Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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Blasey-Ford's attorneys claims she doesn't like to fly (thus to delay the hearing) but forgot to mention she flies to Hawaii...
Crafting a truth narrative is called lying. Feinstein refuses to turn over the letter by Ford to date, that is creating truth spin.

The letter has been out for a week .. did you miss it?
Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics
FYI - [REDACTED] is Kav's self admitted "drooling blackout drunk" buddy Mark Judge who says it didn't happen ;-)

The redacted letter is out. I can't help but notice the letter is addressing the Senator. It was delivered to a US House of Representative. Do you find that normal? Can you think of a reason to do that? It looks to me like Ford can be sent to prison for that letter if her statement is proven false.

No, it was initially delivered to Feinstein - personal and confidential. Unfortunately Ford's name was leaked and the national media started crawling up her ass. It was at that point that Feinstein turned it over to the FBI, Ford came out and went into hiding.

Should she have written the letter at all? I can't answer that definitively since I can't read her mind. In hindsight, probably not. She should have known that eventually it WOULD come out. Everything does eventually.

It was leaked by Diane you bumbling fool

Yes lets bash education now that you already got yours, and some how turned out not to be a commie following leftist rules.
And if 5 days doesn't give you what you want, you'll just demand something else, most likely something along the lines of a protracted series of demands that must be met before Ford will testify, then insistence that she must be believed and the investigatory report ignored. This isn't justice, it's trying to railroad a nominee by any means possible.

They have made it clear impeachment will occur.

That's why they don't want specifics. They want people to just be mad at Kavenaugh. They don't want anyone to think any deeper than Kavenaugh is teh bad, whether he is or not.

The new Kavenaugh standard will be applied to democrats in the near future, guaranteed. The next time they gain power (I'm sure it'll have to happen at some point) they will nominate someone who will be accused of something they did as a minor and suddenly they will discover that things done as a minor don't count.
Like things done by the POS Thomas didn't count
Crafting a truth narrative is called lying. Feinstein refuses to turn over the letter by Ford to date, that is creating truth spin.

The letter has been out for a week .. did you miss it?
Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics
FYI - [REDACTED] is Kav's self admitted "drooling blackout drunk" buddy Mark Judge who says it didn't happen ;-)

The redacted letter is out. I can't help but notice the letter is addressing the Senator. It was delivered to a US House of Representative. Do you find that normal? Can you think of a reason to do that? It looks to me like Ford can be sent to prison for that letter if her statement is proven false.

No, it was initially delivered to Feinstein - personal and confidential. Unfortunately Ford's name was leaked and the national media started crawling up her ass. It was at that point that Feinstein turned it over to the FBI, Ford came out and went into hiding.

Should she have written the letter at all? I can't answer that definitively since I can't read her mind. In hindsight, probably not. She should have known that eventually it WOULD come out. Everything does eventually.

It was leaked by Diane you bumbling fool


The Senator for Beijing uses two "n's". Apparently it is the Chinese spelling. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D. - Beijing)
Like things done by the POS Thomas didn't count

The FBI investigated that one, you want take a shot at them?
The man was a known degenerate How could hill prove the vileness of the SB ?? Wear a wire ? His class mates all knew him to be a guy going to porno films and telling about them to schoolmates and on the court he is the dumbest of all afraid to open his mouth
The man was a known degenerate How could hill prove the vileness of the SB ?? Wear a wire ? His class mates all knew him to be a guy going to porno films and telling about them to schoolmates and on the court he is the dumbest of all afraid to open his mouth

Ilya Somin, a law professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., notes in an interview that the justice has explained his silence many times.

“It’s understandable that it sticks out he’s the one justice who never asks a question, but it’s not a mystery,” says Somin, who happened to observe Thomas shortly after the Toobin piece and wrote about it on the Volokh Conspiracy website. “It’s pretty obvious he is engaged. It’s also obvious he’s engaged from the opinions he writes.”

Although Justice Thomas has offered sometimes shifting rationales for his silence on the bench, his most consistent answer has been that he believes the court should listen to what the advocates have to say rather than constantly pepper them with questions.

