Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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I don't know about Kavanaugh. But a thirty + year old accusation by ONE person seems a tad of a stretch. Both were intoxicated, and she wasn't raped. I am confused as to what the issue is here.
it was an attempted rape maybe for real maybe not,,,but why would any very smart person as she is, subject themselves to all the shit republicans throw at anyone that doesnt kiss trump ass?
Well, if it should he held to those standards then Grassley should allow for witnesses other than the two of them. He should have also called on the FBI reopen their investigation and interview a few of their classmates.

Chuck CLAIMS that Rs on the House Intel Committee has done this, but give me a break. We're gonna believe 11 old partisan white guys anxious to ramrod this guy onto the court? :)

There are no other witnesses, in fact, there are no witnesses to begin with. Grassley can't request an FBI investigation, that would be Trump as I understand it. You have 65 women who you want to ignore. Now you want the FBI to drum up witnesses? :lol:

They could have started with this gal, and then spoken to her circle of close friends to see if anyone else heard any rumors at the time.
Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
That's when you FIND witnesses. Everyone knows they can't lie to the FBI and if they don't know it, the FBI reminds them prior to a sit down.
Additionally, Kav's buddy Mr Judge said it didn't happen, and that he wouldn't testify.
But if he'd been subpoenaed he would have had to. Grassley clearly didn't want him there, and for obvious reasons.

She has already recanted her claim, douchebag.

they don't care
I don't know about Kavanaugh. But a thirty + year old accusation by ONE person seems a tad of a stretch. Both were intoxicated, and she wasn't raped. I am confused as to what the issue is here.
it was an attempted rape maybe for real maybe not,,,but why would any very smart person as she is, subject themselves to all the shit republicans throw at anyone that doesnt kiss trump ass?

how do you attempt a rape with your clothes on?
It MIGHT have been a rape.... So, lets base an objection on something that NEVER happened. Sounds reasonable, if you are a liberal. Object on the grounds that perhaps something hypothetically may have happened thirty years ago. Forget the fact the allegation is subjective and without any substantial proof.
I don't know about Kavanaugh. But a thirty + year old accusation by ONE person seems a tad of a stretch. Both were intoxicated, and she wasn't raped. I am confused as to what the issue is here.
it was an attempted rape maybe for real maybe not,,,but why would any very smart person as she is, subject themselves to all the shit republicans throw at anyone that doesnt kiss trump ass?

how do you attempt a rape with your clothes on?
you're a republican and haven't raped anyone yet ??? they'll throw you out of the party
It MIGHT have been a rape.... So, lets base an objection on something that NEVER happened. Sounds reasonable, if you are a liberal. Object on the grounds that perhaps something hypothetically may have happened thirty years ago. Forget the fact the allegation is subjective and without any substantial proof.
forgive me mary BUT I tend to believe the ladies Most men think with their dicks
I don't know about Kavanaugh. But a thirty + year old accusation by ONE person seems a tad of a stretch. Both were intoxicated, and she wasn't raped. I am confused as to what the issue is here.
it was an attempted rape maybe for real maybe not,,,but why would any very smart person as she is, subject themselves to all the shit republicans throw at anyone that doesnt kiss trump ass?

how do you attempt a rape with your clothes on?
you're a republican and haven't raped anyone yet ??? they'll throw you out of the party
It's clear you are a Dim because you have had a lobotomy.
I think she moved to another country in her feels and mind a long time ago. Why does her employer put up with this mockery?

Her very strong reaction does support the fact that Kavanaugh manhandled her, though.

No, it supports she has a personal and political agenda with Kanvanaugh as a liberal.
Yeah all women testifying against scumbag republicans are lying All 18 against the pos in our WH are liars

This coming from someone who worships the party of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Tony Wiener!
Please stick to the thread topic.
they paid a price ,,,,your republican scumbags led by trump are still on the loose
And controlling things. And doing it very well.
Wait, Ford said she was too afraid of flying to fly to DC to testify. So how did she plan to get to New Zealand? Walking on water? She's also been surfing in Hawaii in the past, another place that is impossible to get to without flying, unless you're macho enough to swim 2500 miles. Ergo, she's making up bullshit excuses to delay testifying, making her look more full of shit than ever.

Where did she say she was afraid of flying?
Put up or STFU.
Your kind and others like you post drive-by bullshit without ever bothering to verify your comments.
Either you're just too damn stupid to use Google or just too fucking lazy.
Probably both.

You're getting your info from bi-asssed bloggers, from what I can see.
At any rate, she's on her way to D.C.
It's been agreed.
She's got more guts and balls in her little finger than Grassley got in his tiny little jock strap.
Last week she said she was afraid of flying because she doesn’t like confined spaces. In your opinion, lying and creating biased havoc makes someone a hero?
Her very strong reaction does support the fact that Kavanaugh manhandled her, though.

No, it supports she has a personal and political agenda with Kanvanaugh as a liberal.
Yeah all women testifying against scumbag republicans are lying All 18 against the pos in our WH are liars

This coming from someone who worships the party of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Tony Wiener!
Please stick to the thread topic.
they paid a price ,,,,your republican scumbags led by trump are still on the loose
And controlling things. And doing it very well.
controlling manafort ,cohen , others ?? Really?
No, it supports she has a personal and political agenda with Kanvanaugh as a liberal.
Yeah all women testifying against scumbag republicans are lying All 18 against the pos in our WH are liars

This coming from someone who worships the party of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Tony Wiener!
Please stick to the thread topic.
they paid a price ,,,,your republican scumbags led by trump are still on the loose
And controlling things. And doing it very well.
controlling manafort ,cohen , others ?? Really?
The economy and foreign affairs. Keep up
Wait, Ford said she was too afraid of flying to fly to DC to testify. So how did she plan to get to New Zealand? Walking on water? She's also been surfing in Hawaii in the past, another place that is impossible to get to without flying, unless you're macho enough to swim 2500 miles. Ergo, she's making up bullshit excuses to delay testifying, making her look more full of shit than ever.
You ever heard of a ship? New invention.
Traveling at 20 MPH, a ship would take about 125 hours to get there, or 5 days. Plus, you're claiming she never returned to the states to visit her family on holidays.
What are you talking about anyway? I haven't been reading Cult of the 1st Amendment stuff recently, so am not sure where she's actually been on vaca or where she lived.
But cruise ships do regularly leave California for Hawaii, and that wouldn't happen if people weren't on the boat.
She interned in Honolulu, moron. No one takes a cruise ship to go to a job. The cost to take one to Hawaii would be in the thousands.
She's got issues, that's for sure. The first I noticed was that she blames the incident for all sorts of life long difficulties that honest to God I just can't believe. But a person with really really high anxiety, like those with irrational fears that interfere with their daily lives, can certainly believe those things. I don't think she is a political operative at all. Her hesitancy about coming forward was real enough and any nincompoop can see why, based on what she's going through now.

Now, Feinstein may have manipulated the situation to gain a stall. I wouldn't put that past her at all.
Her hesitancy coming forward may well be cos it’s a made up story.
Why are you assuming it’s not?
you're a republican and haven't raped anyone yet ??? they'll throw you out of the party

I hope mom made you a nice dinner...
take out Mom was a great cook but she's been gone 25 years

Sorry for your loss. What kind of take out?
Dominoes Cheese steak and pepperoni pizza My regular place was closed

I was hoping you'd say Chinese or Thai.
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