Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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Well then I believe her 80% .. and Kavanaugh 20% - Will hold out on a final decision until we hear the testimony.

:bsflag: You will not change your opinion at all.

I have no final opinion - Smart people admit that they still don't know.

Really? You have spent a lot of time acting like he's guilty. You just finished projecting 80% guilt a few posts ago. Stupid people try to act like smart people, smart people see stupid right away. Sorry moron.
Well then I believe her 80% .. and Kavanaugh 20% - Will hold out on a final decision until we hear the testimony.

:bsflag: You will not change your opinion at all.

I have no final opinion - Smart people admit that they still don't know.

Really? You have spent a lot of time acting like he's guilty. You just finished projecting 80% guilt a few posts ago. Stupid people try to act like smart people, smart people see stupid right away. Sorry moron.

I believe all women who say they were rape or a rape was attempted. Especially those who passed a polygraph.
You should believe them too unless and until it can be proven otherwise.
Why doesn't Ms. Ford go on the radio and make her claims to Sean Hannity? Let callers ask followup questions?

Let the people decide
If it can be proven that she lied? Yes. Fact is, she passed the polygraph.

The problem is, the U.S. Supreme Court has had something to say about the validity of polygraphs in the past. As Law&Crime’s Aaron Keller noted before in a different context, so-called “lie detector test results are largely considered inadmissible in court because the tests are not reliable. People can cheat them and, sometimes, the tests pick up false readings.”

Keller pointed to the U.S. Supreme Court case, U.S. v. Scheffer (1998):

[T]here is simply no consensus that polygraph evidence is reliable. To this day, the scientific community remains extremely polarized about the reliability of polygraph techniques.

National security lawyer Mark Zaid said that whether Ford passed or failed the test is irrelevant because it “signifies nothing.”

This Is the Most Meaningless Proof of Christine Ford’s Truthfulness Out There Right Now

Thomas Mauriello, a former senior polygraph examiner who worked at the Defense Department for 30 years, said in an interview Monday that polygraph tests merely detect when a subject is experiencing a physiological reaction — like perspiration or an increased heart rate — to one or more questions.

The tests don’t, he said, determine whether a person is lying or attempting to deceive. Instead, the results have to be interpreted by the person administering the test.

“The polygraph is not a lie detector,” said Mauriello, who now works as a part-time professor at the University of Maryland’s criminology and criminal justice department. “Let’s make that clear. There is no such thing as a lie detector. It’s simply an investigative tool that will record physiological reactions when you’re asked a question and give a response.”

He said if a person being tested doesn’t have a physical response to a question, that’s not necessarily a guarantee that he or she is being truthful or honest. Mauriello said there are even medications called beta blockers that a person can take to prohibit such bodily reactions.

Experts doubt claim of ‘truthful’ polygraph result from Kavanaugh accuser
Well then I believe her 80% .. and Kavanaugh 20% - Will hold out on a final decision until we hear the testimony.

:bsflag: You will not change your opinion at all.

I have no final opinion - Smart people admit that they still don't know.

Really? You have spent a lot of time acting like he's guilty. You just finished projecting 80% guilt a few posts ago. Stupid people try to act like smart people, smart people see stupid right away. Sorry moron.

I believe all women who say they were rape or a rape was attempted. Especially those who passed a polygraph.
You should believe them too unless and until it can be proven otherwise.

You didn't say that when the Democrat Party stood accused of the Child Rape Pizzagate Scandal. You automatically declared them "innocent" without a sliver of proof.
And if 5 days doesn't give you what you want, you'll just demand something else, most likely something along the lines of a protracted series of demands that must be met before Ford will testify, then insistence that she must be believed and the investigatory report ignored. This isn't justice, it's trying to railroad a nominee by any means possible.

They have made it clear impeachment will occur.

That's why they don't want specifics. They want people to just be mad at Kavenaugh. They don't want anyone to think any deeper than Kavenaugh is teh bad, whether he is or not.

The new Kavenaugh standard will be applied to democrats in the near future, guaranteed. The next time they gain power (I'm sure it'll have to happen at some point) they will nominate someone who will be accused of something they did as a minor and suddenly they will discover that things done as a minor don't count.
No, they did NOT say she was lying. Why would they have any recollection of a house party from 30 years ago if they were unaware of what happened in that bedroom?
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.

Angry and stupid is no way to go through life son. Sorry, because they said they don't recall a house party from 30 years ago in which they were unaware anything out of the ordinary occurred, is not an indication that they believe Dr Ford is lying. Stuff that one back up your ass.
They would have heard about it because it would have been the talk of the school. Either that, or they would not believe it because Ford might have been know as a tramp.

