Kathleen Parker Implies That People From The South Are Stupid On Meet The Press

That's funny.

Years ago I met a guy from Boston that had moved down here to Texas and I ask him if he was able to find work. He said yes that he was going to be a "god". I thought the guy was either jacking with me or off his meds but I questioned about what kind of "god" was he going to be, he said he was going to be a prison "god" (guard).
I understood as soon as I saw the word. I moved from NYC to the deep south. From 'jeet yet' did you eat yet to 'sit yerself down and make yerself misserble'.

Typical liberal elitist. Poking fun at the common man because they aren't as smart as the folks she rubs elbows with. This is a Washington Liberal.
Damn, doesn't she know only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to mock someone's intelligence, by calling them low-information voters for example?

Low-information voters are not exclusive to any particular political party.
Not the way the Elitist Right uses the term they coined.
Damn, doesn't she know only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to mock someone's intelligence, by calling them low-information voters for example?

Low-information voters are not exclusive to any particular political party.
Not the way the Elitist Right uses the term they coined.

Low information voters are usually one-issue voters.

People who vote because of abortion.

People who vote because of race.

People who vote because of the economy.

People who vote because of gay rights.

People who don't follow the news or politics because they're busy working or living their lives.
That's funny.

Years ago I met a guy from Boston that had moved down here to Texas and I ask him if he was able to find work. He said yes that he was going to be a "god". I thought the guy was either jacking with me or off his meds but I questioned about what kind of "god" was he going to be, he said he was going to be a prison "god" (guard).
I understood as soon as I saw the word. I moved from NYC to the deep south. From 'jeet yet' did you eat yet to 'sit yerself down and make yerself misserble'.

No, they say "sit down and rest fer a spell......wanna beer.....I got da game on.....the Vols er gettin their butts handed to em as usual....maybe we can watch Duck Dynasty or Honey Boo Boo......possibly Bass Masters....git you some a dem hot wangs...Der good in hot....".
Low-information voters are not exclusive to any particular political party.
Not the way the Elitist Right uses the term they coined.

Low information voters are usually one-issue voters.

People who vote because of abortion.

People who vote because of race.

People who vote because of the economy.

People who vote because of gay rights.

People who don't follow the news or politics because they're busy working or living their lives.
No Elitist Right-wing nut has ever called any Republican a low info person. It has always been a slur the Elitist Right-wing know-it-alls aimed at the Left.

Dec 13, 2012
RUSH: And among those people, we have been outnumbered now. They are low-information morons who think, by the way, that they know everything.
Not the way the Elitist Right uses the term they coined.

Low information voters are usually one-issue voters.

People who vote because of abortion.

People who vote because of race.

People who vote because of the economy.

People who vote because of gay rights.

People who don't follow the news or politics because they're busy working or living their lives.
No Elitist Right-wing nut has ever called any Republican a low info person. It has always been a slur the Elitist Right-wing know-it-alls aimed at the Left.

Dec 13, 2012
RUSH: And among those people, we have been outnumbered now. They are low-information morons who think, by the way, that they know everything.

Rush doesn't support the GOP, because he feels they're afraid. They fear being called racists or homophobes.

Both the Democrats and the GOP mainstream rely on low-information voters.
Kathleen Parker writes for the National Review, she's conservative, and from Florida.

She's a panelist on NBC, supports Hillary Clinton, and writes for the Washington Post.

Kathleen Parker - The Washington Post
Parker describes herself politically as "mostly right of center"[4] and was the highest scoring conservative pundit in a 2012 retrospective study of pundit prediction accuracy conducted using 472 predictions made by 26 pundits during 2008.[5]

Kathleen Parker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where do you see "mocking" in there? Because he dropped some Gs?

You know we have different accents, right? Regional accents as well as degrees of familiarity. And you know we all adjust our diction according to the circumstances and who we're talking to, right? For instance you might use one talking to a stranger you meet at a funeral and a completely different one with a stranger you meet at a ball game.

New Orleans doesn't have a "Southern" accent btw. It has a New Orleans accent.
Imagine what she thinks of neo-segregationist blacks who insist on speaking a southern dialect as a result of a skin color predicate in spite of their never having lived in the south.

Like who?

Dialects are cultural; they don't come solely from one's place of residence. If that were true there wouldn't be people in New York City whose only language is Chinese or Spanish.
Do those offended by a persons possible prejudice need a tissue? With a bit of looking I can post plenty of posts where the 'word' "libtard"" or "Dumbocrat" are used by those on the right; used by most of them because they lack the intelligence, information or ability to compose a rational response.

Shall I name names?

Please do name all of those that use those terms that are on national TV.

These posts are on national TV now?? That's scary.
Dick Gregory is hardly unbiased himself. If I want to watch a lefty shows there are better sources.
Many of the folks who live around here vote Democrat and they have the thickest southern drawl I've ever heard. When I first moved here I needed an interpreter half the time.
I knew a guy that moved down to the deep south from "up north", and he wanted to buy a van down there. He called someone with an ad and he told him about the van and that it had four guitars. He wondered WTF? He called his southern buddy and the guy laughed. He said it had four good tires.

That's funny.

