Kathleen Parker Implies That People From The South Are Stupid On Meet The Press

Where do you see "mocking" in there? Because he dropped some Gs?

You know we have different accents, right? Regional accents as well as degrees of familiarity. And you know we all adjust our diction according to the circumstances and who we're talking to, right? For instance you might use one talking to a stranger you meet at a funeral and a completely different one with a stranger you meet at a ball game.

Terrible spin attempt. If Bush did that the libs would have been nuts. Liberals tend to 'adjust' because they are whatever they need to be for the moment. Phoney, in other words.

Bush has been doing that his whole life. The man's from Connecticut for chrissakes. The fact remains above, we absolutely DO shift our speech for our audience. Do you talk the same way to a dog as you would to a waiter in a restaurant?

No, we adjust our expression to match and meld with the person(s) we're trying to persuade at the time. Everyone does this. In psychology it's called mirroring. It's part of human communication. We do the same thing with body language and positions.

I seem to recall that Bush's mispronunciation of the word nuclear is calculated and deliberate, rather than a flaw he can't help. I believe it was Karl Rove's idea. It sells to the stupids. That's not a big issue; it's politics. Politics is all about persuasion and manipulation. This is all part of it.
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Bush has been doing that his whole life. The man's from Connecticut for chrissakes. The fact remains above, we absolutely DO shift our speech for our audience. Do you talk the same way to a dog as you would to a waiter in a restaurant?

No, we adjust our expression to match and meld with the person(s) we're trying to persuade at the time. Everyone does this. In psychology it's called mirroring. It's part of human communication. We do the same thing with body language and positions.

I seem to recall that Bush's mispronunciation of the word nuclear is calculated and deliberate, rather than a flaw he can't help. I believe it was Karl Rove's idea. It sells to the stupids. That's not a big issue; it's politics. Politics is all about persuasion and manipulation. This is all part of it.
GW was raised in Mindland and Houston, Texas. The rest of your post is even more idiotic. No wonder you're a lib.
A politician, or any public speaker but especially a politician, will shift his/her accent or vocabulary or diction to identify with his/her listeners.
On which planet?

Maybe you're not aurally or verbally oriented. I can hear it in any speech or any conversation anywhere.

Think about it: you're explaining something under pressure to your boss, that's one voice. Then you go home and your three year old daughter greets you. Same voice? Don't think so.
Where do you see "mocking" in there? Because he dropped some Gs?

You know we have different accents, right? Regional accents as well as degrees of familiarity. And you know we all adjust our diction according to the circumstances and who we're talking to, right? For instance you might use one talking to a stranger you meet at a funeral and a completely different one with a stranger you meet at a ball game.

New Orleans doesn't have a "Southern" accent btw. It has a New Orleans accent.

The guy was born in friggen Hawaii for Christ sake.

I had a teammate on my detachment from NO, and he sounded like he was from Southern California.

Yeah well I don't hear a Hawaiian accent either. (where's Millihenry when we need his linguistic half-baked theories :lol: )

A politician, or any public speaker but especially a politician, will shift his/her accent or vocabulary or diction to identify with his/her listeners. That's been going on since politics was invented. And if they can't do that they'll drop names of a local icon for the same reason.

That is, they'll do it to the extent they can do it. It's prolly not an option for Hillary.

Hawaiian has a lot of bras in it.

"you know da kind bra?"
Bush has been doing that his whole life. The man's from Connecticut for chrissakes. The fact remains above, we absolutely DO shift our speech for our audience. Do you talk the same way to a dog as you would to a waiter in a restaurant?

No, we adjust our expression to match and meld with the person(s) we're trying to persuade at the time. Everyone does this. In psychology it's called mirroring. It's part of human communication. We do the same thing with body language and positions.

I seem to recall that Bush's mispronunciation of the word nuclear is calculated and deliberate, rather than a flaw he can't help. I believe it was Karl Rove's idea. It sells to the stupids. That's not a big issue; it's politics. Politics is all about persuasion and manipulation. This is all part of it.
GW was raised in Mindland and Houston, Texas. The rest of your post is even more idiotic. No wonder you're a lib.

No, I'm a student of communicative arts and languages.

Guess the science of psychology is "idiotic" too - Mirroring;
Mirroring; How We Build Rapport;
The Art and Science of Mirroring
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Low information voters are usually one-issue voters.

