Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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Crafting a truth narrative is called lying. Feinstein refuses to turn over the letter by Ford to date, that is creating truth spin.
Yes, we agree but keep in mind (again) that this isn't a trial.

It is a hearing with consequences for individuals and the nation, it should be held to those standards in my opinion. Technically, you are correct.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”

Would she take a ship...because she claims she can't fly.....
Oh she can fly...her mind flies all over the place.
Yes, we agree but keep in mind (again) that this isn't a trial.

It is a hearing with consequences for individuals and the nation, it should be held to those standards in my opinion. Technically, you are correct.

Well, if it should he held to those standards then Grassley should allow for witnesses other than the two of them. He should have also called on the FBI reopen their investigation and interview a few of their classmates.

Chuck CLAIMS that Rs on the House Intel Committee has done this, but give me a break. We're gonna believe 11 old partisan white guys anxious to ramrod this guy onto the court? :)
Crafting a truth narrative is called lying. Feinstein refuses to turn over the letter by Ford to date, that is creating truth spin.

The letter has been out for a week .. did you miss it?
Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics
FYI - [REDACTED] is Kav's self admitted "drooling blackout drunk" buddy Mark Judge who says it didn't happen ;-)

The redacted letter is out. I can't help but notice the letter is addressing the Senator. It was delivered to a US House of Representative. Do you find that normal? Can you think of a reason to do that? It looks to me like Ford can be sent to prison for that letter if her statement is proven false.
If this was not about a life time job on the supreme court would not be such a big deal, what possible difference could it make to take a few more days to see if there is anything more about Him we need to know? His school Yale, the dean & 50 professors think we should let all information be confirmed, so there is doubt about the court, losing faith in our high court because of speculation about a justice would be bad for all.
Well, if it should he held to those standards then Grassley should allow for witnesses other than the two of them. He should have also called on the FBI reopen their investigation and interview a few of their classmates.

Chuck CLAIMS that Rs on the House Intel Committee has done this, but give me a break. We're gonna believe 11 old partisan white guys anxious to ramrod this guy onto the court? :)

There are no other witnesses, in fact, there are no witnesses to begin with. Grassley can't request an FBI investigation, that would be Trump as I understand it. You have 65 women who you want to ignore. Now you want the FBI to drum up witnesses? :lol:
Crafting a truth narrative is called lying. Feinstein refuses to turn over the letter by Ford to date, that is creating truth spin.

The letter has been out for a week .. did you miss it?
Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics
FYI - [REDACTED] is Kav's self admitted "drooling blackout drunk" buddy Mark Judge who says it didn't happen ;-)

The redacted letter is out. I can't help but notice the letter is addressing the Senator. It was delivered to a US House of Representative. Do you find that normal? Can you think of a reason to do that? It looks to me like Ford can be sent to prison for that letter if her statement is proven false.

No, it was initially delivered to Feinstein - personal and confidential. Unfortunately Ford's name was leaked and the national media started crawling up her ass. It was at that point that Feinstein turned it over to the FBI, Ford came out and went into hiding.

Should she have written the letter at all? I can't answer that definitively since I can't read her mind. In hindsight, probably not. She should have known that eventually it WOULD come out. Everything does eventually.
If this was not about a life time job on the supreme court would not be such a big deal, what possible difference could it make to take a few more days to see if there is anything more about Him we need to know? His school Yale, the dean & 50 professors think we should let all information be confirmed, so there is doubt about the court, losing faith in our high court because of speculation about a justice would be bad for all.

You can't confirm an event that didn't take place. It is she said, he said. As far as the court is concerned, Kavanaugh has PROVEN to be a very fit federal judge.
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.

Angry and stupid is no way to go through life son. Sorry, because they said they don't recall a house party from 30 years ago in which they were unaware anything out of the ordinary occurred, is not an indication that they believe Dr Ford is lying. Stuff that one back up your ass.
They would have heard about it because it would have been the talk of the school. Either that, or they would not believe it because Ford might have been know as a tramp.

And one lady said that she did hear about it.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
For the record, calling women tramps or lying psycho whores who don't share your political views is deplorable.
Trying to smear a good man for political purposes is deplorable. This bitch has put herself out there to be a martyr for far left cause. I’ll call her lowlife ass every name in the book. I voted...my guy won...I voted for him because of potential Supreme Court nominees. Now this worthless **** is trying to usurp my vote. Remember...Elections have consequences.

