Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims

Seems there are actually people who are able to testify that Kavanaugh did this.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims
Steve Kiggins and Richard Wolf, USA TODAY Published 1:40 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018 | Updated 8:31 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018

The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who corroborate her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In documents sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained by USA TODAY, Ford’s attorneys present declarations from Ford’s husband, Russell, and three friends who support the California college professor’s accusation that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her and attempted to pull off her clothes while both were high school students in 1982.

The declarations will be used by Ford’s attorneys during a committee hearing on Thursday that could determine the fate of Kavanaugh’s embattled nomination. He also faces a second accusation of sexual assault from Deborah Ramirez, who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself and pushed his genitals into her face at a drunken party during the 1983-84 academic year at Yale University.

Kavanaugh has flatly denied all accusations, including during a national television interview on Fox News Monday night.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims

Wrong....moron.....she told them after 2013...after she knew Kavanugh was on Romney's list for the Supreme Court when he ran for office.... none of these people was at the party, you moron..... the 4 people that she named that she said were at the party, all gave written statements under oath that it did not happen....

And Ramirez stated she did not see Kavanaugh do the thing she say he did..... and the New York Times, NBC news, the Washington Post and the New Yorker all interviewed dozens...dozens of people she named and none of them said it happened.....

You might want to say all this to the writers in the article and they are linked. I believe Kavanaugh did this. Just like I believed Clinton cheated on his wife. It has nothing to do with party and every mother fucking thing to do with being a mother fucking real man knowing men have done such things instead of making punk ass excuses trying to discredit women. Unlike you, I like women.
so nothing credible eh? figures. I tell you what, I'll answer your question after you answer the one I did ask about credible. I've already posted what I would give consideration to. it's in the thread.
Lol just because you keep on repeating they aren't credible doesn't make it so. I told you why it's credible. I debunked your ridiculous statement that telling your husband about it years before this whole circus does count as corroboration. I also notice that you REFUSE do answer my single question. DO YOU USE THE JUDICIAL STANDARD TO JUDGE CREDIBILITY?
well I keep asking and you all keep avoiding. I think I made the point eh?
Because these people are literally giving sworn statements to congress, that if they are proven untrue does put them at legal jeopardy. The same goes for Ford.
You made that point. It's just a bullshit point. The only person who is avoiding stuff is you. I repeated my question 3 times. The third time in bold letters,highlighted and underlined.
you don't get to make up rules. I asked for what is credible. why can't you answer that? I asked wayyyyyyy before you got involved in here and punk, I don't answer to you. you can pound your fking chest until you touch your heart, the fact remains, you can't point to anything credible. I'm not answering my question for you.
JC you are full of it. Credibility is simply if you have reason to believe someone. You find her unbelievable fine what would convince you? I say besides tapes nothing. Look what easy just posted.
5. This summer, Ford tried to reach out to old friends from high school and college to jog her memory. They couldn’t help her.
One does not ask other people to help her remember details of something that didn't happen. As to making up rules. You made up the rule that one can only asses someone as credible if the accusation meets judicial standards. I asked if you adhere to that rule yourself? Think that's a perfectly legitimate question.
again you can't post what is credible. facts make something credible, now what is factual here?
Seems there are actually people who are able to testify that Kavanaugh did this.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims
Steve Kiggins and Richard Wolf, USA TODAY Published 1:40 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018 | Updated 8:31 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018

The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who corroborate her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In documents sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained by USA TODAY, Ford’s attorneys present declarations from Ford’s husband, Russell, and three friends who support the California college professor’s accusation that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her and attempted to pull off her clothes while both were high school students in 1982.

The declarations will be used by Ford’s attorneys during a committee hearing on Thursday that could determine the fate of Kavanaugh’s embattled nomination. He also faces a second accusation of sexual assault from Deborah Ramirez, who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself and pushed his genitals into her face at a drunken party during the 1983-84 academic year at Yale University.

Kavanaugh has flatly denied all accusations, including during a national television interview on Fox News Monday night.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims

Wrong....moron.....she told them after 2013...after she knew Kavanugh was on Romney's list for the Supreme Court when he ran for office.... none of these people was at the party, you moron..... the 4 people that she named that she said were at the party, all gave written statements under oath that it did not happen....

And Ramirez stated she did not see Kavanaugh do the thing she say he did..... and the New York Times, NBC news, the Washington Post and the New Yorker all interviewed dozens...dozens of people she named and none of them said it happened.....