People who vote because of abortion.

People who vote because of race.

People who vote because of the economy.

People who vote because of gay rights.

People who don't follow the news or politics because they're busy working or living their lives.
No Elitist Right-wing nut has ever called any Republican a low info person. It has always been a slur the Elitist Right-wing know-it-alls aimed at the Left.

Dec 13, 2012
RUSH: And among those people, we have been outnumbered now. They are low-information morons who think, by the way, that they know everything.

Rush doesn't support the GOP, because he feels they're afraid. They fear being called racists or homophobes.

Both the Democrats and the GOP mainstream rely on low-information voters.
Your MessiahRushie has admitted he carries the GOP water and the absolute last thing the GOP is afraid of is being called racists and homophobes. While he claims to be a "movement CON$ervative," but in a moment of depressed candor, he admitted he was pissed that CON$ervative Democrats won rather than less CON$ervative Republicans proving he puts the GOP above CON$ervatism in spite of everything the pathological liar says to the contrary.

May 14, 2008
RUSH: This thing down in Mississippi, the special election, regardless of party, conservatives could have voted for the Republican down there, doesn't matter. In two of the three of these cases, in two of the three of these House Republican congressional losses, they have been beaten by conservative Democrats, big-time conservative, social conservative Democrats. The Republican Party is ceding conservatism in the South to the Democrat Party. You know, yesterday was a very frustrating day, as you know.

CALLER: I was wondering if the Democrats in Mississippi were more conservative than the Republicans, why wouldn't you be pleased about that as a conservative?

RUSH: You think I ought to be happy that there's conservatism out there. I'm not happy my own party wants to get rid of it. I'm mad that my own party wants to cast conservatism aside. I know there's plenty of conservatism out there. That's the source of the frustration.
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The guy was born in friggen Hawaii for Christ sake.

I had a teammate on my detachment from NO, and he sounded like he was from Southern California.

Yeah well I don't hear a Hawaiian accent either. (where's Millihenry when we need his linguistic half-baked theories :lol: )

A politician, or any public speaker but especially a politician, will shift his/her accent or vocabulary or diction to identify with his/her listeners. That's been going on since politics was invented. And if they can't do that they'll drop names of a local icon for the same reason.

That is, they'll do it to the extent they can do it. It's prolly not an option for Hillary.

Hawaiian has a lot of bras in it.

"you know da kind bra?"

:confused: are you tinkin Jamaica mon?

I have a Hawaiian co-worker. She wears a bra. Just one though.
Do those offended by a persons possible prejudice need a tissue? With a bit of looking I can post plenty of posts where the 'word' "libtard"" or "Dumbocrat" are used by those on the right; used by most of them because they lack the intelligence, information or ability to compose a rational response.

Shall I name names?

Please do name all of those that use those terms that are on national TV.

These posts are on national TV now?? That's scary.

Kathleen Parker mocks southerners on national TV. The inference was that right wingers denigrate Democrats.

Is an analogy to difficult for you to comprehend?
Please do name all of those that use those terms that are on national TV.

These posts are on national TV now?? That's scary.

Kathleen Parker mocks southerners on national TV. The inference was that right wingers denigrate Democrats.

Is an analogy to difficult for you to comprehend?

Read the quote in your own post. What part of "posts where the 'word' "libtard"" or "Dumbocrat" are used by those on the right" refers to Kathleen Parker? Or to TV? Is reading a simple sentence difficult for you to comprehend?

A politician, or any public speaker but especially a politician, will shift his/her accent or vocabulary or diction to identify with his/her listeners.
On which planet?

Maybe you're not aurally or verbally oriented. I can hear it in any speech or any conversation anywhere.

Think about it: you're explaining something under pressure to your boss, that's one voice. Then you go home and your three year old daughter greets you. Same voice? Don't think so.
So you believe some politicians talk down to folks like a three year old? Maybe liberal ones. No, I don't change my tone or inflection if I talk to a black, white or asian man or woman. Same voice. I have only heard liberal politicians sucking up do that.
On which planet?

Maybe you're not aurally or verbally oriented. I can hear it in any speech or any conversation anywhere.

Think about it: you're explaining something under pressure to your boss, that's one voice. Then you go home and your three year old daughter greets you. Same voice? Don't think so.
So you believe some politicians talk down to folks like a three year old? Maybe liberal ones. No, I don't change my tone or inflection if I talk to a black, white or asian man or woman. Same voice. I have only heard liberal politicians sucking up do that.

