Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

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Hey - Angry Lil Bird-Flippin Feller ..
Why don't you give this to the RNC - They can make it their theme poster for 2018.
It'll be GREAT!

So it's OK for you and your ilk to do, but not your critics?

Have we posted a meme of Ivanka, Melania, Judge Jeanine or Laura Ingraham with the words Lying Psycho Whore on their forehead?
No, but if you ever happen to see such a thing .. please let me know and I'll be the first to call them out.
Have any of them accused an innocent man of rape? Oh . . . . . that's right, they haven't!

You don't know whether Kavanaugh is innocent and neither do I.
Yes we do. All the "eye witnesses" she named say she's lying.

No, they did NOT say she was lying. Why would they have any recollection of a house party from 30 years ago if they were unaware of what happened in that bedroom?

And as a reminder, your meme is VERY offensive but do keep up the good work. Women will be out in support of guys like you by the butt-ton on 11-6!
So it's OK for you and your ilk to do, but not your critics?

Have we posted a meme of Ivanka, Melania, Judge Jeanine or Laura Ingraham with the words Lying Psycho Whore on their forehead?
No, but if you ever happen to see such a thing .. please let me know and I'll be the first to call them out.
Have any of them accused an innocent man of rape? Oh . . . . . that's right, they haven't!

You don't know whether Kavanaugh is innocent and neither do I.
Yes we do. All the "eye witnesses" she named say she's lying.

No, they did NOT say she was lying. Why would they have any recollection of a house party from 30 years ago if they were unaware of what happened in that bedroom?
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.
Funny, I have not seen Dr Ford's political views or voting record. Do post - HERS, not her husband's, Mother's or sister in law's.

The Mercury News reported that a friend of Ford’s says Ford attended a women’s march protesting Donald Trump.

A 2017 article in the San Jose Mercury News says that Blasey was planning to attend a science march wearing a knitted brain hat that was supposed to resemble the pink p*ssy hats that many have used to protest Donald Trump and advocate for women’s rights.

The Washington Post reports that she is a “registered Democrat who has made small contributions to political organizations.”

Christine Ford – whose full name is Christine Blasey Ford and who uses the name Christine Blasey professionally – signed a letter with many other health professionals demanding that Trump stop his controversial policy on family separations at the border. She signed the letter as Christine Blasey, and it was used as an exhibit in an ACLU lawsuit against the Trump administration.

Christine Blasey Ford’s Politics: She’s a Democrat | Heavy.com

Here you go dumbass.
That's how much she hates Kavanaugh. Anyone who still claims her accusation isn't politically motivated is just a lying douchebag or suffering brain damage.

Kavanaugh accuser considered moving to another country, husband says

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, considered moving to another country following Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement earlier this year, her husband says.

“She was like, ‘I can’t deal with this. If he becomes the nominee, then I’m moving to another country. I cannot live in this country if he’s in the Supreme Court,’” her husband, Russell Ford, told The Washington Post for a story published Saturday. “She wanted out.”

To which I say, "Buh bye."
I think she moved to another country in her feels and mind a long time ago. Why does her employer put up with this mockery?

She's employed by a leftist-run university. I wouldn't be surprised if they offered her a bonus for this travesty.
I think she moved to another country in her feels and mind a long time ago. Why does her employer put up with this mockery?
Her very strong reaction does support the fact that Kavanaugh manhandled her, though.

No, her very strong reaction supports the fact that this is a partisan hack job, since it's the same damned reaction every OTHER leftist in the country had.
I think she moved to another country in her feels and mind a long time ago. Why does her employer put up with this mockery?

She's employed by a leftist-run university. I wouldn't be surprised if they offered her a bonus for this travesty.

My guess is they lose students. You have to question how good a school employs mentally unstable psychology professors.
You ever heard of a ship? New invention.
Traveling at 20 MPH, a ship would take about 125 hours to get there, or 5 days. Plus, you're claiming she never returned to the states to visit her family on holidays.
What are you talking about anyway? I haven't been reading Cult of the 1st Amendment stuff recently, so am not sure where she's actually been on vaca or where she lived.
But cruise ships do regularly leave California for Hawaii, and that wouldn't happen if people weren't on the boat.
She interned in Honolulu, moron. No one takes a cruise ship to go to a job. The cost to take one to Hawaii would be in the thousands.
She's got issues, that's for sure. The first I noticed was that she blames the incident for all sorts of life long difficulties that honest to God I just can't believe. But a person with really really high anxiety, like those with irrational fears that interfere with their daily lives, can certainly believe those things. I don't think she is a political operative at all. Her hesitancy about coming forward was real enough and any nincompoop can see why, based on what she's going through now.