You might want to say all this to the writers in the article and they are linked. I believe Kavanaugh did this. Just like I believed Clinton cheated on his wife. It has nothing to do with party and every mother fucking thing to do with being a mother fucking real man knowing men have done such things instead of making punk ass excuses trying to discredit women. Unlike you, I like women.

You are stupid....... she made this up, none of the 4 people she named say it happened...she named them, they said it didn't happen you moron.
Seems there are actually people who are able to testify that Kavanaugh did this.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims
Steve Kiggins and Richard Wolf, USA TODAY Published 1:40 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018 | Updated 8:31 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018

The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who corroborate her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In documents sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained by USA TODAY, Ford’s attorneys present declarations from Ford’s husband, Russell, and three friends who support the California college professor’s accusation that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her and attempted to pull off her clothes while both were high school students in 1982.

The declarations will be used by Ford’s attorneys during a committee hearing on Thursday that could determine the fate of Kavanaugh’s embattled nomination. He also faces a second accusation of sexual assault from Deborah Ramirez, who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself and pushed his genitals into her face at a drunken party during the 1983-84 academic year at Yale University.

Kavanaugh has flatly denied all accusations, including during a national television interview on Fox News Monday night.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims
None of them are witnesses to the event.

Much like the women who showed support for Kavanaugh they do not so much corroborate anything. Essentially they are like character witnesses.
Seems there are actually people who are able to testify that Kavanaugh did this.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims
Steve Kiggins and Richard Wolf, USA TODAY Published 1:40 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018 | Updated 8:31 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018

The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who corroborate her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In documents sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained by USA TODAY, Ford’s attorneys present declarations from Ford’s husband, Russell, and three friends who support the California college professor’s accusation that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her and attempted to pull off her clothes while both were high school students in 1982.

The declarations will be used by Ford’s attorneys during a committee hearing on Thursday that could determine the fate of Kavanaugh’s embattled nomination. He also faces a second accusation of sexual assault from Deborah Ramirez, who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself and pushed his genitals into her face at a drunken party during the 1983-84 academic year at Yale University.

Kavanaugh has flatly denied all accusations, including during a national television interview on Fox News Monday night.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims


This is hilarious since NONE of these four people were witnesses of the alleged event of 36 years ago, and being her FRIENDS actually reduced its already low credibility since this is called HEARSAY, normally inadmissible in court for a good reason. They were NOT THERE, that is a fact even those four people make clear in their worthless declarations.

It is pure desperation because the FOUR people Dr. Ford claimed were there, have all under oath said they were never there, including her long time friend.

Her friends declarations can NOT corroborate anything since they are NOT witnesses of the alleged event in 1982. They were NEVER there!
Again, no credibility presented. so these stupid leftist believe nothing is fact! BTW, she will not show up tomorrow. I predict!!!!
Reaction to despicable, low-life actions by the Democrats draw swift responses....
How did they get 65 women character witnesses to sign that quickly easy? Where did they come from?

Because the whole Democratic Party is a crazy cult and they are smearing an innocent man
That it's ok to sexually assault a woman who is a Democrat

Juannita Brodderick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones were all registered Dems when Slick assaulted/raped them....

Bill Clinton is irrelevant. He has been disbarred, can't practice law, and is not up for a lifetime term on the highest court in the land.
and you voted for his bitch wife color me surprised.
"bitch wife"......totally don't get why the Right gets such a reputation of disrespect towards women to the point of not respecting their bodies............
hey leftists fks, want to know what isn't credible, not coming forward and telling your story. That implies makie uppie ness. Can't back your own statement makes you the fool, not anyone else.
That it's ok to sexually assault a woman who is a Democrat

Juannita Brodderick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones were all registered Dems when Slick assaulted/raped them....

Bill Clinton is irrelevant. He has been disbarred, can't practice law, and is not up for a lifetime term on the highest court in the land.
and you voted for his bitch wife color me surprised.
"bitch wife"......totally don't get why the Right gets such a reputation of disrespect towards women to the point of not respecting their bodies............
Bitch wife. bitch wife, bitch wife. now what is credible about what hasn't been presented yet sport?
Now we are up tp page 26 and the usual dumb ass question a conservative asks and thinks they have proven something because nobody wastes time answering their stupid ass question. There is always one, you can count on it. Funny how conservatives always want people to answer their questions but never answer those asked of them
That it's ok to sexually assault a woman who is a Democrat

Juannita Brodderick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones were all registered Dems when Slick assaulted/raped them....

