Kathleen Parker Implies That People From The South Are Stupid On Meet The Press

Actually I'm a moderate, but compared to you I'm Sean Hannity....
If you are a moderate then your MessiahRushie is a liar, you gutless Liberal Elitist know-it-all.

June 25, 2010
RUSH: Now, that's fine and dandy, but moderates are liberals without the guts to say so. Moderates are a bunch of liberals who think they're smarter than everybody else, more tolerant than everybody else and less judgmental than everybody else, and more open-minded than everybody else.

Fuck Rush Limbaugh.

I heard him say that, and he means people with no ideology or base value system. He was speaking more of independent voters. Since he's one of the GOP's greatest critics he's talking about himself.
No, he is clearly talking about stuck-up arrogant elitists like you!

October 8, 2008
RUSH: See, folks, do you understand how illogical it is for us to believe the notion that we've got this great group of moderates out there? I'll tell you who they really are. They're a bunch of stuck-on-themselves, conceited, arrogant elites who think they're smarter than everybody else because the pollsters and all both campaigns always focus on the undecideds.
If you are a moderate then your MessiahRushie is a liar, you gutless Liberal Elitist know-it-all.

June 25, 2010
RUSH: Now, that's fine and dandy, but moderates are liberals without the guts to say so. Moderates are a bunch of liberals who think they're smarter than everybody else, more tolerant than everybody else and less judgmental than everybody else, and more open-minded than everybody else.

Fuck Rush Limbaugh.

I heard him say that, and he means people with no ideology or base value system. He was speaking more of independent voters. Since he's one of the GOP's greatest critics he's talking about himself.
No, he is clearly talking about stuck-up arrogant elitists like you!

October 8, 2008
RUSH: See, folks, do you understand how illogical it is for us to believe the notion that we've got this great group of moderates out there? I'll tell you who they really are. They're a bunch of stuck-on-themselves, conceited, arrogant elites who think they're smarter than everybody else because the pollsters and all both campaigns always focus on the undecideds.

John McCain and John Boehner are perfect examples.

He's describing the GOP establishment.

You're an example of stuck up arrogant leftists that think they know everything.
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Perfect example of Republicans eating their own. Kathleen Parker is an extreme conservative and always has been. But she did refer to the GOP as the party of "Ooga Booga". Why? Because they are. She is sickened by how the crazies have taken over the GOP.
Perfect example of Republicans eating their own. Kathleen Parker is an extreme conservative and always has been. But she did refer to the GOP as the party of "Ooga Booga". Why? Because they are. She is sickened by how the crazies have taken over the GOP.

She's on a panel on NBC doing her job of offering idiots like you justification for their false stereotypes.

She's full of shit.....

Postby bamapilot » Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:35 pm
I guess she would prefer a Bronx accent instead? Or maybe some Valley Girl talk?

After NBC's "Meet The Press" host David Gregory ran an anti-ObamaCare ad targeting Sen. Mark Pryor from Arkansas featuring a couple with a southern accents questioning the confusing nature of the Affordable Care Act, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker objected to Americans for Prosperity using people with southern accents in political ads running in Arkansas:

"I think you could find someone who doesn't have a southern accent who is confused by this act," Parker said. "We always seem to find the character who seems a little countrified, who can't just fathom this. You know there there are plenty of smart sophisticated people equally hazy about what is really going on."


Washington Post's Kathleen Parker Suggests People with Southern Accents Not 'Smart' or 'Sophisticated'

Thanks. Finally got the link to work too, had to take it to another browser. But this is handy to have transcript.

Doesn't it occur to you that what she's saying here is "STOP using stereotypes"?

Seems to me the jab is aimed at the Kochs. She's saying they could have made their point more validly without the Southern stereotype.
Hard to not interpret it that way. Sounds like she wants the anti-ACA message aimed more broadly. Or at least noting that they could have been more effective without the stereotype.

Looked at that way, her being a conservative now makes sense. All falls into place. Think about it.
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Fuck Rush Limbaugh.

I heard him say that, and he means people with no ideology or base value system. He was speaking more of independent voters. Since he's one of the GOP's greatest critics he's talking about himself.
No, he is clearly talking about stuck-up arrogant elitists like you!

October 8, 2008
RUSH: See, folks, do you understand how illogical it is for us to believe the notion that we've got this great group of moderates out there? I'll tell you who they really are. They're a bunch of stuck-on-themselves, conceited, arrogant elites who think they're smarter than everybody else because the pollsters and all both campaigns always focus on the undecideds.

