Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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No wonder women are reluctant to speak up after an assault,

Most women are not trying to block a Supreme Court appointment with zero evidence. The fact they waited until the last minute makes this story suspect in a highly politicized environment. face it, the LEFT would do anything to stop a RW supreme court appointment and their tactics here are suspect. I have compassion for people who are abused... but you need to watch out for people who are trying to abuse the system.
Investigate the damn thing for 5 days...

Then make ever crazier demands before allowing Ford to testify and make defense impossible. Face it, you and the dupes wouldn't accept any result that doesn't give you a guilty verdict.
Funny, I have not seen Dr Ford's political views or voting record. Do post - HERS, not her husband's, Mother's or sister in law's.

The Mercury News reported that a friend of Ford’s says Ford attended a women’s march protesting Donald Trump.

A 2017 article in the San Jose Mercury News says that Blasey was planning to attend a science march wearing a knitted brain hat that was supposed to resemble the pink p*ssy hats that many have used to protest Donald Trump and advocate for women’s rights.

The Washington Post reports that she is a “registered Democrat who has made small contributions to political organizations.”

Christine Ford – whose full name is Christine Blasey Ford and who uses the name Christine Blasey professionally – signed a letter with many other health professionals demanding that Trump stop his controversial policy on family separations at the border. She signed the letter as Christine Blasey, and it was used as an exhibit in an ACLU lawsuit against the Trump administration.

Christine Blasey Ford’s Politics: She’s a Democrat | Heavy.com

Here you go dumbass.

So what if she IS a Democrat? Progressive women don't go around every day accusing Republican men of raping them - and then PASS a lie detector test.
I think your confused...that was tissue paper for your tears after November, 2016 :206:
No tears ,,,Revenge is a dish best served cold Your time will come
When...2018...2020? Don’t think so. Democrats continue to act like raving lunatics at things such as Kavanaugh hearings. Kamala “The Interrupter” Harris and Spartacus push people to vote Republican. Now the accuser comes forward with the help of DiFi. Do the Democrats think the U.S. public is stupid enough to believe this is nothing more than a political ploy by liberals to derail Kavanaugh taking his seat on Supreme Court?
Mr Bush we know perverts like trump accused rapists like Kavanaugh child molesters like Roy Moore don't bother republican voters You dumb f-ers are brainless and no better than the worst of your garbage
Roy Moore was never accused of molesting children, douchebag.
What about this asshole?
Accused pedophile Roy Moore has come to Brett Kavanaugh's defense
LGBTQ Nation · 2 days ago

More for roy moore accused
Web results
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14 ...
Nov 9, 2017 - Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14 .... at a convenience store when she was charged with a misdemeanor for ...
so you use a quote from a sexual deviant web site to accuse someone of sexual deviant behavior. :21:
Kavanaugh should come out and vaguely remember somewhere that she fondled his nuts in a friends house by force.:21::21::21::21::21:
Funny, I have not seen Dr Ford's political views or voting record. Do post - HERS, not her husband's, Mother's or sister in law's.

The Mercury News reported that a friend of Ford’s says Ford attended a women’s march protesting Donald Trump.

A 2017 article in the San Jose Mercury News says that Blasey was planning to attend a science march wearing a knitted brain hat that was supposed to resemble the pink p*ssy hats that many have used to protest Donald Trump and advocate for women’s rights.

The Washington Post reports that she is a “registered Democrat who has made small contributions to political organizations.”

Christine Ford – whose full name is Christine Blasey Ford and who uses the name Christine Blasey professionally – signed a letter with many other health professionals demanding that Trump stop his controversial policy on family separations at the border. She signed the letter as Christine Blasey, and it was used as an exhibit in an ACLU lawsuit against the Trump administration.

Christine Blasey Ford’s Politics: She’s a Democrat | Heavy.com

Here you go dumbass.

So what if she IS a Democrat? Progressive women don't go around every day accusing Republican men of raping them - and then PASS a lie detector test.
No, they don't accuse men of raping them every day, as you said. Even feminazis might have a problem with that.
So what if she IS a Democrat? Progressive women don't go around every day accusing Republican men of raping them - and then PASS a lie detector test.

Thanks for admitting I owned you on the poor debate point you made prior. Now you fall back on some generalization statement which has no bearing in the specific case in question. That case is an unsupported accusation with no proof. Lie detectors are about 80% accurate.
Moron Republicans want a women to question Ford They know what AH's they'd look like with 13 men questioning a women Republicans as well as bripat are scum of the earth
Nobody is buying that she was raped you fucking dork.

