Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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Yeah all women testifying against scumbag republicans are lying All 18 against the pos in our WH are liars

This coming from someone who worships the party of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Tony Wiener!
Please stick to the thread topic.
they paid a price ,,,,your republican scumbags led by trump are still on the loose
And controlling things. And doing it very well.
controlling manafort ,cohen , others ?? Really?
The economy and foreign affairs. Keep up
Economy Thank God for our big corporations ,,low interest rates the economy is about to go into a tailspin with this morons tariffs and trade war,,,,,,,
you're a republican and haven't raped anyone yet ??? they'll throw you out of the party

I hope mom made you a nice dinner...
take out Mom was a great cook but she's been gone 25 years

Sorry for your loss. What kind of take out?
Dominoes Cheese steak and pepperoni pizza My regular place was closed

I was hoping you'd say Chinese or Thai.
had viet last night
This coming from someone who worships the party of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Tony Wiener!
Please stick to the thread topic.
they paid a price ,,,,your republican scumbags led by trump are still on the loose
And controlling things. And doing it very well.
controlling manafort ,cohen , others ?? Really?
The economy and foreign affairs. Keep up
Economy Thank God for our big corporations ,,low interest rates the economy is about to go into a tailspin with this morons tariffs and trade war,,,,,,,
Ha. Since you have the insight into the future and know all. What are the lottery numbers. What a rube! What’s wrong with corporations?
Moron Republicans want a women to question Ford They know what AH's they'd look like with 13 men questioning a women Republicans as well as bripat are scum of the earth
And she turned down the option of having women trained in this area question her in order to ensure the bad optics she craves.

In the total absence of evidence, I guess they are settlling for having already tarnished Kavs reputation on the basis of nothing, and bad optics to rerun ad infinitum.
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Wait, Ford said she was too afraid of flying to fly to DC to testify. So how did she plan to get to New Zealand? Walking on water? She's also been surfing in Hawaii in the past, another place that is impossible to get to without flying, unless you're macho enough to swim 2500 miles. Ergo, she's making up bullshit excuses to delay testifying, making her look more full of shit than ever.

Where did she say she was afraid of flying?
Put up or STFU.
Your kind and others like you post drive-by bullshit without ever bothering to verify your comments.
Either you're just too damn stupid to use Google or just too fucking lazy.
Probably both.

You're getting your info from bi-asssed bloggers, from what I can see.
At any rate, she's on her way to D.C.
It's been agreed.
She's got more guts and balls in her little finger than Grassley got in his tiny little jock strap.

You really do need to learn to keep up.
Christine Ford's 'Too Afraid to Fly to DC' But She Plotted Move to New Zealand After 2016 Election & Attended U. Of Hawaii
Kav’s Accuser Blasey Ford Refused To Attend Monday Hearing For Absurd Reason
It MIGHT have been a rape.... So, lets base an objection on something that NEVER happened. Sounds reasonable, if you are a liberal. Object on the grounds that perhaps something hypothetically may have happened thirty years ago. Forget the fact the allegation is subjective and without any substantial proof.
forgive me mary BUT I tend to believe the ladies Most men think with their dicks

So you believe Dr Fords female friend when she said she doesn’t know Kavanaugh and has never been at a party with him
I don't know about Kavanaugh. But a thirty + year old accusation by ONE person seems a tad of a stretch. Both were intoxicated, and she wasn't raped. I am confused as to what the issue is here.

It's politics, nothing more.
That's why they don't want specifics. They want people to just be mad at Kavenaugh. They don't want anyone to think any deeper than Kavenaugh is teh bad, whether he is or not.

The new Kavenaugh standard will be applied to democrats in the near future, guaranteed. The next time they gain power (I'm sure it'll have to happen at some point) they will nominate someone who will be accused of something they did as a minor and suddenly they will discover that things done as a minor don't count.
Like things done by the POS Thomas didn't count
What did Thomas do?
Long DONG silver strike a bell?
You must be referring to Obama who gave blow jobs to politicians and college professors.
Trumps mouth sure looks like it's a perfect size for giving kavanaugh a bj
^^^^^^pervert having pervert thoughts^^^^^^^
I don't know about Kavanaugh. But a thirty + year old accusation by ONE person seems a tad of a stretch. Both were intoxicated, and she wasn't raped. I am confused as to what the issue is here.
it was an attempted rape maybe for real maybe not,,,but why would any very smart person as she is, subject themselves to all the shit republicans throw at anyone that doesnt kiss trump ass?
Smart people aren’t always honest or even stable.
Didn’t you know that?
Moron Republicans want a women to question Ford They know what AH's they'd look like with 13 men questioning a women Republicans as well as bripat are scum of the earth
And she turned down the option of having women trained in this area question her in order to ensure the bad optics she craves.