“I think it’s unnecessary,” in deciding cases, “to ask that many questions,” Thomas told Harvard law dean Martha Minow during a talk at the school last year. “I don’t think it’s helpful. I think we should listen to lawyers who are arguing their case.”

Experts sound off once again on Justice Thomas' silence

Your comment seems racist.
Like things done by the POS Thomas didn't count

The FBI investigated that one, you want take a shot at them?
The man was a known degenerate How could hill prove the vileness of the SB ?? Wear a wire ? His class mates all knew him to be a guy going to porno films and telling about them to schoolmates and on the court he is the dumbest of all afraid to open his mouth

Known by whom Herr Himmler?

In fact NO ONE had ever even whispered the evil shit you claim until you Nazis put Anita Hill out to lynch a black man you fuckers feared.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”

She should do a little research history, because the Supreme Court decision on roe vs wade were republican nominees.
Stop listening to the left's fear mongering.
The majority of this nation does not want to completely ban abortions.
The man was a known degenerate How could hill prove the vileness of the SB ?? Wear a wire ? His class mates all knew him to be a guy going to porno films and telling about them to schoolmates and on the court he is the dumbest of all afraid to open his mouth

Ilya Somin, a law professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., notes in an interview that the justice has explained his silence many times.

“It’s understandable that it sticks out he’s the one justice who never asks a question, but it’s not a mystery,” says Somin, who happened to observe Thomas shortly after the Toobin piece and wrote about it on the Volokh Conspiracy website. “It’s pretty obvious he is engaged. It’s also obvious he’s engaged from the opinions he writes.”

Although Justice Thomas has offered sometimes shifting rationales for his silence on the bench, his most consistent answer has been that he believes the court should listen to what the advocates have to say rather than constantly pepper them with questions.

“I think it’s unnecessary,” in deciding cases, “to ask that many questions,” Thomas told Harvard law dean Martha Minow during a talk at the school last year. “I don’t think it’s helpful. I think we should listen to lawyers who are arguing their case.”

Experts sound off once again on Justice Thomas' silence

Your comment seems racist.
I call an AH like I see them black,white or any color Matter of fact your congress is filled with them and your senate is all white? Is that racist??? Your president is racist too Does that bother you?
The man was a known degenerate How could hill prove the vileness of the SB ?? Wear a wire ? His class mates all knew him to be a guy going to porno films and telling about them to schoolmates and on the court he is the dumbest of all afraid to open his mouth

Ilya Somin, a law professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., notes in an interview that the justice has explained his silence many times.

“It’s understandable that it sticks out he’s the one justice who never asks a question, but it’s not a mystery,” says Somin, who happened to observe Thomas shortly after the Toobin piece and wrote about it on the Volokh Conspiracy website. “It’s pretty obvious he is engaged. It’s also obvious he’s engaged from the opinions he writes.”

Although Justice Thomas has offered sometimes shifting rationales for his silence on the bench, his most consistent answer has been that he believes the court should listen to what the advocates have to say rather than constantly pepper them with questions.

“I think it’s unnecessary,” in deciding cases, “to ask that many questions,” Thomas told Harvard law dean Martha Minow during a talk at the school last year. “I don’t think it’s helpful. I think we should listen to lawyers who are arguing their case.”

Experts sound off once again on Justice Thomas' silence

Your comment seems racist.
I call an AH like I see them black,white or any color Matter of fact your congress is filled with them and your senate is all white? Is that racist??? Your president is racist too Does that bother you?
Senate is not “all white.” There are blacks, black/dot Indian, Hispanic, Latino, and one gal who thinks she is an Indian (non-dot) princess.
No he parotidp stupid anti-intellectual anti Higher Learning garbage propaganda.

"parotidp," Comrade?

What language is that?

The dupes believe Higher Learning is bad so it is a good thing to make it as expensive and difficult as possible. Brainwashed idiocy.

As you know fuckwad, I have a Ph.D and occasionally teach economics at the University level.