Sorry - About a third believe Dr Ford and a third believe Kavanaugh.
The smart 1/3 is holding judgment until they see more testimony.
Sadly, you are not part of the smart group.
Funny, I have not seen Dr Ford's political views or voting record. Do post - HERS, not her husband's, Mother's or sister in law's.

The Mercury News reported that a friend of Ford’s says Ford attended a women’s march protesting Donald Trump.

A 2017 article in the San Jose Mercury News says that Blasey was planning to attend a science march wearing a knitted brain hat that was supposed to resemble the pink p*ssy hats that many have used to protest Donald Trump and advocate for women’s rights.

The Washington Post reports that she is a “registered Democrat who has made small contributions to political organizations.”

Christine Ford – whose full name is Christine Blasey Ford and who uses the name Christine Blasey professionally – signed a letter with many other health professionals demanding that Trump stop his controversial policy on family separations at the border. She signed the letter as Christine Blasey, and it was used as an exhibit in an ACLU lawsuit against the Trump administration.

Christine Blasey Ford’s Politics: She’s a Democrat | Heavy.com

Here you go dumbass.

So what if she IS a Democrat? Progressive women don't go around every day accusing Republican men of raping them - and then PASS a lie detector test.

A lie detector test where the operator was paid by leftists is useless.

Further, we don't know how many lie detectors she FAILED before she passed one and could present it as evidence.

Have her appear on Maury Povich's program and do an impartial polygraph
You don't know whether Kavanaugh is innocent and neither do I.
Yes we do. All the "eye witnesses" she named say she's lying.

No, they did NOT say she was lying. Why would they have any recollection of a house party from 30 years ago if they were unaware of what happened in that bedroom?
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.

Angry and stupid is no way to go through life son. Sorry, because they said they don't recall a house party from 30 years ago in which they were unaware anything out of the ordinary occurred, is not an indication that they believe Dr Ford is lying. Stuff that one back up your ass.
They would have heard about it because it would have been the talk of the school. Either that, or they would not believe it because Ford might have been know as a tramp.

And one lady said that she did hear about it.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
For the record, calling women tramps or lying psycho whores who don't share your political views is deplorable.
Kavanaugh should come out and vaguely remember somewhere that she fondled his nuts in a friends house by force.:21::21::21::21::21:
I hope Republicans can get someone to step forward to say that Ford was their babysitter and she molested them.
I have no problem with Ford testifying, the FBI investigating or anything else.

My only objection is to holding up this vote. Cast the vote, and regardless of the way it goes, continue the investigation.
So what if she IS a Democrat? Progressive women don't go around every day accusing Republican men of raping them - and then PASS a lie detector test.

Thanks for admitting I owned you on the poor debate point you made prior. Now you fall back on some generalization statement which has no bearing in the specific case in question. That case is an unsupported accusation with no proof. Lie detectors are about 80% accurate.

Well then I believe her 80% .. and Kavanaugh 20% - Will hold out on a final decision until we hear the testimony.
Kavanaugh should come out and vaguely remember somewhere that she fondled his nuts in a friends house by force.:21::21::21::21::21:
I hope Republicans can get someone to step forward to say that Ford was their babysitter and she molested them.

Then the Democrat Party would just up the ante and get someone to testify that President Trump was at this party too.
Kavanaugh should come out and vaguely remember somewhere that she fondled his nuts in a friends house by force.:21::21::21::21::21:
I hope Republicans can get someone to step forward to say that Ford was their babysitter and she molested them.

Why don't you say that .. Tell it to the FBI and then spend 5 years or so in prison.
We wouldn't miss you,
Yes we do. All the "eye witnesses" she named say she's lying.

No, they did NOT say she was lying. Why would they have any recollection of a house party from 30 years ago if they were unaware of what happened in that bedroom?
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.

Angry and stupid is no way to go through life son. Sorry, because they said they don't recall a house party from 30 years ago in which they were unaware anything out of the ordinary occurred, is not an indication that they believe Dr Ford is lying. Stuff that one back up your ass.
They would have heard about it because it would have been the talk of the school. Either that, or they would not believe it because Ford might have been know as a tramp.

And one lady said that she did hear about it.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
For the record, calling women tramps or lying psycho whores who don't share your political views is deplorable.
Trying to smear a good man for political purposes is deplorable. This bitch has put herself out there to be a martyr for far left cause. I’ll call her lowlife ass every name in the book. I voted...my guy won...I voted for him because of potential Supreme Court nominees. Now this worthless **** is trying to usurp my vote. Remember...Elections have consequences.
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