Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims

You cite a link from info wars. You are a loon.
I cited NPR, CNN, official govt reports, etc.....you say 1 link proves all the facts to be false. You are a ridiculous partisan reality-denying idiot snowflake.

Try being a man and admit the truth...or continue to be a snowflake.
Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.”
Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

You are a treasure trove of RW lies and bullshit - But thanks for keeping this offering under 2,000 words.

I never lie....you've proven same by being unable to find any such.

All you do is lie. It's either that or you are mentally disabled.

I never lie....you've proven same by being unable to find any such.

So you admit to being mentally disabled.

You need to post more often! :)
Again, my evidence was the fact that Kavanaught lied to Congress. Anyone who can do that, is rotten and corrupt to the core and cannot, under any circumstance, be trusted.

That is ironic...considering Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Koskinen all lied to Congress - committed perjury...some did so REPEATEDLY...yet we are continuously told by the Left that there is 'Nothing to see here', that they are fine, upstanding citizens who should be trusted with out lives and our country.....


None of that happened.
You are either STUPID or a LIAR....but thanks for the demonstration of how the Left / snowflakes continue to say 'That didn't happen'...

Breaking: Comey Caught Committing Perjury to Congress?


Holder held in contempt
Holder Admits Lies in Fast and Furious, Refuses to Resign

CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

Brennan blatantly lies Senate | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

CIA Chief Apologizes To Sens. Feinstein, Chambliss Over Computer Intrusion

You cite a link from info wars. You are a loon.

Easy also gives us a buttload of Gateway Pundit .. and of course, occasional solid gold statistics from the NRA and AmmoLand :)

Yeah, NPR is such a right wing conspiracy site, huh, douche bag?! :p

CIA Chief Apologizes To Sens. Feinstein, Chambliss Over Computer Intrusion
You are a treasure trove of RW lies and bullshit - But thanks for keeping this offering under 2,000 words.

I never lie....you've proven same by being unable to find any such.

All you do is lie. It's either that or you are mentally disabled.

I never lie....you've proven same by being unable to find any such.

So you admit to being mentally disabled.

You need to post more often! :)

I usually post in the race/ racism section but as I see, the madness exists all over USMB.

PC is a teenage child still living at home with her parents.
5 threads merged, just from this morning, on Ford and Kavanaugh

any additional threads will be TRASHED
WASHINGTON – The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who she told about her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people she told about assault claims
Meaning if they lied they are up for contempt of congress charges.

This is what is called corroboration.
This is what is called INADMISSABLE HEARSAY. Ford and the Deep State attorneys could present 1 million letters from people saying they HEARD Ford TALK about something she thinks / says happened 36 years ago, but it is not evidence that something DID happen 36 years ago.

Those 4 are swearing SHE TALKED ABOUT THE ACCUSATION she is making. That's it. That's like me claiming to 4 friends that I saw you try to sexually fondle a TREE and those 4 friends writing a statement that YES, I did TALK about what I claimed to have seen. It is not evidence that what I CLAIM happened actually happened.

Considering this is not a trial...
sure it is. What are you talking about? so you're ok with just a vote cool. me too.
We are not talking about judicial standards, we are talking credibility.
Those 4 letters saying she TALKED about what she claims happened offer her no more credibility than 4 people writing letters saying I talked about you fondling a tree gives me credibility.
You don't think so? Why would five people say that about someone out of the blue? Even more, considering the political climate a person need to be highly motivated to make an accusation like that. To me revenge would be a better motive then political affiliation. Would you deliberate lie to congress about something that never happened because you don't want a particular judge as SCOTUS, considering that you will not be able to stop a similar judge be put forth if this one falls through? Considering the entire right wing would go after you?I sure as hell wouldn't.
BTW, any journalist with any talent would ask one of these demofks what it is that is credible. Not one. Not fking one of em. the leftist propaganda tank in full swat mode.
What do you consider credible? Tapes, Kavanaugh confessing? Short of that I don't think anything would convince you.
I asked what made it credible for you. what? name what is credible. why won't you? I'll tell you why, there isn't anything there.
You never asked me, but I'll answer. Because these people are literally giving sworn statements to congress, that if they are proven untrue does put them at legal jeopardy. The same goes for Ford. They have something to lose and still spoke up. Now answer my question. Your standard of believing anything is the judicial one?
so nothing credible eh? figures. I tell you what, I'll answer your question after you answer the one I did ask about credible. I've already posted what I would give consideration to. it's in the thread.
Hahahaha Trumpublincans don't care. That they have 51 votes in the Senate and can ram him down America's throat, like the Good Old boys did to their victims at their house parties, is all that matters to them right now.
I think you of all people lecturing us on not giving a shit about the truth is hilarious.
BTW, any journalist with any talent would ask one of these demofks what it is that is credible. Not one. Not fking one of em. the leftist propaganda tank in full swat mode.
What do you consider credible? Tapes, Kavanaugh confessing? Short of that I don't think anything would convince you.
I asked what made it credible for you. what? name what is credible. why won't you? I'll tell you why, there isn't anything there.
You never asked me, but I'll answer. Because these people are literally giving sworn statements to congress, that if they are proven untrue does put them at legal jeopardy. The same goes for Ford. They have something to lose and still spoke up. Now answer my question. Your standard of believing anything is the judicial one?
so nothing credible eh? figures. I tell you what, I'll answer your question after you answer the one I did ask about credible. I've already posted what I would give consideration to. it's in the thread.
Lol just because you keep on repeating they aren't credible doesn't make it so. I told you why it's credible. I debunked your ridiculous statement that telling your husband about it years before this whole circus does count as corroboration. I also notice that you REFUSE to answer my single question. DO YOU USE THE JUDICIAL STANDARD TO JUDGE CREDIBILITY?
I never lie....you've proven same by being unable to find any such.