Now, Feinstein may have manipulated the situation to gain a stall. I wouldn't put that past her at all.
There is an abundance of evidence demonstrating that her motives are political.
She is college professor who has been to anti-Trump rallies. We know her motives are to advance the cause of socialism.
Yes her whole life since Dad has been her own conspiracy against you... Read something, You Dupes do not get fair and balanced.

Hmmm....hitting the sauce?
No.Yes her whole life since that has been her own conspiracy against you... Read something, You Dupes do not get fair and balanced.
sounds like her story got out at the time and she had to move out of the whole end of the country... We need a four or five day investigation.
For what, to confirm that she's a nutburger?
The truth duh...

And your response if the truth is that Kavenaugh did nothing too her at all would be...

Somehow, I don't believe for a moment that your opinion of Kavenaugh and him being a justice would change one iota. And if it's not going to change, you really don't care about getting the truth, do you?
Moron Republicans want a women to question Ford They know what AH's they'd look like with 13 men questioning a women Republicans as well as bripat are scum of the earth
Nobody is buying that she was raped you fucking dork.
Have we posted a meme of Ivanka, Melania, Judge Jeanine or Laura Ingraham with the words Lying Psycho Whore on their forehead?
No, but if you ever happen to see such a thing .. please let me know and I'll be the first to call them out.
Have any of them accused an innocent man of rape? Oh . . . . . that's right, they haven't!

You don't know whether Kavanaugh is innocent and neither do I.
Yes we do. All the "eye witnesses" she named say she's lying.

No, they did NOT say she was lying. Why would they have any recollection of a house party from 30 years ago if they were unaware of what happened in that bedroom?
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.

Angry and stupid is no way to go through life son. Sorry, because they said they don't recall a house party from 30 years ago in which they were unaware anything out of the ordinary occurred, is not an indication that they believe Dr Ford is lying. Stuff that one back up your ass.
A “victim” is the LAST thing Ford is. Perhaps Asia Argento can testify for her.
sounds like her story got out at the time and she had to move out of the whole end of the country... We need a four or five day investigation.
For what, to confirm that she's a nutburger?
The truth duh...
So far, all she has done is lie. Tell us, which witness, that she named, confirms her story?
As far as I know she did not name anyone except the other guy... What lies r the propaganda machine spreading oh that one LOL
U C Democrats are reasonable we want a 5 day investigation... You want to hate and spread misinformation.

And if 5 days doesn't give you what you want, you'll just demand something else, most likely something along the lines of a protracted series of demands that must be met before Ford will testify, then insistence that she must be believed and the investigatory report ignored. This isn't justice, it's trying to railroad a nominee by any means possible.
The Democrats make clear that this is political warfare and there are no innocent people or noncombatants. It is the only logical answer to why there are so many legal cases, media attacks, lies and violence. I appeal to their sense of decency and a more united, less hateful America to stop.
And if 5 days doesn't give you what you want, you'll just demand something else, most likely something along the lines of a protracted series of demands that must be met before Ford will testify, then insistence that she must be believed and the investigatory report ignored. This isn't justice, it's trying to railroad a nominee by any means possible.

They have made it clear impeachment will occur.
Have any of them accused an innocent man of rape? Oh . . . . . that's right, they haven't!

You don't know whether Kavanaugh is innocent and neither do I.
Yes we do. All the "eye witnesses" she named say she's lying.

No, they did NOT say she was lying. Why would they have any recollection of a house party from 30 years ago if they were unaware of what happened in that bedroom?
Yes, they did say she was lying. They say the party never happened.

Angry and stupid is no way to go through life son. Sorry, because they said they don't recall a house party from 30 years ago in which they were unaware anything out of the ordinary occurred, is not an indication that they believe Dr Ford is lying. Stuff that one back up your ass.
They would have heard about it because it would have been the talk of the school. Either that, or they would not believe it because Ford might have been know as a tramp.
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