John McCain and John Boehner are perfect examples.

He's describing the GOP establishment.

You're an example of stuck up arrogant leftists that think they know everything.
Neither McSame nor Boner are moderates. Your MessiahRushie is describing "conceited, arrogant elites who think they're smarter than everybody else" like YOU!

The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
Adolf Hitler

May 12, 2008
RUSH: If someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal
No, he is clearly talking about stuck-up arrogant elitists like you!

October 8, 2008
RUSH: See, folks, do you understand how illogical it is for us to believe the notion that we've got this great group of moderates out there? I'll tell you who they really are. They're a bunch of stuck-on-themselves, conceited, arrogant elites who think they're smarter than everybody else because the pollsters and all both campaigns always focus on the undecideds.

John McCain and John Boehner are perfect examples.

He's describing the GOP establishment.

You're an example of stuck up arrogant leftists that think they know everything.
Neither McSame nor Boner are moderates. Your MessiahRushie is describing "conceited, arrogant elites who think they're smarter than everybody else" like YOU!

The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
Adolf Hitler

May 12, 2008
RUSH: If someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

He was talking about mainstream Republicans like McCain, Boner, and Jake Starkey, but specifically the republican leadership. I don't give a flying fuck what you claim. I listen to the show 5 days a week. My guess is you don't you elitist prick....
Perfect example of Republicans eating their own. Kathleen Parker is an extreme conservative and always has been. But she did refer to the GOP as the party of "Ooga Booga". Why? Because they are. She is sickened by how the crazies have taken over the GOP.

She's on a panel on NBC doing her job of offering idiots like you justification for their false stereotypes.

She's full of shit.....

Oh puhleaze. Bill Crystal and Nicole Wallace are constant guests on MSNBC and you certainly can't call them liberal. They are right up there with the craziest of the right wingnut crazies.
Perfect example of Republicans eating their own. Kathleen Parker is an extreme conservative and always has been. But she did refer to the GOP as the party of "Ooga Booga". Why? Because they are. She is sickened by how the crazies have taken over the GOP.

She's on a panel on NBC doing her job of offering idiots like you justification for their false stereotypes.

She's full of shit.....

Oh puhleaze. Bill Crystal and Nicole Wallace are constant guests on MSNBC and you certainly can't call them liberal. They are right up there with the craziest of the right wingnut crazies.

Bill Crystal? Who the fuck is Nicole Wallace???

You're joking!!!!! Lol!!!

Every example you site is on the lib payroll.

Try Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, William F. Buckley.....

Postby bamapilot » Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:35 pm
I guess she would prefer a Bronx accent instead? Or maybe some Valley Girl talk?

After NBC's "Meet The Press" host David Gregory ran an anti-ObamaCare ad targeting Sen. Mark Pryor from Arkansas featuring a couple with a southern accents questioning the confusing nature of the Affordable Care Act, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker objected to Americans for Prosperity using people with southern accents in political ads running in Arkansas:

"I think you could find someone who doesn't have a southern accent who is confused by this act," Parker said. "We always seem to find the character who seems a little countrified, who can't just fathom this. You know there there are plenty of smart sophisticated people equally hazy about what is really going on."


Washington Post's Kathleen Parker Suggests People with Southern Accents Not 'Smart' or 'Sophisticated'

Thanks. Finally got the link to work too, had to take it to another browser. But this is handy to have transcript.

Doesn't it occur to you that what she's saying here is "STOP using stereotypes"?

Seems to me the jab is aimed at the Kochs. She's saying they could have made their point more validly without the Southern stereotype.
Hard to not interpret it that way. Sounds like she wants the anti-ACA message aimed more broadly. Or at least noting that they could have been more effective without the stereotype.

Looked at that way, her being a conservative now makes sense. All falls into place. Think about it.

So --- no answer to above. Awk - ward....
She's on a panel on NBC doing her job of offering idiots like you justification for their false stereotypes.

She's full of shit.....

Oh puhleaze. Bill Crystal and Nicole Wallace are constant guests on MSNBC and you certainly can't call them liberal. They are right up there with the craziest of the right wingnut crazies.

Bill Crystal? Who the fuck is Nicole Wallace???

You're joking!!!!! Lol!!!

Every example you site is on the lib payroll.

Try Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, William F. Buckley.....

You don't know who Nicole Wallace is? Seriously?
She was Bush's communications chief and a senior advisor for McCain who taught Palin to speak in front of the camera.