And one lady said that she did hear about it.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
For the record, calling women tramps or lying psycho whores who don't share your political views is deplorable.
Trying to smear a good man for political purposes is deplorable. This bitch has put herself out there to be a martyr for far left cause. I’ll call her lowlife ass every name in the book. I voted...my guy won...I voted for him because of potential Supreme Court nominees. Now this worthless **** is trying to usurp my vote. Remember...Elections have consequences.

If you believe Trump and Kavanaugh are "good men" ?
I cannot help
Supreme Court hearing: Kavanaugh voted to delay abortion for unauthorized immigrant teen in Texas | Politics | Dallas News
Man, with Cohen and Manafort singing like Pavarotti? Not gonna be long now. It'll be fun watching you and your ilk come unglued ;)
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.

Angry and stupid is no way to go through life son. Sorry, because they said they don't recall a house party from 30 years ago in which they were unaware anything out of the ordinary occurred, is not an indication that they believe Dr Ford is lying. Stuff that one back up your ass.
They would have heard about it because it would have been the talk of the school. Either that, or they would not believe it because Ford might have been know as a tramp.

And one lady said that she did hear about it.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
For the record, calling women tramps or lying psycho whores who don't share your political views is deplorable.
Trying to smear a good man for political purposes is deplorable. This bitch has put herself out there to be a martyr for far left cause. I’ll call her lowlife ass every name in the book. I voted...my guy won...I voted for him because of potential Supreme Court nominees. Now this worthless **** is trying to usurp my vote. Remember...Elections have consequences.

If you believe Trump and Kavanaugh are "good men" ?
I cannot help
Supreme Court hearing: Kavanaugh voted to delay abortion for unauthorized immigrant teen in Texas | Politics | Dallas News
Man, with Cohen and Manafort singing like Pavarotti? Not gonna be long now. It'll be fun watching you and your ilk come unglued ;)
Never going to happen.
If it can be proven that she lied? Yes. Fact is, she passed the polygraph.

The problem is, the U.S. Supreme Court has had something to say about the validity of polygraphs in the past. As Law&Crime’s Aaron Keller noted before in a different context, so-called “lie detector test results are largely considered inadmissible in court because the tests are not reliable. People can cheat them and, sometimes, the tests pick up false readings.”

Keller pointed to the U.S. Supreme Court case, U.S. v. Scheffer (1998):

[T]here is simply no consensus that polygraph evidence is reliable. To this day, the scientific community remains extremely polarized about the reliability of polygraph techniques.

National security lawyer Mark Zaid said that whether Ford passed or failed the test is irrelevant because it “signifies nothing.”

This Is the Most Meaningless Proof of Christine Ford’s Truthfulness Out There Right Now

Thomas Mauriello, a former senior polygraph examiner who worked at the Defense Department for 30 years, said in an interview Monday that polygraph tests merely detect when a subject is experiencing a physiological reaction — like perspiration or an increased heart rate — to one or more questions.

The tests don’t, he said, determine whether a person is lying or attempting to deceive. Instead, the results have to be interpreted by the person administering the test.

“The polygraph is not a lie detector,” said Mauriello, who now works as a part-time professor at the University of Maryland’s criminology and criminal justice department. “Let’s make that clear. There is no such thing as a lie detector. It’s simply an investigative tool that will record physiological reactions when you’re asked a question and give a response.”

He said if a person being tested doesn’t have a physical response to a question, that’s not necessarily a guarantee that he or she is being truthful or honest. Mauriello said there are even medications called beta blockers that a person can take to prohibit such bodily reactions.

Experts doubt claim of ‘truthful’ polygraph result from Kavanaugh accuser

In this case, "the person administering the test" was a retired FBI interrogation professional. Yes, I get it that it is not admissible evidence in court unless a defendant wishes to make it so. But it is SOMETHING - Enough in my opinion to withhold judgement for the time being.
In this case, "the person administering the test" was a retired FBI interrogation professional. Yes, I get it that it is not admissible evidence in court unless a defendant wishes to make it so. But it is SOMETHING - Enough in my opinion to withhold judgement for the time being.

There is an excellent chance Ford was aware of beta blockers and used them prior to the test.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”

Would she take a ship...because she claims she can't fly.....
Yes we do. All the "eye witnesses" she named say she's lying.

No, they did NOT say she was lying. Why would they have any recollection of a house party from 30 years ago if they were unaware of what happened in that bedroom?
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.

Angry and stupid is no way to go through life son. Sorry, because they said they don't recall a house party from 30 years ago in which they were unaware anything out of the ordinary occurred, is not an indication that they believe Dr Ford is lying. Stuff that one back up your ass.
They would have heard about it because it would have been the talk of the school. Either that, or they would not believe it because Ford might have been know as a tramp.

And one lady said that she did hear about it.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
For the record, calling women tramps or lying psycho whores who don't share your political views is deplorable.

Why does this have to be continually pointed out?

She said she told no one of the so called incident.
Which really means it never happened.
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