven by the three (illegal) aliens of the jury.

The 7 time felon, 5 time deported illegal alien who was under the protection of the accomplice to the crime, the city of San Francisco, fired a firearm on a crowded pier that resulted in a death. This was done in a fully negligent manner making the crime second degree murder under California law.

You can lie all you want, the facts remain.
Critical thinking is not your strong suit is it hoss. The fact that this guy was a convicted felon or an "illegal alien" had nothing to do with the shooting.

Wow, even for a Communist, you are a dumb one.

Had the criminal enterprise of San Francisco not violated federal law as accomplice to the death of Kate Steinle, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate AKA Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez who had engaged in identity theft, would have not been in the country. Only the lawless act by the Sanctuary City provision of the criminal enterprise of San Francisco allowed the illegal alien to be here, directly contributing to the death of Ms. Steinle.

Of course to you Communists, the death of a white woman is irrelevant.

Nor did San Francisco sanctuary city status. He found the gun in the trash.

Ah, lying. :thup:

Well you are a Communist, hence a shameless fucking liar by nature.

No Comrade, he neither "found" the gun nor was it in the trash. He stole the weapon off of the front seat of a BLM vehicle while the agent had his back turned. He committed yet another felony in the theft of the gun.

He did not buy it, steal it, or even seek ownership.

In fact retard, he did steal the gun.

Get the facts, ya commie bastard, before spewing your idiocy here.

He had possession for a few moments, which was what he was convicted of. One individual, and one company, bear the most responsibility here, and were I a lawyer representing the family I would be targeting the deep pockets of first, Sauer and Sohn and their US distributor, SIG Arms, for manufacturing and distributing a defective handgun subject to misfiring. And second, the BLM for putting in service such a defective weapon and the agent that failed to adequately secure it. I guarantee I would have a better chance of winning a lucrative judgement than the dumbass prosecutor that attempted to to prosecute this case criminally. First, I don't have to meet the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Second, there is a legal precedence here and Sauer and Son have even recalled pistols for the very same reason, misfiring. Third, there have been a couple of deaths due to this model gun misfiring, including a law enforcement officer.

But hey, you stupid shits keep wailing about sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants. It reveals you lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills.

So let's recap, you're a lying shithead who seeks to excuse the murder of an American because you prefer illegal aliens as they are useful in the treason that you leftist scum are engaged in.

If you picked up a piece of shit stolen Sig Sauer pistol with a known tendency to misfire out of a trash can and it accidentally went off, ricochets off the pavement, and ends up killing someone, do you think you should be convicted of murder? Or does that only apply to black or brown people.


Stop being an idiot . It just makes you look like a fool when you post stupid shit like that.

Not premeditated murder but some charge of being a dumbass that directly caused the death of another person. They have all kinds of degrees of being a dumbass that causes the death of another person. Not all murders are premeditated.

To claim that this poor Hispanic was an innocent victim of a gun simply going off is beyond belief. Just another variation of you fucking Moon Bat's excuse for all the scumbags: "Ma Baby Didndu nutin".

Again, for the intellectually challenged. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

That is actually the definition of Negligent Homicide, i.e. second degree murder, Comrade.

Ask any drunk driver sitting in a California prison after conviction for second degree murder.

There are rare cases in the US where somebody gets shot and the shooter is determined not to be negligent. Most of the time those cases don't even go to trial because they are so obvious.

None of those cases would involve a convicted felon shooting a stolen gun in a public place.

This asshole was let off the hook in a filthy sanctuary city by a jury of Moon Bats because he was an illegal.

Not all that different than Crooked Hillary being let of the hook for her crimes because she was the Democrat Presidential nominee.

Liberals never do the right thing.

You want to make a bet that fucker will be dead by Christmas..relase him

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate is a hero of the Communist democrats. Any American who would even touch him will face every extra-judicial penalty the Peoples State of Kalifornia can think up, including torture. Zarate will live a life of luxury paid for by the tax payers of California as compensation by the grateful stooges of the Communist democrats.
The fact he was deported five times and came back, the fact that sanctuary cities exist in the US that shield these felons. Another Mexican dude was deported 20 fucking times and kept coming back, convicted of raping two women, he got 35 years. Build that fucking wall.

Oh and you mother fuckers on the left who defend this shit and then calls us names can kiss our asses! Fuck you!
no, her death was a tragedy.