Of course you do. Everyone does. You're just too damn dimwitted to see it. The fact that the distinction between a political audience and a three-year-old girl analogy sailed over your head makes that obvious.
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What gets me is when someone from NYC or Boston or Philly says a Southerner sounds stupid. Listen to those idiots have a conversation and try to figure out what the fuck they are saying. fogetta bout it.
What gets me is when someone from NYC or Boston or Philly says a Southerner sounds stupid. Listen to those idiots have a conversation and try to figure out what the fuck they are saying. fogetta bout it.

Ain't no "stupid" in a dialect, just different modes of expressing the same thing.

I'm from there (Philly) and living in Appalachia. It's a challenge sometimes although I'm used to it by now. Learnt the word your'n living here ("your one", equivalent to yours). It strikes the ear as strange if you didn't grow up with it, but a quick look at the books tells me your'n is older than yours, so it would be hard to make the case that it's "not right".
What gets me is when someone from NYC or Boston or Philly says a Southerner sounds stupid. Listen to those idiots have a conversation and try to figure out what the fuck they are saying. fogetta bout it.

Ain't no "stupid" in a dialect, just different modes of expressing the same thing.

I'm from there (Philly) and living in Appalachia. It's a challenge sometimes although I'm used to it by now. Learnt the word your'n living here ("your one", equivalent to yours). It strikes the ear as strange if you didn't grow up with it, but a quick look at the books tells me your'n is older than yours, so it would be hard to make the case that it's "not right".

Just like the word "youse guys" up north or "Tonic", Pop or soda. I am from the South but grew up a Navy Brat, so I lived in the North, South and overseas. If I go North, they tell me I sound Southern, if I go South, they tell me I sound like a Yankee. I prolly have no accent at all.
What gets me is when someone from NYC or Boston or Philly says a Southerner sounds stupid. Listen to those idiots have a conversation and try to figure out what the fuck they are saying. fogetta bout it.

Ain't no "stupid" in a dialect, just different modes of expressing the same thing.

I'm from there (Philly) and living in Appalachia. It's a challenge sometimes although I'm used to it by now. Learnt the word your'n living here ("your one", equivalent to yours). It strikes the ear as strange if you didn't grow up with it, but a quick look at the books tells me your'n is older than yours, so it would be hard to make the case that it's "not right".

Just like the word "youse guys" up north or "Tonic", Pop or soda. I am from the South but grew up a Navy Brat, so I lived in the North, South and overseas. If I go North, they tell me I sound Southern, if I go South, they tell me I sound like a Yankee. I prolly have no accent at all.

I've travelled a lot but "tonic" is one I've never heard. They drink "pop" over in the other end of PA but we consider them another state ;)

Youse is Irish. It always rubbed me the wrong way so I've never used it. But we do have the shortcoming of not having an official English 2nd person pronoun that specifies plural and not singular. Y'all works for me. When I first saw the word youse in print I didn't even recognize it. I figured it rhymed with house and mouse, which of course made no sense.
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Ain't no "stupid" in a dialect, just different modes of expressing the same thing.

I'm from there (Philly) and living in Appalachia. It's a challenge sometimes although I'm used to it by now. Learnt the word your'n living here ("your one", equivalent to yours). It strikes the ear as strange if you didn't grow up with it, but a quick look at the books tells me your'n is older than yours, so it would be hard to make the case that it's "not right".

Just like the word "youse guys" up north or "Tonic", Pop or soda. I am from the South but grew up a Navy Brat, so I lived in the North, South and overseas. If I go North, they tell me I sound Southern, if I go South, they tell me I sound like a Yankee. I prolly have no accent at all.

I've travelled a lot but "tonic" is one I've never heard. They drink "pop" over in the other end of PA but we consider them another state ;)

Youse is Irish. It always rubbed me the wrong way so I've never used it. But we do have the shortcoming of not having an official English 2nd person pronoun that specifies plural and not singular. Y'all works for me. When I first saw the word youse in print I didn't even recognize it. I figured it rhymed with house and mouse, which of course made no sense.

Reminds me of a buddy I had when I was in the fifth grade who was a recent transplant from N.Y.
Told his father he got a pop at school and he asked what flavor/kind.:lol:

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