Years ago I met a guy from Boston that had moved down here to Texas and I ask him if he was able to find work. He said yes that he was going to be a "god". I thought the guy was either jacking with me or off his meds but I questioned about what kind of "god" was he going to be, he said he was going to be a prison "god" (guard).

Encountered that in Massachusetts on a hot day when the GF and I stopped in at an ice cream shop. GF asked for a double-dip. They didn't know what that was. She explained, "you know, put a scoop on a cone, and then another scoop on top"...

"Oh" the lady sez, "you want a lodge!"

"Okay, well however you want to shape it, that's fine"

We got out to the car before we figured out she was saying large.
That's funny.

Years ago I met a guy from Boston that had moved down here to Texas and I ask him if he was able to find work. He said yes that he was going to be a "god". I thought the guy was either jacking with me or off his meds but I questioned about what kind of "god" was he going to be, he said he was going to be a prison "god" (guard).
I understood as soon as I saw the word. I moved from NYC to the deep south. From 'jeet yet' did you eat yet to 'sit yerself down and make yerself misserble'.

Actually it's "jeet chet?" or "jeet?" - to which the negative answer is, 'no - jew?'

Common in Fluffya, which is the big city in Pennsylvania.
Low information voters are usually one-issue voters.

People who vote because of abortion.

People who vote because of race.

People who vote because of the economy.

People who vote because of gay rights.

People who don't follow the news or politics because they're busy working or living their lives.
No Elitist Right-wing nut has ever called any Republican a low info person. It has always been a slur the Elitist Right-wing know-it-alls aimed at the Left.

Dec 13, 2012
RUSH: And among those people, we have been outnumbered now. They are low-information morons who think, by the way, that they know everything.

Rush doesn't support the GOP, because he feels they're afraid. They fear being called racists or homophobes.

Both the Democrats and the GOP mainstream rely on low-information voters.

They absolutely do. That's why we have political parties. They're dumb-down machines. And they work well.

So the only reason I came here was to try the link again. It still doesn't work. So... :dunno:
Where do you see "mocking" in there? Because he dropped some Gs?

You know we have different accents, right? Regional accents as well as degrees of familiarity. And you know we all adjust our diction according to the circumstances and who we're talking to, right? For instance you might use one talking to a stranger you meet at a funeral and a completely different one with a stranger you meet at a ball game.
Terrible spin attempt. If Bush did that the libs would have been nuts. Liberals tend to 'adjust' because they are whatever they need to be for the moment. Phoney, in other words.
Kathleen Parker writes for the National Review, she's conservative, and from Florida.

She's a panelist on NBC, supports Hillary Clinton, and writes for the Washington Post.

Kathleen Parker - The Washington Post
Parker describes herself politically as "mostly right of center"[4] and was the highest scoring conservative pundit in a 2012 retrospective study of pundit prediction accuracy conducted using 472 predictions made by 26 pundits during 2008.[5]

Kathleen Parker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She's right of center?

And I'm Whoopie Goldberg.......

The center to her must be communist.

Where do you see "mocking" in there? Because he dropped some Gs?

You know we have different accents, right? Regional accents as well as degrees of familiarity. And you know we all adjust our diction according to the circumstances and who we're talking to, right? For instance you might use one talking to a stranger you meet at a funeral and a completely different one with a stranger you meet at a ball game.

New Orleans doesn't have a "Southern" accent btw. It has a New Orleans accent.

The guy was born in friggen Hawaii for Christ sake.

I had a teammate on my detachment from NO, and he sounded like he was from Southern California.

Here again, the speaker doesn't even adopt a Southern accent, let alone mock one. I'm not sure Hillary Clinton has anything in her vocal repertoire other than her native Chicaaaago. And what she's doing here is quoting the lyrics of a hymn. What would you have her do -- rewrite them?

Use a little less nasal for one.

It was a poor attempt at sounding Southern.

Here again, the speaker doesn't even adopt a Southern accent, let alone mock one. I'm not sure Hillary Clinton has anything in her vocal repertoire other than her native Chicaaaago. And what she's doing here is quoting the lyrics of a hymn. What would you have her do -- rewrite them?

Use a little less nasal for one.

It was a poor attempt at sounding Southern.

I don't even hear an "attempt". Song lyrics are what they are; we don't get to change them. But I don't think she has the capacity to mimic another dialect anyway -- I've never heard evidence thereof.

It's a musical ear, you're either born with it or not.

Where do you see "mocking" in there? Because he dropped some Gs?

You know we have different accents, right? Regional accents as well as degrees of familiarity. And you know we all adjust our diction according to the circumstances and who we're talking to, right? For instance you might use one talking to a stranger you meet at a funeral and a completely different one with a stranger you meet at a ball game.

New Orleans doesn't have a "Southern" accent btw. It has a New Orleans accent.

The guy was born in friggen Hawaii for Christ sake.

I had a teammate on my detachment from NO, and he sounded like he was from Southern California.

Yeah well I don't hear a Hawaiian accent either. (where's Millihenry when we need his linguistic half-baked theories :lol: )

A politician, or any public speaker but especially a politician, will shift his/her accent or vocabulary or diction to identify with his/her listeners. That's been going on since politics was invented. And if they can't do that they'll drop names of a local icon for the same reason.

That is, they'll do it to the extent they can do it. It's prolly not an option for Hillary.

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