All you do is lie. It's either that or you are mentally disabled.

I never lie....you've proven same by being unable to find any such.

So you admit to being mentally disabled.

You need to post more often! :)

I usually post in the race/ racism section but as I see, the madness exists all over USMB.

PC is a teenage child still living at home with her parents.

She get's cranky down there in the basement when Mom is late with a Hot Pocket. :wink:
You might want to buy them some wet naps so they can wipe Trumps DNA off their lips.

I sent Devin an entire case if those from Costo - that Cheeto debris can be tough! :D


Good one! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The Dirty Corrupt Democrats are smearing an innocent man just for their greed for power.
It looks like the Democrat Swamp is a yuuuuge incestfest.
All of the crooks are connected to each other.


Kavanaugh Accuser's Brother's Former Firm Linked To Fusion GPS
Lesson to be learned: That it's ok to sexually assault a woman who is a Democrat because you can always claim she's part of the "Democrat Swamp" and get away with it.
again, no one ever made such a statement. now what is credible? can't answer eh? go fking figure. color me surprised.:dunno::dunno:
BTW, any journalist with any talent would ask one of these demofks what it is that is credible. Not one. Not fking one of em. the leftist propaganda tank in full swat mode.
What do you consider credible? Tapes, Kavanaugh confessing? Short of that I don't think anything would convince you.
I asked what made it credible for you. what? name what is credible. why won't you? I'll tell you why, there isn't anything there.
You never asked me, but I'll answer. Because these people are literally giving sworn statements to congress, that if they are proven untrue does put them at legal jeopardy. The same goes for Ford. They have something to lose and still spoke up. Now answer my question. Your standard of believing anything is the judicial one?
so nothing credible eh? figures. I tell you what, I'll answer your question after you answer the one I did ask about credible. I've already posted what I would give consideration to. it's in the thread.
Lol just because you keep on repeating they aren't credible doesn't make it so. I told you why it's credible. I debunked your ridiculous statement that telling your husband about it years before this whole circus does count as corroboration. I also notice that you REFUSE do answer my single question. DO YOU USE THE JUDICIAL STANDARD TO JUDGE CREDIBILITY?
well I keep asking and you all keep avoiding. I think I made the point eh?
Seems there are actually people who are able to testify that Kavanaugh did this.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims
Steve Kiggins and Richard Wolf, USA TODAY Published 1:40 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018 | Updated 8:31 a.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018

The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who corroborate her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In documents sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained by USA TODAY, Ford’s attorneys present declarations from Ford’s husband, Russell, and three friends who support the California college professor’s accusation that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her and attempted to pull off her clothes while both were high school students in 1982.

The declarations will be used by Ford’s attorneys during a committee hearing on Thursday that could determine the fate of Kavanaugh’s embattled nomination. He also faces a second accusation of sexual assault from Deborah Ramirez, who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself and pushed his genitals into her face at a drunken party during the 1983-84 academic year at Yale University.

Kavanaugh has flatly denied all accusations, including during a national television interview on Fox News Monday night.

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims

Wrong....moron.....she told them after 2013...after she knew Kavanugh was on Romney's list for the Supreme Court when he ran for office.... none of these people was at the party, you moron..... the 4 people that she named that she said were at the party, all gave written statements under oath that it did not happen....

And Ramirez stated she did not see Kavanaugh do the thing she say he did..... and the New York Times, NBC news, the Washington Post and the New Yorker all interviewed dozens...dozens of people she named and none of them said it happened.....
Another useless thread of partisan leftists who can't answer one question. Color me surprised.

Credible. not one of you answered what is credible. I'd be ashamed if I were you. you all can't even defend the slut.

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