The problem I have with lower learning in the Marxist indoctrination centers is that they don't offer an education. Success in the liberal arts is measured by conformity to Marxist dogma. Academic and Intellectual curiosity are absolutely forbidden. We have dolts such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has ZERO grasp of economics given a degree in the subject based on her participation in leftist marches and riots.

That is not education. Most American Universities don't offer educations, only "social justice" through leftist radicalization of the young and stupid.
No I did not know that, and I am not impressed. It's like accounting or chemistry, doesn't pertain to real life. And that is parotted. Stupid smartphone...
And if 5 days doesn't give you what you want, you'll just demand something else, most likely something along the lines of a protracted series of demands that must be met before Ford will testify, then insistence that she must be believed and the investigatory report ignored. This isn't justice, it's trying to railroad a nominee by any means possible.

They have made it clear impeachment will occur.

That's why they don't want specifics. They want people to just be mad at Kavenaugh. They don't want anyone to think any deeper than Kavenaugh is teh bad, whether he is or not.

The new Kavenaugh standard will be applied to democrats in the near future, guaranteed. The next time they gain power (I'm sure it'll have to happen at some point) they will nominate someone who will be accused of something they did as a minor and suddenly they will discover that things done as a minor don't count.
Like things done by the POS Thomas didn't count

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”

She should do a little research history, because the Supreme Court decision on roe vs wade were republican nominees.
Stop listening to the left's fear mongering.
The majority of this nation does not want to completely ban abortions.

But many people want to take away decision-making authority from the woman and give it to the government. That's the problem. Just look at the laws in effect in many states: waiting periods, being required to attend indoctrination sessions with "religious" "counselors," regardless of the woman's religion, being required to undergo useless physical examinations, being required to read propaganda literature that contains misstatements, laws that regulate what doctors have to tell their patients, etc. This shouldn't happen in the U.S. These are totalitarian tactics.
If it can be proven that she lied? Yes. Fact is, she passed the polygraph.

The problem is, the U.S. Supreme Court has had something to say about the validity of polygraphs in the past. As Law&Crime’s Aaron Keller noted before in a different context, so-called “lie detector test results are largely considered inadmissible in court because the tests are not reliable. People can cheat them and, sometimes, the tests pick up false readings.”

Keller pointed to the U.S. Supreme Court case, U.S. v. Scheffer (1998):

[T]here is simply no consensus that polygraph evidence is reliable. To this day, the scientific community remains extremely polarized about the reliability of polygraph techniques.

National security lawyer Mark Zaid said that whether Ford passed or failed the test is irrelevant because it “signifies nothing.”

This Is the Most Meaningless Proof of Christine Ford’s Truthfulness Out There Right Now

Thomas Mauriello, a former senior polygraph examiner who worked at the Defense Department for 30 years, said in an interview Monday that polygraph tests merely detect when a subject is experiencing a physiological reaction — like perspiration or an increased heart rate — to one or more questions.

The tests don’t, he said, determine whether a person is lying or attempting to deceive. Instead, the results have to be interpreted by the person administering the test.

“The polygraph is not a lie detector,” said Mauriello, who now works as a part-time professor at the University of Maryland’s criminology and criminal justice department. “Let’s make that clear. There is no such thing as a lie detector. It’s simply an investigative tool that will record physiological reactions when you’re asked a question and give a response.”

He said if a person being tested doesn’t have a physical response to a question, that’s not necessarily a guarantee that he or she is being truthful or honest. Mauriello said there are even medications called beta blockers that a person can take to prohibit such bodily reactions.

Experts doubt claim of ‘truthful’ polygraph result from Kavanaugh accuser

In this case, "the person administering the test" was a retired FBI interrogation professional. Yes, I get it that it is not admissible evidence in court unless a defendant wishes to make it so. But it is SOMETHING - Enough in my opinion to withhold judgement for the time being.
That's what every leftwing douchebag believes. You don't even know what questions she was asked. The claim that she "passed" it is meaningless.
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