Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Maybe she wants the FBI to explain to her why when she talked to her therapist there were 4 people in the room with her... then later there were only two. Then the FBI can tell her where she was, and when she was there and who she was with... seems to me you need to have your facts before you make an accusation. Maybe the FBI can also tell us if the accuser was also drinking alcohol at this party... because if she was.... we would like to know how much because something has seemed to affect her memory here

Dr. Ford has already clarified that. She said it was the therapist's error.

Good to know. Now the notes by the Therapist is inadmissible.

One less piece of evidence Dr. Ford has.

Do you understand, even a little bit what you just said? The evidence is unreliable.

They evidence can be verified and corrected as needed. There is also Dr. Ford's husband and other witnesses that have reportedly come forward.
...The Federal Bureau of Investigations does not take orders from Congress on who to investigate; especially since it's out of their purview...
Is not the FBI tasked to undertake background investigations of all persons nominated for high Federal Office, such as the US Supreme Court?

Allegations of sexual assault are certainly pertinent to any such background investigation.

It seems entirely possible that this (alleged) incident was "missed" during the course of earlier FBI investigations into Kavanaugh's background.

Consequently, the findings of such prior investigation(s) may be considered" incomplete" and thus render as premature any vote to confirm the nomination.

...I don't know how many times we have to repeat this, but this is not a federal issue at all...
I don't know how many times we have to repeat this, but FBI background investigations of nominees for high office are, indeed, a federal issue.

...There is nothing to investigate...
The (alleged) sexual assault against Ford by Kavanaugh represents newly-surfaced allegations which must be incorporated to amend prior FBI investigation(s).

...here are only three people involved: one who said he did it, the other who said he didn't, and a third person who said it never happened; nothing even close...
There are more than three, and a renewed FBI background investigation will uncover more people and it will shake out more facts and findings.

...So what are they supposed to investigate beyond that?
Whether this alleged sexual assault occurred, based upon testimony of others found to possess information relevant to the investigation.

The FBI has specialists well-versed in all aspects of criminal investigation, including criminal sexual assault.

Time to let the pros do their jobs.

If Republicans are foolish enough to bulldoze through this without doing justice to such serious allegations, they shoot themselves in the foot.

Politics is all about perception, and the perception (and Easy Sell) will be that Republicans do not care about the rights and well-being of assaulted women.

That's a damned-dangerous game to play, with the mid-terms less than eight weeks away.

But... ya'll (collectively) go right ahead... it's your funeral.

Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION. They routinely perform background investigations of all persons nominated for high Federal Office. Trump and Grassley are both lying.

No law enforcement agency can investigate a crime without probable cause.

Kav agreed to a background check. The agreement has lapsed.

God, get a damn clue.

You poor idiot. Crime has nothing to do with it. Don't you follow any credible news?
Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Maybe she wants the FBI to explain to her why when she talked to her therapist there were 4 people in the room with her... then later there were only two. Then the FBI can tell her where she was, and when she was there and who she was with... seems to me you need to have your facts before you make an accusation. Maybe the FBI can also tell us if the accuser was also drinking alcohol at this party... because if she was.... we would like to know how much because something has seemed to affect her memory here

Dr. Ford has already clarified that. She said it was the therapist's error.

Good to know. Now the notes by the Therapist is inadmissible.

One less piece of evidence Dr. Ford has.

Do you understand, even a little bit what you just said? The evidence is unreliable.

They evidence can be verified and corrected as needed. There is also Dr. Ford's husband and other witnesses that have reportedly come forward.
I would hope they received better coaching than the witless did
...No law enforcement agency can investigate a crime without probable cause. Kav agreed to a background check. The agreement has lapsed. God, get a damn clue.
Obstructionist noise.

Obstruct at your (collective) very great political peril.

You will come to understand the cost of doing so on the morning of November 7, 2018.
Is not the FBI tasked to undertake background investigations of all persons nominated for high Federal Office, such as the US Supreme Court?

Yes they are, and Kavanaugh was investigated a half-dozen times. How many more times do you want him to be investigated?

Allegations of sexual assault are certainly pertinent to any such background investigation.

It seems entirely possible that this (alleged) incident was "missed" during the course of earlier FBI investigations into Kavanaugh's background.

No, an allegation does not warrant additional background checks. An allegation is somebody "said" something. An investigation is conducted when there is reasonable proof of an allegation. There is no evidence of anything here; Zero.

I don't know how many times we have to repeat this, but FBI background investigations of nominees for high office are, indeed, a federal issue.

Yes they are, and again, they did it six times for Kavanaugh. However a bunch of drunken kids at some party is not a federal issue.

The (alleged) sexual assault against Ford by Kavanaugh represents newly-surfaced allegations which must be incorporated to amend prior FBI investigation(s).

Look......the FBI has one method to do these background checks. They do not alter them based on some phony claim. There is a difference between background checks (which again, Kavanaugh has had six) and an investigation. And again, the FBI does not to investigations on drunken kids and some house party.

There are more than three, and a renewed FBI background investigation will uncover more people and it will shake out more facts and findings.

No it will not. Outside of those three, somebody said they "heard" about it, and another (PJ) said there was never any such party.

Whether this alleged sexual assault occurred, based upon testimony of others found to possess information relevant to the investigation.

The FBI has specialists well-versed in all aspects of criminal investigation, including criminal sexual assault.

Time to let the pros do their jobs.

If Republicans are foolish enough to bulldoze through this without doing justice to such serious allegations, they shoot themselves in the foot.