If you believe Trump and Kavanaugh are "good men" ?
I cannot help
Supreme Court hearing: Kavanaugh voted to delay abortion for unauthorized immigrant teen in Texas | Politics | Dallas News
Man, with Cohen and Manafort singing like Pavarotti? Not gonna be long now. It'll be fun watching you and your ilk come unglued ;)
5 people at this party? Which of the other party goers claimed she mentioned she was raped? If she was, wouldn’t she be crying or upset? Why wasn’t it the talk of the school? Her story makes no sense. All I know is nobody seems to be coming forward to support her story.
Well, if it should he held to those standards then Grassley should allow for witnesses other than the two of them. He should have also called on the FBI reopen their investigation and interview a few of their classmates.

Chuck CLAIMS that Rs on the House Intel Committee has done this, but give me a break. We're gonna believe 11 old partisan white guys anxious to ramrod this guy onto the court? :)

There are no other witnesses, in fact, there are no witnesses to begin with. Grassley can't request an FBI investigation, that would be Trump as I understand it. You have 65 women who you want to ignore. Now you want the FBI to drum up witnesses? :lol:

They could have started with this gal, and then spoken to her circle of close friends to see if anyone else heard any rumors at the time.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
That's when you FIND witnesses. Everyone knows they can't lie to the FBI and if they don't know it, the FBI reminds them prior to a sit down.
Additionally, Kav's buddy Mr Judge said it didn't happen, and that he wouldn't testify.
But if he'd been subpoenaed he would have had to. Grassley clearly didn't want him there, and for obvious reasons.

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If this was not about a life time job on the supreme court would not be such a big deal, what possible difference could it make to take a few more days to see if there is anything more about Him we need to know? His school Yale, the dean & 50 professors think we should let all information be confirmed, so there is doubt about the court, losing faith in our high court because of speculation about a justice would be bad for all.

You can't confirm an event that didn't take place. It is she said, he said. As far as the court is concerned, Kavanaugh has PROVEN to be a very fit federal judge.

The "fit judge part" and the "didn't happen" parts? Opinion and speculation my friend.
They could have started with this gal, and then spoken to her circle of close friends to see if anyone else heard any rumors at the time.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
That's when you FIND witnesses. Everyone knows they can't lie to the FBI and if they don't know it, the FBI reminds them prior to a sit down.
Additionally, Kav's buddy Mr Judge said it didn't happen, and that he wouldn't testify.
But if he'd been subpoenaed he would have had to. Grassley clearly didn't want him there and for obvious reasons.

The obvious reason that jumps to mind is there is no benefit to dragging the reputation of another citizen through the dirt. The burden of proof is on Ford.
I have a sneaking suspicion that by the time she gets to Washington, her memory of the events will come back, otherwise, what is she going to testify to? That she doesn't remember where or when it happened? Wouldn't be any reason to give a testimony unless you had something to say.

I have a feeling by the time she gets to the Senate hearing room, she will have a full story ready to go. I could be wrong, but it just seems to be an awful waste of everyone's time if she doesn't remember anything.
I have a sneaking suspicion that by the time she gets to Washington, her memory of the events will come back, otherwise, what is she going to testify to? That she doesn't remember where or when it happened? Wouldn't be any reason to give a testimony unless you had something to say.

I have a feeling by the time she gets to the Senate hearing room, she will have a full story ready to go. I could be wrong, but it just seems to be an awful waste of everyone's time if she doesn't remember anything.

Just tell her its a party with the boys. She can show up drunk, but at least we will know where and the lack of a rape in the meeting.
No he parotidp stupid anti-intellectual anti Higher Learning garbage propaganda.

"parotidp," Comrade?

What language is that?

The dupes believe Higher Learning is bad so it is a good thing to make it as expensive and difficult as possible. Brainwashed idiocy.

As you know fuckwad, I have a Ph.D and occasionally teach economics at the University level.

The problem I have with lower learning in the Marxist indoctrination centers is that they don't offer an education. Success in the liberal arts is measured by conformity to Marxist dogma. Academic and Intellectual curiosity are absolutely forbidden. We have dolts such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has ZERO grasp of economics given a degree in the subject based on her participation in leftist marches and riots.

That is not education. Most American Universities don't offer educations, only "social justice" through leftist radicalization of the young and stupid.
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