Just like the other 33,000 gun deaths we have every year because the NRA needs to make a shitload of money.

But you don't have a problem when mostly white juries send minorities to prison, every day.

Ohh look, a Communist is again lying. Must be a day ending in "y."

No scumbag, it isn't like the other 27,000 gun deaths (33,000 is yet another lie by you). First off, it isn't suicide the way 25,000 of the gun death are. Secondly, it isn't a gang related murder in Chicago as another 1,800 are. Thirdly, this is a 7 time felon who you Communists claim can never get a gun due to the idiotic assault on civil rights you engage in.

This was the murder of a woman by a criminal who should not have been in the country, and only was because you Communist flagrantly violated the law as his accomplice. This was a felon who is prohibited from having a firearm who oddly didn't give a shit about the laws you Communists fail to enforce in the first place.

You Communists are the real perpetrators of Kate Steinle's murder.

Critical thinking is not your strong suit is it hoss. The fact that this guy was a convicted felon or an "illegal alien" had nothing to do with the shooting. Nor did San Francisco sanctuary city status. He found the gun in the trash. He did not buy it, steal it, or even seek ownership. He had possession for a few moments, which was what he was convicted of. One individual, and one company, bear the most responsibility here, and were I a lawyer representing the family I would be targeting the deep pockets of first, Sauer and Sohn and their US distributor, SIG Arms, for manufacturing and distributing a defective handgun subject to misfiring. And second, the BLM for putting in service such a defective weapon and the agent that failed to adequately secure it. I guarantee I would have a better chance of winning a lucrative judgement than the dumbass prosecutor that attempted to to prosecute this case criminally. First, I don't have to meet the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Second, there is a legal precedence here and Sauer and Son have even recalled pistols for the very same reason, misfiring. Third, there have been a couple of deaths due to this model gun misfiring, including a law enforcement officer.

But hey, you stupid shits keep wailing about sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants. It reveals you lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills.
Si if he found it in the trash why would the family sue BLM? Careful idiot we are watching your theory!

Pay attention. It was a Sig Sauer pistol. The same pistol that was recalled due to misfires. The same pistol that was withdrawn from service by the Connecticut's Stamford Police Department due to injuries incurred by one of their officers due to a misfire. The BLM was negligent in regards to ineffective, or non-existent, due diligence in regards to the safety of the firearms they issued their employees. Furthermore, the BLM was negligent in regards to training their officers as to the proper securing of their service weapons.
So how did it get in the trash? You said he got it out of the trash?

The BLM agent in his sworn statement said he had placed the weapon on the front seat of his car.

This Communist "winston" is merely lying, as leftists tend to do.

There is no recall nor issue with the Sig Sauer P239 that the illegal alien who is so loved of the left used to murder their shared victim. Winston is simply lying. Stamford Police Department used a P320 which was dropped on the hammer, with a round chambered, despite this violating department policy and the safety warnings of the manufacturer.

Winston is a moron, a Communist liar spewing idiocy from the hate sites.
You have got to be dumber than a box of rocks. How does picking up a gun out of the trash can, and hell, not even picking up a gun. It was wrapped in a towel and misfired when it fell out of the rag when he picked up the rag.. The bullet hit just twelve feet from where he was standing and ricocheted off the pier. That was PROVEN in court. And the Sig Sauer pistol is question is KNOWN to misfire when dropped. Who the hell intentionally fires a gun into a concrete pier just feet from where they are standing? You jerks have no grasp of reality whatsoever.

Winston, you are a liar.

Now, you're a Communist, so that is a given.

The BLM agent put in his sworn statement that the weapon was stolen from the front seat of his departmental car.

And Comrade, the model you reference is not the one your beloved accomplice used to murder Steinle. Further, dropping a weapon on the hammer with a chambered round is not a "misfire," it is negligence.

Your accomplice was high on meth, playing cowboy.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about, the jury had the option to find him guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Can you not fawking read? Post 1042. And now for the third flippin time in this thread.

. Involuntary manslaughter has three elements and all must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to return a guilty verdict.
  1. Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
  2. The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
  3. The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

Already addressed that dipshit, killing someone by discharging a weapon you are illegally in possession of certainly meets that standard.

Irrelevant, intent is not part of the standard, he was acting in "reckless disregard of human life".