Politics is all about perception, and the perception (and Easy Sell) will be that Republicans do not care about the rights and well-being of assaulted women.

That's a damned-dangerous game to play, with the mid-terms less than eight weeks away.

But... ya'll (collectively) go right ahead... it's your funeral.

This is not up to the Republicans. It is not up to the Senate. The FBI decides which cases are federal and which are not. Trump can only allow the FBI to do another background check. He cannot order an investigation into a local matter 36 years ago. The Republicans are stopping nothing.
...No law enforcement agency can investigate a crime without probable cause. Kav agreed to a background check. The agreement has lapsed. God, get a damn clue.
Obstructionist noise.

Obstruct at your (collective) very great political peril.

You will come to understand the cost of doing so on the morning of November 7, 2018.

There is only one obstruction here: the Democrats. They are doing every possible desperate thing to obstruct the conformation of this fine upstanding man.

You can't help but feel sorry for Ford when she requested to remain anonymous, yet she was betrayed by Feinstein and outed for nothing but partisan politics. Not only are they ruining an innocent man's life, they have turned her life upside down in the process.

Do Democrats like Lakhota care about such things? No. They do not. They leap at fantasies rather than facts. They are consumed by their hatred of the other side and don't care who they hurt in the meantime.
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Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Maybe she wants the FBI to explain to her why when she talked to her therapist there were 4 people in the room with her... then later there were only two. Then the FBI can tell her where she was, and when she was there and who she was with... seems to me you need to have your facts before you make an accusation. Maybe the FBI can also tell us if the accuser was also drinking alcohol at this party... because if she was.... we would like to know how much because something has seemed to affect her memory here

Dr. Ford has already clarified that. She said it was the therapist's error.

was her therapist on Meds? That seems to be a pretty huge error for someone who gets PAID to sit there and listen to a client. Undivided attention and all that? How exactly does an error like that happen and the story still be credible? I'm not so sure
So in high school we were sotted and he laid on top of me and gyrated.
Even if entirely true why in the world does it matter?
Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Maybe she wants the FBI to explain to her why when she talked to her therapist there were 4 people in the room with her... then later there were only two. Then the FBI can tell her where she was, and when she was there and who she was with... seems to me you need to have your facts before you make an accusation. Maybe the FBI can also tell us if the accuser was also drinking alcohol at this party... because if she was.... we would like to know how much because something has seemed to affect her memory here

Dr. Ford has already clarified that. She said it was the therapist's error.

Good to know. Now the notes by the Therapist is inadmissible.

One less piece of evidence Dr. Ford has.

Do you understand, even a little bit what you just said? The evidence is unreliable.

They evidence can be verified and corrected as needed. There is also Dr. Ford's husband and other witnesses that have reportedly come forward.
"Witnesses" to what, douchebag?
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

FBI investigate federal crimes. In the case of Cavenaugh they did back ground checks on him which is normal. The FBI has no reason to investigate a groping charge other than an accuser who is asking them to. Does this make sense to any one?
Face it. The Democrats are acting like a bunch of bitches going back to someones high school years to prove what a bad person they are today. Proof they have exhausted every other avenue. They just dont want what they consider to be a conservative Judge appointed and will not stop short of Any tactic.

You can't help but feel sorry for Ford when she requested to remain anonymous, yet she was betrayed by Feinstein and outed for nothing but partisan politics. Not only are they ruining an innocent man's life, they have turned her life upside down in the process.

Do Democrats like Lakhota care about such things? No. They do not. They leap at fantasies rather than facts. They are consumed by their hatred of the other side and don't care who they hurt in the meantime.
Why should anyone feel sorry for that piece of shit. Such an attitude presumes there is some merit to her sleazy claims. She's obviously just a political operative who is trying to take out a conservative nominee. As someone recently stated, she's lower than squid shit.
Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Maybe she wants the FBI to explain to her why when she talked to her therapist there were 4 people in the room with her... then later there were only two. Then the FBI can tell her where she was, and when she was there and who she was with... seems to me you need to have your facts before you make an accusation. Maybe the FBI can also tell us if the accuser was also drinking alcohol at this party... because if she was.... we would like to know how much because something has seemed to affect her memory here

Dr. Ford has already clarified that. She said it was the therapist's error.

Good to know. Now the notes by the Therapist is inadmissible.

One less piece of evidence Dr. Ford has.

Do you understand, even a little bit what you just said? The evidence is unreliable.

They evidence can be verified and corrected as needed. There is also Dr. Ford's husband and other witnesses that have reportedly come forward.
No witnesses have come forward, moron. A "witness" is someone who actually witnessed something.
Fox really has Trumpdrones foaming under the armpits over this one dont they ?

Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Maybe she wants the FBI to explain to her why when she talked to her therapist there were 4 people in the room with her... then later there were only two. Then the FBI can tell her where she was, and when she was there and who she was with... seems to me you need to have your facts before you make an accusation. Maybe the FBI can also tell us if the accuser was also drinking alcohol at this party... because if she was.... we would like to know how much because something has seemed to affect her memory here

Dr. Ford has already clarified that. She said it was the therapist's error.

Good to know. Now the notes by the Therapist is inadmissible.

One less piece of evidence Dr. Ford has.

Do you understand, even a little bit what you just said? The evidence is unreliable.

They evidence can be verified and corrected as needed. There is also Dr. Ford's husband and other witnesses that have reportedly come forward.

They evidence can be verified and corrected as needed

evidence can be corrected as needed? You mean evidence can be changed to fit the story? Yeah.... we all gathered that much by now.

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