Bill Clinton is irrelevant. He has been disbarred, can't practice law, and is not up for a lifetime term on the highest court in the land.
and you voted for his bitch wife color me surprised.
"bitch wife"......totally don't get why the Right gets such a reputation of disrespect towards women to the point of not respecting their bodies............
Bitch wife. bitch wife, bitch wife. now what is credible about what hasn't been presented yet sport?
btw, I'd violate the rules to say anymore. but bitch wife to infinity does it for it me.
Now we are up tp page 26 and the usual dumb ass question a conservative asks and thinks they have proven something because nobody wastes time answering their stupid ass question. There is always one, you can count on it. Funny how conservatives always want people to answer their questions but never answer those asked of them
yep page 26 and not one leftist can post what is credible. color me surprised. LOL:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
We are not talking about judicial standards, we are talking credibility.
Those 4 letters saying she TALKED about what she claims happened offer her no more credibility than 4 people writing letters saying I talked about you fondling a tree gives me credibility.
You don't think so? Why would five people say that about someone out of the blue? Even more, considering the political climate a person need to be highly motivated to make an accusation like that. To me revenge would be a better motive then political affiliation. Would you deliberate lie to congress about something that never happened because you don't want a particular judge as SCOTUS, considering that you will not be able to stop a similar judge be put forth if this one falls through? Considering the entire right wing would go after you?I sure as hell wouldn't.
Husband, friends, fellow activists, whoever.....notice her mom, dad, and siblings have not supported her / written letters, etc?

Again, letters stating she TALKED about something she claims happened is not evidence that the incident happened. What is preventing that from getting through your head?

So you are saying, again, if I come up with 4 letters verifying that I TALKED about you committing a crime but they never saw the crime themselves then that means you are GUILTY of the crime I said you committed?

And it's inconceivable that she didn't want to tell her mom and siblings for some reason?
No, I don't claim any such thing. I claim that this would make you claiming I committed a crime more credible then if only you would claim I did. And in your analogy you would not just have talked about me committing a crime, you would have seen it.
We are not talking about judicial standards, we are talking credibility.
Those 4 letters saying she TALKED about what she claims happened offer her no more credibility than 4 people writing letters saying I talked about you fondling a tree gives me credibility.
You don't think so? Why would five people say that about someone out of the blue? Even more, considering the political climate a person need to be highly motivated to make an accusation like that. To me revenge would be a better motive then political affiliation. Would you deliberate lie to congress about something that never happened because you don't want a particular judge as SCOTUS, considering that you will not be able to stop a similar judge be put forth if this one falls through? Considering the entire right wing would go after you?I sure as hell wouldn't.
Husband, friends, fellow activists, whoever.....notice her mom, dad, and siblings have not supported her / written letters, etc?

Again, letters stating she TALKED about something she claims happened is not evidence that the incident happened. What is preventing that from getting through your head?

So you are saying, again, if I come up with 4 letters verifying that I TALKED about you committing a crime but they never saw the crime themselves then that means you are GUILTY of the crime I said you committed?

And it's inconceivable that she didn't want to tell her mom and siblings for some reason?
No, I don't claim any such thing. I claim that this would make you claiming I committed a crime more credible then if only you would claim I did. And in your analogy you would not just have talked about me committing a crime, you would have seen it.
and no one saw anything that ford is discussing. not sure how that is credible.
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.

Like Bill Clinton did? Like Ted Kennedy did? Hell, he killed his bimbos when he was done with them. I hear his brother really treated the girls nice. Then you got creepy Joe who like to feel people up to. If polititions and public servants learn one thing from all this, it will be that they should drown the woman when they are done like the democrats do, or beat the shit out of them ( Keith Ellison) or just hit on little kids like yalls hero Anthony wiener.
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.

Like Bill Clinton did? Like Ted Kennedy did? Hell, he killed his bimbos when he was done with them. I hear his brother really treated the girls nice. Then you got creepy Joe who like to feel people up to. If polititions and public servants learn one thing from all this, it will be that they should drown the woman when they are done like the democrats do, or beat the shit out of them ( Keith Ellison) or just hit on little kids like yalls hero Anthony wiener.
Kennedy ran for President at least twice since that happened, and despite the Kennedy name, he never was nominated to be the Democrat Candidate. Anyone outside of Massachusetts cannot be held responsible for continuing to vote him in as Senator.

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