And she's a rabid "anti Obama" fanatic that should give her good standing among right wingnut Teabaggers.
Oh puhleaze. Bill Crystal and Nicole Wallace are constant guests on MSNBC and you certainly can't call them liberal. They are right up there with the craziest of the right wingnut crazies.

Bill Crystal? Who the fuck is Nicole Wallace???

You're joking!!!!! Lol!!!

Every example you site is on the lib payroll.

Try Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, William F. Buckley.....

You don't know who Nicole Wallace is? Seriously?
She was Bush's communications chief and a senior advisor for McCain who taught Palin to speak in front of the camera.




And she's a rabid "anti Obama" fanatic that should give her good standing among right wingnut Teabaggers.
Oh that Nicole Wallace....*rolls eyes*

Not a clue, and if she isn't constantly under attack from the MSM she's not a real conservative.
Oh puhleaze. Bill Crystal and Nicole Wallace are constant guests on MSNBC and you certainly can't call them liberal. They are right up there with the craziest of the right wingnut crazies.

Bill Crystal? Who the fuck is Nicole Wallace???

You're joking!!!!! Lol!!!

Every example you site is on the lib payroll.

Try Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, William F. Buckley.....

You don't know who Nicole Wallace is? Seriously?
She was Bush's communications chief and a senior advisor for McCain who taught Palin to speak in front of the camera.




And she's a rabid "anti Obama" fanatic that should give her good standing among right wingnut Teabaggers.
This is, yet another, PRIME example that illustrates just how much of a rabid far RW partisan hack mudwhistle is.

In his twisted far RW brain that unless a person is constantly attacked by "the left" they aren't a true conservative.

That's where HE'S at on the political spectrum.
Bill Crystal? Who the fuck is Nicole Wallace???

You're joking!!!!! Lol!!!

Every example you site is on the lib payroll.

Try Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, William F. Buckley.....

You don't know who Nicole Wallace is? Seriously?
She was Bush's communications chief and a senior advisor for McCain who taught Palin to speak in front of the camera.




And she's a rabid "anti Obama" fanatic that should give her good standing among right wingnut Teabaggers.
This is, yet another, PRIME example that illustrates just how much of a rabid far RW partisan hack mudwhistle is.

In his twisted far RW brain that unless a person is constantly attacked by "the left" they aren't a true conservative.

That's where HE'S at on the political spectrum.

If the Dems considered anyone to be a threat or even remotely effective they would come up with a Bridgegate to bring them down. It never fails.
[MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION]... So Chris Christie is YOUR definition of what a "true conservative" is?!?!
@mudwhistle ... So Chris Christie is YOUR definition of what a "true conservative" is?!?!

No, and if you claim I did you're a liar.

Christie is, or was, a threat to Hillary, so they took him down..

Btw, Christie is really just a liberal RINO.
Sure, everybody on the Right is a Liberal RINO. :cuckoo:

Which goes to show, if you don't tow the CON$ervoFascist line and conform absolutely 100% you are a Liberal. To the Right, there is no such thing as an INDIVIDUAL, you either CONform to CON$ervative dogma entirely or you are a Liberal.
@mudwhistle ... So Chris Christie is YOUR definition of what a "true conservative" is?!?!

No, and if you claim I did you're a liar.

Christie is, or was, a threat to Hillary, so they took him down..

Btw, Christie is really just a liberal RINO.
Sure, everybody on the Right is a Liberal RINO. :cuckoo:

Which goes to show, if you don't tow the CON$ervoFascist line and conform absolutely 100% you are a Liberal. To the Right, there is no such thing as an INDIVIDUAL, you either CONform to CON$ervative dogma entirely or you are a Liberal.

Sure, right, uhuh......
No, and if you claim I did you're a liar.

Christie is, or was, a threat to Hillary, so they took him down..

Btw, Christie is really just a liberal RINO.
Sure, everybody on the Right is a Liberal RINO. :cuckoo:

Which goes to show, if you don't tow the CON$ervoFascist line and conform absolutely 100% you are a Liberal. To the Right, there is no such thing as an INDIVIDUAL, you either CONform to CON$ervative dogma entirely or you are a Liberal.

Sure, right, uhuh......
All the people you call RINOs self identify as CON$ervatives, which means when the Right cite polls that say more people self identify as CON$ than Libs, the real number of CON$ is much, much smaller and the real number of Libs is much, much larger..

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