In the total absence of evidence, I guess they are settlling for having already tarnished Kavs reputation on the basis of nothing, and bad optics to rerun ad infinitum.
It remains to be seen whether she will get her way on this. I predict not.
I have done some pretty mean things, thirty years ago, but nobody was hurt. I may have meant to burn down the handicapped orphanage, but then I didn't. Who knows. I wasn't aware you could be held accountable for ill intentions someone IMAGINED you might have been thinking but didn't do because it hurt them psychologically. 30 years ago. Sounds totally reasonable.
But many people want to take away decision-making authority from the woman and give it to the government. That's the problem. Just look at the laws in effect in many states: waiting periods, being required to attend indoctrination sessions with "religious" "counselors," regardless of the woman's religion, being required to undergo useless physical examinations, being required to read propaganda literature that contains misstatements, laws that regulate what doctors have to tell their patients, etc. This shouldn't happen in the U.S. These are totalitarian tactics.

So you admit that ALL of this shit is a farce. a lie, because you love abortion more than the Constitution and fear that a legitimate process may endanger your god, abortion.

We all knew this to start with. Dr. Ford is an obvious fraud, a Soros soldier playing a part. She should go to prison for it, but we don't do anything about false accusations and perjury.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D. - Beijing) should be censured and expelled from the Senate for this affair.
Moron Republicans want a women to question Ford They know what AH's they'd look like with 13 men questioning a women Republicans as well as bripat are scum of the earth
And she turned down the option of having women trained in this area question her in order to ensure the bad optics she craves.

In the total absence of evidence, I guess they are settlling for having already tarnished Kavs reputation on the basis of nothing, and bad optics to rerun ad infinitum.
It remains to be seen whether she will get her way on this. I predict not.
Ah, I thought this was another of her demands they had caved on.
I hope they haven’t, otherwise all we’ll see for the next decade or so is reruns of ‘old white men’ grilling a poor defenceless female victim - who, no doubt, will conjure up some well timed tears for the occasion too.
I am not minimizing Prof. Ford. I would love to be conversing with her right now. Most women have been in the same place. And, well worse. But THIS is the best objection to Kavanaugh's nomination? Not rape, a drunken spree by both parties So, WHO would you nominate that never committed proposed thought sex crime almost half a century ago? Gandhi? Gandhi hated blacks and slept with little girls. Martin Luther King was a big time philanderer . Lets ask Correta how much psychic harm that did. So let's be careful were we throw stones.
I don't know about Kavanaugh. But a thirty + year old accusation by ONE person seems a tad of a stretch. Both were intoxicated, and she wasn't raped. I am confused as to what the issue is here.
it was an attempted rape maybe for real maybe not,,,but why would any very smart person as she is, subject themselves to all the shit republicans throw at anyone that doesnt kiss trump ass?

how do you attempt a rape with your clothes on?
you're a republican and haven't raped anyone yet ??? they'll throw you out of the party

IS that why you became a democrat?
P.S., I admit that I'm like the Klingons in Star Trek: I CAN'T STAND people who have no personal honor.

Klingons seem a bit too easily offended. Don't see the honor in a cloaking device.

Well...I was sorta thinking of Klingons' day-to-day societal normalities, not exactly technology or ferocious battle-prowess. I've actually never seen a Star Trek Klingon I didn't secretly admire deep down inside.
No I did not know that, and I am not impressed. It's like accounting or chemistry, doesn't pertain to real life. And that is parotted. Stupid smartphone...

Yes, you did know that because we have discussed it in the past during one of your rare, lucid moments. You have a Masters in History.
Whereas you are just another propaganda spewing right winger... I'm a legend at lucidity, bad at remembering names of youse guys and in general.
P.S., I admit that I'm like the Klingons in Star Trek: I CAN'T STAND people who have no personal honor.

Klingons seem a bit too easily offended. Don't see the honor in a cloaking device.

Well...I was sorta thinking of Klingons' day-to-day societal normalities, not exactly technology or ferocious battle-prowess. I've actually never seen a Star Trek Klingon I didn't secretly admire deep down inside.

This conversation was probably the best part of the thread.
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