You have got to be dumber than a box of rocks. How does picking up a gun out of the trash can, and hell, not even picking up a gun. It was wrapped in a towel and misfired when it fell out of the rag when he picked up the rag.. The bullet hit just twelve feet from where he was standing and ricocheted off the pier. That was PROVEN in court. And the Sig Sauer pistol is question is KNOWN to misfire when dropped. Who the hell intentionally fires a gun into a concrete pier just feet from where they are standing? You jerks have no grasp of reality whatsoever.
I keep asking you idiot. How did the fucking gun get in the trash can?

It didn't, Winston is lying.
Critical thinking is not your strong suit is it hoss. The fact that this guy was a convicted felon or an "illegal alien" had nothing to do with the shooting.

Wow, even for a Communist, you are a dumb one.

Had the criminal enterprise of San Francisco not violated federal law as accomplice to the death of Kate Steinle, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate AKA Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez who had engaged in identity theft, would have not been in the country. Only the lawless act by the Sanctuary City provision of the criminal enterprise of San Francisco allowed the illegal alien to be here, directly contributing to the death of Ms. Steinle.

Of course to you Communists, the death of a white woman is irrelevant.

Nor did San Francisco sanctuary city status. He found the gun in the trash.

Ah, lying. :thup:

Well you are a Communist, hence a shameless fucking liar by nature.

No Comrade, he neither "found" the gun nor was it in the trash. He stole the weapon off of the front seat of a BLM vehicle while the agent had his back turned. He committed yet another felony in the theft of the gun.

He did not buy it, steal it, or even seek ownership.

In fact retard, he did steal the gun.

Get the facts, ya commie bastard, before spewing your idiocy here.

He had possession for a few moments, which was what he was convicted of. One individual, and one company, bear the most responsibility here, and were I a lawyer representing the family I would be targeting the deep pockets of first, Sauer and Sohn and their US distributor, SIG Arms, for manufacturing and distributing a defective handgun subject to misfiring. And second, the BLM for putting in service such a defective weapon and the agent that failed to adequately secure it. I guarantee I would have a better chance of winning a lucrative judgement than the dumbass prosecutor that attempted to to prosecute this case criminally. First, I don't have to meet the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Second, there is a legal precedence here and Sauer and Son have even recalled pistols for the very same reason, misfiring. Third, there have been a couple of deaths due to this model gun misfiring, including a law enforcement officer.

But hey, you stupid shits keep wailing about sanctuary cities and illegal immigrants. It reveals you lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills.

So let's recap, you're a lying shithead who seeks to excuse the murder of an American because you prefer illegal aliens as they are useful in the treason that you leftist scum are engaged in.

Get the hell out of your freakin fantasy world. He did not steal the weapon. The video evidence showed that the gun was already there. It was the incompetent prosecution that didn't even bother to view the video of the pier before the shooting. Nor was there any evidence produced indicating Zarate was "high on meth". Finally, the jury was selected from a pool of over one thousand residents, the prosecution accepted each and every juror, and there has been zero indication that any of them were "illegal immigrants".

Get the hell out of your freakin fantasy world. He did not steal the weapon.

Then when will you Stalinists be filing perjury charges against the BLM agent who in his signed statement swore it was stolen off the front seat of his bureau car?

He in fact stole the weapon, and you are simply lying.

The video evidence showed that the gun was already there.


You fucking liar you...

The "video" was over 400 yards away at an awkward angle and shows nothing of the kind. A blob moves in the distance, with no definition at all.

You just make shit up. I assume you are getting your moronic lies from ThinkProgress or one of the other hate sites, right Comrade?

It was the incompetent prosecution that didn't even bother to view the video of the pier before the shooting. Nor was there any evidence produced indicating Zarate was "high on meth". Finally, the jury was selected from a pool of over one thousand residents, the prosecution accepted each and every juror, and there has been zero indication that any of them were "illegal immigrants".

No evidence other than the drug panel that he tested positive on. That the judge denied allowing it into evidence doesn't alter the fact, comrade.

Try reading something other than leftist hate sites, you might pick up some actual facts.
This is insane, just because the killer was not a citizen does not alter the traged

Actually, it does. Because of the injustice of letting the killer go.
"We"? What are you going to do? Throw spitballs? LE has a handle on it, he remains in custody(.)

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